we must take action NOW | Page 2 | The Boneyard

we must take action NOW

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Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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How about we get the students to chant "PP needs to go" All kidding aside if we could get the students involved we'd be golden (no pun intended)

This assumes that there will be students in the student sections! Our student section is the worst in the country on good years. What can we expect in a season like this one??
Aug 26, 2011
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This assumes that there will be students in the student sections! Our student section is the worst in the country on good years. What can we expect in a season like this one??

Actually our student section has been very good in the past. But like everyone else it's hard to keep going strong when there is little hope of winning.
Aug 24, 2011
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How about someone hands out the P signs from CL82's sig? Get those handed out at each gate and hold them up during the game.
Aug 28, 2011
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So you'll quit if they quit...... very effective......but can you execute?

I am talking about individual players. I will never stop having interest in UCONN Football.

I chuckle when people say the players are quitting because they are upset at the coaching staff. How much more disrespectful can you be? I believe we have a roster filled with mostly high character kids. They are going to give it 100% regardless of the record. To imply that players are quitting because of the way this season is going is comical, and insulting to the players.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am talking about individual players. I will never stop having interest in UCONN Football.

I chuckle when people say the players are quitting because they are upset at the coaching staff. How much more disrespectful can you be? I believe we have a roster filled with mostly high character kids. They are going to give it 100% regardless of the record. To imply that players are quitting because of the way this season is going is comical, and insulting to the players.

Like I said in another post quitting is not a decision that is usually made on a conscience level. They are not saying "Screw it, I quit. I'm just going to go through the motions“

I don't think there is one player on the team that is enjoying this mess. But if you have no belief that what the coach's are teaching how can you hang in there during adversity.

The offense thinks GDL is an ass. They thought so last year and they still do. I don't remember hearing or reading about something like this inside the UConn program.
Aug 29, 2011
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I don't buy this quitting stuff either. If you quit playing on a football field, that's when you get seriously hurt.

THe difference to me, I guess, best way I can describe it right now as I'm thinking, is playing inspired vs. playing uninspired.

The team, last night, from start to finish, did not give what appeared to be a very inspired TEAM effort.

I don't believe there was any conscious decision about it at all, from anyone. It's the psychology of team sport in action.


Aug 24, 2011
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Quitting = im on a boat instead of a yatch
Mar 11, 2012
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I will not quit on the players on this team, but I've had enough with most coaching and coaches. I do not support civil disobedience but a mass message to the powers that be could be powerful. Call me Norma Rae....(we'll explain that reference to you youngsters....)

Since banners, flags, etc. are not permitted at the Rent, how about this for the next home game, November 9 vs. Pittsburgh:

Wear a light colored UCONN tee shirt (for visibility, not being the fashion police). Support the team.

On the back, create the P with the red circle and slash symbol (electrical, duct or seam tape would be a temporary fix, fabric paint/marker a permanent one).

Keep your creation covered during the game (not difficult, it's a night game in November).

At designated times during TV timeouts (at the end of the first and third quarter?) stand for about 30 seconds facing the turf, applauding. Then turn your back to the field and display your new sign silently. Sit down before the end of the timeout. Doing this during the TV timeout is CRITICAL. We don't want to embarrass the team in the national media (unfortunately the coaches are doing it enough). There is always the potential that the cameras will find it anyway.

I'm on the fence about this because I don't want current or future players think that I don't support them. Dumb idea or worth the risk?

I hope UCONN doesn't find me and revoke my season tickets.....
Aug 28, 2011
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Like I said in another post quitting is not a decision that is usually made on a conscience level. They are not saying "Screw it, I quit. I'm just going to go through the motions“

I don't think there is one player on the team that is enjoying this mess. But if you have no belief that what the coach's are teaching how can you hang in there during adversity.

The offense thinks GDL is an ass. They thought so last year and they still do. I don't remember hearing or reading about something like this inside the UConn program.

People have a right to be upset about the season, I know I am. But some things people say on here are ridiculous.

We just need to stop and think for a minute. Put yourself in the player's shoes. Assume they are frustrated with the coaching. Would that stop you consciously or not, from not going out there and firing off the ball and giving your absolute best? I know it wouldn't stop me.

