"WNBA who ?" | The Boneyard

"WNBA who ?"

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Sep 5, 2011
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Having relocated last March from CT to the NC Triangle, it is easy to see why the WNBA is in trouble. I have NEVER heard anyone mention WCBB or the WNBA. Folks down here discuss sports a lot - football, MCBB. Even minor league baseball comes up with nary a mention of WCBB. When I bring it up, all they know is that Duke & UNC have good teams and that they are sure I can get tickets and that the tickets are inexpensive. I do not understand the lack of interest.
Someone took me to a UNC football game. The whole day is like a pageant. From daytime campus activities through the post game fireworks at about 9:30 pm everyone (players, alums, students, parents, even townies, etc) knew and played their parts in the production. Women are just as interested as men. The investment by the school must be tremendous as are the rewards. The Research Triangle is an upscale, well educated area and I do not understand how they do not see the beauty of WBB. Is this the norm when you get outside of CT, South Bend, Tenn (and maybe SC now?) ? Sad.


Queen of Queens
Aug 26, 2011
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"The WNBA is in trouble..."

Might I ask you to define, "trouble" Because it's DIFFERENT than, "The WNBA doesn't have a 70+ year cultural, social, economic history across the United States and therefore its growth needs to be slow and steady and thoughtful."

There are incredible challenges that have faced the W since its inception, and yet - despite Debbie Downer Silver's statement - it's moving in to its 20th year stronger than ever.

Can the NBA do better and supporting saturation marketing? Hell, yes. Can the W do better at identifying how the NBA/boys college bball fanbase is similar/different than the WNBA/women's college fanbase? Hell yes. Can local fans and local media do a better job of advocating for coverage? Hell, yes. Can leaders, in general, do a better job of calling out the homophobia, racism and misogyny that women's basketball players, fans and writers face? Double hell, yes.

Lot's to do and be done. First step? Attend your local college/w game. :)
Sep 5, 2011
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Wow ! Not just the homophobia, racism or sexist card, but playing all three at once ! That's a real jump from folks "who do not like what I like and I wonder why."
Time for a self-esteem check rather than a smear of a large unfamiliar body of others. Totally uncalled for.


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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The Solution for Most Women Sports is for Women to Start Supporting Women Sports.

Women have to start making decisions with their Significant Others, lets go watch X Woman Sports Team Today/Tonight and most likely their partners/friends will attend. Marketing Strategies need to be developed/implemented that encourages Women to Support Women Sports and attend with their friends.

On the College Level, I'm convinced that if the Colleges are able to get Women to Attend Women Sporting Events, the males will also attend. Where the Girls are, so will be the boys/females
Sep 5, 2011
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On the College Level, I'm convinced that if the Colleges are able to get Women to Attend Women Sporting Events, the males will also attend. Where the Girls are, so will be the boys/females

A very good point. Perhaps some promotions along that line (a couples discount or free soda, whatever). (scantily clad male cheerleaders or dance teams?? :p)

The problem at the college level might very well be that some (many?) schools don't give a hoot. They comply with title 9 and that's it. Many college administrations are focused on bringing in big bucks thereby justifying raising their own salaries and expanding their fiefdom.
Aug 27, 2011
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Wow ! Not just the homophobia, racism or sexist card, but playing all three at once ! That's a real jump from folks "who do not like what I like and I wonder why."
Time for a self-esteem check rather than a smear of a large unfamiliar body of others. Totally uncalled for.
Totally agree.


The Virginian
Aug 26, 2011
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There are incredible challenges that have faced the W since its inception, and yet - despite Debbie Downer Silver's statement - it's moving in to its 20th year stronger than ever.

What's your basis for this statement? I don't have a strong opinion either way, just wondering what your thoughts are.


Aug 24, 2011
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The Solution for Most Women Sports is for Women to Start Supporting Women Sports.

Women have to start making decisions with their Significant Others, lets go watch X Woman Sports Team Today/Tonight and most likely their partners/friends will attend. Marketing Strategies need to be developed/implemented that encourages Women to Support Women Sports and attend with their friends.

On the College Level, I'm convinced that if the Colleges are able to get Women to Attend Women Sporting Events, the males will also attend. Where the Girls are, so will be the boys/females
Great post. Another thing I might point out is for mom's to take their daughters to women's events (or take their sons if the dads won't participate). How many times do you hear about dad taking his son to the hoops game or to the baseball game? But bottom line is it's hard if the moms aren't big sports fans.

Sports like tennis or track and field are hugely successful for the women's events (especially tennis). I think it's because there is not a "huge" difference between watching women play tennis vs. men. Sure the men hit harder, but aside from the speed of the ball, the games are similar to watch. Same for track and field. Even same (to a lesser extent) for women's hockey/soccer.

