uconn is getting crushed on other boards | Page 2 | The Boneyard

uconn is getting crushed on other boards

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Aug 27, 2011
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when your on top people are going to want to bring you down. since we cant be taken down since right now we`re sitting on top of the cbb world as the reigning national champs the only thing the jealous and envious can do is try to taint our achievement with unimformed nonsense. the best advice ive ever heard about haters was actually from my mom. she once said "haters love everything you are and hate everything theyre not!"
Aug 26, 2011
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The dopes at umess are whining it up pretty good too. Ironic given that they praise Calimari like he was some sort of saint/prophet. They had no problem when he pushed kids out of the cantucky program to make room for recruits he dragged with him (in a less than ethical way) from Memphis. Back then it was "it happens all the time". Now the NCAA needs to do something about this because it is Calhoun who is exploting loopholes. And they think Calhoun and the new AD will do "something" to make sure Drummond doesn't hurt our APR but, of course, Calimari must not be doing "something" to make sure all his one-and-dones don't hurt their APR. These idiots actually think Calimari must be helping these kids study really hard even though they are going to the NBA next year.

Aug 28, 2011
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Reading other boards always provides a heckuva lot of entertainment. UK's board was going crazy about how "there is no possibly way AD committing to us is legal" and that 'it wreaks of suspicion and must be immediately investigated". And that was before the scholarship/Bradley situation.

Of course those idiots didn't know that AD graduated from HS in fine academic standing. They basically thought Drummond was a HS junior with terrible grades.
Aug 26, 2011
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The dopes at umess are whining it up pretty good too. Ironic given that they praise Calimari like he was some sort of saint/prophet. They had no problem when he pushed kids out of the cantucky program to make room for recruits he dragged with him (in a less than ethical way) from Memphis. Back then it was "it happens all the time". Now the NCAA needs to do something about this because it is Calhoun who is exploting loopholes. And they think Calhoun and the new AD will do "something" to make sure Drummond doesn't hurt our APR but, of course, Calimari must not be doing "something" to make sure all his one-and-dones don't hurt their APR. These idiots actually think Calimari must be helping these kids study really hard even though they are going to the NBA next year.


Umess has fans? Who can access a computer? Wow.
Aug 27, 2011
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Are they screaming about Louisville and every other team in the country that has done the same thing? Has a rule been broken? Are they talking about how the squid pushed kids out of the Kentucky program when he arrived so he could make room for the kids he stole from Memphis when he ran out of town ahead of the sheriff? Yeah, I didn't think so.
And they'd use the reverse argument against us when we "scream" about how corrupt Squid and the UK program are. So when you look at it, we're all hypocrites. But we manage to deal with it. If they can't, that's their problem.
Aug 26, 2011
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And if any of these other programs had the opportunity to get the #1 post player in the country they would do the same thing. ESPECIALLY a program like Umess who has not been to the NCAA Tourney for almost 15 years.
Aug 26, 2011
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One of the things about being big time is being able to take the criticism as well as the praise. ANY program out there faced with this choice would do the same thing. I'm certain we will be better off making this choice and we certainly will be able to enjoy this upcoming season a lot more having AD there. We have to hope that this move does not negatively affect our current problems with APR etc. Great to do well on the court but cleaning up the APR results would/could shut up the haters or at least help us fend off the criticism. No matter how well we do on the court, we don't want to slink down to the level the haters think we're at. We need to correct the negative image and get our results up in the acceptable range. If we can do it along with winning, so much the better. How do you think it looked to the incoming president for this national level basketball team to be having issues with both APR and recruiting? I'm sure this was one of the things that pushed Jeff out. Allowing this jewel of a basketball program to fall into disrepair after all that had been built would cause an outsider to urgently look to fix the issues presented. Hope that all issues are on their way to being addressed. Whether all the problems started with Hathaway or he was just unable to address them adequately, there are problems needing to be addressed. We want to come out on the other side raising our academic image as well as our athletic image. GO HUSKIES!


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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And they'd use the reverse argument against us when we "scream" about how corrupt Squid and the UK program are. So when you look at it, we're all hypocrites. But we manage to deal with it. If they can't, that's their problem.
Excellent point, although I have to say the majority of UConn posters handled the Dunn going to PC very graciously.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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One of the things about being big time is being able to take the criticism as well as the praise. ANY program out there faced with this choice would do the same thing. I'm certain we will be better off making this choice and we certainly will be able to enjoy this upcoming season a lot more having AD there. We have to hope that this move does not negatively affect our current problems with APR etc. Great to do well on the court but cleaning up the APR results would/could shut up the haters or at least help us fend off the criticism. No matter how well we do on the court, we don't want to slink down to the level the haters think we're at. We need to correct the negative image and get our results up in the acceptable range. If we can do it along with winning, so much the better. How do you think it looked to the incoming president for this national level basketball team to be having issues with both APR and recruiting? I'm sure this was one of the things that pushed Jeff out. Allowing this jewel of a basketball program to fall into disrepair after all that had been built would cause an outsider to urgently look to fix the issues presented. Hope that all issues are on their way to being addressed. Whether all the problems started with Hathaway or he was just unable to address them adequately, there are problems needing to be addressed. We want to come out on the other side raising our academic image as well as our athletic image. GO HUSKIES!

