Rumor from CSNBBS Conference Realignment board | The Boneyard

Rumor from CSNBBS Conference Realignment board

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a.k.a PencilForest
Aug 26, 2011
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If UConn could actually get this done what do you guys think?

from poster - FromTheInside

Word on the street(UConn edition)
First off remember i made that "Scott" thread a couple days ago? Yeah, he didn't disappoint. All the bad cop being played and it was his turn to switch it up.

Anyway. Word is that UConn while pitching itself to anyone who will listen has a little something something brewing if the split happens either from the NCAA or to a d4 type division. UConn thinks the following:
1) If ND is allowed to be a indy then BYU most likley will be a indy in the new setup also. If thats the case then there is potential for UConn to place itself as a indy.
2) If indys are not allowed then ND has to join the ACC or buy out of its fresh ACC deal and then sign full time with the B1G. It seems very realistic that ND picked its home and would join the ACC full time if this option was the case. UConn feels that if this option happens then they are #16 ahead of Cincy and Temple.

Now, with that being said here is whats going on. UConn has started to set up its case for Indy status behind doors. It has full support of SNY which is extremely important to this because that's a extremely gifted TV relationship for both sides. Together they believe if done correctly that UConn's own TV contract could be worth 25-30mil. Yes thats right. What happens is SNY gets everything home wise and some other things also. That much inventory of 2 brand programs and a football program thats then part of the split/d4 is worth a lot to the NYC metro/upstateCT. Its a huge potential type deal.

UConn has been in deep talks with the following:
-The Big East. They are not quite there yet but the deal could look something like this. UConn other sports(not football, bball or wbball) would join the BE full time and help them schedule wise in many small sports. UConn has great soccer and baseball among other sports so its a good boost for both sides and they mutually feel its a good idea. For this, UConn will sign "league lenght" contracts bball wise for both programs. What that means is that each bball program UConn has will play every team in the BE as ooc games. split them home and away. so if the BE is 10 teams thats 10 games, 12 is 12. you get it. These games will be added into the meat of the BE schedule. So basically UConn fills its what would be conference time of the year schedule with BE games as OOC games and the BE wins because they get tons of quality. When UConn has a home game SNY gets it, when a BE team has a home game Fox gets it. Its a huge TV setup for both sides. There is also already talk that Providence and UConn will play every 3rd game at the Casinos as a neutral site among other things. This contract is good for up to 16 members of the BE size wise supposedly(tells you what the BE is thinking huh?) UConn has a 1 year notice they must give to back out of this and it costs them nothing. So basically they have a very quality agreement on both sides and they all understand one day when UConn gets a p5 invite they will go all sports. If UConn leaves within the 1 year length then they owe 1mil to each team of the BE. my 2 cents? I think it makes a lot of sense for both sides. UConn is clearly getting very creative right away.

-The PAC and the SEC. UConn is offering both this. They want 2 football games a year in oct/nov. 1 home 1 away. they also are offering 4 bball games from both programs as OOC. 2 home 2 away. the PAC/SEC can pick all teams involved. the catch is teams must be rotated. so if uconn visits USC for a game the next game must be at UConn. UConn by making a contract with the league becomes a bit more involved and makes some more friends if you will. But it allows both of these leagues to now have some media/games in NYC basically. UConn is really pumping that. Stanford-UConn girls games. Zona/UCLA vs the UConn boys. Bringing Washington to NYC, Florida, Bama type games. UConn has something to be sold and trust me they are doing so.

-Rutgers, MD and PSU. UConn is offering these 3 schools literally the whole boat. They want 4 or 6 year deals with each of them. every sport they play. not joking. UConn is offering 5k seats to them to sell also. So the schools can travel very well as a group. Were talking soccer and girls volleyball type games.

-UConn is in talks with Bosie, Cincy and BYU to create a 4 team Indy alliance basically where these 4 play each other the last 3 weeks of the year. They have all scheduled each other so now they are trying to shuffle things around. This will also lead to basketball games yes.

-UMass, Ohio and NY. Look for UConn to fill with these 3 schools.

SO a outside look at it.

