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OT: Mayweather to fight kickboxer

the Q

Yowie Wowie. We’re gonna have so much fun here
Mar 28, 2017
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Boxing is way worse. Way, way, way worse.

I don’t watch boxing either. It certainly could be true.

I was burned early by the Tyson/Holyfield so I never got into boxing.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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Outside of the top boxers, FM, Paq, GGG and Canello boxing’s PPV numbers aren’t great.
UFC’s numbers are more balanced.
CM vs Khabib did over 2 mil ppv’s where Canello vs GGG only did 1.1.

Please compare average boxer to average UFC card not CM....
Mar 16, 2013
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Please compare average boxer to average UFC card not CM....

Who do you consider average?

Ward vs kovalev did 160k for boxing.
Miocic did over 300k for each oh his last two fights for the ufc.
I would say Andre ward is more famous then Stipe.
Who would you like to compare?

I think the UFC has an advantage because they have consistency in their rankings. There aren’t multiple belts like in boxing. (Outside of interim titles)
Aug 27, 2011
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The next generation prefers MMA - boxing is on its way out.
lol! Yeah ok. People have been saying that for over a decade. It is the ufc that is on its way out if it doesnt start paying its fighters. the ufc better hope promotors like Oscar fail with their mma venture because the end could come sooner rather than later if it generates big money.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Floyd is gonna be fighting librarians soon. All these spectacle bouts are basically Floyd teeing off on some amateur. Only interested in the Macgregor one, cause I enjoy Conor's promotional abilities.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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This can’t be more false... look at PPV numbers for the two sports.

Mayweather has made hundreds upon hundreds of millions from these fights. And promoters aren't going broke selling them. The PPV numbers are astronomical.

Avg boxer, idk. Just depends on who's on the card. Same for MMA I'd imagine.

the Q

Yowie Wowie. We’re gonna have so much fun here
Mar 28, 2017
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Floyd is gonna be fighting librarians soon. All these spectacle bouts are basically Floyd teeing off on some amateur. Only interested in the Macgregor one, cause I enjoy Conor's promotional abilities.

With his spending habits, he needs to
Mar 16, 2013
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lol! Yeah ok. People have been saying that for over a decade. It is the ufc that is on its way out if it doesnt start paying its fighters. the ufc better hope promotors like Oscar fail with their mma venture because the end could come sooner rather than later if it generates big money.

People have been saying that for a decade as well.
Find me some Mid to high level fighters that complain about their pay in MMA. There aren’t any.
It’s low level fighters that complain, as they should.
But low level boxers are paid like dogshit in comparison. A fighter on the undercard of the Mac vs FM fight only made $3500.
The UFC hasn’t paid a fighter less than 10k since it upped its minimum to 10k to show/10k to win in 2016.

Also the thought that Delahoya will take over MMA and pay their fighters better isn’t new. They said the same thing about affliction (went out of business when it overpaid fighters, Fedor vs Barnett cancelled at last min), Strikeforce(cbs money), Belator (Viacom money) etc.
Competition is good, but overpaying fighters is not the key to beating the UFC. It hasn’t worked in the past and I don’t see it working now.
Aug 27, 2011
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People have been saying that for a decade as well.
Find me some Mid to high level fighters that complain about their pay in MMA. There aren’t any.

Im not going to quote mine the internet for something you can look up yourself. If you believe all the top fighters arent complaining about their pay you are naive.
Mar 16, 2013
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Im not going to quote mine the internet for something you can look up yourself. If you believe all the top fighters arent complaining about their pay you are naive.

Ok, want to touch on the other comments I made?
I think a fighter union would be smart.
I also think some autonomy in backroom bonuses would help. But to say the UFC is going to slow down due to Delahoya is unlikely.
Aug 27, 2011
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lol! Yeah ok. People have been saying that for over a decade. It is the ufc that is on its way out if it doesnt start paying its fighters. the ufc better hope promotors like Oscar fail with their mma venture because the end could come sooner rather than later if it generates big money.
Jan 28, 2015
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There's literally no objective data that says that MMA *isn't* closing the gap fast on boxing. Zero, zilch, zip, nada.

The majority of boxing's fans are old. They hold a huge advantage when it comes to viewers north of the age of 50. Everything under is either even-steven or MMA has a big advantage. The ppv gap keeps closing every year and McGregor is arguably as big a draw if not bigger than Mayweather at this point. The last ppv with Khabib did 2.4 million buys. And during her run - Ronda Rousey was arguably the biggest athlete on the planet for a spell.

The other issue boxing has is that the better athletes are hopping to MMA now. College wrestlers who didn't have anything to do - now have something to do. You could still argue that 10 of the top 20 female fight sports athletes aren't even IN MMA yet... but they're all headed there. And it's got just as much of an international appeal - especially in places with big viewership like Japan, China and Brazil.

