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Off topic: my first car

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Aug 28, 2011
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My first car was a 1969 Olds Delta 88. A great big boat with a 455. Payed $250 for it, only running on 7 cylinders (blown lifter). When another lifter wore through I tore it apart and replaced all the lifters and the other parts I broke while "fixing" it. It averaged 11mpg. I was never far from the nearest gas station. The back seat was so big I stored my 10 speed bicycle in it, just in case. Just open the door and throw it in, plenty of room. I kept the seats Armor-All'd. Pity the fool who sat in the back seat while I was driving!! There was no way to hold on while they slid across the seat from door to door! After a year and a half I traded it in for a 1978 Honda Accord, the biggest POS I've ever owned. Honda has come a long way since the 70's. After a year and a half of repair costs more than the payments, I bought a 1982 Fort EXP (a 2 seat Ford Escort), another POS. Actually the car may have been OK, I stopped having problems when I stopped going to the Ford dealer. I got my payback, we lived in an apartment building bordering the dealers back lot. My brother and I played baseball in the courtyard, hit a few balls over the wall and dented a few cars. I've been driving Honda's ever since.
Aug 26, 2011
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My first car was a 1968 Pontiac LeMans. I got it in 1976 for 300 bucks which was pretty good even then. I made up for it in a bad way because of the darn parking rules in NYC. I was pretty much the only guy with a car in my crowd and it took us everywhere. Built like a tank thank God.
Aug 26, 2011
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First car was a 1951 Dodge with slush-o-matic - a primitive automatic transmission with
two gears. From a standing start you accelerated to 30 mph or so and then released the
gas pedal to shift into high gear.

Cost me $300, but I thought it was cool because it had a driver side searchlight that you
could operate with a handle inside the car. The girls weren't impressed though. (sigh)
Aug 26, 2011
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The first car purchased with my own money was this 1974 Toyota Celica GT while stationed at the Presidio of Monterey as a 19 year old making $378 a month(misguided priorities for sure). Drove it cross country twice. Taught my brother, my wife, and any number of curiously willing friends how to drive a stick with it. Replaced the timing chain at about 75,000 miles. Visited a good friend in Spencer, NY back in 1976 who took me on a fantastic tour of a number of Ithaca waterfalls.
74 Celica GT.jpeg


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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My first car was a ten -year old sky-blue Dodge Aries K that I bought from a little old lady with emphysema. I paid $500 for it in 1992 and I put four $19 tires on it.

It had 6,200 miles on it and was caked brown on the inside from cigarette smoke - the dents had dents and on a snowy afternoon when a coed whacked into it in a UConn parking lot, I could honestly tell her that I had no idea which dents were her's and which were legacy.

It was the absolute base model. It had a bench seat, no radio, no cigarette lighter and an engine that moved several inches every time the car changed direction. It didn't even have a passenger-side outside mirror - the entire earth to the right side of that car constituted the blind spot.

It was, in short, a raging piece of s---.

My brother and I set it on fire at a gas station once. Was a heck of a story - it entertained some girl enough that she eventually married me.


Aug 14, 2011
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Just sold my first car and I'm taking it a lot harder than I thought I would.
1994 Camry, it'd been in our family through different relatives all its years.
Any of you remember and have stories of your first car?

1961 Ford Fairlane. It had been garaged for most of its 16 years when I got it in 1977. It had a manual choke, and got eight miles per gallon. During the gas crisis I had to get in line with a 1/4 tank to be sure I didn't run out of gas while waiting to buy gas.
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