Adamec: No renewal of UConn-Tennessee in Sight | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Adamec: No renewal of UConn-Tennessee in Sight

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Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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I will say again that I do believe that the onset of Pat's Alzheimer's may well have played into the situation, as well. The issues of dementia often play to the issues of paranoia. Pat's statements and actions at the time seem to show a degree of paranoia and the inability to be specific about details, also, can be readily related to memory issues. It is not possible to say for sure but the averasge time from onset to diagnosis is about 3.2 years last I knew.
Nov 27, 2012
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get over it already its been years its the greatest rivarly in the womens game forget about the past time to move on no game in womens basketball can possibly even come close to tennessee vs uconn. sorry but baylor vs uconn or notre dame vs uconn just isnt the same lets get this rivarly started back up again forget about everything else lets just play some basketball
Agree with you 100%


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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John A wrote in his blog:

Sources have since told the Courant that Warlick will not reschedule UConn out of respect to Summitt’s wishes and that while Summitt’s relationship with Auriemma has apparently mended, Warlick apparently is not ready to forgive and forget.

Sounds like Holly is not the one who isn't ready to forgive and forget. Some inconsistent statements coming out of Knoxville are beginning to make sense. I doubt Holly expected the reaction she received.
Tough to reconcile. My guess is that Holy knew the answer was no and spun this response to the media.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Seems clear no in season game is happening anytime soon. The UConn conditions are the rough equivalent of asking Robert E. Lee to apologize to William Tecumseh Sherman, or so it will or does doubtlessly appear to those in the Tenn program. Pat was always imperious, prickly and entitled and for many years when she said hop the NCAA women's committee hopped. That Tenn's ridiculous, slanderous gambit failed was probably beyond bitter to her and her acolyte Warwick. Let them stew in it.
Ironic comparision since Lee did refuse to engage Sherman during Sherman's march to the sea. It didn't work out well for Lee either.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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I think that if a coach makes comments about a competing coach's personal life with the intent of gaining an advantage with a recruit that might be considered cheating. I.E "You don't want to play for them, their coach kicks her dog whenever they lose"

I don't know if Auriemma actually made comments about Summitt. I believe that she thought he did.

I believe many female coaches tell recruits they don't want to play for a man, they'd rather play for a women coach??????????? Just something to think about. Geno has been beat up on many occasions by female coaches recruiting like its cold in CT, its in the middle of nowhere for example. Now that UConn is on top of WCBB there isn't much that can be said.
Jan 29, 2012
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as a texas fan during the conradt era - it amazed me reading all the hate and jealousy on that other board. i remember that betty beanster as she was called always had her bloomers in a wad. and that maria was a joke. just to hear her go on and on and on about Uconn & the hate towards Geno made my behind want to dip snuff. and who the hell was doc cherie??
i thought that scandal that they created was so stupid. it backfired on them for sure.

i still remember that great game in atlanta on 2003. that was a barn burner for sure!!! thank the lord that "she" is gone. hell i wont even want to mention her name ever again. we are happy with who we have now and as im sure you know we finally have a coach and staff who can recruit the state of Texas and not stuck in quick sand like it was for the past 5 years.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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I will say again that I do believe that the onset of Pat's Alzheimer's may well have played into the situation, as well. The issues of dementia often play to the issues of paranoia. Pat's statements and actions at the time seem to show a degree of paranoia and the inability to be specific about details, also, can be readily related to memory issues. It is not possible to say for sure but the averasge time from onset to diagnosis is about 3.2 years last I knew.
Very likely, especially considering the 30+ pages of mindless confused blather, a sign that something wasn't right in the Pat Head. But pulling that doc all together indicates a cabal of CREEP-style acolytes (hope that's not too political, Boo) behind Pat who were ready to shovel all the crap for their exalted rockerless leader. And it's clear from the "forgive and forget" language that nothing has really changed down in Knox-land with Saint Pat sitting in her reliquary, and they will ride their attitude into the sunset. Having any contact with UTenn at this point makes you want to run for a long hot shower, which is a pity, because at one time UConn-UTenn couldn't be beat.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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no link to the 37 pages for the newbies

btw where is B&WKid?


Aug 26, 2011
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Very likely, especially considering the 30+ pages of mindless confused blather, a sign that something wasn't right in the Pat Head. But pulling that doc all together indicates a cabal of CREEP-style acolytes (hope that's not too political, Boo) behind Pat who were ready to shovel all the crap for their exalted rockerless leader. And it's clear from the "forgive and forget" language that nothing has really changed down in Knox-land with Saint Pat sitting in her reliquary, and they will ride their attitude into the sunset. Having any contact with UTenn at this point makes you want to run for a long hot shower, which is a pity, because at one time UConn-UTenn couldn't be beat.

DB, don't be so sensitive...

