Your favorite videogames (rpgs) | The Boneyard

Your favorite videogames (rpgs)

Dec 6, 2016
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I am curious, who plays videogames as a time killer or for fun or for any other reason?

If so, what are your favorite genres, systems and games?

I have been enjoying old school tactical rpgs (or srpgs) as of late for my favorite system, the snes. Ya, that is old school but I don't care, it has the best games and gameplay IMO, flaws and all.

I played a fan translation of Tactics Ogre which was a very tough game. I have also been enjoying some of the (fan translated) Fire Emblem games, especially FE3, Book 1 and 2.

I also enjoy a lot of Jrpgs like Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire and Dragon Quest but tons of lesser known ones too. Action rpgs like Secret of Mana or puzzle driven action rpgs like Alundra and Zelda. Srpgs (strategy) like the aforementioned Tactics Ogre or lesser known ones like
Saiyuki: Journey West. Generally I do not like first person games like Might and Magic but I loved Arcana.

I also like cyberpunk settings like Shadowrun.

For non rpgs I, of course love platformers like Mario (even beat the lost levels), Donkey Kong, Megaman (especially 10) and Demons Crest.

What about you, what videogames do you play?
Jan 11, 2013
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Videogames are one of my very favorite things. I don't have time to play them like I used to but back in the day RPGs and JRPGs were probably my favorite genre.

Alundra (1&2), Brave Fencer Musashi, Breath of Fire, Chrono Cross, Dragon Warrior, All the Final Fantasy's (especially Tactics), Front Mission, Grandia, Legend of Dragoon, Lunar, Star Ocean, Tales Series, Vagrant Story, Valkyrie Profile, Wild Arms, Xenogears

Panzer Dragoon Saga is possibly to this day one of the most sublime experiences I've ever had playing a videogame. Every moment was enjoyable, it deserves all the hype as one of the greatest RPGs and games of all time. Shining Force III

Various others from that era like Zelda and the Mario RPGs are all tremendous as well. I didn't have any Nintendo or Sega systems when I was really young so I missed out on most of the ones on those unfortunately. We had a TurboGrafx-16, which was pretty awesome but was mostly limited to stuff like Ys and Dungeon Explorer. They were fun but were much lesser known of course.

PS2, XBox, Dreamcast, PS3, 360, Wii, PS4 and XBone all have some pretty good ones of course but I'll keep it to the old school (for me) for now.

These days I don't get to every big RPG and have flat out missed out on some of the biggest (Mass Effect), but stuff like Fallout, Borderlands, Skyrim and The Witcher are pretty great. So many games have RPG elements these days too.

@Deepelm get in here.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Chrono Trigger, Dragon Warrior series, Phantasy Star.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am curious, who plays videogames as a time killer or for fun or for any other reason?

If so, what are your favorite genres, systems and games?

I have been enjoying old school tactical rpgs (or srpgs) as of late for my favorite system, the snes. Ya, that is old school but I don't care, it has the best games and gameplay IMO, flaws and all.

I played a fan translation of Tactics Ogre which was a very tough game. I have also been enjoying some of the (fan translated) Fire Emblem games, especially FE3, Book 1 and 2.

I also enjoy a lot of Jrpgs like Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire and Dragon Quest but tons of lesser known ones too. Action rpgs like Secret of Mana or puzzle driven action rpgs like Alundra and Zelda. Srpgs (strategy) like the aforementioned Tactics Ogre or lesser known ones like
Saiyuki: Journey West. Generally I do not like first person games like Might and Magic but I loved Arcana.

I also like cyberpunk settings like Shadowrun.

For non rpgs I, of course love platformers like Mario (even beat the lost levels), Donkey Kong, Megaman (especially 10) and Demons Crest.

What about you, what videogames do you play?

Never got into RPGs... Any MechWarrior/Battletech related video game has gotten my attention over the years. The first computer I ever had came with MechWarrior 2 on it and it sucked me in big time. I even tried the board game when I was bored on a deployment and it was pretty awesome, but fat chance you will find anyone that still plays it. It’s from the same developer as Shadowrun so I am hoping you have heard of it.

The PC Battletech game that came out last spring is pretty good, but it was too RPG for me. I just wanted to blow things up and the NPCs got all snowflakey between missions. So I still have to finish that one. This whole thing is a guilty nerdy pleasure for me.

