Lets be honest here, BCS jobs | The Boneyard

Lets be honest here, BCS jobs

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Sep 1, 2011
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What programs are we really better than right now. If it came down to us vs. school A B and C, how many coaches would choose us?

I honestly can think of only a handful of schools

No, no I can't. We are the worst. Line em up. Ball schools - Duke, Kentucky, indiana, Kansas - all better football programs than us - we aren't a better job

BC, UVA, Colorado - nope, sorry.

USF, Temple - nope, easier to recruit at both places if you play in an nfl stadium. In USFs position you have the most fertile recruiting ground in the country and at Temple you're An ultimate stepping stone job. (See Golden, Al and Addazzio, Steve)

People that hated on Edsall piss me off. What he did here in less than 15 years (bringing us to a BCS bowl) ranks up there with what Calhoun did. Yeah I said it. off if you don't agree. Our program is a joke and there isn't a BCS program in the country we can consider ourselves better than

Jax Husky

Larry Taylor did nothing wrong
Aug 27, 2011
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Baloney, you cannot convince me that the following jobs are better than UConn:
Colorado, Wash. St., Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa St.

We all need to remember that the record is not great, but the facilities and overall athletic program at UConn are very very good still. The question will be, will UConn pay $2 million for a coach? If so, they will have plenty of good options (this is all assuming they get rid of PP).
Aug 30, 2011
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What programs are we really better than right now. If it came down to us vs. school A B and C, how many coaches would choose us?

I honestly can think of only a handful of schools

No, no I can't. We are the worst. Line em up. Ball schools - Duke, Kentucky, indiana, Kansas - all better football programs than us - we aren't a better job

BC, UVA, Colorado - nope, sorry.

USF, Temple - nope, easier to recruit at both places if you play in an nfl stadium. In USFs position you have the most fertile recruiting ground in the country and at Temple you're An ultimate stepping stone job. (See Golden, Al and Addazzio, Steve)

People that hated on Edsall piss me off. What he did here in less than 15 years (bringing us to a BCS bowl) ranks up there with what Calhoun did. Yeah I said it. Fecundity off if you don't agree. Our program is a joke and there isn't a BCS program in the country we can consider ourselves better than

You seem to have violence issues. Are you writing this crap from prison?
Aug 30, 2011
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Am I wrong in my analysis?

Yes, NFL stadiums are not easier to recruit to then the Rent, and Temple is not a better place for a head coach to be then UCONN.

There will be plenty of quality coaches looking to land this 7 figure job when P is canned. We just need to hope Warde picks the right one.
Sep 3, 2011
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The potential is there for UConn to succeed. The culture sucks. Not referring to the passion, or the caring by fans, or the commitment, but what we accept from this program. Randy had plateau'd but fans defended him. When he leaves we are more concerned with him not saying goodbye to grown men in the proper fashion rather than being concerned about the chance to hire an up and comer. And instead of notching it up, we hire an old caretaker and then praise how Connecticut high school coaches liked him from his Western Conn days. We touted the ground and pound offense and were happy with a boring, occasionally
successful program. That's not college football today and things caught up to this program. Lack of talent up and down the roster (yes , there are a few really good players at UConn, but too many who chose between us and Eastern Michigan or us and an Ivy League School or
a University of Maine type program).

I truly hope there is now a sense of urgency. Time to hire a Mike Leach or a Rich Rod or a proponent of the concept that offenses win football games (except at places like Alabama that just have the best athletes on both sides of the ball) not the other way around. Old school football is just not getting it done anymore and recruits want to be part of something exciting.
Sep 16, 2011
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BS all the programs you named have been around forever and have always sucked. UConn fans need to think bigger, we have some of the best facilities around and we seem like we are serious about winning, I will take back all these comments if Warde and Susan won't show some backbone and leadership soon.
Aug 30, 2011
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"but the facilities and overall athletic program at UConn are very very good still. The question will be, will UConn pay $2 million for a coach?"

The real question is whether the state and university are willing to invest $10 mil/yr in infrastructure and facilities to keep up with the status quo and stay competitive? While the public loves the perception of an egalitarian system brought about by a playoff, it will inevitably stratify athletics programs.

