Texas negotiating with ACC and other claims | The Boneyard

Texas negotiating with ACC and other claims

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It's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Aug 16, 2013
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From VT's CR board:

let's look at real history

1) When the B1G offered ND membership in the mid 1990's, they claimed the ONLY conference that they had anything in common was the ACC and declined the B1G offer, not once but twice. Immediately I posted that ND was negotiating with the ACC. I was dissed by a lot of posters but history has vindicated my position 1,000 fold. In hindsite this was really clear but NO ONE spotted it in the official media. NO ONE.

2) When Maryland left the ACC conference, one of their legal defenses was that the ACC was attempting to create a Monopoly by expanding. That expansion was to include Louisville, Penn State, Northwestern, ND (Full time) and Michigan. The ONLY Stumbling block was that the ACC had Purdue, but they wanted Indiana instead. While the ACC schools were not aware of the background negotiations, don't think for a minute that the B1G was not fully aware. Just based off the list above, you can bet Indiana went running to their commissioner, and so did Ohio State (who had to have declined). This fully explains why the B1G had to move so fast, had to take Rutgers when UVA declined, and the ACC could ad Louisville in 48 hours. They'd already vetted Louisville.

3) Texas had a meeting at ND regarding how their deal with the ACC worked, and rumor has it that our commissioner was there. This was NOT negotiations, but. Then just last month, on a podium, the Texas AD states that if Texas was to leave the B12, the only conference they'd be interested in was the ACC. Sounds reminiscent of the 1990's Notre Dame Situation. I will claim right now that TEXAS IS NEGOTIATING WITH THE ACC.

I realize that a lot of you are glass half full guys, but do you really think that the same affiliation that interests Penn State, Michigan, Notre Dame and Texas could be the wrong move?

Even worse, the administrations at Penn State have really knocked the research deal the B1G has. Why? The only reason is to convience their supporters that it ain't worth jack. Why? See above. What else could it be? If PSU leaves the B1G one can make a bet as to where they are headed. Now Ohio State blasts the B1G for adding Maryland, and especially Rutgers, and then says that the B1G economic model is not sustainable. I can tell you right now, the western schools in the B1G WILL NOT accept any additional schools in the east until they get two rivals out west. That is the deal the conference has. They do not sound like happy bedfellows.

My thoughts:

1. Sure, why not? Yet they partially joined the Big East first instead.

2. This is ridiculous. Yes, I have heard that The ACC was trying to woo PSU and NW, but I highly doubt that Indiana would be the sticking point for getting ND full, PSU, and Michigan. In fact, ND had no relationship with IU, but a strong one with Purdue. I understand IU is a better brand than Purdue, but to lose PSU, ND, and Michigan over it is dumb.

3. Of course Texas would say that; they are the only conference that would accept a partial Texas. Throw in the LHN and ACC owned by ESPN, and it's the only conference they can go to.

I think we have found the Dude of VT.
Sep 22, 2011
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I agree with your overall conclusion, but ND joined the Big East in 1995 and rejected the Big Ten invitation in 1999. Your timeline is a bit off.


Mar 30, 2012
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Texas is certainly exploring a move to the ACC with a Notre Dame type deal; it would be malfeasance on the part of their leadership not to explore this option. And with ESPN's support for both Texas and the ACC, it is highly likely to come to pass.

Everything else seems doubtful. Why should anyone in the B1G be unhappy? They may have complaints, but overall they have the best deal in college sports.

Whereas we know that some members of the ACC have been dissatisfied. And a lot has changed in 20 years, including the rising value of state schools with large cable fanbases, to shift the balance of power. Whatever strength the ACC had 20 years ago is not really relevant to assessing conference attractiveness today.
Feb 22, 2014
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Posts like these are why I enjoy following CR. There is so much crazy to sink your teeth into. The only thing that seems plausible is UT to The ACC. The ACC is the only conference that will afford an ego maniacal program like UT special status. Much like ND, their identity as a program is all about being above those who they affiliate with. Agreeing to the same rules as the rest of their conference mates diminishes them in the eyes of their supporters.

I do think UT would take a similar deal from The ACC if they could get out of The Big 12 GOR. Despite what they believe they are not a national program. ND is the only one. They are a Southwestern power with pockets of followers throughout the country. Getting increased exposure on the East coast would help expand their brand, and most important allow them to 1 up Aggie. I could see them taking 5 games a year from The ACC, playing ND every year, BYU every year, attempt to continue The RRR with OU, and maybe a team like Army at neutral sites across the country. That leaves 3 games to be played against local G5 Competition to keep their ties to the state. I could see this happening, and I could see ESPN merging/morphing LHN into The ACCN.