I too agree that Pat's illness is one of the likely drivers of the troubles. Paranoia and unhealthy fixation are early symptoms... I would add one additional element... it could reasonably be argued that some of the "CREEP-style acolytes" played a central role in the birth and nourishment of this sad saga beyond the vile drivel that became such a large part of the identity of The Summitt in the weeks, months and years leading up to and after the complaint was filed. Now there's a run-on sentence for ya...

Think about the info that was contained in the SEC/TN complaint... It was filled to the gills with items that were a constant part of daily diet of The Summitt's world in the days leading up to the filing. Many of us recall the obsessive parsing and dissecting of BY posts. We also recall our surprise to find Tony's and other BY luminaries words used as "key evidence" of Geno's dastardly deeds. Think back to the issue of the candy bars & blimps homemade recruit signs... And then the darkest of all the issues::: The Wendy's Fries.... What really got them so excited about those french fires? Did PHS prefer deep fried onion rings? Or mebbe, Pork rings??? And why no bacon??? What's up with that?

Ask yourself how did PHS/PHS's staff even become aware of those BY posts? Who do you think may have given them to her? Did UTenn have a phalanx of staff members monitoring all of the fan boards looking for tidbits that may aid them in dropping a dime on their opponents?

All one has to do is consider who would have even known about those BY post and then have the necessary access in order to PHS to give those BY posts to her or her staff?

It's not much of a stretch to ponder the possibilities that few of those "CREEP-style acolytes" may have played a key role in the ugliness as many of them have repeatably pointed out their close ties to the key figures. That's worth at least a good solid, Hmmmmm...

I'm so very happy that we don't play them anymore and even more happy that The Summitt is a private board these days... I've had more than my fill of their hair-brained theories, non-sensical accusations and that dismal thing that passes for "logic" in the hills covered by the orange mist ::::::Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the lockerroom icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Summitt out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow WCBB programs...
I hope that we never meet them on the court again. I draw no pleasure from their vile drama.



The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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I've always believed Pat's decision to cancel the series was all about recruiting and had nothing to do with things she believed were said about her personal life. She said he cheated at recruiting and Geno said that's what Pat told him. But as Geno also said, she didn't have the guts to say it publicly and answer questions about her charges because she wouldn't have been able to do so without looking and sounding petty and ridiculous. So, instead, she chose the cowardly and manipulative path: "Geno knows."

I'm pleased Geno has taken the stance that Tennessee has some explaining to do. Summitt publicly attacked Geno's integrity and the integrity of his program and some of his players without backing up her accusations. She did that on more than one occasion, including after he had been chosen to be the next Olympic Coach. Seriously, what male coach would be able to do that without the national media crashing down on him? Imagine Coach K or Dean Smith publicly accusing the other of cheating in recruiting and not backing up those accusations with facts. Although the Connecticut media had plenty to say about the matter, the national media refused to demand that Summitt back up her accusations. I think this may explain why Geno felt it was better to occupy the high ground for much of the past few years. Now, given an opportunity to speak directly to the accusers, he has quietly yet firmly defended himself, his coaches, his players (hello Maya) and his program. The ball is now in Holly's court.

agree - with everything here.
Aug 26, 2011
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I was one of those who were in favor of playing Tenn. again, until I read tonyC's post. I had never thought about the potential consequences he mentioned. I wonder of having to look at the color orange causes dementia.

More likely it was the recognition by Pat and others that the top dog in women's college basketball had become a husky and they were desperate to stop it.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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I will say again that I do believe that the onset of Pat's Alzheimer's may well have played into the situation, as well. The issues of dementia often play to the issues of paranoia. Pat's statements and actions at the time seem to show a degree of paranoia and the inability to be specific about details, also, can be readily related to memory issues. It is not possible to say for sure but the averasge time from onset to diagnosis is about 3.2 years last I knew.

Thought about this possibility for a bit now and then. In light of the well known deterioration in the relationship between Geno and Mrs WCBB over several years and the fact that at least several other people had a hand in that NCAA fiasco, but more importantly the fact that she is not even now so far gone as to not know the flimsiness of what she was up to ....No she was just rotten and did it out of spite as a contrivance to stop the bleeding in the Legacy.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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It is very possible it was a mixture of both.
Oct 3, 2011
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No joke.

I posted a link to a Tennessee news conference. The Summitt admin felt it was a link to private information and talked to her attorney sister who suggested she call the FBI. She did contact them.

Once we showed her that the video was on a free site with no restrictive access and didn't break any copyright laws she backed off.

Still waiting for her apology.

Wow. I was around during this time, but I never saw this come up! Wow. That's just...:eek: :eek: nuts.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Wow. I was around during this time, but I never saw this come up! Wow. That's just...:eek: :eek: nuts.
By going to pay to play they have essentially decided to claim control and rights to the whole board as copyrighted and protected material. Oy!
Oct 15, 2011
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I can understand your hatred towards Tennessee, but why the animosity towards UNC and Notre Dame?

Easy, I think there are some shady deals being down at Chapel Hill. Whilest I cannot prove it I have not mentioned it, however, you asked me why and since it is my personal feelings on the matter, I feel it is okay to offer you my rationale without exact proof. There class of the super six, which ended up losing members, and might have gained other people who knows is fishy to me.

