New NCAA Rule: Colleges can pay for parents on recruiting visits | The Boneyard

New NCAA Rule: Colleges can pay for parents on recruiting visits

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Jan 26, 2016
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NCAA allows schools to pay for two guardians to accompany recruits on official visits
The decision to ban athletic satellite camps has dominated the headlines in recent weeks, but another rule that recently passed will also have a big impact on the NCAA and recruiting.

Proposal 2015-52 will allow institutions to pay the actual round-trip costs for a prospective student-athlete's parents or legal guardians to accompany the prospect on his official visit and will be implemented August 1, 2016.

The vote passed 14-1 with only the Sun Belt Conference voting against it, according to the NCAA's Division I Council report.

The current rule allowed for only the prospect's travel and accommodations to be paid for and prohibited schools from paying for transportation costs incurred by relatives, friends or legal guardians. Under that rule, prospects were either taking official visits by themselves or parents, guardians or high school coaches were taking on the costs to accompany the recruit on the visit.

The new rule specifies the funds will be available for transportation and meals for the parents or guardians. Prospective student-athletes are permitted to take five official visits starting on the first day of classes of the prospective student-athlete's senior year, so this rule will be in place for the Class of 2017.
Apr 10, 2015
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NCAA allows schools to pay for two guardians to accompany recruits on official visits
The decision to ban athletic satellite camps has dominated the headlines in recent weeks, but another rule that recently passed will also have a big impact on the NCAA and recruiting.

Proposal 2015-52 will allow institutions to pay the actual round-trip costs for a prospective student-athlete's parents or legal guardians to accompany the prospect on his official visit and will be implemented August 1, 2016.

The vote passed 14-1 with only the Sun Belt Conference voting against it, according to the NCAA's Division I Council report.

The current rule allowed for only the prospect's travel and accommodations to be paid for and prohibited schools from paying for transportation costs incurred by relatives, friends or legal guardians. Under that rule, prospects were either taking official visits by themselves or parents, guardians or high school coaches were taking on the costs to accompany the recruit on the visit.

The new rule specifies the funds will be available for transportation and meals for the parents or guardians. Prospective student-athletes are permitted to take five official visits starting on the first day of classes of the prospective student-athlete's senior year, so this rule will be in place for the Class of 2017.

Paying for parents or legal guardians should ALWAYS have been the rule. I had better see what it is like at a school 300 or more miles from home or my kid stays close. The "current" rule seems to imply only very financially well off kids and parents were playing sports for High Schools or only the wealthy were top level athletes. Was that stupid or what? I know, colleges actually have bottoms to their deep pocket--but somethings, from a parents point of view, are just a given!!
Charlie --will you, for a less informed individual, explain the Satellite thing!! To me Satellites are those around the former USSR or the thing that brings my tv or phone or spy's on my everyday activity. At one time I knew that was GOD.
Jan 26, 2016
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Paying for parents or legal guardians should ALWAYS have been the rule. I had better see what it is like at a school 300 or more miles from home or my kid stays close. The "current" rule seems to imply only very financially well off kids and parents were playing sports for High Schools or only the wealthy were top level athletes. Was that stupid or what? I know, colleges actually have bottoms to their deep pocket--but somethings, from a parents point of view, are just a give!!
Charlie --will you, for a less informed individual, explain the Satellite thing!! To me Satellites are those around the former USSR or the thing that brings my tv or phone or spy's on my everyday activity. At one time I knew that was GOD.

I was shocked to learn that only the recruit's expenses were paid for by the school, certainly an unfair advantage for well-off families...................did you notice that the Sunbelt Conference voted against this..............why??

Regarding satellites, I believe this has nothing to do with outer space and everything to do with college coaches, mostly football, barnstorming across the country and setting up shop at various locations to meet as many recruits as possible...............Jim Harbough now the head coach at Michigan is a big proponent of this can imagine the local schools were less then excited when ole' Jim or any other big name coach would stride into town and have a 3 day football camp right in their own backyard.......if I am at all mistaken, anybody with more knowledge feel free to correct me...............
Apr 10, 2015
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I was shocked to learn that only the recruit's expenses were paid for by the school, certainly an unfair advantage for well-off families....did you notice that the Sunbelt Conference voted against this....why??

Regarding satellites, I believe this has nothing to do with outer space and everything to do with college coaches, mostly football, barnstorming across the country and setting up shop at various locations to meet as many recruits as possible.....Jim Harbough now the head coach at Michigan is a big proponent of this can imagine the local schools were less then excited when ole' Jim or any other big name coach would stride into town and have a 3 day football camp right in their own backyard..if I am at all mistaken, anybody with more knowledge feel free to correct me.....