The bottom line is that a "Cinderella" National Championship will only pay out 60% of a top tier school's annual athletics budget. Since football carries everything else, a BCS title needs to effectively pay a lottery amount of 9 or 10 figures to close the gaps between perennial powers, and wannabes. When the top 10-15 programs' annual budgets quickly eclipse $75 mil/yr+....the football herd will quickly be leaned, without ancillary funding to keep up with the Jones'.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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The OP is a raging nitwit - I'd throw my brain at the wall if it made me root for a school that I apparently hate.

There isn't a blessed bit of difference between UConn and the vast majority of schools out there. Add up all of their pluses and minuses and you end up with a great big muddle of schools that are dead duck*ing average.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm still missing the causailty between a string of losses and the perceived value of an employment. An entity mind you that is wholly subjective. I mean for Randy's dream job was Maryland, so who the are you to know how the next up and coming coach wants to live/work/send his kids to school/be paid etc.


BEast mode
Aug 26, 2011
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Am I wrong in my analysis?

Um, yes. Now here's what you can do now. Go pick up all your toys. Don't forget your shovel over by the base of the slide and the matchbox cars on the walkway. Put them all in your knapsack next to the PB&J your mother made for you for lunch. It's okay, some things are confusing for people. I'll never figure out how to beat my friends at freeze tag. And you'll never understand how college football works
Aug 27, 2011
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To me the bottom line is this: get a great coach, and someone young enough to create a lot of excitement and stay for at least 5 years. Then anything can happen. We can end up a solid top 25 program easily with the right hire (from where we are now - we have been getting enough talent and enough guys are going to the NFL so that kids can see that path).

OTOH, look how good Colorado was and what they look like now. Doesn't mean it can't be corrected, but you need to develop the right attitude. Wisconsin was dreadful for a long time. Alvarez resurrected that program and then handed it off to Bielema and they will be top 25 for the next 20 years. There is no reason that a school with our size and resources can't get a coach that will bring us to the next level and keep us there. But it isn't "ordained". You need smart, driven, success oriented people (which I believe Manuel and Herbst are) making good decisions. Let's pray they make the right one.


Mar 30, 2012
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The potential is there for UConn to succeed. The culture sucks. Not referring to the passion, or the caring by fans, or the commitment, but what we accept from this program. Randy had plateau'd but fans defended him.

For a moment, before looking at the author's name, I thought what sucks might be the culture of turning on coaches and teams at the first adversity, and incessant whining and complaining thereafter.
Sep 5, 2011
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I agree with most of what TDHusky offered.

UConns basic problem IS the lack of all around talent. There are some good players on the team, but not enough to get UConn to the next notch in the belt.

If you look at how "talking heads" described our recruiting classes for years, they were at or near the bottom of BE rankings. Randy Edsall labeled many of his recruits "under the radar" or "diamonds in the rough".

The truth of it is, over the years many of the recruits had "no other offers", or the main competition for their services were from 1-aa ranks, and or C-USA, MAC type institutions. Many were/are not "ranked" highly by recruiting sites using whatever rating they chose to utilize (*'s, numerical rating, etc.) We can argue the relevance of such criteria, but let's us take off our highly optomistic rose colored glasses and look at this objectively. There must be some relevence to their analysis'.

Our coaches can tout the wonderful facilities. Recruits may ask about W-L records, who is your competition, what is your league record? what is your record against ranked BCS competition? What is the league record against ranked BCS competition? How many of your athletes have went on to excel in the NFL?

UConn has never been an offensive power house. In fact I've found the level of offensive initiative in games lacking for many years. Better multi phased offenses do not find the defense that challenging.

I'm as disappointed, and probably fustrated to a higher degree, than most die hard fans. Is it the coaches? Is it the players?
Maybe a little bit of both. I'm quite sure both want to succeed at the highest level, and all are great individuals ..... but maybe the all around talent from coaches to players isn't what it needs to be to succeed at the highest level of "BCS" competition.