2015 football schedule could have:
@MD or PSU

@ 2 SEC
5 BE
@ 5 BE

among other games of course but when you look at it you can see whats going on.
1) Its a way for UConn to not only survive but actually thrive
2) sos/rpi type arguments are not needed as quality is there for sure
3) it gives SNY one hell of a inventory, now you understand the $ side of it
4) it clearly allows UConn to continue to build its programs and make $
5) Notice how the ACC and B1G don't have contracts but UConn is interested in the eastern Big teams. creating the right buzz goes a long way long term imho.


a.k.a PencilForest
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't know how accurate the rumor is but I think the $ and competition would be just about the best we could hope for. Even if Indies were effectively blocked from a D4 playoff we would still be in a better position.
Sep 20, 2011
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If this rumor is true and UConn is working on this type of plan - and WOW if they are - what are the chances it might shake ACC or BiG to take another look at us for membership just to keep us from dilluting the TV pot in the northeast?
Aug 26, 2011
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Please Lord, let that be somewhat credible. It makes sense from the standpoint that we know uconn is worth more than 2mill a year tv wise, staying in a leauge that pays peanuts devalues our worth.


Boneyard Rutgers/Temple lurker
Aug 31, 2011
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Please Lord, let that be somewhat credible. It makes sense from the standpoint that we know uconn is worth more than 2mill a year tv wise, staying in a leauge that pays peanuts devalues our worth.

As someone who lurks both here and there, I don't think this poster is the least bit credible. It's one of those Tuxedo Yoda-style fabulists/trolls. It's fun, elaborate fiction, though.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Incredible idea...absolutely loving it. My guess, this leak is coming from an SNY insider. To push this along, SNY people have to be providing some help on the valuation. Just a fun guess, not that it matters.
Aug 26, 2011
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How long before frank pi$$es all over this?
20 minutes.

I still don't get that joke. I'd be totally down with a plan like this. I think it would definitely invigorate the fanbase here. One thing I cannot stand is how people keep saying UConn has no history. 117 freaking years of Aggie/Husky football and we have no history. The rest of our athletic department developed due to football.

Who scared off this poster? I remember he used to post here.
Feb 10, 2012
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It's positive, shows some awesome ingenuity on the part of Uconn leadership, is basically the crazy outside the box thinking everyone on this board has been pining for, and gives a glimpse of what value Uconn really has to offer...

This is it!!!!

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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That article is a perfect example of what happens when a random blogger gets one prediction correct (Larry Scott's good cop presser).

It's like crack.

The blogger can't help but go for the jugular with a totally over the top follow-up story.
Feb 10, 2012
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Check out the ACC blog from several months ago...
From the Inside was a popular poster there until he and Nelson Muntz got at it.
If it's the same dude, he came accross pretty credible on the Big12 deal...
Aug 26, 2011
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I think the odds of this being true are pretty small. There are so many moving parts to the story there is no way it is kept a secret. If this story makes the rounds, someone with credibility would have no problem finding out if it was true.

Works for me though. If it is not true the poster is a great writer.
Aug 29, 2011
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There are some elements of this that seem far fetched but there are others that seem if not doable, at least feasible. D-4 is probably going to have to make some accommodations for Army, Navy, Air Force, Notre Dame and BYU, for various reasons. I mean can you really tell the military academies they can't be in the top division regardless of whether they belong there? And once you open that door, if someone else is willing to make the commitment, especially someone who is better than the service academies, it will be very difficult to keep them out.

On the other hand, I'm skeptical that the NCAA would go for UConn as an Independent in basketball. maybe, but count me as skeptical. A more likely scenario is we join the big East or remain in the AAC. Or play in the ACC as Notre Dame's basketball replacement. The whole basketball postseason structure is based leagues. You also have the whole problem of what to do to stay sharp while the various and sundry leagues have their tournaments. I suppose it could change, but count me as skeptical. The money also sounds a little out of whack unless you could do some kind of basketball deal. a more likely scenario to me would be that UConn stays in the AAC for basketball, but buys/negotiates its rights from the AAC and resells them at a profit to SNY. You could make a similar deal with the Big East or even the A-10 if it came down to it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Check out the ACC blog from several months ago...
From the Inside was a popular poster there until he and Nelson Muntz got at it.
If it's the same dude, he came accross pretty credible on the Big12 deal...
Ban nelsonmuntz!
Sep 2, 2011
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We've been beating the drum about SNY for ever. What UCONN gets from the AAC is peanuts, and UCONN should have explored the Husky network with SNY long ago. SNY loves UCONN.

The problem with the scenario presented above is that this type of thinking should have (would have) been done prior to UCONN joining up with the AAC unconditionally. As soon as Navy was given special consideration and allowed to keep its network revenues, UCONN should have pushed for a deal with SNY and in return paying the AAC $2m, or at least begun laying the groundwork for what is essentially an indy arrangement.

But even if this is some blogger fantasy, I'd rather have this type of intellectual discussion than pretend that being aligned with memphis, tulane, tulsa, ecu, etc. is somehow in the best interest of UCONN athletics.
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