UConn @ BC -- 9/10/16? | Page 11 | The Boneyard

UConn @ BC -- 9/10/16?

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Aug 24, 2011
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BC has been enormously short-sited. UCONN was a partial solution to making college football a bigger draw in New England and the Northeast in general. So instead of embracing that, the administration viewed it completely as a threat, and did everything in its power to get away from competing with UCONN on a level playing field and, in fact, hoping to diminish UCONN's presence in major college athletics. It is classic a myopic and insular mentality. There is no doubt in my mind that were UCONN in the ACC, BC would be in a much better place with attendance across all sports.

That this was largely overseen by someone as limited as GDF is just further proof of how weak the leadership at BC has been on this issue.
Aug 26, 2011
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Incredible they can pull the numbers on that. Also, must have been a shortage of Maize and Blue because I don't remember the breakdown at Rentschler looking like that.
me either, but that's what BC fans say, so it must be true.
Dec 25, 2011
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We're having issues with attendance. The most widely held theory:
- Lost a lot of season ticket holders with the Spaz disaster for the four years between '09 and '12. The combination of terrible football, increased season ticket prices, increased Donor Based Seating charges for premier seats, increased tailgating costs, increased BCPD presence at tailgates, and even further restrictive tailgating hours. I swear, it was as though DeFilipo and Spaz wrote a script on the best way to destroy a program and then got away with it for 4 years before someone caught on and put a stop to it.
- Starting in '08 BC's students started skewing away from Northeastern states to a more national student body. Fewer recent alumni staying in Boston.

It's probably a combination of the 4.

I agree that its likely a lot of things and the fact that BC's demographics may not be helping either - national, affluent, highly mobile, etc. Just two points. UConn fans can relate to #1. At the worst moment possible we had an AD who had no interest in taking any action with respect to enhancing UConn's profile at the worst possible time in Hathaway. He, in turn, made things worse by hiring a football coach based on the input of a bunch of supposedly influence football coaches from the CT High School scene and that football coach appeared to be more interested in padding his pension than coaching. And this happened right in the middle of the last round of conference realignment. It may not have made a difference in the end due to ACC politics; but, it sure as heck did not help. As for #4, 2008/9 was also right when the economy tanked and lot of jobs in Boston were lost, including mine. While I am not a BC alumni nor fan, I am sure many local BC alumni and fans were in the same boat as me and ended-up moving out of he the area in search of jobs. Then, when the economy recovered, Boston's real estate prices skyrocketed, which kept a lot of new college grads out of the city.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Incredible they can pull the numbers on that. Also, must have been a shortage of Maize and Blue because I don't remember the breakdown at Rentschler looking like that.
That's exactly right, because there weren't anywhere near 16K Michigan fans. Also, there were much more than 24K UConn fans, we added seats. Just BCU math.
Jan 15, 2014
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Why shouldn't UConn football, have larger home football attendance than BC football does is the question ( BC has had larger football home attendance the last 2 seasons ). UConn is a much bigger school enrollment wise... has far more UConn alums that live near the home stadium of Uconn than the number of BC alums that live near BC's stadium. Unlike BC, UConn has no nearby sports team competition. No Patriots, No Celtics, no Red Sox, no Bruins. In the state of Connecticut, UConn football is much the only game in town in the fall, with little competition for the sports enthusiast dollar Yet it still can't outsell BC at its home football games. Why do UConn Alums.... and there are tens of thousands of them that live in Connecticut still after graduation.... not support UConn football the way it should ? Neither BC nor UConn need not be pointing fingers at one another regarding football attendance (or Bowl Game attendance ) when NEITHER school has football attendance it can brag about, if we are honest with ourselves here.
Aug 27, 2011
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Not unless he thought (like you) that BU still has a football program, he would not be calling for future football games with BU. There would be some interest in Greater Boston to put Northeastern back on the BC football schedule however, as there is a very large base of Huskies alums that live in and around the Greater Boston region( far more than Uconn Huskies Alums for example )
Really? A school located in Boston has more alums in Boston than a school not located in Boston?

Also, totally didn't know BU doesn't have a football team. Wondered why we hadn't scheduled them as an FCS game in a while.
Aug 27, 2011
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Adherents to this theory would say that games like USC might've come very close to selling out at the box office, but that only 42K made it into the stadium out of a capacity of 44.5K.