Boxing is doing fine. It'll continue to do fine even if MMA passes it. But the rise is pretty undeniable and it's going to be the top combat sport in the world in a few years..
Aug 27, 2011
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Lol! Starts by saying "UFC taking over as the peoples combat sport" then says "boxing has come out on top 13 out of 16 years" Then they try to compare Floyds FIRST 4 ppvs to Conors which is absolutely stupid comparison used to fit the narrative they want. How about we add up the total ppvs of Floyds and Conor? Floyd 24 million Conor 9mil. Floyds last 4 ppvs beat conors. Floyds best 4 ppvs beat conors. You see, i can pull numbers up that back my narrative too. Also theres a reason has equaled and even surpassed boxing ppvs recently and its well, because the two biggest stars in the sport for over a decade is either retired or semi retired at the tail end of their career. Boxing has one box office star right now and thats Canelo. Boxing didnt get a torch bearer from Floyd because he chose to fight scrubs and mma fighters instead of giving one of the young champions a fight which couldve propeled them to stardom with a win like De la hoya did for floyd and manny.
The point is boxing isnt going anywhere and ive heard this same tired ass argument for the last ten years and its tiring. It was the same argument i heard for about the same time that an mma guy could beat a boxing guy but a boxing guy could never win in the cage. So far one was wrong and the second clearly wrong. Its like mma fans have penis envy or something. Both sports are fantastic and theres plenty of money and fans to go around and for one to wish for the demise of the other is idiocy. My comment was not that the ufc is losing ppv money and will be out of business my point was that many and id dare say most fighters in the ufc outside of a handful arent happy with the amount of money they get paid. These are facts.
All its going to take for the ufc to go under is for some promotor to sign a couple mma guys and put millions in their pockets. If there comes a day that mma fighters could make millions per fight outside of the ufc using a structure similar to boxing the top guys are going to leave and the ufcs days will be numbered. Conor Mcgregor the biggest star in the sport just took a two year layoff from the sport because of all the money he made in a BOXING PPV EVENT! It took Dana white to up Conors pay big time for him to come back as conor was considering another boxing event and was in no rush to come back to the ufc. Now you got other guys like Stipe, Diaz and a couple other guys wanting to get in the boxing ring for big pay days that they know theyll never see in the ufc. Its talk but these guys want to get paid more than what their getting.
Aug 27, 2011
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Ronda Rousey was arguably the biggest athlete on the planet for a spell.

lol You bought that bs narrative. You problably also bought how she was good enough to beat a male opponent. I love how mma fans forget 2014 which was an absolutely horrible year for the ufc in ppv sales. I think it wasnt long after that the Fertita brothers jumped ship because they panicked.
Jan 28, 2015
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lol You bought that bs narrative. You problably also bought how she was good enough to beat a male opponent. I love how mma fans forget 2014 which was an absolutely horrible year for the ufc in ppv sales. I think it wasnt long after that the Fertita brothers jumped ship because they panicked.

As a fighter? No, not at all. Ronda was a dead woman walking about a year in. At that point in history, women's MMA was low on talent. Really low, actually. The sport evolved past her even before she lost the belt. She was the best in the UFC (not all of MMA, that was Cyborg) for a brief period of time when the sport in a female context was relatively young. DeRandime was coming into the sport, Holly Holm had crossed over, ditto with Valentina Shevchenko... etc. Amanda Nunes wasn't getting any level, but her length, size... all of it.. made it clear she'd be a huge player. Ronda didn't get 'out game planned' by Holly Holm, she got murdered by a vastly superior athlete who was 7 whole years older than her. Just the way Holly managed space, her speed, snap on her strikes.. Ronda couldn't read anything. And even in the clinch - where Holm by today's standards just isn't very good - Holly used her size to lock her up and leverage her.. Rousey couldn't move her, really. Holly even took her down. Sure, Ronda's coach sucks and the game plan was even worse - and she completely bought into her hype... but i'm not sure even had she been at say - ATT or some other really good camp and had them strategizing for her... that it'd have made any real difference. Even when Holly lost the belt to Tate - she boxed her up pretty effortlessly minus the two times she got taken down - one of which she got 10-8'd on the mat and the other where she got choked out. Once Tate faced Nunes, we saw that big skill gap again.. and saw it double time when Nunes boxed up Ronda in their fight. Save for a brief period of time where she was running through mostly tomato cans (Zingano is legit, but not elite) - she wasn't ever the best.

But Ronda the superstar and big money draw? I mean... there's little disputing it. They marketed their pants off and she played the part to a 'T'. Conor is a similar deal - VERY good striker, good fighter and a big chin... and he can sell fights better than anyone on the planet. But he's got HUGE holes in his game and real, legitimate physical limitations at 155 lbs. Give him anyone with range who can mix looks up with some grappling, he struggles badly.

