Incontrovertible visual evidence of GDL malpractice | The Boneyard

Incontrovertible visual evidence of GDL malpractice

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Oct 1, 2011
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I suppose the folks who are more eager to blame the players than the coaching would throw Bullock and Frank under the bus for this kill shot on Whitmer. To me, everyone who is blocking someone is "doing their job" as BB says. You can't tell me that both Bullock and Frank were coached at any point to watch out for the blitz.

Aug 26, 2011
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Honestly, I don't think I have ever seen Frank make a block.

If the FB even nicked the blitzer - that play was set up for big gain. Microcosm of whole season.
Aug 26, 2011
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The block was ALL on're honestly an idiot if you think that missed block is on the coaches, I really don't know what to tell you

The blitzer should have been called out before the snap and either the leader of the O-line or the QB needs to move Frank to protect the blitzer.....this can't be on GDL and if you think it is, please start bashing your head into the wall instead of making following this message board unbearable
Nov 17, 2011
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What happened to Osciecki? He is an absolute bull, still learning, but if we are having problems, it could be helpful to have him frank and an rb/mccummings in a the same time. Is it injury? Doghouse? Too productive a player?
Nov 17, 2011
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Thanks, flyer88. I didn't even see any reports. I have also been very busy so I didn't get to check any media stuff during the past week or so. I hope he returns soon.
Aug 27, 2011
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The block was ALL on're honestly an idiot if you think that missed block is on the coaches, I really don't know what to tell you

The blitzer should have been called out before the snap and either the leader of the O-line or the QB needs to move Frank to protect the blitzer.....this can't be on GDL and if you think it is, please start bashing your head into the wall instead of making following this message board unbearable

It is entirel their fault. Either they teach them and evaluate that they can do it and play them, or find the player that can. They fail on either account. They need to be fired immediately. These kids are nowhere as bad as these coaches have made them
Oct 1, 2011
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The block was ALL on're honestly an idiot if you think that missed block is on the coaches, I really don't know what to tell you

The blitzer should have been called out before the snap and either the leader of the O-line or the QB needs to move Frank to protect the blitzer.....this can't be on GDL and if you think it is, please start bashing your head into the wall instead of making following this message board unbearable

Flyer, yes, in the normal football world you and I are familiar with that is the proper protocol (along with line calls by the center). This is only one play, but this stuff is happening so often (and happened on back-to-back plays Friday!) that it's not a stretch to believe these guys are being so poorly coached and prepared that they aren't even being taught or alerted to the basics.
Aug 26, 2011
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Flyer, yes, in the normal football world you and I are familiar with that is the proper protocol (along with line calls by the center). This is only one play, but this stuff is happening so often (and happened on back-to-back plays Friday!) that it's not a stretch to believe these guys are being so poorly coached and prepared that they aren't even being taught or alerted to the basics.

It's also not a stretch to think you are stretching like Stretch Armstrong w/ that comment.

Aug 29, 2011
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I'm of the firm belief, that when a student is performing badly, it's the teacher's fault.

That said, this frigging thing, in this clip, has been happening - all season long, and not just with the player isolated in this clip. This offense, on the field, simply can't match up. Basics - and yes - when a fullback is lined up in the backfield, and he doesn't have a pass route to run, the first players he should be keying on - are the frigging linebackers. Griffin - who's become a very good blocker, from what he once was, has the DE engaged and blocked, and that kind of thing, showing on film that he can engage and block a DE 1-1, is going to get him drafted.

The center picks up the MLB dog up the middle, the fullback, is looking at the DE? FInd the other linebacker....fullback, fill the open space in the line, if it's a zone system.

This is just one example. Now - it's happened alot _ what do you do? Keep runnign the same plays? For the same players? It seems that's the case.

I'm sick of it. Deleone is completely out of touch with what's happening on the field. I can't even begin to try to understand how he's teaching this offense to perform, because they can't match up. They can't match up with a simple 4-3 front sending two linebackers into gaps - 6 pass rushers against 7 blockers. A LB runs through a lane you can drive a truck through, and gets a full speed free shot inton our QB's ribs.

When the students fail once or twice - it's on the students. But if the students are failing, consistently, it's the teacher's fault - for both failing to get them to perform, and repeatedly putting them in position to fail.

There is a HUGE disconnect in the entire offense. Who's coaching those backs? How do they match up with what the OL is communicating?



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Feb 12, 2012
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Basics - and yes - when a fullback is lined up in the backfield, and he doesn't have a pass route to run, the first players he should be keying on - are the frigging linebackers.

This is absolutely the first thing that I thought of when I saw the clip. How in the hell does the FB find himself wider than the left tackle in the protection scheme??? Linebackers, son!!! Linebackers!! Let Jimmy handle that guy, and pick up the friggin' linebackers!!!
Aug 29, 2011
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The block was ALL on're honestly an idiot if you think that missed block is on the coaches, I really don't know what to tell you

The blitzer should have been called out before the snap and either the leader of the O-line or the QB needs to move Frank to protect the blitzer.....this can't be on GDL and if you think it is, please start bashing your head into the wall instead of making following this message board unbearable

If it was once or twice, even more than that - I agree flyer I do.....

