Fat White Guy - In Defense of Randy Edsall | The Boneyard

Fat White Guy - In Defense of Randy Edsall

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Aug 26, 2011
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I promise this is the last article I will post on Randy, but Jacobs tweeted this today.


It is from a blog of Rob Lunn a former defensive tackle under Edsall so it is interesting in that regard, but boy is it hard to read, and I am not sure I follow his point.

Rob says he writes for a living, I hope he has some good editors outside of his blog.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm not sure I follow all his points either. It's a pretty clear point he's making that Franklin and Vandy told him how to play the game. I won't beat around the bush like Rob did - I wouldn't be surprised if he was told that directly by Edsall and he isn't just putting two and two together.

I was a fan of Edsall's at UConn and I think given enough time he'd get Maryland to a steady diet of 8-4 (5-3) seasons and graduate a ton of kids. He probably isn't going to get that chance though, because he replaced a popular coach who at times was a bit better than that and had support from their boosters.

Edsall made mistakes with O'Brien. There is certainly evidence that Edsall is not good with quarterbacks and O'Brien regressed badly this past season. How much of it was injury and how much was coaching is hard to discern. Certainly Edsall did not look good by blocking Vanderbilt - I can see why he may have wanted to do it, but he was in a no win situation and it was a battle he shouldn't have fought.

Lunn's opinion on how it impacts O'Brien with respect to the NFL is interesting. I personally think that if someone thinks he can play they will look the other way, but if at the end of the day he's a borderline prospect, I can see how it could impact him in a negative way.

You do have to take into account that Lunn was a marginal BCS level player who contributed because he worked his rear end off, so he understands that mentality but probably doesn't relate really well to the high end recruit who had many BCS options to pick from and was treated like royalty from a young age.
Nov 17, 2011
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Who is Randy? Boring, as soon as I see his name, I feel like a narcoleptic. He triggers my R.E.M. (no, not Randy Edsall's Menopause) cycle. Snore....next!
Aug 26, 2011
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I hate to say it, but that entire piece reeks of a plant from the Edsall side. Everything is presented as the players' fault with plenty of little talking points and shots at the previous administration. Lunn is pretty judgmental of a program he never played for and covered yet he knows too many details for it to be a purely external perspective. I'm sure he feels loyalty to FHCRE, but that piece is the very sort of questionable, one-sided hatchet job he criticized at the beginning of his piece.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I hate to say it, but that entire piece reeks of a plant from the Edsall side. Everything is presented as the players' fault with plenty of little talking points and shots at the previous administration. Lunn is pretty judgmental of a program he never played for and covered yet he knows too many details for it to be a purely external perspective. I'm sure he feels loyalty to FHCRE, but that piece is the very sort of questionable, one-sided hatchet job he criticized at the beginning of his piece.

It does reek of a plant, and it's interesting that he buried it on his blog instead of publishing it on the other places that he writes.... which I guess makes it reek worse?


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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Rob is entirely unqualified to speak on the subject BECAUSE he is so close with Randy. He cannot objectively see what the rest of the world does.
Aug 28, 2011
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Anyone with an object viewpoint, like myself, realizes that TOB badly regressed under Edsall. Of course he wanted out.
Sep 13, 2011
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Rob's whole blog is filled with rumors and inuendo. He starts by criticizing Danny O and calling him an "amateur", yet he's never met him. Then he goes on to imply that Franklin and Danny O hatched some nefarious plot to get the ACC QB-of-the-year to attend Vandy. I guess anythings possible...but so what? Coaches leave all the time without so much as a tweet from the media about the affect it has on the players that were "committed" to them and their program, and simply left behind. (Did Rob write about that when Randy left UConn?) I will say that it is entirely possible this blog entry could have been a planted story since it does mention an NFL scout who has ties to UConn and Maryland, and who would know at least a little bit about the inner workings of both programs.

IMO Rob's view in this case seems a little jaded, since he's obviously a die-hard, "committed" disciple of Randy which is totally contrary to what he thinks Danny O was or should have been.

Who really knows what happened between Randy and Danny O? I don't know and don't care. Besides, if it's true that what happens in the locker room, stays in the locker room...then so be it.

As for Danny O heading off to Vandy anytime soon...hmmm...he's visited Penn State and will soon be seen on the campus' of Ole Miss and Wisconsin. I didn't see a stop in Memphis on his schedule. :D

p.s. Didn't Rob go on a similar rant in favor of Randy when he wrote about the Burton donor fiasco?
Aug 29, 2011
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I read it, and I must say, he's capable of much better. That was a piece of crud that read like it was written on a napkin while sitting on barstool after a whole bunch of shots of Jameson on St. Patty's day.

Should have titled it....

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned........and I'm bleeding. LOL

Randy is catching hell in Maryland, and it's no surprise to anyone. He's a frigging bull in a china shop, and he's not operating in obscurity down there.

All in good fun, but I'd love to read his next post, if god-forbid....O'Brien were to show up at UConn.......


1972,73 & 98 Boneyard Poster of the Year
Aug 24, 2011
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Rob is entirely unqualified to speak on the subject BECAUSE he is so close with Randy. He cannot objectively see what the rest of the world does.

Clearly, I know more about the day-to-day way FUCRE runs his program because I read this site. All Rob did is play for him - he probably doesn't even know 1/5 of what palatine knows of what happened in closed door meeting. DUH
Aug 26, 2011
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The key is that he played for Randy at UConn. He wasn't at Maryland or even covering the team to see how Edsall performed in a new environment so it's not a first hand account. Yet he still felt justified to write an attack piece that blamed everything on players and prior coaches he knows little about. It was so one- sided and filled with snide little excerpts (including near libelous accusations of unethical behavior that he didn't support with facts) that it could only have come from the Edsall camp. It was hardly a piece that speaks well to his objectivity in this case - and that was precisely the point.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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With that post, Rob's made the leap from novelty to hack.
Aug 28, 2011
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Clearly, I know more about the day-to-day way FUCRE runs his program because I read this site. All Rob did is play for him - he probably doesn't even know 1/5 of what palatine knows of what happened in closed door meeting. DUH

i love how Palatine starts his statement claiming he has an object viewpoint. i agree you about Lunn, but to say you're objective would be a stretch of the term. in reality Lunn's opinion is going to be tainted the same way most people's opinion's would be tainted in regards to a family member. he's always going to give Randy the benefit of the doubt, which is why i pretty much disregard his opinion in the matter
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