More praise for Andre Jackson | Page 10 | The Boneyard

More praise for Andre Jackson

Aug 28, 2011
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There's nothing wrong with thinking your generation has it all figured out and every other generation is wrong and/or out of touch, I guess. That way of thinking has been around for as long as people have been and it's not going anywhere.

Just a friendly note: this post applies to boomers, millenials, Gen Yers, and everyone in-between.
Some people, in every generation, just haven't yet realized that they get to decide how they react to things.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Yes. You did miss the point. You get to decide how you react to things, and you're choosing to be bothered by it. So you don't like it. Sucks for you.

And some things from the 60s were worlds worse, or do you want to continue to lecture others "acting like you've been there before" while also explaining fire hoses, police dogs, lynchings and church bombings?
I’m not bothered by it. I just think it adds zero. But you like it. Whoopee.
Dec 14, 2015
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I love a taunt here and there. Just be up by a lot and kick your opponents *** from that point foward. Shabazz doing the sleep a taunt. Kemba smiling and laughing while he’s kicking your *** is a taunt. It’s just the ones y’all don’t mind. When Stanley caught that alley on Texas he did exactly what Andre Jackson did. Yet no one in the stands complained. I wonder why? If Andre Jackson catches the poster of the decade in a UConn Jersey and screams in the kids face, no one there live will give a damn. Lighten up. It’s a game.
Aug 28, 2011
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I’m not bothered by it. I just think it adds zero. But you like it. Whoopee.
Sure, you just think it's "crappy" and "sucks", but definitely doesn't bother you. That's why you came here to tell us how wrong we are that it doesn't bother us.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Sure, you just think it's "crappy" and "sucks", but definitely doesn't bother you. That's why you came here to tell us how wrong we are that it doesn't bother us.
Grow up sport. It doesn’t “bother” me. It’s not that important and this is just a sports fan board. Happy New Year.
Aug 26, 2011
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I must admit....A lot less impressive when the kid is 6-8 inches shorter than you

Bingo and 6-8 is being nice. But really impressive LOL
Grow up sport. It doesn’t “bother” me. It’s not that important and this is just a sports fan board. Happy New Year.

See Cohen no shot. From dunks and basketball to lynches and church bombings. Nice comparison.
Sep 16, 2011
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Bingo and 6-8 is being nice. But really impressive LOL

See Cohen no shot. From dunks and basketball to lynches and church bombings. Nice comparison.
Cohen brought it up. The point is black people wouldn't say some things were worlds better in the 60's.


Atomic Dogs!
Jan 18, 2014
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Gentleman trash talker?
In reference to Bird just running back down court after a good play rather than attempt to show up the opponent.
Aug 28, 2011
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See Cohen no shot. From dunks and basketball to lynches and church bombings. Nice comparison.
I'm sorry that you also missed the point. The "when" is irrelevant. The "right way" to behave will always vary based on societal norms, culture, and context. So people will always disagree on the "right way" to behave.

What's clearly "wrong" is that which is "not allowed". So, obviously, in basketball that means whatever is against the rules. So in our context, the only "wrong" way to behave is that which earns a technical. Everything else is up for debate based on personal preference and how you define "right". In this case, Jackson got a tech, so the behavior was wrong. I prefer someone who needs to be reigned in a little bit, than someone who doesn't show any passion.

I don't have any issue with people arguing he should "act like he's been there". But there is no reason to introduce a time period for the type of behavior, you prefer. That players behaved differently in a different time period doesn't mean that's the correct behavior for today.

When someone posts the following, they're making the time period relevant to the discussion
What causes this chest pounding stuff is the crappy example of others for the last 25 years or so. I went to a really good hoops high school in the 1960s. A bunch of the players could dunk but never did this ego stuff. I guarantee you the emotion was the same, but the spotlight wasn’t. The role modeling kinda sucks.

And if you follow that up with...

The point is missed. And some things from the 6os were worlds better. So you like it, hooray for you.
You double down on making the time period relevant to the behavior you prefer. So if he's going to say some things were "worlds better", I can certainly bring up the fact that things weren't for a significant portion of society. If he wants to sit and reminisce on the good old days, we can remind him those days weren't as good for some people.

I didn't make a comparison between basketball and lynchings, that's you not keeping up with the conversation. I made the obvious argument that some things weren't worlds better in the 60s. That some things were better and some things were worse shows how completely irrelevant the 60s are to the conversation.

What do lynchings have to do with the argument? About as much as the short shorts do (or whatever @cohenzone believes was "better" then). That was then, this is now.

