Per-40 with Baylor stats (and an experimental one) available now | The Boneyard

Per-40 with Baylor stats (and an experimental one) available now


Chief Didacticist
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction Score
You will find two 2022-23 spreadsheets on my download page today. The first one in the list is the one I've been using for the last couple of months. The second one is a beta version that I intend will hold the stats of all the teams in all the games we've played. There is no change to the first three tabs (Per-40, Detail,Exhibition) in the beta version. I've added 3 more tabs (Opp Pivot, Opp Per-40, and Opp Detail) to the second workbook in the list. The one I've uploaded only contains the stats for the Vermont and Baylor players. After I'm convinced it's working properly I'll add all the rest of this year's games.

I'd appreciate some of youse guys trying the beta version out. Play with it and report any funny/wrong stuff you find. I am already aware of the "#DIV/0" errors and inconsistent grid background on the Opp Per-40 page. Play with the filters on the top of the Opp Pivot sheet and check whether the results on that sheet and the Per-40 sheet are what you expect based on the detail values. I haven't found any problems yet, but I haven't tried everything. Also let me know if there are any added features you think would be useful/fun. Thanks!

Well, once Baylor stopped firing 3s at a 55% clip (partly due to a very stifling defense in the 2nd quarter) our girls showed them the what-for. I am so happy that Azzi was allowed and/or determined to show all the facets of her offense and even happier that everyone else kept doing what they were doing while Azzi was out. (While being puzzled at how few shots Lou has taken in the last 2 games.) I worried when I saw the cummerbund Aubrey was wearing before she came on the floor (heat? support? ?) but when she was on the floor, she was a whirlwind! 12 rebounds (6 offensive) in 20 minutes. Since they won, I had to laugh at Nika's last layup fail. I thought she missed 4 but the box score says only 3. And, excluding Azzi's warmup 3s, the team was 7 of 13 on 3s, which will stand us in good stead going forward.


Now for the tournament(s) rate ratings:
PointsAaliyah 27.27Dorka 18.04Lou 17.71Azzi 15.52
Made FTAaliyah ties Lou ~3.0Aubrey 2.35Nika 1.98
ORBAubrey! 6.27Aaliyah 4.16Dorka 1.83Azzi 0.99
DRBDorka 10.20Aaliyah ties Caroline ~9.1Aubrey 5.88
TRBAaliyah 13.25Dorka ties Aubrey ~12.1Caroline 9.19
AssistsNika 9.45Dorka 3.66Aubrey 3.14Aaliyah 2.86
StealsAubrey 2.75Aaliyah, Dorka tie Nika ~1.9
BlocksAaliyah ties Dorka ~2Aubrey 1.18Caroline 0.54
FoulsAzzi 0.90 (how does she DO that?)Lou 2.14Dorka, Aubrey 2.35 exact
TODorka 1.31Aubrey 1.57Aaliyah ties Caroline ~2.6
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