I don't want any player like that on this team. And I highly doubt any of them have quit, consciously or not. It's called pride.


Aug 24, 2011
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I will not quit on the players on this team, but I've had enough with most coaching and coaches. I do not support civil disobedience but a mass message to the powers that be could be powerful. Call me Norma Rae....(we'll explain that reference to you youngsters....)

Since banners, flags, etc. are not permitted at the Rent, how about this for the next home game, November 9 vs. Pittsburgh:

Wear a light colored UCONN tee shirt (for visibility, not being the fashion police). Support the team.

On the back, create the P with the red circle and slash symbol (electrical, duct or seam tape would be a temporary fix, fabric paint/marker a permanent one).

Keep your creation covered during the game (not difficult, it's a night game in November).

At designated times during TV timeouts (at the end of the first and third quarter?) stand for about 30 seconds facing the turf, applauding. Then turn your back to the field and display your new sign silently. Sit down before the end of the timeout. Doing this during the TV timeout is CRITICAL. We don't want to embarrass the team in the national media (unfortunately the coaches are doing it enough). There is always the potential that the cameras will find it anyway.

I'm on the fence about this because I don't want current or future players think that I don't support them. Dumb idea or worth the risk?

I hope UCONN doesn't find me and revoke my season tickets.....

good idea. its a free country, u wont get in any trouble. u will get a ton of support from ppl when they see u walkin around. the cops have yet to come after me, and i've done way worse the past couple weeks:D


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Wait, we don't want the national media to see? I think we want the message to be seen/heard and the best way to do that is to get it on camera. Sure it's embarrassing to UConn but that's the whole friggin' point. Shame them into action.

By the way, I LOVE the no parking sign with the P crossed out. It's a perfect symbol that communicates the idea (Fire P) instantly to a mass audience. I say we print out hunderds or thousands of those on 8 x 11 1/2 (not a banner, but small enough to fold up in your pocket), and have people hold them up at designated times. A mass of UConn fans holding up those signs would show how unhappy the fanbase is.
Mar 11, 2012
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I left out an important point in my post: this is a flash mob type moment, folks, we all do it. Turn our backs to the field and show the no P sign on the back of our tee shirts.

Who's in?


Aug 24, 2011
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now were talking, keep the ideas coming. who can print mass paper out at the office. if we can get 10 yarders who rape the office copy machine we could have a blood bath of P signs!!!!! hell put them on cars under the wipers and like that. just go all out


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I am talking about individual players. I will never stop having interest in UCONN Football.

I chuckle when people say the players are quitting because they are upset at the coaching staff. How much more disrespectful can you be? I believe we have a roster filled with mostly high character kids. They are going to give it 100% regardless of the record. To imply that players are quitting because of the way this season is going is comical, and insulting to the players.

I don't believe that they are quitting but I do believe that many are completely demoralized and it is spreading like a cancer. It is difficult to maintain pride in what you are doing if you are continually being berated by the guy in the booth (who appears to wield more power than anyone involved in the program) and when assistants come to your aid, trying to encourage you or explain what the guy in the booth should have been explaining, that coach gets berated as well.

Another poster (better connected than i am) mentioned this (I believe he called the coach in question a miserable ) recently. This is getting quite ugly and I can only see things getting worse as the season runs towards its merciful end. I feel terrible for a lot of seniors as their careers should not have ended this way.
Aug 29, 2011
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I don't believe that they are quitting but I do believe that many are completely demoralized and it is spreading like a cancer. It is difficult to maintain pride in what you are doing if you are continually being berated by the guy in the booth (who appears to wield more power than anyone involved in the program) and when assistants come to your aid, trying to encourage you or explain what the guy in the booth should have been explaining, that coach gets berated as well.

Another poster (better connected than i am) mentioned this (I believe he called the coach in question a miserable ) recently. This is getting quite ugly and I can only see things getting worse as the season runs towards its merciful end. I feel terrible for a lot of seniors as their careers should not have ended this way.

FWIW: The seniors in 2011, didn't deserve to get what they got too, coming off the Fiesta Bowl. I agree with everything you are saying, except your appeal to that kind of emotional thing. College football is big business, and we are a part of it now.
Aug 29, 2011
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Also - when it comes to bullying, demeaning, getting in the face of your players and questioning them....that kind of thing......Deleone makes Calhoun look like a school girl.

