wow | The Boneyard


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Aug 24, 2011
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that just happened....
alright well now i want to relook at the offers out for qb and who is where on depth chart now.

btw its soft i bet just waiting for fl lol. either way hes not staying home, well i guess he is because his whole family lives in boston.... bummer but it happens, its the struggle of growing up in ct vs the past bc/psu/nd/navy/army families. we had a good weekend with other new england kids at camp, this wont slow us down.

bs landed the #1 and #4 qbs in new england imho. interesting that boyle wasn't afriad of a log jam at that position at bc with another kid in his class. good luck to the kid but i think we all know that news from him isn't over yet...
Aug 24, 2011
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Good luck to him as well. This is not a knock on him, but the coaching situation at BC is terrible, they need a QB badly, so he will get early playing time. I think he's going to regret going to BC, he may be good enough to make it work though.

Time to move on.


Mar 30, 2012
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That whole staff will be gone in January. Does he have a plan for that?

I guess the plan would be to reconsider in January.
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm not one of those guys that loves to bash BC as they do have a lot of good things to offer.

That said, this decision makes no sense to me.


Aug 24, 2011
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i think that staff will be there for another couple years. im just getting sick of the spaz way to recruit. what hes offering these kids is bs to the kids and the bc fans. hes giving kids the safety of verbaling to bc as a soft spot in case they don't get those offers they wish to. its just smacking that fan base in the face and its insulting. florida is going to offer aw and the kid will pick his school. if aw doesn't pick fl then they will tell boyle its commitable and he will have a decision to make. giving bc a verbal is a great spot for kids because its a bcs school as a backup plan. not many kids can do that. i wouldn't be suprised if both isaacs and boyle left new england before its all said and done. this seems like its going to be a messy year with all these great players in our back yard.

we need to land a couple to all of tmont, oneil, cjazz, cogg, holi, jbeck, walsh to lock up new england this year. we also need to keep hitting nyc hard. wc is turning into uconn country slowly here, would like to land that iona kid to keep that momentum going...


Mar 30, 2012
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Seems like his decision emphasizes playing time and scenery as against coaching, facilities, and quality teammates. Academics, in truth you can learn a lot anywhere or you can learn nothing anywhere, and all schools offer much the same instruction, so I don't take that seriously, but maybe the kids do.


BEast mode
Aug 26, 2011
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Wow is right. I stand corrected from my statement earlier this week.

Graham Stewart redux?
Aug 29, 2011
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Not sure why htis would be a shock to anyone. the kid comes out of Xavier, a Catholic High school and in general they tend to push their kids to Catholic colleges, so that is the underlying factor. Second,Marinan, the coach there has no love for UCONN..still thinks of it as 1AA and should take anyone he send there, but he won't send his top propsects, so i'm sure that was a factor. Add in the family stuff, and this was pretty predictable. Plus I don't think any of this is binding anyway.
Nov 17, 2011
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336 realize his son is attending UConn, correct? No love? I think if he really hated us, his son would be forbidden from attending. Recruits are recruits, we will see where Boyle ends up in the end, but I think we can leave the Sean Marinan argument out this because it is all about the recruit making the final choice. At least Boyle did not pick from a table of hats, fumbling a few for dramatic effect. I give a lot of credit to him for educating himself on his decision and good luck to him.
Aug 24, 2011
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1. Good luck to the young man.

2. Just so I have this straight, I'm supposed to believe that we're recruiting Connecticut on an entirely different plane today than we were on a few years ago, even though the top two prospects in CT this year have both verballed to a BC program that is failling apart at the seams. Correct?

What's the Latin phrase I'm looking for -- oh yes -- LMFAO.

(And before anyone says anything, that comment is not directed at P, who is doing o.k. recruiting in a tough environment to date, or at Edsall, who is gone. It's directed at posters on this board who seem to think they can make things true just by repeating them enough.)
Aug 26, 2011
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Sucks, but honestly, given the enormous logjam we have at QB, and the number of QB's with years of eligibility remaining, I'm not super shocked.

Disappointing, but not devastating.