But this is not isolated, to a single player and single situation. When students regularly fail at something, it's on the teachers.
Aug 29, 2011
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This is absolutely the first thing that I thought of when I saw the clip. How in the hell does the FB find himself wider than the left tackle in the protection scheme??? Linebackers, son!!! Linebackers!! Let Jimmy handle that guy, and pick up the friggin' linebackers!!!

Griffin had the DE. Bennett had the DT. Bullock picked up the first LB blitzing, and the right side was blocked well.

AGain - as I've noted - Frank completely screwed this play. In an isolated event, isolated player - Flyer is absolutely right.

The problem, is that this has been happening - REPEATEDLY ALL SEASON LONG. and not just with a single player, or position group (OL and Backs both)

Personally, I think the OL, since Bulloch got in, is improving, somewhat.....but it doesn't matter, if the offense as a whole, cannot function to block 6 pass rushers, with 7 guys. Again - not isolated incidents here - trends - all season long.

Defensive players must salivate watching our offensive clips.

THat's on the offensive coordinator, and head coach, and what and how they're teaching it. These guys are driving my beloved Huskies into the ground, and it's really beginning to irritate me.
Aug 29, 2011
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sorry - it was LG greene that picked up the first LB. C/RG/RT had the right side blocked.
Sep 17, 2011
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How often in the last 2 years have we seen guards double up with the center and let a blitzer blow by w/o even noticing him? Identifying the potential blitzers is like a foreign language to us.
Aug 29, 2011
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How often in the last 2 years have we seen guards double up with the center and let a blitzer blow by w/o even noticing him? Identifying the potential blitzers is like a foreign language to us.

It's stuff like this, that really makes me wonder, what these coaches are teaching, and how they organize their practices. It's mind boggling to have to wonder, that guys with as much time in the game as these coaches.....can't get an offense together on the field, that can match up and block effectively - in nearly 2 years now.

The only explanation I can come up with, is that whatever they are teaching, isn't being learned well enough to put in action on the field - and that - is most definitely on the teacher. Deleone has got to go, his systems are driving this program into the ground, we are performing worse on the field, than we ever have, since making the upgrade to 1-A, and that includes the early years.

If P can't bring himself to relieve his friend of his duties, then unfortunately - he's got to go too.
Aug 29, 2011
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You know, I keep thinking about stuff like this, and I look at the game, and I wonder - if Frank did what he was taught to do. To help out on the TE/DE block on this play. Because Griffin was isolated on the DE, in the defensive front.

I think back to what I saw against Rutgers, against Temple, against everybody......I listen to the coaches/read their quotes.

A protection wasn't called right there, here. Wish we had called a different protection for that's entirely possible to me that based on whatever the play call was, and the system Deleone uses, that Frank did exactly what he was taught to do, and helped out on the TE iso.

In that case - if that can be true, might be true, then the offensive system is a failure. Period. If a defense can simply send a 6th rusher at a 7 man blocking front, and the blockign system can't account for that 6th man - the system is a F(CKING failure.

Am I reaching? I don't know. I know that a high school fullback, can line up in an off set I, stay in the backfield to pass protect and pick up a blitzing linebacker, as long as he's taught to be looking at the linebackers.

I despise George Deleon's offense. I had hoped, that it would not come to this, that we would be able to maintain the ability to block in the run game, and simply build a passing offense on top of it.

There are 11 people on the field, teach the players to count, and focus on something to count off from, and let them play.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm seriously looking for comments/input from other football x's and o's minds here. THis video clip is an excellent piece to look at - thanks to whoever put it up.

Am I reaching? I have absolutely no knoweldge of what's happening in practices, how they practice and what the play calling, and basic fundamental concepts of the offense are.

BUt I look at this clip, and I see a formation going up against a very NON-confusing 4-3 defensive front.

I look at this, and then I think about what happened right after, and everything that's happening, and my gut reaction (the same reaction that everyone else has had) - that Frnak completely blew it - is probably not correct.

I think it's much more likely, that Deleone's system, is such that specific roles for each player are involved in pass protections, and there are specific blockign roles to each play, and that Frank, helped out on a TE iso block on the DE - exactly the way he was probably taught to.

THe problem, then becomes that our players, are not being taught to match up with the defensive alignment, and are being taught to play according to a script and roles - and therefore - is a defense sends that 6th pass rusher, over the strong side of our formation, because the TE and FB were programmed to combo block the DE - the QB gets his ribs cracked.

People? Thoughts? Am I just reaching for something?

Because I have seen this kind of thing, all season long, it's not an isolated incident. I listent to the coaches talk about not calling the right "protections", or wishing they had switched something after the fact.
Aug 29, 2011
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Just looks like Frank didn't pick up the blitz, or thought one of the Guards was gonna get him.

I agree, that's what it looks like. I would love to know....LOVE to know...if Frank did what he was coached to do on this play, or not.

Reporters? Beat writers?
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