As for the rest of the VT Dood's Claims, his moonshine must be stronger than the one enjoyed by Chris. Michigan? Michigan is going to leave The B1G for The ACC? BWAHAHAHAHA! Sorry OSU, sorry MSU, sorry Midwestern Alumni, but we have to chase ND to The ACC. SMH. The rumors of WF and Pitt putting out feelers to PSU and NW have been out there forever, but again consider the possibility of these things happening. Pitt to PSU "We want you to follow us into The ACC." PSU to Pitt "Yeah no thanks, but I heard Michigan is interested, go ask them," WF to NW "You're just like us, you should be in our conference." NW to WF "Here's 5 bucks go buy yourself a map and get back to me on how much we have in common." CR Gossip. I love it.
Aug 26, 2011
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From VT's CR board:

let's look at real history

1) When the B1G offered ND membership in the mid 1990's, they claimed the ONLY conference that they had anything in common was the ACC and declined the B1G offer, not once but twice. Immediately I posted that ND was negotiating with the ACC. I was dissed by a lot of posters but history has vindicated my position 1,000 fold. In hindsite this was really clear but NO ONE spotted it in the official media. NO ONE.

2) When Maryland left the ACC conference, one of their legal defenses was that the ACC was attempting to create a Monopoly by expanding. That expansion was to include Louisville, Penn State, Northwestern, ND (Full time) and Michigan. The ONLY Stumbling block was that the ACC had Purdue, but they wanted Indiana instead. While the ACC schools were not aware of the background negotiations, don't think for a minute that the B1G was not fully aware. Just based off the list above, you can bet Indiana went running to their commissioner, and so did Ohio State (who had to have declined). This fully explains why the B1G had to move so fast, had to take Rutgers when UVA declined, and the ACC could ad Louisville in 48 hours. They'd already vetted Louisville.

3) Texas had a meeting at ND regarding how their deal with the ACC worked, and rumor has it that our commissioner was there. This was NOT negotiations, but. Then just last month, on a podium, the Texas AD states that if Texas was to leave the B12, the only conference they'd be interested in was the ACC. Sounds reminiscent of the 1990's Notre Dame Situation. I will claim right now that TEXAS IS NEGOTIATING WITH THE ACC.

I realize that a lot of you are glass half full guys, but do you really think that the same affiliation that interests Penn State, Michigan, Notre Dame and Texas could be the wrong move?

Even worse, the administrations at Penn State have really knocked the research deal the B1G has. Why? The only reason is to convience their supporters that it ain't worth jack. Why? See above. What else could it be? If PSU leaves the B1G one can make a bet as to where they are headed. Now Ohio State blasts the B1G for adding Maryland, and especially Rutgers, and then says that the B1G economic model is not sustainable. I can tell you right now, the western schools in the B1G WILL NOT accept any additional schools in the east until they get two rivals out west. That is the deal the conference has. They do not sound like happy bedfellows.

My thoughts:

1. Sure, why not? Yet they partially joined the Big East first instead.

2. This is ridiculous. Yes, I have heard that The ACC was trying to woo PSU and NW, but I highly doubt that Indiana would be the sticking point for getting ND full, PSU, and Michigan. In fact, ND had no relationship with IU, but a strong one with Purdue. I understand IU is a better brand than Purdue, but to lose PSU, ND, and Michigan over it is dumb.

3. Of course Texas would say that; they are the only conference that would accept a partial Texas. Throw in the LHN and ACC owned by ESPN, and it's the only conference they can go to.

I think we have found the Dude of VT.

That is the most delusional realignment scenario I have ever seen. Michigan leaving the B1G in order to chill with a bunch of small privates + Louisville...
Mar 29, 2014
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Thanks guys . phew.jpg I was worried for a moment that Michigan was going to the ACC :)
Aug 13, 2013
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LOL....Michigan going to the ACC is as crazy as the rumor of FSU two years ago of FSU to the Big Ten.


Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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This has more wings than it appears. When George Bush was governor of Texas he often talked with his brother Jeb about playing Florida State every year. But the deal fell apart when George heard the in "conference reassignment"
he might have to leave Texas and take a job as mayor of Jacksonville.


Mar 30, 2012
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Notre Dame can't get out of playing Michigan that easily.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I would wager more money on Michigan joining the AAC than the ACC.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Evidently the overly potent moonshine they've been cooking in West Virginia has spilled over into hills near Blacksburg.

ND wasn't offered twice by the B1G, only once, and nearly accepted until an emergency trustee meeting (in Europe) was called to prevent the move.

The ACC had Purdue?!?!?!?!?! Perhaps if you travel through a wormhole into some alternate universe but not in any reality that exists in this universe.

PSU & Michigan? PSU may have condidered joining the ACC prior to receiving an offer from the (then) Big Ten but once that offer arrived the ACC had no chance. Michigan would never go anywhere without Ohio St. This is seriously equivalent to one of the Yankees and Red Sox leaving the American League to play in the Carolina League.
Jul 8, 2013
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I would love for this to be true, because any chaos would be better than the status quo, but this is just looney.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Good to see the correspondent from the planet Lovetron checking in. Meanwhile here in Earth, we continue the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life.
Sep 22, 2011
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Evidently the overly potent moonshine they've been cooking in West Virginia has spilled over into hills near Blacksburg.