For console games I always play FIFA but I loved all of the Metal Gear Solid games. I don’t get into the First Person Shooters much and I like the stealth aspect of the game. I played the first three Assassin’s creed games because of the stealth aspect, but the free roam and the repetitiveness ruined it for me.
Jan 11, 2013
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Never got into RPGs... Any MechWarrior/Battletech related video game has gotten my attention over the years. The first computer I ever had came with MechWarrior 2 on it and it sucked me in big time. I even tried the board game when I was bored on a deployment and it was pretty awesome, but fat chance you will find anyone that still plays it. It’s from the same developer as Shadowrun so I am hoping you have heard of it.

The PC Battletech game that came out last spring is pretty good, but it was too RPG for me. I just wanted to blow things up and the NPCs got all snowflakey between missions. So I still have to finish that one. This whole thing is a guilty nerdy pleasure for me.

For console games I always play FIFA but I loved all of the Metal Gear Solid games. I don’t get into the First Person Shooters much and I like the stealth aspect of the game. I played the first three Assassin’s creed games because of the stealth aspect, but the free roam and the repetitiveness ruined it for me.
I’m sure you have, but you ever try the Armored Core or Zone of the Ender games? There’s a Gundam game for PS4 that’s supposed to be decent too.
Aug 26, 2011
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I’m sure you have, but you ever try the Armored Core or Zone of the Ender games? There’s a Gundam game for PS4 that’s supposed to be decent too.

I tried a couple of the Armored Core games ages ago. It was pretty good. Never played Zone of Enders but I am familiar with it because Hideo Kojima put Zone of Enders Easter Eggs in the Metal Gear games.
Jan 11, 2013
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Oh, one last thing to add. I couldn’t be more excited for Cyberpunk 2077. I hope CD Projekt Red can deliver because it has the makings of something absolutely incredible.
Jan 11, 2013
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I tried a couple of the Armored Core games ages ago. It was pretty good. Never played Zone of Enders but I am familiar with it because Hideo Kojima put Zone of Enders Easter Eggs in the Metal Gear games.
You’ve got me thinking about Mech games now. Omega Boost back in the day on PS1 was pretty sweet. From the makers of the Gran Turismo games before they went car sim only.
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Aug 26, 2011
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You’ve got me thinking about Mech games now. Omega Boost back in the day on PS1 was pretty sweet. From the makers of the Grab Turismo games before they went car sim only.

MechWarrior is still the gold standard for mech games for me. It’s practically a genre in itself.
Dec 6, 2016
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comments are in the quote box!

Videogames are one of my very favorite things. I don't have time to play them like I used to but back in the day RPGs and JRPGs were probably my favorite genre.
Alundra (1&2)
-I did not like 2 as much and I was kind of bummed out but I remember there being, I think, a casino game that I spent hours on for, I think, 1 item!

Brave Fencer Musashi
-Ugh, I could never get past that darn dancing competition at the end of the game. One of the rare 16/32 bit era rpgs I started and could not finish, grrr.

Breath of Fire
-I felt 1 and 2 were too grind heavy and beating them was nice but felt like a chore at times. I loved 3 the most and consider it the pinnacle of the series. 4 was, interesting, in many ways that worked.

Chrono Cross
-Chrono Trigger was amazing so I had high expectations for this one and, for the most part, it delivered!

Dragon Warrior
-I played the fan translations of 5 and 6. I think DQ7 will always be my favorite of the 7 I have played (the first 7). I have not tried 8 and after.

All the Final Fantasy's (especially Tactics)
-Tactics was super hard, what a rewarding experience to beat it. I think my favorite FFs, in order are 6, 5, 4, 9, 7 and 8. I have not played 10 or after.

Front Mission
-Did you play the fan translation of the snes version? It has quite the learning curve but turns out being super fun in the end. There is also a side scrolling front mission for the snes with rpg elements, also fan translated.

-Fun game, one of the longest rpgs I have played!

Legend of Dragoon
-My second disk broke so I never beat this one :(.. Looked cool but kind of a FF7 clone if I remember, or maybe FF8 clone.

SSSC was an incredible game, beautiful in its simplicity and just so fun. I did not like Eternal Blue as much, however.

Star Ocean
-Star Ocean 2nd story was one of my all time favorite games! I have beaten it probably 3 times. Attempted that bonus dungeon once and it was too hard to finish! Have you played the fan translation of the snes game?

Tales Series
-The two for the psx were my favorite but there was a fan translation of the snes that was also pretty good but encounter rate killed it a little.

Vagrant Story
-I owned but never got a chance to play :(

Valkyrie Profile
-Incredible game! Enix during its golden era.

Wild Arms
-I only beat 1 and 2....1 multiple time sin fact and the first time I beat that really difficult extra boss.

-I will never forget all the dialogue, my goodness! Took a long time to beat.