But WCBB and WNBA - there is a HUGE difference. The games look so different due to the size and above the rim vs. the below the rim skills. I can see why someone who loves MCBB or the NBA might not be interested in WCBB or the WNBA. The same can't be said for folks who love men's tennis - almost all of them enjoy the women's tennis almost as much, if not more...
Feb 19, 2013
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My dad and I have gone to a few sporting events together. We have seen UConn play twice, and have gone to see the USWNT play.
We are still a few hours away from a large enough city to have games, but if we lived closer I'm sure I would be at more games.
Aug 27, 2011
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Interesting conversation...the majority of sports fans are male- even for women's sports. The game has to be built to attract a male audience. That doesn't mean it needs to look like the NBA. That does include getting rid of ding-bat announcers that guys won't stomach listening to for very long.

Also, having been to the NC Triangle area many times, I've always found it amusing how ESPN, et al try to portray Duke and UNC as if they have rabid fanbases, similar to their men's program. That is completely untrue.


Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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I have been singing the same tune for years. The reason women's sports don't receive the same media/fan attention as men's sports - women do not support women's sports. Don't blame sexism, racism or homophobia - blame women. Look at who attends women's basketball. How many young women are in the stands compared to the number of old farts?

I don't know if the WNBA is "in trouble", but it would be hard to view it as successful, especially in light of declining attendance, financial losses and paltry salaries.
Nov 18, 2013
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Having relocated last March from CT to the NC Triangle, it is easy to see why the WNBA is in trouble. I have NEVER heard anyone mention WCBB or the WNBA. Folks down here discuss sports a lot - football, MCBB. Even minor league baseball comes up with nary a mention of WCBB. When I bring it up, all they know is that Duke & UNC have good teams and that they are sure I can get tickets and that the tickets are inexpensive. I do not understand the lack of interest.
Someone took me to a UNC football game. The whole day is like a pageant. From daytime campus activities through the post game fireworks at about 9:30 pm everyone (players, alums, students, parents, even townies, etc) knew and played their parts in the production. Women are just as interested as men. The investment by the school must be tremendous as are the rewards. The Research Triangle is an upscale, well educated area and I do not understand how they do not see the beauty of WBB. Is this the norm when you get outside of CT, South Bend, Tenn (and maybe SC now?) ? Sad.

It's strange and hard to figure out just why WBB doesn't catch on everywhere but one reason the WNBA might not be popular in that area is that there is no local team for the people to get interested in. The WNBA is far more entertaining than the NBA.

Even so, I was kind of disappointed to see the sparse crowd at the Washington Mystic game yesterday which I watched on All-Access. Every regular season game I attended was very entertaining.

Granted this is turning out to be a strange series with both teams losing at home. Can't wait to watch the deciding game though!


Queen of Queens
Aug 26, 2011
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Wow ! Not just the homophobia, racism or sexist card, but playing all three at once ! That's a real jump from folks "who do not like what I like and I wonder why."
Time for a self-esteem check rather than a smear of a large unfamiliar body of others. Totally uncalled for.

You haven't read the posts/emails I've gotten - or seen - on articles. most recently:

blah, blah, blah an old, lonely cat lady blah, blah, blah anything to keep you busy and make you feel connected to the actual world blah, blah, blah uppity feminist pain in the ass blah, blah, blah reporting’ about women who look like men, struggling to make lay ups and simple bounce passes blah, blah, blah easier to win when you are built like a man blah, blah, blah you probably just need to get laid blah, blah, blah

I'm not saying folks who don't like are h/r/m - but it's amazing how many make assumptions and judgments rooted in those sentiments - and they haven't even seen a game. If someone throws that carp around often enough, there becomes a "i better not admit I'm a fan" feeling about the game that pushes some folks away. Like being embarrassed you like Sci Fi (back in the day - now it's way cooler) or romance novels or whatever.

I've seen editors leave up attacks (ask Christine Brennan about comments on her articles), I've seen/read folks speak from ignorance and fear (most recently in an elegant email I got)... and the question is, what do we do when we hear it. I'm not saying we have to force people to love the game - but holding folks accountable for their language - especially when it's hate-based - would help women's basketball ... and the world in general.
Nov 18, 2013
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I have been singing the same tune for years. The reason women's sports don't receive the same media/fan attention as men's sports - women do not support women's sports. Don't blame sexism, racism or homophobia - blame women. Look at who attends women's basketball. How many young women are in the stands compared to the number of old farts?

I don't know if the WNBA is "in trouble", but it would be hard to view it as successful, especially in light of declining attendance, financial losses and paltry salaries.

Pretty much nails it.

The WNBA is lucky to get mentioned during most sports news broadcasts. Ignorance is bliss, I guess. They don't know what they're missing.

Yes, young women do need to get interested but young men also need to do the same.

