Arizona HC Adia Barnes on profane post-game pep talk: 'I’m not apologizing for it' | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Arizona HC Adia Barnes on profane post-game pep talk: 'I’m not apologizing for it'

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Golden Husky

The Midas Touch
Apr 16, 2017
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I definitely agree that she has nothing to apologize for.
Calling basketball "war?" When I was a sports journalist--back when typewriters were in a press box not a museum--we never used the word "veteran" unless it applied to military personnel.

Words matter.

Okay, I'm trying to remove that stick from my...


La verdad no peca pero incomoda
Feb 22, 2016
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Time for a little history lesson. The display of the middle finger goes back a very long time. The ancient Roman historian Tacitus wrote that Germanic tribes extended their middle fingers as a gesture of defiance towards advancing Roman legions. Even earlier, the ancient Greeks displayed the middle finger to symbolize male genitalia.

In this country, the use of the middle finger is believed to have first originated with Italian immigrants. What a surprise? The first documented use in America occurred in 1886 when Charles “Old Hoss” Radbourn with the Boston Beaneaters baseball team flipped off a photographer during a team photo. I wonder what Ebby Calvin “Nuke” Laloosh would have to say about that.
This post is so good, I daresay it nearly redeems this thread, and that's saying a lot :)

Thank you @oldude for this and many others.
Apr 29, 2015
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Some of you guys are being jerks towards Coach Barnes just because her and her team beat the Huskies.
I hope you don't teach your kids (if there are any) to grown as jerks. Oh I mean jerky beef teriyaki flavor.


O sol nascerá amanhã.
Dec 21, 2017
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I made a mistake, a bad one.

I neglected to take my anti-sanctimony pills before reading the many pious posts
attacking Ms. Barnes. Such self-righteousness should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Moralizing of that calibre takes practice, both by the purveyor and their witnesses. I'll gladly keep my amateur status and avoid these unctuous, Pecksniffian complaints.

I applaud the Arizona team and their coach.
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Nov 8, 2018
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So Arizona was so insignificant they get left out of the promo tape of the final four. The coach puts up a finger in her team huddle and the whole worlds watching.


Cranky pants and wise acre
Aug 30, 2011
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Tasteless and classless gesture showing poor judgement and a poor reflection on her school. No excuse - you wouldn't see this from CD and Geno.
The only reason why you wouldn't see it from Geno is that he has enough experience with ESPN's television coverage of high-profile games to realize that saying that while his team is still on the floor will probably cause TV cameras to broadcast it.

Since this is Adia Barnes's first Final Four, I think that she should be forgiven for not having the same instincts about that. It was a spontaneous utterance, aimed at unnamed detractors, and certainly not directed to any specific opponent, or any racial or other commonly maligned group.

Much ado about nothing.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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UConn threw a player off the team for giving the finger after a win.
Noriana Radwan, a freshman reserve soccer player, after UConn beat USF on penalty kicks, during the team’s celebration she flipped off USF on national tv. Radwan was initially suspended and subsequently lost her scholarship.

Radwan sued, claiming that men’s players were allowed to get away with more offensive behavior. The judge didn’t buy it.
Nov 8, 2018
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I made a mistake, a bad one.

I neglected to take my anti-sanctimony pills before reading the many pious posts
attacking Ms. Barnes. Such self-righteousness should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Moralizing of that calibre takes practice, both by the purveyor and their witnesses. I'll gladly keep my amateur status and avoid these unctuous, Pecksniffian complaints.

I applaud the Arizona team and their coach.
I would have just tapped “like” but felt compelled to admit I had to look up pecksniffian. Nice.
Feb 3, 2018
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I think the real issue is the "goofy" coverage and administration of the Women's NCAA Tournament. I created a post a week or so ago, questioning ESPN's coverage. I for one think some of these "antics" hurt the Huskies. Arizona was not represented in a Final Four video clip. How does something like that happen? Who's in charge? Who is out of a job? Was it fair to AZ, of course not! Was it fair to the beautiful UConn team to have to face additional adversity, of course not. Were some of the UConn stories of this great season pushed under the rug because we were covering the AZ vs the World story.
Obviously the NCAA's imbalanced planning between the Men's and Women's tournaments has been well documented.
How about the shoddy refereeing? I'm a huge fan of UConn Women largely because I really enjoy the women's game. Is the administration of the game up to speed with the quality of play of the women's game? Is Geno an anomaly? He is a wonderful spokesman for the game and he is committed to the advancement of the game. What was Mulkey doing? Coaches need to be held to standards! Sorry folks, the salute by the AZ coach was dumb! She's a professional! Act like one! how many little girls saw that? Many love UConn. It hurt my feelings to see that! What about the 10 year old player?
Women at the top of the sports world is NOT new. Olympic sports, professional tennis, softball, volleyball, golf, World Cup soccer (although they acted like fools jumping around while beating that country 13-0- another topic).
Quit the excuses! Is WCBB to be respected or not?


