KML out indefinitely, Tuck out 4-6 weeks | Page 3 | The Boneyard

KML out indefinitely, Tuck out 4-6 weeks

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Sep 9, 2011
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Ulnar nerve contusion is a bruising injury to the ulnar nerve, close to the skin’s surface at the elbow, from a direct blow. Contusions cause bleeding from ruptured capillaries that allow blood to infiltrate the nerve. Direct injury to the nerve causes damage even if bleeding of capillaries is not a factor. The contusion causes pain, hand weakness, and loss of feeling, often in the fourth and fifth fingers. Ulnar nerve dysfunction or inflammation may greatly decrease athletic performance in sports that require strong hand or wrist action.

Found this here
Someone said they initially thought she hit her "crazy bone" and would be alright soon. Well, I guess they weren't too far off except that it was an extraordinarily bad "hit" that will take substantially longer to resolve itself. I do agree that if they're right, it is a better outcome than it could have been.

Insofar as Morgan Tuck, my impression is that this "loose cartilage" thing has been there for a little while. I would think that if it hadn't been taken care of earlier and she had some success playing the other night, that maybe they could have delayed her procedure until next Tuesday, after UConn had played their top 20 opponents. Just my input!!!!!


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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The nerve contusion news is a pretty good result - it can heal very, very quickly. It's a problem for a period of time....and then one day you wake up and it's not. (I 'contused' a nerve mountain "climbing" a few years ago....there was more falling than climbing, hence the contusing.)

My guess is that she'll be back much sooner than later.
Nov 28, 2012
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Someone said they initially thought she hit her "crazy bone" and would be alright soon. Well, I guess they weren't too far off except that it was an extraordinarily bad "hit" that will take substantially longer to resolve itself. I do agree that if they're right, it is a better outcome than it could have been.

Insofar as Morgan Tuck, my impression is that this "loose cartilage" thing has been there for a little while. I would think that if it hadn't been taken care of earlier and she had some success playing the other night, that maybe they could have delayed her procedure until next Tuesday, after UConn had played their top 20 opponents. Just my input!!!!!
I think the issue here isn't necessarily how bad a hit it was, unless there is also some collateral damage, but to what extent the nerve was damaged. Some apparently minor injuries can lead to substantial nerve damage. In fact, nerve damage can occur without a specific injury, but due to long term issues. I had a condition called Parsonage Turner Syndrome which is a nerve injury in the arm. I woke up one morning, went to reach up to the cupboard to get the creamer and sugar for my coffee, and I couldn't lift my right arm above shoulder height. No pain at all, it was just dead. I had my daughter lift my arm up to see what would happen and there was no pain, no friction or anything like that it was just dead. Had MRI's of my neck and arm. No surgical treatment just some initial therapy and wait. The articles I read on the internet said that for my condition 80% of the patients were near normal in less than 2 years. I was lucky. In 7 months I was at about 90%. However, over 2 years later I still don't have the arm range that I have in my good arm (but it is pretty good, thank God), have very little torque strength in my hand (handling a screwdriver or opening a beer can be difficult), and some numbness in my ring and small finger remain. The amazing thing is there was never any pain. I'm not suggesting that KML has something like I did, but I'm just pointing out that if there is any lingering nerve issues it can be enough to impact her shot. That said, I fully expect her to be on the court draining threes against our opponents in January if not sooner!


Silly Ol' Bear
Aug 26, 2011
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Well, anyone who was worrying about a boring season, can stop worrying.

I'm reminded of the (supposedly) ancient Chinese curse: "May you lead a long and interesting life!"
Jul 19, 2013
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I had the same injury as Mosqueda-Lewis. I fell (not as hard as she did) and landed right on my elbow. Nothing was broken, and I didn't require a sling. It was really sore for about 2 months and doing anything physically strenuous with that arm was pretty much impossible for about 3 or 4 months. It wasn't fully back to normal until about 6 months where the pain and twinges went away completely. The good news is it's an injury that most of the time heals on its own, back to 100% the way it was before, though I did have some scary moments where I could feel something pop in my elbow when extending it before it had totally healed. Wouldn't be shocked if it takes until next season for her to get her touch back given that the injury involves her shooting arm, but here's hoping she's a fast healer.
Jul 19, 2013
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I guess this explains why Tuck wasn't getting that many minutes lately.
Yeah this surgery must have been in the works for a while. I'm guessing she didn't wake up the day after Stanford and decide to have her knee scoped. Too bad this couldn't have been done in September or October. This year could end up like last for Tuck where her season sorta starts and stops and starts and stops as her knee heals. I know other teams have it worse, like Maryland last year, but it seems like UConn is just never fully healthy. Guess that's the nature of the game.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Interesting situation for the coaches - I am betting on a three guard starting line-up as the team needs to keep Stokes as a reserve in case of foul issues - that way the scholarship bench contains one guard and one forward. I can also see Polly and Tierney getting first half minutes in case of fouls and or pacing of the first seven. And full court pressure is probably on hold until the reinforcements get back.
I would agree with a 3 guard lineup. Probably Banks. I would like to think Banks anyway. As I said in some earlier threads when people talked about Tierney and Lawlor getting quality playing time, if they are playing we have some problems. And, well here we are.