There were not 42,000 butts in seats at the USC game.
Jan 15, 2014
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UConn has far, FAR more alums that live within easy driving distance of UConn's Stadium than BC has Alums that are within easy driving distance of BC's stadium. You must know this. Are you saying that its because of UConn's football schedule compared to BC is the primary reason why UConn's far larger numbers of UConn grads do not support its football program at higher percentage levels than do BC alums do ? Why do UConn grads that live in Connecticut support their football team at levels that are far less than BC alums ? Is is economics ?. Is it the quality of the play ? Is it the schedule ? Why did UConn bring so few fans to the Fiesta Bowl BCS game ? I don't have an answer for this. But if you are a UConn grad, and you go to the home games and went to the Fiesta Bowl game, perhaps you could tell us why ? Frankly, I think both UConn and BC both should be doing much better with their football, Bowl Game attendance, and neither school should be pointing fingers at the other re. football attendance.
Dec 25, 2011
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Why shouldn't UConn football, have larger home football attendance than BC football does is the question ( BC has had larger football home attendance the last 2 seasons ). UConn is a much bigger school enrollment wise... has far more UConn alums that live near the home stadium of Uconn than the number of BC alums that live near BC's stadium. Unlike BC, UConn has no nearby sports team competition. No Patriots, No Celtics, no Red Sox, no Bruins. In the state of Connecticut, UConn football is much the only game in town in the fall, with little competition for the sports enthusiast dollar Yet it still can't outsell BC at its home football games. Why do UConn Alums.... and there are tens of thousands of them that live in Connecticut still after graduation.... not support UConn football the way it should ? Neither BC nor UConn need not be pointing fingers at one another regarding football attendance (or Bowl Game attendance ) when NEITHER school has football attendance it can brag about, if we are honest with ourselves here.

I agree that UConn should have stronger fan support without question and the University should be doing more. Some of the older alumni though do not have a 'connection' to UConn football though as we were D1AA from the early 1900's through 1999, unlike BC, which has been D1A since inception back in the early 1900's. That said, UConn has already proven that with a good on the field product and a decent schedule, UConn will sell-out games on a regular basis. What is BC's excuse?

Also, just in case Geography was also not included in your education in the Heights.

Connecticut does not have a professional sports team of their own; but, the state is surrounded by them. For example, its just 75 miles from Storrs to Gillette Stadium and its 50 miles between Lowell and Gillette. Its an easy drive, I went to Pat games and various concerts at the old Foxborough stadium myself when I was at UConn. Fairfield County (using Westport as central spot) , where a lot of UConn alumni live, is a direct, 1 hour train ride to MSG in NYC (Knicks and Rangers) and Yankee Stadium (Yankees, NYC FC). How many people can make it to Fenway or TD Garden in under an hour from the Boston burbs? Fairfield County is also 55 miles by car from Citi Field (Mets) and MetLife Stadium (Giants, Jets). Its 65 miles from Fairfield County to Rentschler Field and, unlike Alumni Stadium at BC, UConn's stadium does not have direct mass transit access (The T's Green B, C, D lines). So again, what is BC's excuse?
Jan 15, 2014
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BC has been enormously short-sited. UCONN was a partial solution to making college football a bigger draw in New England and the Northeast in general. So instead of embracing that, the QUOTE]

There is FAR more interest in Massachusetts for a Umass- BC game than a UConn game with BC. Most of the BC student body are from outside N.E., most of the Alums ( younger ones ) are from outside N.E.. As such, the notion that a BC- UConn football game will be a big boost to " N.E College. Football " is no an accurate assessment. It would be a boon to the state of Connecticut... that's all. BC - Umass had 32,000 fans for its game, 95% of them from the state of Massachusetts. A BC- UConn football game might draw 34,000- 36,000, but with far less Massachusetts at the game as for them, UConn football does little for them in terms of interest. UConn fans would be very well represented of course. But the fact that 3 or 4,000 thousand more fans might come to this single game would be a boost to " N.E. College football " is probably not true... and simply seen thru the prism just one of the 6 N.E. states... just that of the state of Connecticut.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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How much time do you spend on the UMass board?

Playing BC non conference is better than playing Army or Villanova. If I had a choice, I rather play better programs. If they were in the same conference, that would be a different story.