And yes, go to any game and the audience will be mostly old farts...like yours truly. LOL


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I've seen editors leave up attacks (ask Christine Brennan about comments on her articles), I've seen/read folks speak from ignorance and fear (most recently in an elegant email I got)... and the question is, what do we do when we hear it. I'm not saying we have to force people to love the game - but holding folks accountable for their language - especially when it's hate-based - would help women's basketball ... and the world in general.
Well, she has written a few pretty idiotic articles. I've emailed her a couple of time to tell her how ignorant she is. Or at least how ignorant her article was. Just completely out to lunch sometimes.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm a fan of the WNBA and want it to do well, however, isn't it a wee-bit preposterous to suggest that it is any more entertaining than the NBA? Even young female players typically follow NBA players or games more than the WNBA.
Jul 19, 2014
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A very good point. Perhaps some promotions along that line (a couples discount or free soda, whatever). (scantily clad male cheerleaders or dance teams?? :p)

The problem at the college level might very well be that some (many?) schools don't give a hoot. They comply with title 9 and that's it. Many college administrations are focused on bringing in big bucks thereby justifying raising their own salaries and expanding their fiefdom.

This x 1,000,000. The vast majority of sports administrators have their eye on the bottom line- if a sport makes money they'll support it generously.
It really is a vicious cycle for women's sports, there's no support because there's no money and there's no money because there is no support. Yes there are exceptions- UConn WBB, UNC women's soccer etc but those exceptions merely confirm the rule that women's sports are not money makers and therefore are not worth supporting in eyes of most college administrators.
Jul 19, 2014
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I actually prefer to watch the women over the men. But that's just me.

This is true for me with respect to basketball. I can't watch the men's game, college or pro.
Jul 19, 2014
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Interesting conversation...the majority of sports fans are male- even for women's sports. The game has to be built to attract a male audience. That doesn't mean it needs to look like the NBA. That does include getting rid of ding-bat announcers that guys won't stomach listening to for very long.

Also, having been to the NC Triangle area many times, I've always found it amusing how ESPN, et al try to portray Duke and UNC as if they have rabid fanbases, similar to their men's program. That is completely untrue.

I agree that the WNBA has to improve in the way it presents itself to the public and announcers are part of it.

The product on the floor is good, don't misunderstand me. But IMO the WNBA has miles to go in terms of its professional appearance. For example, their website is an absolute shambles as are many of the franchises' sites. Out of date information, incorrect information etc etc. That isn't the way a professional sports league should function, not if it wants to be taken seriously. Until this changes no one is going to take them seriously and why should they? Presentation matters.
Nov 18, 2013
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I agree that the WNBA has to improve in the way it presents itself to the public and announcers are part of it.

The product on the floor is good, don't misunderstand me. But IMO the WNBA has miles to go in terms of its professional appearance. For example, their website is an absolute shambles as are many of the franchises' sites. Out of date information, incorrect information etc etc. That isn't the way a professional sports league should function, not if it wants to be taken seriously. Until this changes no one is going to take them seriously and why should they? Presentation matters.

Great point.

Being a rabid fan of the WNBA it's very hard to get up to date info on the teams and stars. Usually I have to go here or to the Reb-#### site. Even then it's hard.
Nov 18, 2013
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I'm a fan of the WNBA and want it to do well, however, isn't it a wee-bit preposterous to suggest that it is any more entertaining than the NBA? Even young female players typically follow NBA players or games more than the WNBA.

Depends on who you are, doesn't it?

Regarding the young players- as has been stated...it's harder than it should be to follow the WNBA as it stands.

I see I'm not the only one re: the WNBA. I'd include WCBB as well.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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Interesting conversation...the majority of sports fans are male- even for women's sports. The game has to be built to attract a male audience. That doesn't mean it needs to look like the NBA. That does include getting rid of ding-bat announcers that guys won't stomach listening to for very long.

Also, having been to the NC Triangle area many times, I've always found it amusing how ESPN, et al try to portray Duke and UNC as if they have rabid fanbases, similar to their men's program. That is completely untrue.

I agree about the announcers. I've heard announcers of women's games talk endlessly about what the coaches are wearing. Most men don't give two craps about that kind of stuff. That is one reason I like listening to Ann Meyers-Drisdale. She talks only about the game. I find the Ruocco-Lobo broadcasts to be some of the worst.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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It's strange and hard to figure out just why WBB doesn't catch on everywhere but one reason the WNBA might not be popular in that area is that there is no local team for the people to get interested in. The WNBA is far more entertaining than the NBA.

you're joking right...

its ok that YOU prefer womens over men but to say its FAR more entertaining is just crazy!
Aug 22, 2015
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you're joking right...

its ok that YOU prefer womens over men but to say its FAR more entertaining is just crazy!

Great comment, Daddy C. Let's get real...I'll say it: The WNBA has survived because of the NBA...remember the old ABL? Name recognition has helped it immensely, along with the corresponding sponsorship, but at some point the product has to become more entertaining to ALL. Completely agree that women are not paid as well as men in the workplace...not fair. However, sports today is about entertainment. If I want to watch poorly coached teams who play poor defense and prefer to pass once and jack it up, I'll turn on Lee Bron, Kobe and the rest of the good ol' boys...not the WNBA. It has nothing to do with homophobia and the related -isms/-gyny. My suggestion to the WNBA: Hire the CEO of the LPGA...that cat has done wonders building sponsorship and a fan base around the world. Accentuate the differences between the sexes. Please don't blame the populace for a poorly run organization. ENTERTAIN US!
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