Look what is happening to West Virginia with a history of being near the top of the Big East, year in year out? Does anyone even think UConn can come close to competing in the Big 12, the Big 10, the ACC. I would love to see UConn competing with the best of the best, but they are far from being able and ready to play with the big boys, week in, week out.

Will a new coaching staff matter? I don't know. What "recognized" coaching icon is going to want to come to the Big East?
Connecticut? Outside of Louisville, Rutgers and Cincinnatti there is not a league buzz. In case we haven't noticed, the coaching movement has been in the other direction.

Obviously I'm the last to have the educated answers. I'm just one big disappointed, frustated die hard fan. But I will be in my seat at every home game, barring family tragedy. The kids and coaches still diserve that, despite their perceived limitations, and for the sake of the program.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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Am I wrong in my analysis?

This very same argument was being made in 1986 with respect to UConn hoops. Conventional wisdom is not always wise. UConn offers a great opportunity to make some serious money and have a lifetime of job security. Jim & Geno are two great examples, and Randy could of joined them.

You become the big fish in a small town, you get all kinds of endorsements, your family can still have a life and you don't have to compete for a national title each and every year.

Yes, a good coach can come here.
Feb 10, 2012
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Mike Sherman
Ties to ct, new englander, proven winner, offensive coordinator.

I think we need to get a big name that can show we're serious.
Like Larry Brown to SMU. He is there to transform the program and change its identity. He's also there to get top recruits. That's what Uconn football needs.

Pay big bucks and get a Grueden or Cowher. Instant credibility. Fan base would be energized as well knowing who's on the sidelines.
Not realistic, but a hire like that says we're serious. A hire like that could change the perception of the BE.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I remember when nobody thought that Oregon or Oregon St (both top ten today, both ranked numerous times over the past fifteen years) could ever play .500 football. I remember when experts felt that two wins in conference during any season was the best that Northwestern could ever hope for. I remember when the only thing of note about Kansas St football was that (up until ~ 1995) they had more no win seasons than they had .500 or better seasons (I believe it was 7-5 when Snyder first took over the program in the late 1980's).

I left out other success stories as some were from locations where they have inherent advantages over us and I'll even exclude Oregon due to Nike (Knight) money but two secondary state schools where there is not a load of HS talent and a small private school with ridiculously stringent academic requirements were able to turn their programs into something worth following. I refuse to believe that we cannot do the same.
Aug 26, 2011
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Am I wrong in my analysis?

Amongst the best facilities in the country. The program will be the "show" in the state if it gets going. The rent is almost always close to capacity regardless of record. Support from the state government.

Your a self loather apparently.
Sep 1, 2011
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Um, yes. Now here's what you can do now. Go pick up all your toys. Don't forget your shovel over by the base of the slide and the matchbox cars on the walkway. Put them all in your knapsack next to the PB&J your mother made for you for lunch. It's okay, some things are confusing for people. I'll never figure out how to beat my friends at freeze tag. And you'll never understand how college football works
So instead of telling me why I'm wrong you accuse me of being a four year old. Sounds like the "denial" stage to me
Sep 3, 2011
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For a moment, before looking at the author's name, I thought what sucks might be the culture of turning on coaches and teams at the first adversity, and incessant whining and complaining thereafter.
OK. . . One vote supporting the wonderful job PP is doing. Got more supporters?
Aug 26, 2011
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Bottom Line: The coach will make all the difference.

Oregon St
Kansas St
Boise St

Above places have no advantage over us in pretty much anything. Oregon has Knight, but the advantage they, and the rest have that really matters is that they have a great coach.
None have any great advantage in location, weather, history (except wisc.), in-state talent, etc...

A great coach makes all the difference.

The Patriots have won FOR YEARS, despite never paying anyone big $$ (except QB), and playing a bunch of guys no one ever heard of before they got there. They have the best coach in the game, and they win because of it.

Basketball is a talent game (even JC couldnt have won with Edsall-like recruiting), football is a coaches game.

Scheme, and constant player improvement. Thats the name of the game. Great coaches scheme to their team's strengths, and build off of that.

The OP could have easily wrote that about Boise State 10 years ago. It wouldnt look so good now.

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