Non-Key Tweets | Page 183 | The Boneyard

Non-Key Tweets

Mar 4, 2014
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So is Conference Realignment And Pillaging going to come alive again or is this CRAP dead?
Oct 11, 2011
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Greg Flugaur
@theDudeofWV Money gap widening + continue rising costs to play at highest level = 2019 explosion if not at least big ripple

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 4h4 hours ago
@theDudeofWV ACC schools received consideration when they signed their GOR (received bump $)
ACC GOR is real.
B12 GOR is real.

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 4h4 hours ago
@theDudeofWV ....the power of the BTN & SECN is real...and growing every year by leaps and bounds.
In 3/4 yrs GOR teeth shrink in size
Oct 11, 2011
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Christopher Lambert ‏@theDudeofWV · 17h17 hours ago
@delawarenole @JFowlerESPN B1G rebuked FSU last year. Confirmed by Warchant.

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 17h17 hours ago
@theDudeofWV @delawarenole @JFowlerESPN @Expansion_Crush This is true. Big Ten Presidents made it known to Delany not bring FSU up to vote

Seanbo Sengo ‏@SeanboSengo · 4h4 hours ago
@flugempire @theDudeofWV @delawarenole @JFowlerESPN @Expansion_Crush What's funny is that the B1G rejected FSU & then FSU goes out & wins NC

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 4h4 hours ago
@SeanboSengo @theDudeofWV @delawarenole @JFowlerESPN @Expansion_Crush FSU does not fit the profile of a Big Ten research institution

Christopher Lambert ‏@theDudeofWV · 4h4 hours ago
@flugempire @SeanboSengo @delawarenole @JFowlerESPN @Expansion_Crush I've need watched a game for the research. Sorry... never...

Christopher Lambert ‏@theDudeofWV · 4h4 hours ago
@flugempire @SeanboSengo @delawarenole @JFowlerESPN @Expansion_Crush The B1G is gonna have to figure out that TV $ isn't for their eggheads.

Greg Flugaur
@theDudeofWV @SeanboSengo @delawarenole @JFowlerESPN @Expansion_Crush B12 giving advice on correct economic model? Big Ten?
Ok then

Greg Flugaur
@theDudeofWV @SeanboSengo @delawarenole @JFowlerESPN @Expansion_Crush What are you talking about? The Big Ten BIG $ in both research and TV

Greg Flugaur ‏@flugempire · 3h3 hours ago
@Expansion_Crush @theDudeofWV @SeanboSengo @delawarenole @JFowlerESPN You guys must have hit your heads when diving into the shallow end

Greg Flugaur‏@flugempire @Expansion_Crush @theDudeofWV @SeanboSengo @delawarenole @JFowlerESPN Ok..I'm getting off this thread.


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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I love that these two loons have found each other.

I also love that FSU was so damn determined to get a football brand, torpedoed our entry to the ACC and then tried to go out and leave the league. Thanks, guys!
Oct 11, 2011
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Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 3h 3 hours ago
@mkw_14 @Expansion_Crush @theDudeofWV @SeanboSengo @delawarenole Of course...but the Big Ten is NOT expanding to a non top research school..

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 3h 3 hours ago
@mkw_14 @Expansion_Crush @theDudeofWV @SeanboSengo @delawarenole ...just so it can increase its chances of a SHIP by 10-20% in a sport

Christopher Lambert ‏@theDudeofWV · 4h4 hours ago
@flugempire @SeanboSengo @delawarenole @JFowlerESPN @Expansion_Crush The B1G is gonna have to figure out that TV $ isn't for their eggheads.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 3h 3 hours ago
@mkw_14 @Expansion_Crush @theDudeofWV @SeanboSengo @delawarenole ...well I guess the Big12 is the way go go.. horse n buggy

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 3h 3 hours ago
@mkw_14 @Expansion_Crush @theDudeofWV @SeanboSengo @delawarenole ...small branding of the conference what so ever.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 3h 3 hours ago
@mkw_14 @Expansion_Crush @theDudeofWV @SeanboSengo @delawarenole Is that the smart way to go about expansion?...chasing short term $.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 3h 3 hours ago
@mkw_14 @Expansion_Crush @theDudeofWV @SeanboSengo @delawarenole Big Ten will be around 100 years from now,,big12 won't be. Tell me again..

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 3h 3 hours ago
@mkw_14 @Expansion_Crush @theDudeofWV @SeanboSengo @delawarenole stupid the egg heads are again?


Aug 26, 2011
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Dood is chasing the dragon. Liked the attention and wants more.
Aug 13, 2013
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LOL...FSU was not rejected bu the Big Ten..
I love that these two loons have found each other.

I also love that FSU was so damn determined to get a football brand, torpedoed our entry to the ACC and then tried to go out and leave the league. Thanks, guys!

Actually that is nonsense as usual from the Dude and the dude from St. Paul.