But there's no questioning either one's star and drawing power. None.
Jan 28, 2015
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And to that point even more - if we're calling Rousey and Conor hype trains, boxers are protected as much if not more. We rarely get fights where you get the two best in their primes. Less than MMA for sure. MMA also has the challenge of being MMA and so much more can happen in a fight - flukey or otherwise - that makes it difficult to keep a good champion who can draw on top for a long time. Even when they get someone who's THAT good - they lack drawing power (Mighty Mouse, for example).. it's just a different deal promotionally.
Jan 28, 2015
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Lol! Starts by saying "UFC taking over as the peoples combat sport" then says "boxing has come out on top 13 out of 16 years" Then they try to compare Floyds FIRST 4 ppvs to Conors which is absolutely stupid comparison used to fit the narrative they want. How about we add up the total ppvs of Floyds and Conor? Floyd 24 million Conor 9mil. Floyds last 4 ppvs beat conors. Floyds best 4 ppvs beat conors. You see, i can pull numbers up that back my narrative too. Also theres a reason has equaled and even surpassed boxing ppvs recently and its well, because the two biggest stars in the sport for over a decade is either retired or semi retired at the tail end of their career. Boxing has one box office star right now and thats Canelo. Boxing didnt get a torch bearer from Floyd because he chose to fight scrubs and mma fighters instead of giving one of the young champions a fight which couldve propeled them to stardom with a win like De la hoya did for floyd and manny.
The point is boxing isnt going anywhere and ive heard this same tired ass argument for the last ten years and its tiring. It was the same argument i heard for about the same time that an mma guy could beat a boxing guy but a boxing guy could never win in the cage. So far one was wrong and the second clearly wrong. Its like mma fans have penis envy or something. Both sports are fantastic and theres plenty of money and fans to go around and for one to wish for the demise of the other is idiocy. My comment was not that the ufc is losing ppv money and will be out of business my point was that many and id dare say most fighters in the ufc outside of a handful arent happy with the amount of money they get paid. These are facts.
All its going to take for the ufc to go under is for some promotor to sign a couple mma guys and put millions in their pockets. If there comes a day that mma fighters could make millions per fight outside of the ufc using a structure similar to boxing the top guys are going to leave and the ufcs days will be numbered. Conor Mcgregor the biggest star in the sport just took a two year layoff from the sport because of all the money he made in a BOXING PPV EVENT! It took Dana white to up Conors pay big time for him to come back as conor was considering another boxing event and was in no rush to come back to the ufc. Now you got other guys like Stipe, Diaz and a couple other guys wanting to get in the boxing ring for big pay days that they know theyll never see in the ufc. Its talk but these guys want to get paid more than what their getting.

You're not wrong here in the sense boxing isn't going anywhere. It's healthy and doing fine. And to be clear- I was a boxing fan long before I was an MMA fan and I love the sport. Don't like it - love it. But I don't think fighter pay - while it's a huge issue - is an indicator of popularity. It's just that UFC likes price controls. They're a private business with a roster of fighters who only fight other fighters in that same company. It's different in boxing where there's so many more interests to leverage in order to make valuable fights.

There's also a cultural difference fans more or less accept in each sport. In boxing, taking a loss sets fighters back years in some cases. So to keep their promotional value high, promoters do more to protect their investments. That's good in a sense that you get longer life spans out of fighters as draws, but it hurts fans because it's so hard to put real, marquee fights together.

In the UFC, they tell 95% of the fighters who they're facing and they take in 95% of the money. And if you lose in MMA, as long as your entertaining, you're going to get big fights. It's why guys like Nate Diaz - who's lost almost as much as he's won - are big stars still. That and like I said before - just too much flukey stuff in MMA that can happen. Chris Weidman has lost 4 of his last 5 fights after dominating the division for a period of time. And he's not necessarily a bad fighter or a fighter who's been passed by thanks to the sport evolving. He's just made a mistake in each of those fights and paid for them about as badly as you could. Doesn't make him sloppy or undisciplined - he just hasn't gotten away with anything, ever. He fought his best fight in years the other night.. and then just got clipped. Nothing more, nothing less.

My point being - there's less risk when you control everything. The company is rolling in it, but fighter pay goes nowhere. In boxing, fighter pay is where you start - then everything else drops from there.
Jan 31, 2018
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Floyd is over 40. He picks his spots so he can get a huge payday.....this will probably net him at least 70 million dollars. He knows what he is doing. I remember watching the McGregor fight....literally every white fan kept saying McGregor had a chance. Obviously he never did. Anytime he threw a punch, the place went crazy.
Aug 26, 2011
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Floyd is over 40. He picks his spots so he can get a huge payday.....this will probably net him at least 70 million dollars. He knows what he is doing. I remember watching the McGregor fight....literally every white fan kept saying McGregor had a chance. Obviously he never did. Anytime he threw a punch, the place went crazy.
Floyd carried him. Took him out in the 10th round cause he had bet on himself to stop him in the 10th.

People forget Ray Mercer starched Tim Sylvia in an MMA bout. Absolutely flatlined him.
Mar 16, 2013
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Floyd carried him. Took him out in the 10th round cause he had bet on himself to stop him in the 10th.

People forget Ray Mercer starched Tim Sylvia in an MMA bout. Absolutely flatlined him.

That’s because Tim made the mistake of thinking he could stand with him. For a better example of an actual mma vs boxing fight watch Randy Coture vs James Toney.

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