I'll say it again. It's best to argue for the behavior you prefer based on the merits of that behavior instead of talking about when people behaved that way. Or else you open yourself to judgments on the other ways people behaved during that time.

And despite @cohenzone 's snark, he's yet to point out exactly "why" the behavior of the 60s is better. If you can decipher it from his posts, good for you. I see no arguments on why one way is better than another. Only references to crappy examples, role models that suck, and some things being worlds better inthe 60s.

He didn't even point out the obvious layup (but I did in the 2nd paragraph above). So much snark and fail combined into one poster. It's impressive.
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We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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Strongest "OK Boomer" take of a lot of white hot take options.

I really extra hate this board when this dumb shiz shows its face.

It's never a good look to put rose colored glasses on. Makes you look super duper naive.

It's important to remember that Mayberry never existed, folks.
Mau and I agree on a lot of issues. We disagree on this one. I’m considerably older than mau.

The tendency to generalize frequently results in stereotyping. In your attempt to marginalize a segment of the population you end up undermining some valid points.

Whether or not it’s deliberate you have demonstrated a prejudice towards this group. You certainly are not alone. Some of it is just humor but I get the impression that even among those who express it with humor there is an underlying bias.

I don’t believe in censorship. Which is why I come down on the side of supporting players expressing their emotions on the court. I feel that you and @superjohn might want to reflect on this.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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Cohen brought it up. The point is black people wouldn't say some things were worlds better in the 60's.
A significant improvement in attitudes towards certain segments of the population today compared to the sixties. A lot more needs to be done imo. Sadly economic fears seem to be undoing some of the gains. Of course some of that “improvement” resulted from the boomer population questioning past constructs and insisting on change.

Ironically the attitude towards the elderly was significantly better in the sixties then compared to the present.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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A significant improvement in attitudes towards certain segments of the population today compared to the sixties. A lot more needs to be done imo. Sadly economic fears seem to be undoing some of the gains. Of course some of that “improvement” resulted from the boomer population questioning past constructs and insisting on change.

Ironically the attitude towards the elderly was significantly better in the sixties then compared to the present.

Society in general is gear towards a 'youth focus'. That's who recklessly spends the money. And also why you see home runs being pimped. Which I love


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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Society in general is gear towards a 'youth focus'. That's who recklessly spends the money. And also why you see home runs being pimped. Which I love
Western society is youth focused. Different cultures handle the adjustment from human’s dependent state to independent state differently.

Different conditions in different periods of time influence how the transition is expressed.
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We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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Yeah, but which generation has the money?

Geez, let the kid do his thing after a great play. I love the passion- it’s about damn time.
What percentage of that generation has it? And how much of that wealth is accumulated in modalities that can crash?

It’s good to see you posting here. Unlike the women’s forum this forum is primarily unrestrained passion. The individuals (cross generational) who prefer a degree of decorum rarely observe it here.

So we’re passionately expressing if players should or should not express themselves and in what manner.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Cohen brought it up. The point is black people wouldn't say some things were worlds better in the 60's.
Give it up. Mau is right. So confrontational behavior is the shining light of whatever your generation thinks are major advances in sports competition since the 1960s. And it’s being compared to incremental advances in civil rights. Beyond dumb. Believe it or not, I’m pretty modern for an old dude and it’s pretty silly that you get off on some other guy getting off for throwing a ball through a hoop. I suppose you and that player were just plain bored the rest of the game without the Adrenalin rush.
Mar 28, 2019
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Mau and I agree on a lot of issues. We disagree on this one. I’m considerably older than mau.

The tendency to generalize frequently results in stereotyping. In your attempt to marginalize a segment of the population you end up undermining some valid points.

Whether or not it’s deliberate you have demonstrated a prejudice towards this group. You certainly are not alone. Some of it is just humor but I get the impression that even among those who express it with humor there is an underlying bias.

I don’t believe in censorship. Which is why I come down on the side of supporting players expressing their emotions on the court. I feel that you and @superjohn might want to reflect on this.
You must not be a mod. I swear 20% of my posts get deleted!


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Yeah, but which generation has the money?
Geez, let the kid do his thing after a great play. I love the passion- it’s about damn time.

With debt, everyone has the money! The 'best' consumers are usually younger. If you can corner the teenage girl market, you are making millions.

Agree wholeheartedly with the second bit.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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You must not be a mod. I swear 20% of my posts get deleted!
I’m a mod who rarely deletes posts. I do edit occasionally. Would you like me to delete this duplicated post?

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