If it happens, I'll go to Boston to watch. If not, I'll live.
Aug 24, 2011
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First of all, truncating my post certainly doesn't provide the context to show that your response was deflective.

That issue aside, this was about a vision for the future and what was in the best overall interest for college athletics in the region (and therefore BC and UCONN). You make the same tired arguments over and over again. It is emblematic of the overall BC myopia - the status quo of partially filled stadiums and overall marginal performance. Argue all you want about BC's student body, but BC is dependent on regional interest. There is no national following of BC.

Post away Yawk.......I've got too much to do........


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Oh good, the Fiesta Bowl conversation again. By far, one of the greatest misreported myths in UConn lore (along with UConn being a poor academic school because of a silly APR metric).

Fact: UConn had at least 15K at the Fiesta. You (and others around the country) think that UConn only had 3K because that is what was reported as being sold through the school. While true, OU for example only sold around 6K of their allotment through the school. The B12 bails out its conference members for any losses due to unsold bowl tickets. The Big East did not do the same. So, the story became national news because UConn sold so few through the school and ate a large chunk of money...money that OU did not have to eat.

If you are also saying that OU only had 6K fans and had "so few fans to the Fiesta Bowl BCS game", then at least you would be fair. Still wrong, but fair. But nobody has yet to mention anything about OU's attendance at that particular Fiesta Bowl. Why? Because they assume OU fans bought their tickets through a secondary ticket market called StubHub (where they could find tickets for $5 because it was sold as a combo deal to the National Championship game that year), and rightfully so.

You would think and hope that the folks at StubHub wouldn't limit access to their site to people living in Oklahoma...but apparently they do. UConn fans couldn't possibly have purchased tickets through StubHub (or other secondary sites) , could they? Hmmmm....

I am going to post two pictures after this post. The first is the OU side of UofPhoenix Stadium. The second is of the UConn side of UofPhoenix Stadium. Looks to be about the same amount of red and blue/white to be filtering its way into the 2nd and 3rd decks. If you want to still drum up this tired, debunked myth in the future, then that is on you and your lack of intelligence.

OU side:
OU side.jpg
Jan 15, 2014
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I agree that UConn should have stronger fan support without question and the University should be doing more. Some of the older alumni though do not have a 'connection' to UConn football though as we were D1AA from the early 1900's through 1999, unlike BC, which has been D1A since inception back in the early 1900's. That said, UConn has already proven that with a good on the field product and a decent schedule, UConn will sell-out games on a regular basis. What is BC's excuse?

The " excuse " would be " much smaller school enrollment than UConn ", ..." far, FAR fewer BC Alums living near their stadium than UConn Alums living near their stadium ".... Connecticut being totally devoid of any Pro teams in the State"..... etc.... these would be just a few explanations ( or " excuses " , if you prefer )

UConn should have WAY more football fans in its state than does BC does in its state. Many BC Alums live out of state and can't get to its home games. So they watch their school on TV. UConn should have larger home game attendance over BC every year.. irrespective of won- loss record, schedule. Most Public Flag Ship Universities have much higher home football attendance than the Privates do... especially the Privates in Pro Sports oriented towns. Georgia Tech will never outsell Georgia. and with the Falcons in Atlanta thst makes it tough. And the State of Georgia is BIG on football ( hockey interest is slim to none in the state ). Miami Hurricanes never sold out their stadium, even when they were winning national titles. Miami is a Private University too.... its in football rich Florida too... but the Dolphins, even when they are lousy, outsell the amateur sport of College football. This should be no revelation here then that UConn should ALWAYS outdraw BC in football home attendance and in fan interest in its area. The fact that it doesn't at present is more the issue it would seem to me.
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Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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As for overall home game fan support, UConn has struggled in recent seasons. No question about that. A number of probable factors - 4 consecutive losing seasons; a horrific G5 level schedule with very few/any "big name" games; a horrendous coaching hire that sucked all energy out of the program...all probably at the top of the list for many. UConn just drew 33K to the last home game against Navy which is, all things considered, halfway decent considering the large amount of season ticket accounts lost over the years. Still not good, but getting better. The program has a pulse again which, I think, has a few more casual fan types excited. But still a long way to go.

