Connecticut residents what is your opinion? | The Boneyard

Connecticut residents what is your opinion?

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Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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Did anyone ask for your opinion other than me?
Jan 22, 2020
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What makes a state a great place to live is a matter of taste but the map is a real head scratcher. CT got one of the worst ratings while the Dekotas are beloved. Really? If you are poor and living in Hartford, Bridgeport or Waterbury I can understand not being enthralled with CT. The same could be said for the poor living in most any state, particularly the urban poor. On the whole living in CT is great if you can afford it and get along with a long winter.
Aug 24, 2015
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People in CT like to complain about how expensive it is, and of course the cold weather in the winter. There's no pride in our state here, like i suspect there is in some other parts of the country. There's no major cities here either like MA or NY, so it's not the place for city-lovers. I personal love CT, it's my home, and it's a great place to be IMO. Yes, we have our problems as do all other states. But still - not too hot, no major climate disasters since hurricanes usually fizzle out and blizzards aren't that bad, we will be at a good place once global warming gets worse, our high taxes do get us good public services. Lots of hiking trails, NYC and Boston within driving distance, lots of things to do for day trips, conveniences nearby, good hospitals and public health, good schools in general, good universities like UCONN, lots of history in the state, we have a bit of beach which is good enough for a few times a year, and in general, kind people. I think they say that the west coast is nice but not kind and the east coast is kind but not nice. That may well be true of CT (although I have met plenty of nice & kind people here!).


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I lived in/worked in CT for a few years, back in the day. Wouldn't do that again. I've lived in about 7 different states. I'd rank CT as the worst I've lived in. I was just talking to someone today about how horrible it was to live there.

The taxes are high. Granted they are high in other places too, but in CT you don't get anything for the high taxes. Roads are still terrible. Signage is really, really bad. Weather is not good.

Mostly though the problem probably is the people. They are just not very nice. Probably has to do with so many NY (Giants, Jets, Yankee) fans. Granted they are not on the Vol level, but they are pretty terrible.

Besides UCONN WBB, I can't think of anything that isn't better somewhere else.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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Proud Connecticut WBB Fan
Aug 26, 2011
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I lived in/worked in CT for a few years, back in the day. Wouldn't do that again. I've lived in about 7 different states. I'd rank CT as the worst I've lived in. I was just talking to someone today about how horrible it was to live there.

The taxes are high. Granted they are high in other places too, but in CT you don't get anything for the high taxes. Roads are still terrible. Signage is really, really bad. Weather is not good.

Mostly though the problem probably is the people. They are just not very nice. Probably has to do with so many NY (Giants, Jets, Yankee) fans. Granted they are not on the Vol level, but they are pretty terrible.

Besides UCONN WBB, I can't think of anything that isn't better somewhere else.
Sounds like you were on the wrong side of the river.
Apr 28, 2019
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I lived in/worked in CT for a few years, back in the day. Wouldn't do that again. I've lived in about 7 different states. I'd rank CT as the worst I've lived in. I was just talking to someone today about how horrible it was to live there.

The taxes are high. Granted they are high in other places too, but in CT you don't get anything for the high taxes. Roads are still terrible. Signage is really, really bad. Weather is not good.

Mostly though the problem probably is the people. They are just not very nice. Probably has to do with so many NY (Giants, Jets, Yankee) fans. Granted they are not on the Vol level, but they are pretty terrible.

Besides UCONN WBB, I can't think of anything that isn't better somewhere else.
I agree, I’ve been after my wife for years to move south but she just doesn’t want to leave her mom and two sisters. Ct taxes everything except the air we breath, who knows how much longer that will last.
Jan 22, 2020
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me too, and, me too.

the interesting thing is that southeast Connecticut is still the place (cf, 'boats -underwater') and has been for centuries, for world explorer types. here's one
John Ledyard, Connecticut’s Most Famous Traveler - Connecticut History | a CTHumanities Project.
buy ledyard's book. it was all the rage back in the day.

I know that girl! Well, sort of. Kathy, now Katie Pierson was in my high school class at Rutherford, NJ High. Nice girl, on the quiet side. Sang the lead in the musical the high school put on our senior year. We weren't buds but would chat on occasion. Between graduation in 1966 until about seven years ago at a 50th high school reunion I never saw her although I was made aware she was in the B-52s. She looked great at the reunion, better than most of the geezers attending. As far as I know she now runs a B&B in Vermont with her wife.


Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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State rankings are like opinions, everybody has one. Mostly they are just click bait.

I've lived in 12 states and in CT for the last 40 years. I think CT is somewhere near the top. Fortunately I'm on the right side of the river. My worst place lived PA (Philly suburb) my favorite CO.