Panzer Dragoon Saga
-Never played it but heard it was incredible.

Shining Force III

-The first two for the genesis were so much fun, as well as the ones for the gamegear.

Various others from that era like Zelda
-For sure, without saying!

and the Mario RPGs
-Fun as well!

TurboGrafx-16, which was pretty awesome but was mostly limited to stuff like Ys and Dungeon Explorer. They were fun but were much lesser known of course.
-But Ys was amazing at least! There are 3 fan translations that I know of, at least, for Ys 4 (snes version), Ys 4 for the Turbo, Ys 5 for the snes (the best!).

Someone also mentioned Phantasy Star 4 which is one of my all time favorite games. 2 and 3 are also under rated IMO, especially 3. Genesis had some solid action rpgs like Beyond Oasis, Landstalker, Crusader of Centy, Light Fantasy, shadowrun (snes version is better IMO but genesis one is under rated), Rent a hero (fan translation) and I suppose Sword of Vermillion could be considered action, at least somewhat. Fatal Labyrinth and Ys 3, not so much, hurt my thumbs on that last boss for Ys 3.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Thanks for the @ @Mano !

I am still grinding the crap out of Rainbow Six Siege these days. Though I am still a sucker for Fallout 4 and spending hours messing around in the wasteland. Some one above mentioned the Witcher. I never played the first 2 but Witcher 3 may be one of the best RPG games ever made. The graphics, the game play, the story, the choice based changes. Its so good, I probably played that one for more hours than I care to mention. Same thing with Skyrim.

I cant wait for Red Dead Redemption 2 in a couple of weeks. It looks so good and I have been waiting and waiting on that one. Agree on Cyberpunk 2077, look dope as hell.

Have any of you seen a game called Generation Zero? If not check it out, looks pretty cool and the beta drops next week. I think you can still sign up for the beta for one more day.

Looking forward to playing the new AC as well, it looks amazing and is supposed to be on par with Witcher 3.
Jan 11, 2013
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MechWarrior is still the gold standard for mech games for me. It’s practically a genre in itself.
No doubt. Last one, ever try Steel Battalion with its custom $150 controller?
Aug 26, 2011
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No doubt. Last one, ever try Steel Battalion with its custom $150 controller?

I never did. I heard it was hard as hell though. I just watched a video of game play on YouTube and I am certain I would have liked it. I bet the custom controllers go for quite a bit of money.


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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I love old RPGs. I grew up on the Final Fantasys, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger/Cross, etc. Final Fantasy 7 is probably my favorite of that series, but 6, 9, 10, and 12 are all really good too. I guess 8 was the only one I didn't like; the junctioning system was annoying to me, and I didn't like how leveling up was basically pointless. The story was fine though. Xenogears was my favorite RPG growing up, but when I replayed it a few years ago the rushed 2nd disc really bummed me out and I didn't even end up finishing it.

As for now, I bought a PS4 and had a lot of fun with Horizon Zero Dawn. That game was a ton of fun. Also looking forward to getting Red Dead Redemption 2 and the 4th God of War sometime soon.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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Space Invaders


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I don't play much anymore, but recently tried out State of Decay and State of Decay II. Pretty decent, if flawed.

Oblivion and Skyrim were favorites. Both Fallout 3 and 4 were good. Liked Dragon Age Origins and II but Inquisition is boring. Going way back I loved Civilization.

Tried Dark Souls III because it was on sale, but it is essentially impossible.
Aug 26, 2011
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Also looking forward to getting Red Dead Redemption 2 and the 4th God of War sometime soon.

A streamer buddy of mine played the new GOW and its SUCH a good game. I have not gotten that one yet but will at some point. I am probably going to go nuts with games a Xmas this year. So many titles coming out all at once. Not to mention The Last of Us 2 coming up in the spring of 2019. That is another one I am looking forward to.


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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A streamer buddy of mine played the new GOW and its SUCH a good game. I have not gotten that one yet but will at some point. I am probably going to go nuts with games a Xmas this year. So many titles coming out all at once. Not to mention The Last of Us 2 coming up in the spring of 2019. That is another one I am looking forward to.

Oh nice, didn't realize the Last of Us was coming out so soon. That's going to be a ton of fun.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Any one playing Red Dead Redemption 2? Its amazing.

I know people were excited for it, but I found the first one kind of boring. Zero character development. Is this one better in that area or is it just a FPS?
Aug 26, 2011
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I know people were excited for it, but I found the first one kind of boring. Zero character development. Is this one better in that area or is it just a FPS?

Really? I thought the first one was a blast. This is better in every way, to me at least. You feel much more connected to the characters.

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