Give UConn fans a winning record with a P5 schedule and you will see season ticket accounts skyrocket and sellouts more often than not.
Aug 27, 2011
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Look, Yawkey and Tusky have made some cogent points on why BC attendance is down, just as we can. The issue isn't a peeing contest over who has more empty seats, its how can we help fill them up. I want Northeast football to be considered something other than a joke by the football media. BC and UConn AD's in the past have been horrendous. The politics of the Big East de-construction left a lot of folks disgusted with huge lapses in behavior especially among the supposedly most ethical among us. But we can't recreate the past. What we have now is a chance to move on and prosper together. I say let's get this game scheduled and then let's have a blast yapping about it till kickoff.
Dec 25, 2011
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Why did UConn bring so few fans to the Fiesta Bowl BCS game?

The Fiesta Bowl question is an issue that has been beaten to death. A lot of UConn fans did make it to the game; but, because they went on their own and did not use the travel/game package that the Fiesta Bowl organizers forced upon UConn they were not counted. I wish I kept the package offer by the Fiesta Bowl; but, if memory serves, it would have cost me $6,000 for 2 people. That’s a half-a-year’s tuition for in-state students. I remember looking at going on my own and the tickets were about $200 face, airfare was about $1,000, and hotels in nearby Scottsdale, which I have friends, was about $120 a night. That works out to be $2,800 for two people and the reason why no one bought that package. I didn’t go myself as I had just changed jobs in November of 2010 and had not PTO time plus I was living in corporate housing in Jersey at the time while my family was still in Boston, so I spent any time off going home.

Oh, and by the way, this came out right after UConn’s bowl game. At least we learned where all of that money was going to.


Of course, BC fans can’t compare because even after decades as a D1A football team, the Eagles never made it to a BCS bowl.



Pretentious CR Critic
Sep 12, 2014
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This is EMBARRASSING. Is there a game or not? Can someone tell me.

I can't listen to two "mid-major" Power 5 schools argue about attendance. We both need to make each other better.

Get off your keyboards
Aug 26, 2011
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Ok... but BC holds the cards. If Uconn does not want to

I think I am dealing with " the reality". Uconn football is the underling. If it really wants a football game with BC it will make the neccessary concessions to that to make it happen ( just as BC did in the beginning, and still does with its football scheduling negotiations with ND ). That said, I do agree with you that this is Uconn's call too. If they believe that their " pride " or whatever might be compromised in an uneven negotiation terms, they can decline the terms, keep their " pride " ( or whatever they feel is at stake ) and continue to pursue games with other schools. That option will always remain within the domain of Uconn. I want Uconn and BC to play. But if the terms are not acceptable to Uconn and they can't deal with those terms, then I can live with that too. And more importantly, it appears that you ( and perhaps others here too ) could as well.

Hey Yackey BC is NOT ND. No I could not live with those terms and I hope that UConn won't either. You pompous blowhard.
Aug 27, 2011
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Why did UConn bring so few fans to the Fiesta Bowl BCS game? I don't have an answer for this. But if you went to the Fiesta Bowl game, perhaps you could tell us why ?

I was there and there were at least 15,000 Husky fans--probably closer to 20,000. Simply taking the measure of attendance by school ticket sales was a corruption of the true number. Dooley's photos should help with the reality check.
Jan 15, 2014
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First of all, truncating my post certainly doesn't provide the context to show . Argue all you want about BC's student body, but BC is dependent on regional interest. There is no national following of BC.


The data does not support this at all. BC football has always had more national eyeballs watching its foottball games than UConn football games have had from national viewers. It is UConn football that is parochial. Its football team's interest is mostly found only within the state of Connecticut. Over the course of the season, BC's TV football games seasonal viewer numbers outdraw that of UConn not only nationally, but within N.E. itself. Only in the state of Connecticut does UConn football generate decent TV viewership numbers.

The national perception of UConn.... overwhelmingly.... with national sports watchers is that " UConn is a Basketball school ". It is inarguably a sport that UConn dominates on the college scene, and UConn richly deserves its national acclaim for this. But " UConn football " ? UConn football has far less national interest than BC football does... and all the Neilsen TV ratings each season bear this out.
Jan 15, 2014
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Hey Yackey BC is NOT ND. No I could not live with those terms and I hope that UConn won't either. You pompous blowhard.
I will not resort to personal insults... nor reply to same.
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