Great points. The most jaded people will never change their opinions, so fixing things will still result in these haters hating. But most people are reasonable even if they are envious. So it is paramount that the negative circumstance surrounding the men's bb program get fixed. And thankfully President Sue Herbst recognized this and took immediate action.

JC wanted to have a winning program. That mission is accomplished. He also wants the program to continue past his legacy. This was a very important stated aim. Up until very recently he was blocked in this development. That impediment is gone. He has the support of the President and that means the men's bb program has the support of the President. I can't be happier for JC. IMO it is on the same level as wining NC's in JC's mind. He wants to know that long after he's gone, UConn will be a player. JC's pride does not reside with just the man. He genuinely feels pride in his players and in his institution. Not many coaches in this day and age, embrace that philosophy. UConn and it's fans are very fortunate.
Aug 29, 2011
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I honestly don't get it. Espn just posted a roundtable discussion and every writer took the holier than thou moral stance while completing agreeing with the practical decision making.


If someone was asked/made to transfer I could see the negative reaction, but simply turning a one-year scholarship into financial aid with a kid staying on the team is a non-issue. How many scholarships are lost/taken away every day at Universities around the country for competitive reasons or discipline reasons etc..? There is simply no reason for the media to find some moral issue with one person or players scholarship other than that it helps turn Drummond to UConn into a 'controversial' = attract eyeballs story.

UConn has a history of getting creative with scholarships (SRob, Albert Mouring) and any competitive sport is always subject to competition. If UConn had created room in the exact same way because they felt they needed more guards and signed an unheralded JUCO none of the writers would care or have any problem whatsover with it.


There's no Dark Side .....it's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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I predict another rule change.​

A seccond Final Four and the NCAA will be dealing with all sorts of crap from the lesser programs. And yes. I enjoy it.​
Aug 26, 2011
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let them whine and we will dine on NC wine in 2012. It's going to be a fun ride as we tan their hyde We can run and defend and we can play in the 1/2 court if necessary. We can score from a variety of spots and we have depth where we need it. I'm in the south and the dookie and NC mania makes me want to puke, but now I just smile and wear my UCONN #1 stuff. They have talent too, but we have JC.
Aug 26, 2011
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Everyone loves a loser. The NCAA makes the rules, if this is ok with the rules as far as getting Drummond, so be it. Actually better than so be it, actuall very good to see the President and AD getting after it to make this happen.
Aug 29, 2011
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Obviously all sites and teams are very envious of us picking up this 5 star player. This team is going to need time to develop, and without a doubt once it does, its lights out. As I have always said, and it holds true for each and every sport, you show up and play with your heart, and I assure you this team will win. I was taught a very valuable lesson early on in my running career by the late John J Kelley. And that lesson was to never leave anything on the race course. And the same will apply with this team. There have been teams in the past from Uconn that had so much talent BUT they never played up to there fullest potential because there heart wasn't into it, OR they were thinking $$$$$$ signs. If this team applies this work ethic, who in the hell is going to beat them ?????????????????????
Aug 29, 2011
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The dopes at umess are whining it up pretty good too. Ironic given that they praise Calimari like he was some sort of saint/prophet. They had no problem when he pushed kids out of the cantucky program to make room for recruits he dragged with him (in a less than ethical way) from Memphis. Back then it was "it happens all the time". Now the NCAA needs to do something about this because it is Calhoun who is exploting loopholes. And they think Calhoun and the new AD will do "something" to make sure Drummond doesn't hurt our APR but, of course, Calimari must not be doing "something" to make sure all his one-and-dones don't hurt their APR. These idiots actually think Calimari must be helping these kids study really hard even though they are going to the NBA next year.

Your hatred for all things Umass and Calipari is sickening.
Aug 26, 2011
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I did not read much real 'negative' verbage at UCONN...more so NCAA rules, but most said they may not like it, but UCONN is within the rules and teams do it all the time...


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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If we sucked, we wouldn't be on everyone's mind. It's the price of success.
Aug 26, 2011
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This should be a non-issue. Who cares what other boards are saying? What other board is honestly going to be happy that we just picked up a kid who has the potential to be the top pick in the draft next season? Would you feel better if everybody was lying and saying how excited they were for us? Honestly, who cares.
Aug 26, 2011
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They bash us on their boards, we bash them on the court. Game over.


Former Poster
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn gets crushed on other boards but will do the crushing on the court. Which would you rather have?

With AO and AD we will be the one's crushing opponents on the boards. These are the only boards I care about.

I hope we win the championship again and do it against UK, UNC, or Duke in the title game. Or maybe even better would be if they either miss the tourney or make an early exit. Not sure which possibility I would enjoy more.
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