Thanks!! Unfair to the local smaller schools, but I can understand why they do it--Talent that would not get to meet them otherwise or for them to check out the abilities of potential recruits. Geno and Jim and I assume Ollie all held "camps" and so did some of Geno's former players but all were local to my knowledge--different approach. Maybe Geno should do a camp in Knoxville or near Duke or better yet in Columbia, SC how many transfers would transfer again??
Jan 26, 2016
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Thanks!! Unfair to the local smaller schools, but I can understand why they do it--Talent that would not get to meet them otherwise or for them to check out the abilities of potential recruits. Geno and Jim and I assume Ollie all held "camps" and so did some of Geno's former players but all were local to my knowledge--different approach. Maybe Geno should do a camp in Knoxville or near Duke or better yet in Columbia, SC how many transfers would transfer again??

That's a thought.....................I think the rule was passed because of football, not sure if it also applies to basketball.............Jim Harbough has created quite an outrage here in northern NJ as he will be coming in the do a high school graduation speech at one of the big Catholic football schools......................the new Rutgers coach is not happy........................
Aug 27, 2011
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I would think that would help Geno bringing up kids from the south, allay a lot of uncertainty.;)


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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But I think he has a very valid point as does the MSU coach. This is not just about access to top flight recruits in a coaching environment, it is also about local athletes getting opportunities to learn and showcase their skills. A coach may get one or two positive responses from particular high quality recruits but especially with the MSU coach's program, the exposure was wide ranging to lots of different schools - really very similar to an AAU tournament for basketball - football can't create that kind of 'viewing' experience for a wide swath of HS players because the nature of the game doesn't permit it. These were in many ways similar to the scouting combine the NFL puts on, but not 'invitational' but open at a pretty reasonable fee to any kid that wanted to get both exposure and special coaching.
Feb 9, 2016
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Well this is a few Gosh darn years late! I demand a refund!
Aug 27, 2011
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This rule change is irrelevant to basketball, since schools were already allowed to reimburse transportation expenses (including airfare) for two parents/guardians. Thus no change for Geno and other college basketball programs.

From the NCAA bylaws: Exception—Transportation Expenses for a Prospective Student-Athlete’s Parents or Legal Guardians—Basketball. [A] In basketball, an institution may pay the actual round-trip costs for a prospective student-athlete’s parents or legal guardians (expenses for up to two people) to accompany the prospective student-athlete on his or her official visit.

In all sports, schools have always been able to reimburse driving expenses for parents/guardians if they accompany their child. Have also been able to reimburse parents for hotel expenses and meals.
Jul 19, 2013
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Makes sense for football as this will allow direct payment to the legal guardians of the $180k fee for a top QB rather than forcing schools to make reimbursement using shady back channels.
Jan 26, 2016
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This rule change is irrelevant to basketball, since schools were already allowed to reimburse transportation expenses (including airfare) for two parents/guardians. Thus no change for Geno and other college basketball programs.

From the NCAA bylaws: Exception—Transportation Expenses for a Prospective Student-Athlete’s Parents or Legal Guardians—Basketball. [A] In basketball, an institution may pay the actual round-trip costs for a prospective student-athlete’s parents or legal guardians (expenses for up to two people) to accompany the prospective student-athlete on his or her official visit.

In all sports, schools have always been able to reimburse driving expenses for parents/guardians if they accompany their child. Have also been able to reimburse parents for hotel expenses and meals.

So you think that the NCAA has different rules for basketball and football? That seems kind of strange and kid of unfair doesn't it? Perhaps this rule now makes it OK for the schools to pay for more then just simple transportation............
Aug 27, 2011
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So you think that the NCAA has different rules for basketball and football? That seems kind of strange and kid of unfair doesn't it? Perhaps this rule now makes it OK for the schools to pay for more then just simple transportation..

It is irrelevant what I think. It is what is in the bylaws - and that is that all transportation for the parents of basketball recruits is already paid for. Ther is a reasn why it has been limited to that sport, but clearly you aren't interested. The new rule doesn't change anything for basketball, and doesn't really change anything other than transportation for other sports. As previously noted, parents of athletes in all sports are already reimbursed for all meals, driving expenses, and hotels during an official visit. They are also reimbursed for transportation to and from airports and certain other items.

Instead of guessing , I suggest you read the bylaws.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Eventually, Blue will get mighty tired of Harbaugh....(just ask the 9ers management....)
Not if he wins, and beats tOSU.
Jul 22, 2015
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Eventually, Blue will get mighty tired of Harbaugh....(just ask the 9ers management....)
I believe the 9ers player’s respected Jim which is why so many jumped ship. UM just wants a winner and they will get one in Jim.
This is only my opinion, which I hope is OK.
Jan 26, 2016
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I believe the 9ers player’s respected Jim which is why so many jumped ship. UM just wants a winner and they will get one in Jim.
This is only my opinion, which I hope is OK.

Contrary to the views of a small few (listening Stamford Husky?) you are indeed allowed, even encouraged to make your opinions known on this board....................Harbough clearly knows how to coach and how to win.................he turned Michigan around in a single year...............very impressive..................that said, he may be one of those coaches that flourishes as a turnaround specialist but can't maintain a program over many years without alienating his administration, coaches and some players
Time will tell...........................
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