As for BL... you may be right that we aren't some kind of superrecruiting school despite what some members of the board may think, but relishing in a lost recruiting victory to a hated rival as a way to lord over community members doesn't come off as super classy or even particularly loyal, if you were curious.
Aug 24, 2011
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Sucks, but honestly, given the enormous logjam we have at QB, and the number of QB's with years of eligibility remaining, I'm not super shocked.

Disappointing, but not devastating.

As for BL... you may be right that we aren't some kind of superrecruiting school despite what some members of the board may think, but relishing in a lost recruiting victory as a way to lord over community members doesn't come off as super classy or even particularly loyal, if you were curious.

I don't relish losing Boyle -- I very much wanted to sign him. If it's not classy to point out that some silly posts are -- well -- silly, than I am absolutely guilty of not being classy.
Aug 24, 2011
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i think that staff will be there for another couple years. im just getting sick of the spaz way to recruit. what hes offering these kids is bs to the kids and the bc fans. hes giving kids the safety of verbaling to bc as a soft spot in case they don't get those offers they wish to. its just smacking that fan base in the face and its insulting. florida is going to offer aw and the kid will pick his school. if aw doesn't pick fl then they will tell boyle its commitable and he will have a decision to make. giving bc a verbal is a great spot for kids because its a bcs school as a backup plan. not many kids can do that. i wouldn't be suprised if both isaacs and boyle left new england before its all said and done. this seems like its going to be a messy year with all these great players in our back yard.

Wow Dan, where did you get this from? If it's true and I don't doubt you Dan, then Spaz is should be run out of Dodge. Look at how he handled Harris's transfer and Momah's injury, screwed them both. Either way, BC's not on solid ground, very interesting info Dan.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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1. Good luck to the young man.

2. Just so I have this straight, I'm supposed to believe that we're recruiting Connecticut on an entirely different plane today than we were on a few years ago, even though the top two prospects in CT this year have both verballed to a BC program that is failling apart at the seams. Correct?

What's the Latin phrase I'm looking for -- oh yes -- LMFAO.

(And before anyone says anything, that comment is not directed at P, who is doing o.k. recruiting in a tough environment to date, or at Edsall, who is gone. It's directed at posters on this board who seem to think they can make things true just by repeating them enough.)

Seems like the kid has his priorities straight. Namely, not football. Whether we love to hate them, and whether their staff is a disaster or not, the university is a very highly regarded academic institution, with a very appealing campus, a short green line trip into the #1 college city in the country. He probably appreciates that it's Jesuit like Xavier and he has family in town. Shouldn't surprise anyone. High school kids who make college decisions based solely on athletics are morons or are getting bad advice.

As a side note, the QB history, Flutie, Hasselback, Hasselback, Foley & Ryan...isn't exactl awful.
Aug 24, 2011
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Wow Dan, where did you get this from? If it's true and I don't doubt you Dan, then Spaz is should be run out of Dodge. Look at how he handled Harris's transfer and Momah's injury, screwed them both. Either way, BC's not on solid ground, very interesting info Dan.

Am I missing something? Spaz should be run out of town, or is screwing people, because he's telling them it's o.k. to come to BC if you don't get the offer you really want? Oh, that bad man!