I called him on it when he originally said it and named his FSU source...I tweeted his source who tweeted that he was laughing at that suggestion...and then burned Chris by posting the tweets from his named source.

The truth is that the FSU BOT was not happy with the Tobacco Road cartel and their grip on the ACC, the perceived officiating and scheduling bias....and they wanted to get the conference's attention that basketball was not the only game in town.

Never talked to the Big 12 nor the Big 10....did have a back door discussion with friends in SEC.
Mar 29, 2014
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To get to BIG's back door you would have to go through Canada. Long trip, especially this time of year.
Oct 19, 2013
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The author Larry Block tells a story about being dragged into the Dean's office at his college during his Animal House days and the Dean told him:

You're a genius. It's not enough to be a genius, you have to be a genius at something.

This is my take on the B1G: I immediately discount a lot of rumors based on academics and geography. Yes, the leadership of B1G knows football drives the money now but they're thinking--or trying to--about 50 years out. There is deep concern over the viability of football in light of the concussion issues and whether they can or should continue. There is also concern over the long term viability of the network model. The last thing I see the B1G doing is stepping far afield from their current footprint to add schools that don't fit the academic profile and goals of the consortium.

If football goes away and the cable model yields to a less lucrative ala carte model, the B1G still wants to remain a viable if less lucrative conference and, among other things, that means retaining geographic cohesion. It's one thing to put a football team on a plane and fly out for 5 games a year; quite another when you're sponsoring 25 sports.

If you're Texas, yes, the B1G will take your call and, yes, you can probably start planning the B1G rebranding of the stadium. If you're not, your chances are going to substantially enhanced by simple geography and AAU status--or, at the very least, commitment to being an AAU level research school.
Oct 19, 2013
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Delany isn't playing hard ball again because he didn't play hard ball with ESPN before--ESPN played hard ball with Delany with their unrealistically low, take-it-or-leave-it offer. Delany didn't create the Big Ten Network--ESPN did when they basically left the Big Ten with no alternative to creating their own network. If it bites ESPN now, here I am playing the world's smallest violin. Arrogant, monopolistic pr--ks.

That said, now Delany is in a position to play some hard ball.

Wondering aloud: What if B1G keeps Tier 1 for their own network? I'll have to ponder on that awhile...
Apr 18, 2013
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It's widely believed that the Big Ten will split T1 between Fox and ESPN. No "rumors" required to see that Delany will try his best to get ESPN into a bidding war against Fox.
Oct 11, 2011
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Jon Wilner ‏@wilnerhotline · 22h22 hours ago
Projected TV revenue in 17-18 (1st yr of new B1G deal): SEC: $36M, B1G: $33M, Pac12: $23. Big problem for the Pac:

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 22h 22 hours ago
@wilnerhotline the Big Ten number of 33 mil makes no sense. It's going to be much bigger. On the old Teir 1 deal B1G 35 mil per in 2016-17

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 22h 22 hours ago
@wilnerhotline For your SEC numbers you combine teir 1 & SECN projections 20 + 16 = 36. But you don't combine Big Ten proj of teir 1+BTN

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 21h 21 hours ago
@wilnerhotline I appreciate the effort you put into showing a gap growing between PAC & Big Ten & SEC. But the gap will be even greater.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 21h 21 hours ago
@wilnerhotline I have no idea where you came up with 33mil per Big Ten for 2017/18. It will be much greater. Even article you site shows >>

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 21h 21 hours ago
@wilnerhotline yeah.. Your 33 mil number for 2017/18 does not include BTN numbers. Projected 2017/18 all inclusive is actually 44.5 mil B1G

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 21h 21 hours ago
Even for those who follow this stuff...are still underating the gap...the growing $ gap between SEC/Big Ten vs other 3. Many will be shocked

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 21h 21 hours ago
@TexasRoundball It actually downplays the growing gap because it doesn't add up correctly what the Big Ten is projected to get in 17/18.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 21h 21 hours ago
@TexasRoundball So even when people put in the work to show the massive growing gap..they still failing to show the whole picture.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 21h 21 hours ago
And because people are underating the growing $ gap...they are overating the stability of the current conference landscape.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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They decided they aren't doing anymore capers together without Frank Catton and he's...well...not around.
Oct 11, 2011
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Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 16h 16 hours ago
@theDudeofWV ACC schools did receive consideration on signing the GOR.,,they received a bonus.

Christopher Lambert @theDudeofWV · 16h 16 hours ago
@flugempire They did not. The Big 12 received a bonus. $6m per school.

Christopher Lambert @theDudeofWV · 16h 16 hours ago
@flugempire ESPN had an option to implement a ACCN or pay a $2m fee. Not even sure that officially tied to GoR.

Christopher Lambert @theDudeofWV · 16h 16 hours ago
@flugempire Here's how & why the ACC GoR came about. Clearly tied to the concept of a ACCN.…

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