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Swerve. @HuskyNan , who is your latest avatar? It appears to me to be Jodie Comer, but not really sure. Thanks.
Now, back to the thread.
Beth Harmon’s gaze across the chessboard, a intimidating challenge. Both my husband and I enjoyed the Netflix series.

Aug 8, 2013
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I’m very disappointed that she would do that out where the cameras were rolling. If she felt the need to clap back at the naysayers with profanity and an obscene gesture she should have waited to get in the locker room. Not a good look for the representative of a major University who is supposed to be setting an example for her players! Very disappointing to do it at all, but even more so to act like she’s proud that she did it on national television. A wiser person would understand that and would also understand that the best payback for doubters/haters is the win itself.
Aug 8, 2013
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Honestly, the reaction by many people about Barnes’ actions is down right disappointing. Those who oppose fall into one of two camps:

1) Barnes is a woman. Male athletes swear all the time and no one bats an eye. But when females do it, all hell breaks loose and she becomes classless. Give me a break. If you are condemning Barnes, then get ready to also call Kobe Bryant, Brady Quinn, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and many others as classless. The fact is, Barnes is a woman and this is why it’s getting so much attention.

2) Barnes isn’t affiliated with UConn. If you have a problem with swearing, then where were you during the Taurasi days? She dropped f-bombs like no other on and off the court.

Either way, Barnes as nothing to apologize for. She wasn’t being disrespectful to UConn, but to all those who doubted her team (ESPN and the NCAA def deserve it). Remember folks - you can swear AND still be a role model. SMH.
What a crock! You are seriously saying this would be OK if Geno had done the same thing? Class isn’t determined by your sex. It’s just a classless act that reflects poorly on her and the University that pays her hundreds of thousands each year to coach these young women.


Aug 18, 2020
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I claim BS on the coach, who exactly is everyone? Everyone disrespected her and her team?, I saw no disrespect, I think they were smart to make it a call to battle, look at little poor us, nobody likes us. Buck up Buttercup, your ploy worked you have done what only one other team in the country has, made it to the big game. The only one to show disrespect to everyone else was you. I hope you play well tonight, a competitive game enhances the sport. I would put that finger away, they often come back to salute the pointer.
Last edited:
Aug 8, 2013
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I made a mistake, a bad one.

I neglected to take my anti-sanctimony pills before reading the many pious posts
attacking Ms. Barnes. Such self-righteousness should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Moralizing of that calibre takes practice, both by the purveyor and their witnesses. I'll gladly keep my amateur status and avoid these unctuous, Pecksniffian complaints.

I applaud the Arizona team and their coach.
The only reason why you wouldn't see it from Geno is that he has enough experience with ESPN's television coverage of high-profile games to realize that saying that while his team is still on the floor will probably cause TV cameras to broadcast it.

Since this is Adia Barnes's first Final Four, I think that she should be forgiven for not having the same instincts about that. It was a spontaneous utterance, aimed at unnamed detractors, and certainly not directed to any specific opponent, or any racial or other commonly maligned group.

Much ado about nothing.
The issue for me is not so much that she did something inappropriate in the heat of the moment. That (while unfortunate) is understandable. It’s the “I’m not going to apologize” attitude that I am more disappointed in. Why not just say, “Last night in our postgame celebration I made an inappropriate comment and gesture on camera. I apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my actions.” What is so difficult about that?
Aug 8, 2013
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I made a mistake, a bad one.

I neglected to take my anti-sanctimony pills before reading the many pious posts
attacking Ms. Barnes. Such self-righteousness should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Moralizing of that calibre takes practice, both by the purveyor and their witnesses. I'll gladly keep my amateur status and avoid these unctuous, Pecksniffian complaints.

I applaud the Arizona team and their coach.
This is where we are. Expecting a coach of a major University to not spout -word and/or make an obscene gesture on camera is now “self-righteous, unctuous, and moralizing.” What a world!


La verdad no peca pero incomoda
Feb 22, 2016
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This is where we are. Expecting a coach of a major University to not spout -word and/or make an obscene gesture on camera is now “self-righteous, unctuous, and moralizing.” What a world!
Ay, ¡Dios mío! Oh the horror. A curse word! A gesture! My virgin eyes and ears will never be the same! Where are my pearls again?!

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