Could be a tough go for a few games. Other games probably won't matter much. Does make for a more "interesting" season for those who didn't want tons of blowouts, you know the ones who would be bored. (thanks guys :mad:)
Nov 19, 2011
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  1. 8
    Rich Elliott ‏@elliottctpost 1m
    .@M_Tuck3: `It does suck to sit out and not to be able to help your team out. I just have to try to look at the positives in it.’ #UConn

  2. Rich Elliott ‏@elliottctpost 2m
    .@M_Tuck3: ``When I was playing it didn’t bother me. It was just we didn’t want it to get any worse.'' #UConn #bleedblue

  3. 7:30 PM - 13 Nov 13
    Rich Elliott ‏@elliottctpost 42m
    .@kaleena_23: ``I’m really happy nothing too major happened. It’ll heal with a little bit of rehab and help from Rosie.’' #UConn #bleedblue

  4. 7:25 PM - 13 Nov 13
    Rich Elliott ‏@elliottctpost 48m
    .@kaleena_23: ``We only have seven players now with me and Morgan out. But it’s still seven strong.'' #UConn #bleedblue

  5. 7:22 PM - 13 Nov 13
    Rich Elliott ‏@elliottctpost 51m
    .@kaleena_23: ``It sucks not really having a time and not really knowing when I’m going to be back.'' #UConn #bleedblue

  6. 7:16 PM - 13 Nov 13
    Rich Elliott ‏@elliottctpost 56m
    .@kaleena_23 said that she is not in much pain right now. #UConn #bleedblue

  7. 7:10 PM - 13 Nov 13
    Rich Elliott ‏@elliottctpost 1h
    .@kaleena_23: ``I was really scared. That’s the most pain that I’ve ever felt playing basketball or having an injury.’’ #UConn #bleedblue

  8. 6:10 PM - 13 Nov 13
    Rich Elliott ‏@elliottctpost 2h
    @kaitlin_dunn I agree. Thought it was going to be much worse than it is.

    5:55 PM - 13 Nov 13
    Rich Elliott ‏@elliottctpost 2h
    @kaitlin_dunn No. She was really fortunate.
Nov 19, 2011
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So to review:

1. Yes it sucks to not have KML/Tuck short term with some tough road games. But better now than March. First taste of adversity, will make them stronger.

2. They will be back in 4-6 weeks possibly sooner.

3. We appear to have dodged a major bullet with KML. It could have been far worse.
Aug 27, 2011
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This is what I posted last Sunday in the Tuck thread:

Only 12 minutes still seems strange to me. Also the new brace. Wasn't she playing without one for a while? Is there pain or something going on? Maybe I'm a worry-wart because like many of you I am very fond of her.

Sometimes it's not fun to be right, but I just had the intuition.
Nov 19, 2011
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Altavilla with a Geno quote-

"“But I am looking at the positives,” said Auriemma. “I could have lost both of them for the entire season.”"

“No broken bones,” said Auriemma. “I’m not a doctor, but it’s a nerve injury and I know those things can take time [to heal]. It’s unfortunate; we’ll have to monitor it. But hopefully, she [Mosqueda-Lewis] won’t be out as long as we think right now.”
Nov 28, 2012
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So to review:

1. Yes it sucks to not have KML/Tuck short term with some tough road games. But better now than March. First taste of adversity, will make them stronger.

2. They will be back in 4-6 weeks possibly sooner.

3. We appear to have dodged a major bullet with KML. It could have been far worse.
Clearly there is no eta for KML. It could be a week, a month, after New Year's, next season, or never again. They have said nothing other than seeing how it goes for the next week. Nerve damage is tricky stuff. Unless it is a pinched nerve that they are able to relocate successfully via surgery, there isn't a real lot they can do except hope and pray. Hopefully, the nerve isn't permanently damaged and when the swelling goes down she is okay. It is way too early to be optimistic or pessimistic. The silence tells it all.
Nov 19, 2011
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Clearly there is no eta for KML. It could be a week, a month, after New Year's, next season, or never again. They have said nothing other than seeing how it goes for the next week. Nerve damage is tricky stuff. Unless it is a pinched nerve that they are able to relocate successfully via surgery, there isn't a real lot they can do except hope and pray. Hopefully, the nerve isn't permanently damaged and when the swelling goes down she is okay. It is way too early to be optimistic or pessimistic. The silence tells it all.