ND wasn't offered twice by the B1G, only once, and nearly accepted until an emergency trustee meeting (in Europe) was called to prevent the move.

The ACC had Purdue?!?!?!?!?! Perhaps if you travel through a wormhole into some alternate universe but not in any reality that exists in this universe.

PSU & Michigan? PSU may have condidered joining the ACC prior to receiving an offer from the (then) Big Ten but once that offer arrived the ACC had no chance. Michigan would never go anywhere without Ohio St. This is seriously equivalent to one of the Yankees and Red Sox leaving the American League to play in the Carolina League.

There were two invitations by the Big Ten in the 1990's, both turned down by ND.

The ND Board of Trustees meeting was in London but it was a regularly scheduled meeting, not an emergency one.

Your facts are a bit off there.

"For the 111 years Notre Dame has played football, it has been an independent, resisting all overtures to join a conference. Yesterday, its board of trustees decided to keep it that way, rejecting an approach from the tradition-laden Big Ten and maintaining the university's national identity and its football income.

Five years ago, when the Big Ten first asked Notre Dame if it was interested in joining the conference, the answer was a quick no. Last year, when the Big Ten came calling again, Notre Dame said it would study the pluses and minuses.

It did. But the student body opposed a change, and at recent basketball games there were chants of ''No Big Ten.''

Charles Lennon, the director of Notre Dame's alumni association, said that 99.5 percent of its members were against a change. University officers agreed and recommended to the 55-man board of trustees that the status quo be maintained.

The board met yesterday in London and decided that the Fighting Irish would continue their football fighting as an independent. The board was in London for today's dedication of Marian Kennedy Fischer Hall, the university's new academic center there.

The Rev. Edward A. Malloy, Notre Dame's president, said the university's institutional identity was the deciding factor in the decision to remain independent.

He said: ''Just as the Universities of Michigan or Wisconsin or Illinois have core identities as the flagship institutions of their states, so Notre Dame has a core identity, and at that core are these characteristics: Catholic, private, independent. As a Catholic university with a national constituency, we believe independence continues to be our best way forward.''

Last edited:


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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There were two invitations by the Big Ten in the 1990's, both turned down by ND.

The ND Board of Trustees meeting was in London but it was a regularly scheduled meeting, not an emergency one.

Your facts are a bit off there.

"For the 111 years Notre Dame has played football, it has been an independent, resisting all overtures to join a conference. Yesterday, its board of trustees decided to keep it that way, rejecting an approach from the tradition-laden Big Ten and maintaining the university's national identity and its football income.

Five years ago, when the Big Ten first asked Notre Dame if it was interested in joining the conference, the answer was a quick no. Last year, when the Big Ten came calling again, Notre Dame said it would study the pluses and minuses.

It did. But the student body opposed a change, and at recent basketball games there were chants of ''No Big Ten.''

Charles Lennon, the director of Notre Dame's alumni association, said that 99.5 percent of its members were against a change. University officers agreed and recommended to the 55-man board of trustees that the status quo be maintained.

The board met yesterday in London and decided that the Fighting Irish would continue their football fighting as an independent. The board was in London for today's dedication of Marian Kennedy Fischer Hall, the university's new academic center there.

The Rev. Edward A. Malloy, Notre Dame's president, said the university's institutional identity was the deciding factor in the decision to remain independent.

He said: ''Just as the Universities of Michigan or Wisconsin or Illinois have core identities as the flagship institutions of their states, so Notre Dame has a core identity, and at that core are these characteristics: Catholic, private, independent. As a Catholic university with a national constituency, we believe independence continues to be our best way forward.''

...and there it is, like thunder after a flash of lightning.


Aug 26, 2011
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If my boy Swoffie's delusions extended to a Texas and a Michigan, what in the world prompted him to snag a Syracuse and a Pitt?
He wanted to lock down a place in the Rust Belt and ancient glory.
Aug 13, 2013
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From back in 2011....

"The real shocker here is not that Texas is considering the ACC, which was floated around last week, but that the two have already started talking. "A high-ranking Texas source" essentially called the talks informal and not yet serious, but the fact that there even have been discussions is a remarkable development. The ACC would allow Texas to keep the Longhorn Network as-is, and it apparently has floated the option for a four-team pod system rather than divisions to help with scheduling. Another plus is that Texas is closer to most ACC schools than most Pac-12 schools, and the ACC is only one time zone away instead of two."

Things are always fluid in CR....

UConn Dan

Not HuskyFanDan; I lurk & I like
Feb 25, 2012
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If you recall, one of the first rumors about ACC expansion back in 2011 was Texas, UConn, Syracuse and Notre Dame. They got about 1.6 of that.
Aug 26, 2011
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If my boy Swoffie's delusions extended to a Texas and a Michigan, what in the world prompted him to snag a Syracuse and a Pitt?[/QUOTE]
Tony Dorsett, Dan Marino, Jim Brown, and Ernie Davis. You know this already.
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