Notre Dame I have an issue with the way they play. Skylar Diggins for example is a flopping primadonna. It started a number of years ago when their players would just fall to the ground hoping to get foul calls. There have been a number of instances where it has been proven that they flopped hoping to receive a call.

I also find it interesting that a number of recruits who had been reported as UCONN leans ended up at those places. DeSheilds and Turner for example. I wonder if anything was said.... especially about the Big East falling apart that they might have used to help them recruit players.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Wow. I was around during this time, but I never saw this come up! Wow. That's just...:eek: :eek: nuts.

Nuts is one of the words to describe what was going on up until the series was cancelled. Tenn beat Baylor while trailing with .002 seconds left when a Baylor player and Tenn player were going for the ball. The ref called a foul on Baylor and replay after replay showed nothing. Then there was Clockwork Orange. RU at Tenn leading the game and with seconds left the clock never started or started very late and Tenn got several shots they should not have gotten and won the game at the line. After the game the TV announcers screamed about the clock and time should've run out but nothing happened. Then there were big games critical games where at Tenn the LVs went to the line 40+ times vs 10 or less by their opponent to win. You think they had some pull or it was a coincidence???? I forgot many of the other times Tenn came out on top when miracles happened.

The two Tenn killers were Diana and Sue and Diana was always able to make the big shot at the most critical time against Tenn. She was truly unbelievable and you cant make up what she was able to do . The 65 ft shot at the buzzer of half time and the turn around jumper under duress from 22 ft where just a couple of her highlights. Dianas FF games against Tenn were the best. She always excelled to a level that no one has ever seen.

Yes some Tenn fans hate Geno and UConn with a passion. Your getting a taste what it was like from this thread. Living it was worse. They will imo do anything to win and it was almost like Pat and Tenn got every call when they needed it...except the call that would've taken UConn out of WCBB. JMO folks.
Dec 23, 2011
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I may have missed a couple of posts, but I love tonyc's comments re: Vol Nation and their incessant attempts to tear down our program..... I am all in favor of taking the high road..... but...."Forgive, but NEVER forget".... and part of that is if we ever agree to play again, have them (UT).... explain a degree and standard more discerning than the broad sweeping statement "If Geno wants to say what the details are, so be it....etc"

I wish UT the best, ..... Holly seems like a good person.... Dean is a trooper.... but the guns they all pointed at us several yrs ago make me stand guard always.....


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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As a neutral observer... I looked forward to the regular season matchup back in the day.... other than the UNC-Duke matchup.... it was the must see WCBB game of the year for me. If the series is renewed... . great...... I'll order a pizza and sit down and watch it.... if not..... great...... I'll order a pizza and sit down and watch Seinfield reruns.... :)
Seinfeld reruns work for me too!!! You have to stand for something-Geno & U Conn will stand on their principles.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I will say again that I do believe that the onset of Pat's Alzheimer's may well have played into the situation, as well. The issues of dementia often play to the issues of paranoia. Pat's statements and actions at the time seem to show a degree of paranoia and the inability to be specific about details, also, can be readily related to memory issues. It is not possible to say for sure but the averasge time from onset to diagnosis is about 3.2 years last I knew.
Maybe Ice but it's not like Pat did this alone. Her AD, her staff, Maria on the checkerboard and many others are complicit. Heck, the complaint came through the SEC. If this was Pat being irrational, wouldn't have someone have taken her aside and say "I understand your concerns (even if they didn't) but the stuff in this complaint is petty and not actionable. Let it go." That that didn't happen makes me believe that the end game was always to use Pat's bully pulpit to damage the program and hurt recruiting. That's about as dirty and cowardly as it gets.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Maybe Ice but it's not like Pat did this alone. Her AD, her staff, Maria on the checkerboard and many others are complicit. Heck, the complaint came through the SEC. If this was Pat being irrational, wouldn't have someone have taken her aside and say "I understand your concerns (even if they didn't) but the stuff in this complaint is petty and not actionable. Let it go." That that didn't happen makes me believe that the end game was always to use Pat's bully pulpit to damage the program and hurt recruiting. That's about as dirty and cowardly as it gets.

I agree with that 100% and, actually, hold them much more responsible. I will say, however, they, too, may not have realized what was going on with Pat at that point and may well have misunderstood any erratic behavior. Until one has been closely involved with an Alzheimer's patient or several it is very hard to understand. In addition the deference with which Pat had been treated in the past probably made what you suggest extremely difficult, even unlikely.


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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I agree with that 100% and, actually, hold them much more responsible. I will say, however, they, too, may not have realized what was going on with Pat at that point and may well have misunderstood any erratic behavior. Until one has been closely involved with an Alzheimer's patient or several it is very hard to understand. In addition the deference with which Pat had been treated in the past probably made what you suggest extremely difficult, even unlikely.

especially in the very early stages.
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