Well you clearly haven't read what's being said so ok...continue on with being pessimistic.
Nov 28, 2012
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Well you clearly haven't read what's being said so ok...continue on with being pessimistic.
On the contrary, I have read everything about this from official sources quite closely. This quote is verbatim from UConn's press release. What part of indefinitely don't you understand?
"Junior forward Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis has a nerve contusion of the right elbow and is out indefinitely. The results of an MRI that Geno Auriemma said UConn received at 10 p.m. Tuesday, revealed the nature of the injury."
And here is Geno's quote:
“No broken bones,” said Auriemma. “I’m not a doctor, but it’s a nerve injury and I know those things can take time [to heal]. It’s unfortunate; we’ll have to monitor it. But hopefully, she [Mosqueda-Lewis] won’t be out as long as we think right now.”
As I said, it is too early to be optimistic or pessimistic. However, it is never too early to read about this type of injury and understand what may end up happening. She might be back as good as new in a week or two, or she may never be the same. We all hope for the best, that's not being pessimistic, that is being real.
Last edited:
Nov 28, 2012
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She will almost certainly at some point be playing again this season. I choose to be optimistic about that.
I hope so, but will she have full feeling in her hand and fingers? Sometimes it takes years if ever to return. Look, I'm not trying to bum you out ASweet, but take it from someone who has had nerve damage in my arm, it is a very unpredictable thing. Hopefully she will have dramatic progress in the next week or two and a return this year at full strength will appear probable. It's too soon to make that call. Let's hope with her and Morgan out the other gals will get more playing time and come March we will be ready to destroy all comers.


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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This team showed against Stanford that it helps (a lot) to have a depth of good players who can carry the team for a few minute stretches. KML was instrumental in helping build the lead up late in the first half, and Tuck was big for a stretch in the second half. Yes, we will need Banks, Chong (who sort of did the same thing against Stanford) and Kiah (who very much did), and of course Breanna to play like the NPOY contender she's expected to be. Opportunity is knocking, kids; please answer the door. Mongo want 39-0, or at least Numero Nove. Andiamo, raggazze!
Nov 19, 2011
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I hope so, but will she have full feeling in her hand and fingers? Sometimes it takes years if ever to return. Look, I'm not trying to bum you out ASweet, but take it from someone who has had nerve damage in my arm, it is a very unpredictable thing. Hopefully she will have dramatic progress in the next week or two and a return this year at full strength will appear probable. It's too soon to make that call. Let's hope with her and Morgan out the other gals will get more playing time and come March we will be ready to destroy all comers.

I understand and I'm sorry if I snapped a bit. It is tense times. We don't have much experience with these injuries in the past to really get a good feel about what may truly come as a result of it all but I am encouraged by KML's quotes on twitter.

  1. 7:09 PM - 13 Nov 13
    Jim Fuller ‏@NHRJimFuller 2h
    More from #UConn's Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis "It is just a contusion, it will heal with a little bit of rehab."

  2. Jim Fuller ‏@NHRJimFuller 2h
    #UConn's Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis after suffering elbow injury "I am really happy that nothing too major happened."
Let's just continue keeping our fingers crossed that all things turn out well in a few weeks!
Nov 19, 2011
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Mosqueda-Lewis Relieved Elbow Injury Is Not Season-Ending
Wednesday, November 13, 2013 by:Rich Elliott
Junior All-American Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis was upbeat as she sat in the seats with her right arm in a sling tonight at Gampel Pavilion. Less than 48 hours after her terrifying fall with 18:08 left in the second half of UConn’s win over No. 3 Stanford, there was a sense of relief.

A nerve contusion of the elbow will sideline her indefinitely, but Mosqueda-Lewis did not break anything. Her injuries are not season-ending.

Ragle also eased Mosqueda-Lewis’ anxiety by informing her of the extent of her injury,

“Rosie was like `Oh, it’ll be fine. We’ll just do rehab for a little bit. You’ll be back by the end of the season,’’’ Mosqueda-Lewis said. “And that’s when I started to calm down. I was like, `Alright, everything’s fine. It’s going to be alright.’
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