What am I missing?
Aug 29, 2011
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20,788 realize his son is attending UConn, correct? No love? I think if he really hated us, his son would be forbidden from attending. Recruits are recruits, we will see where Boyle ends up in the end, but I think we can leave the Sean Marinan argument out this because it is all about the recruit making the final choice. At least Boyle did not pick from a table of hats, fumbling a few for dramatic effect. I give a lot of credit to him for educating himself on his decision and good luck to him.
I didn't know that his son was attending UCONN. I don't recall him being a high D1 recruit either, so I'm not sure that proves much. I also didn't say anything about "hating UCONN." But I have spoken to Marinan on a few occassions about football in general and UCONN football in particular and I'm just giving you how I've interpreted his view based on those conversations. We've sat togther at a function. We've met a time or two at other events. We don't hang out together. We're not friends, so maybe he is not giving me his "true" take....And I don't know anything about his view of UCONN as a university, but rather his view of the football program...he still considers it small time and he isn't going to encourage his better recruits to select UCONN over other major programs. Maybe that changes over time, maybe not. As to the kid choosing BC, that's fine. I'm disappointed but I'm not sure he would se the field for 3-4 years anyway with the players we currently have and any we migh trecruit after him. That , by the way also entered his decision I bet. But if you don't think kids' coaches, and their guidance people and so forth also influence where they go to school, why was it such a big deal that the high school coaches like Pasqualoni? and that many of them didn't care for Edsall? Of course the family, and ultimately the kid himself make the final decisions...but the smart ones take advice from those others too.
Aug 24, 2011
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Not sure why htis would be a shock to anyone. the kid comes out of Xavier, a Catholic High school and in general they tend to push their kids to Catholic colleges, so that is the underlying factor. Second,Marinan, the coach there has no love for UCONN..still thinks of it as 1AA and should take anyone he send there, but he won't send his top propsects, so i'm sure that was a factor. Add in the family stuff, and this was pretty predictable. Plus I don't think any of this is binding anyway.

So why the hell did he send his own son to UConn?
Aug 26, 2011
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BL likes to think of himself as the voice of reason around here but sometimes he is just a plain bully. Just ignore him when he is trying to pick fights.
Aug 24, 2011
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Am I missing something? Spaz should be run out of town, or is screwing people, because he's telling them it's o.k. to come to BC if you don't get the offer you really want? Oh, that bad man!

What am I missing?

If that's the way a coach is going to offer, then who needs him.

Hey BL, when you go home, do you put on a hooded robe and beat yourself with flesh hooks?


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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1. Good luck to the young man.

2. Just so I have this straight, I'm supposed to believe that we're recruiting Connecticut on an entirely different plane today than we were on a few years ago, even though the top two prospects in CT this year have both verballed to a BC program that is failling apart at the seams. Correct?

What's the Latin phrase I'm looking for -- oh yes -- LMFAO.

(And before anyone says anything, that comment is not directed at P, who is doing o.k. recruiting in a tough environment to date, or at Edsall, who is gone. It's directed at posters on this board who seem to think they can make things true just by repeating them enough.)

I think this might have more to do with the perception of the Big East versus the ACC right now than it does with the perception of UConn versus BC. Just my opinion, but I really cannot wait until UConn gets a stable, solid conference environment around them, whether that be the Big East or elsewhere.


Mar 30, 2012
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So why the hell did he send his own son to UConn?

As a walk on, he would have lower tuition at UConn than any other FBS program.

Also, UConn was probably the only FBS school to offer preferred walk-on status. NH Register stated his alternative was Wesleyan: Wesleyan is Div III and doesn't give scholarships. So, UConn was his lowest-cost college and also his only chance to play DI football.
Aug 29, 2011
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So why the hell did he send his own son to UConn?
I didn't say he doesn't repect UCONN as an educational institution. Just sees the football program as small time. I don't recall his son being a highly recruited football player though maybe I missed it. I think he will be a walk-on. don't know if he had other offers, but if so they were probably lower level offers. My recollection is that he's a bit on the small side, 5-11, 6', for a major college d-lineman where he played in high school. Again going from memory, I think he was a heck of a wrestler, though. On the other hand, he is sort of consistent with what, base don my limited conversations with him, Marinan Sr. thinks UCONN ought to be taking.


Aug 24, 2011
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The kid had a yale offer and was set for yale. After the coaching change and other stuff that went on there yale took away hos offer. Hes walking onto uconn this summer and we should be happy about how that relationship is growing. I ranted here blowing steem post boyle news. Good luck to the kid and hope he turns into a good player at whatever school he ends up at.

The 2 kids we lost bl both said they verbaled with boston family or some type of connection to the city. Nothing in the end we can do anout that in the end. If u think my local recruit stuff is all bs then thats fine, just ifnore these threads then.

Good luck to boyle and on to the next one for us. I am hoping for a new england commit or 2 soon....
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