OT: Game of thrones? | The Boneyard

OT: Game of thrones?

Aug 28, 2011
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Anyone else watching and/or reading? I'm up to date on the show but only on the second book.
Sep 17, 2011
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Done with book 3, it's a good one. They are supposedly not going to be able to put all of book 3 into this years episodes but there are some shocks coming up for those that haven't read the book.
Aug 28, 2011
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Yea book 3 is broken into season 3 and 4. Also please no spoilers in this thread for non readers!
Aug 26, 2011
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I am hoping that the storylines in the books are not followed too faithfully. One or two happy outcomes could not hurt.
Aug 26, 2011
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I have read the first three, starting "A Feast For Crows" (book 4) now. Book 3 was great. Lot's of twists and turns I was not expecting.
Aug 26, 2011
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After season one I read all the available books of the incomplete series. Once started I couldn't put them down. I loved them.

Although season one and for the most part season two seamed pretty faithful, season three of the HBO series seems a bit like Cliff Note's light and at times is difficult to follow especially for anyone unfamiliar with the complexity of the storyline. For one who has read the books it leaves me questioning why did they leave out certain things and change others. They're giving us the main aspects of the story, and the flashy stuff yet many of the subtle nuances of the characters and relationships seem lost (unless you read the books first).

Nevertheless I faithfully watch.

Not sure I understand why so many changes (from the books) to the HBO script/plot/characters. I get the story needs to be condensed but that doesn't explain outright changing the story. There may have been considerations with regard to casting but I confess I am a bit disappointed with season 3 so far.....maybe I will change my opinion as the season progresses.
Aug 26, 2011
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I feel making a show like this based on what is a great but large messy book series is an impossible task. But i feel the show runners are doing an amazing job. To complain about it is confusing to me. Its an adaption. If you prefer what you envisioned in your mind when reading then enjoy that for what it is. For instance one of these changes is that they are using loras tyrell more than he is in the books.. in the books theres some other non seen brothers..

you have to understand when making a show/movie things HAVE to be condenced for the viewers. Its easier to use a character the fans have been introduced to so they dont become confused...

example of them following the books is when ned stark sends beric dondarrion in the first season after the mountain...

yet this season hes back and a new actor. None book readers have no idea who he is.

It is an Adaption of a book series that is large bloated and amazing. We are lucky HBO has not cancelled this program. They once had a show called Rome that was amazing in itself and that left us after two seasons.

We will at least see 4 seasons of thrones and most likely many more. But after season 4 things will start changing alot seeing how George wrote books 4 and 5.. This will in my mind help make these next seasons more tolerable.


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Aug 27, 2011
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I think HBO has done a tremendous job with the adaptation. Many of the best scenes in the show were not in the book, such as Varys and Littlefinger staring at the Iron Throne in the final episode of Season 1, or Cersei, believing that the city had fallen, about to poison Tommen in the Battle of Blackwater. All the scenes with Tywin and Arya from season 2 were made up. She never met Tywin Lannister in the books, but the scenes in the TV show were incredible.

The Queen of Thorns is much more important in the TV show than she was in the books.

A Storm of Swords (book 3) is my favorite in the series, followed by A Dance with Dragons (book 5). I think this season has been great.

I have a suspicion about where they will cut off Season 3 relative to the Book. Book 4/5 (it is really 1 book broken into 2 parts) actually consolidates plot lines to some extent. As I have said before, I think HBO broke Storm of Swords into 2 seasons because Martin is so far behind that they want to give him another year to get the 6th and 7th books out. I read somewhere that Martin is even hedging on finishing the series before HBO catches up.

The problem is that Clash of Kings better warranted being split up than Storm of Swords, but it wasn't, with HBO instead just chopping out several battles. A Feast for Crows does not warrant even a single full season by itself. Not enough happens. If they take the last 1/3 of ASOS and add it to AFFC and ADWD they can stretch those out 3 seasons. Which means Martin has to have Winds of Winter done by 2016 and Dream of Spring done by 2017. He has an outside shot at the first deadline, no chance at the second.


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Aug 27, 2011
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They make Ygrette so freaking sexy in the show. If I was Jon Snow, I think it would take me about 10 seconds to blow off my vows to the crying tree and take off with Ygrette, especially since she wants to bolt herself. Let's see, spending the rest of his life with a bunch of excons on top of a 100 foot ice wall, or banging the hottest woman in the entire continent until his last breath? Tough choice.

The Theon stuff is getting a little tough on the stomach. I am not sure they need to be so graphic.

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