It's old, old school football coaching mentality. If that's going to be the way you coach, you better go into the world, and find players, that will respond to it, and you better put players on the field that are going to respond to it.

I am no fan of Deleone, but it's not because he's an old school mean, hard ass of a coach. It's because his offensive system makes me sick.
Aug 24, 2011
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-some horde members are seeing it now, others are still blind at this point
-99% of this fanbase has had enough of this staff
-the players are quitting, they will always have our support tho
-the parents are fustrated, you also will always have our support
-we need to make sure as fans that the recruits know we are pulling for them and want them to be apart of this great family. please be outspoken and positive with them

as a fanbase, especially the diehards and lurkers here we all need to come together and make some sort of action that is viewable by all other fans, the media and most importantly the school/warde/susan. it needs to be massive and it needs to be done. more complaining and simple crys for hell wont do it. all that gets us is a fustrating year of sports. look what happened to cuse or bc. those fans took years of half ass crying about things until they had enough and started to truly revolt. they stoped going to games, tix sales down, donations etc. it took those fanbases years until they got hard core with it and finally are just now seeing change. i fear if we dont as a group put pressure on those higher up, considering the CF climate right now we could fall down the same path.

we need to come up with a serious message to put on display. i'm asking ppl here to give sugestion and lets figure this out. no bull****, this has to happen NOW. i'm thinking we need a 4 part plan
1) hit the media as a group. not ripping horde members, but non stop everyone needs to write all media outlets possible and keep driving home the issues.
2) fly flags upside down at our last home game this year. for those that go. for those that will not, mail your tickets to the ad with a simple message attached. the flags upside down will draw the small tiem fans to the movement.
3) lets pick a color for the pitt gam and all wear it. i'm thinking red is a pretty easy color. neither team reps it and its clearly seen
4) dont sit in your seats, everyone go to the score board area and stand for the game or maybe go to a upper section or something.

this is my idea but i'm sure there are better ones, lets here them and lets get something started. we can not hit jan 2nd with this staff in place. it would ruin everything this school has built the past 25 years. our fblall program is not far from off the cliff, lets save it. our bball program if there was ever time for another progrm to pick up this fanbase is now and were hurting, we can't let crapy fball effect our bball program from a media stand point. our baseball program built up and had a rebuilding year. the past year and a half has been extremely tough for us after a amazing 2010 on a whole. this schools needs us and it needs change.

JUst to be clear, the players do not have my support for quitting. They have to win me back as much as the coaches do. Losing doesn't make me withdraw emotionally, but quitting does.


Mar 30, 2012
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Get rid of DeLeone. I don't believe in bullying and demeaning players even in a well-designed offense -- I'd much rather get players excited to play -- but if you put them in an offense where it's very difficult for them to perform, and then abuse them when they don't succeed, you don't belong in coaching.
Aug 29, 2011
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Get rid of DeLeone. I don't believe in bullying and demeaning players even in a well-designed offense -- I'd much rather get players excited to play -- but if you put them in an offense where it's very difficult for them to perform, and then abuse them when they don't succeed, you don't belong in coaching.

The very same argument has been used against our recently retired Hall of Fame basketball coach.

Personally, I don't care if that's how a coach chooses to treat and motivate and press buttons in his players. Results matter, and if players aren't responding to that kind of coaching, but the coach produces results, then you need to find players that will respond, and there are players that need/want that kind of approach, and respond to it, and there are others that won't.

Results are what matter, Deleone's personality traits, I don't give a rat's ass about.

Deleone has completely failed to deliver results, in going on two years now, and that's why I think he should go, not because he berates players and coaches.
Aug 28, 2011
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One thing that really impressed me last season about our team was our performance against Cinci. It was about the worst start you could imagine, including a hand off to the other team in the end zone, but the players busted their ass, gave it their all, and kind of made a game of it. Compare that to last Sat against Cuse and you'd wonder if it's the same team. There's still time for this team to show some heart, but it'll be tough since we just played through the easy half of our BE schedule and have no wins to show for it. I also don't think you can put the lack of effort last week entirely on the coaches. This was a total failure.
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