I have visited LA (New Orleans) no way would I ever live there.
Aug 24, 2015
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I suppose it's not for everyone... I for example would never want to live in the south personally - just to visit it. My take on the people though - since I love my coworkers and have met lots of really good people in lifetime - my friends, my husband's friends, etc. - CT people are not necessarily the warm and fuzzy, inviting you over to their house in the friendly stereotypical southern manner. We maybe take a minute to gauge how close of a relationship we want with a new person, and then it's a mutual fit, it takes off from there. Also, I think in the south or elsewhere, it's much more common to just swing by your neighbor's even it's Christmas. Here, that would be weird. Christmas is time for family here, and we keep to our own families and leave each other to celebrate with theirs. I think we expect people to leave us be to live our own lives, and not sure if that's a different attitude than different regions of the country. Different places have their positives and negatives, and maybe one thing that someone loves is a dealbreaker to another person.


Exiled in Pittsburgh
Mar 23, 2012
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If I could afford to move back to CT, I would - and I've tried.

Lived in CT the longest, followed by Pittsburgh (where I am now), Westchester Cty, Boston/Quincy, Alexandria/DC, and Mexico City. All of them are expensive places to live except Pittsburgh. I'd likely choose CT over all of them due to familiarity and it's where most of my friends still live.

I am not a rural type. I need people and good supermarkets and restaurants nearby. Outside possibly Chicago, I could not live in the midwest. I need trees and hills. Outside of Atlanta, and possibly Charleston, I could not live in the South. Too reactionary. Forget the desert, it's a stupid place for humans to live. And I even find the west coast disconcerting due to the time difference.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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as great great gramms likes to say ' in America, any place is a good place if you like it, and nowhere is a good place iffn u don't.' ok, she doesn't actually say 'iffn,' i just added that. of course, her childhood 'reality' went completely haywire when one sunny day (actually a very, very dark night) she awoke to find everrbuddy around her hood got dedded, or hauled away. ww2 actually started there, 6 months before Poland. 20 or 30 thousands was that scorecard. time to run like the wind.
Connecticut is great for the like-minded, and i don't mean politics. i mean 'way of life.'
'good fences make for good neighbors.' tru dat.
over taxed, over regulated, and generally over-expensive, there is no doubt that folks, especially the younger type, find it extremely challenging
to get a head of steam up here. still, many come to try and take a whack at it, knowing that the cost of entry is very high, but if they truly know themselves, and think this is the place, obstacles notwithstanding, many also get greatly rewarded.
i hear that the pizza is good, too, so there's that.
Aug 27, 2011
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I've never lived anywhere else... Of the places I've been, I feel like I would love living in NC more than CT. Everything just seems "nicer." Maybe that's vacation vibes, but the Charlotte area is gorgeous.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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Chicago Deep Dish. ;)
shehcargo is a great All-American town. mebbe the towniest of all the big cities here, yet the least likely in which to identify a common thread that ribbons the whole place together. the folks are great, pleasant in a midwest sort of way, but all highly parochial to their part of that place.
i enjoy it, and gladly visit when opportunity allows, but i could never live there.
no salt water, or convenient shussing. my demands are few, yet exceedingly
particular, notwithstanding my amazing ability to enjoy any and all things that identify as pizza.
Dec 14, 2021
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I've lived in 5 different states and while CT has easily the most ridiculous tax of all the states I've lived in, I feel like it actually does the most with the tax dollars. Roads are generally good, snow removal is great, and the metro north is awesome. You get great schools, amazing food, and an easy ride to NYC or Boston. I would consider moving back if there was any mountains, but I enjoy the outdoors too much to live in CT.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I lived in/worked in CT for a few years, back in the day. Wouldn't do that again. I've lived in about 7 different states. I'd rank CT as the worst I've lived in. I was just talking to someone today about how horrible it was to live there.

The taxes are high. Granted they are high in other places too, but in CT you don't get anything for the high taxes. Roads are still terrible. Signage is really, really bad. Weather is not good.

I've lived in 5 different states and while CT has easily the most ridiculous tax of all the states I've lived in, I feel like it actually does the most with the tax dollars. Roads are generally good, snow removal is great, and the metro north is awesome. You get great schools, amazing food, and an easy ride to NYC or Boston. I would consider moving back if there was any mountains, but I enjoy the outdoors too much to live in CT.

Well, at least there's agreement on taxes and roads.
Aug 26, 2011
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I've lived in 5 different states and while CT has easily the most ridiculous tax of all the states I've lived in, I feel like it actually does the most with the tax dollars. Roads are generally good, snow removal is great, and the metro north is awesome. You get great schools, amazing food, and an easy ride to NYC or Boston. I would consider moving back if there was any mountains, but I enjoy the outdoors too much to live in CT.
where u live?


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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cuz sumone said daint no mountains round these parts. as if

why, they even roll right down to the sea, to white sand beaches!

heck, if u time it right in the spring, u can snowboard in the morning, then spin down the road and surfboard in the afternoon. u know where on this globe u can conveniently do that? answer: not too many places.
Connecticut: almost everrthing on the planet available, just in smaller packages.
this place is cool.
Aug 29, 2011
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Left is 2005. I don’t know what, if anything, would make us go back. I wish all in the northeast could experience life in the south. Not a better place to raise a family and grow wealth w/o taxes, and a high cost of living.
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