WIth Maya gone who steps up | The Boneyard

WIth Maya gone who steps up

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Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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To comment on the question of Maya leaving. UConn is drilled in practice to do the same thing over and over again. Under pressure they continue to repeat what theyve learned in practice. Becoming good at anything is nothing more then repeating the fundementals until they become second nature and having the confidence in what youve learned to repeat it and trust it under pressure. Many athetles dont trust themselves because they have never learned the fundementals and dont have a system to go by. In golf all you need to do is swing after swing is to try and repeat what youve learned. Some swings will be good swings, some swings will be not so good but in the end if you continue to repeat what youve learned you will beat most people because most people wont repeat what theyve learned because they never learned how to in the first place. Does that make sense. Yes over the years especially the last few UConn has had alot of talent and better talent then their opponets. But theyve won because that talent was taught to repeat fundementals and repeitition of the right fundementals is the mother of skill. So Maya leaving does leave a void. That void will be helped to be filled by the improvement of Stef and Bria. Stef this season will play with confidence and Bria not looking over her shoulder for Maya . These two may not make up for the loss of Maya but will help make up for it along with the depth UConn has brought in with their freshman class.
The key to UConn, the player that can lead this team and make the biggest difference is Caroline Doty. As Ive harped on in the past a point guard needs to be a leader/coach on the floor and Caroline is the best right now at UConn. She can make the difference in UConns season because of her leadership on the court and her confidence on the court allows her teammates to trust her, thus taking the pressure off them because they know they can count on her.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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I think it varies by game--matchups and who is hot. In general, a much more balanced approach.

But I am reminded of 4 years ago, when we had a highly touted newbie. Charde was struggling at times, Kalana got hurt, and then Mel got hurt. So there was a void. Into this void came an attractive young woman with trademark hoop earrings, a scoop shot, and a classic jumpshot. The opportunity is there for Kaleena, as it was for Maya.


Aug 26, 2011
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To comment on the question of Maya leaving. UConn is drilled in practice to do the same thing over and over again. Under pressure they continue to repeat what theyve learned in practice. Becoming good at anything is nothing more then repeating the fundementals until they become second nature and having the confidence in what youve learned to repeat it and trust it under pressure. Many athetles dont trust themselves because they have never learned the fundementals and dont have a system to go by. In golf all you need to do is swing after swing is to try and repeat what youve learned. Some swings will be good swings, some swings will be not so good but in the end if you continue to repeat what youve learned you will beat most people because most people wont repeat what theyve learned because they never learned how to in the first place. Does that make sense. Yes over the years especially the last few UConn has had alot of talent and better talent then their opponets. But theyve won because that talent was taught to repeat fundementals and repeitition of the right fundementals is the mother of skill. So Maya leaving does leave a void. That void will be helped to be filled by the improvement of Stef and Bria. Stef this season will play with confidence and Bria not looking over her shoulder for Maya . These two may not make up for the loss of Maya but will help make up for it along with the depth UConn has brought in with their freshman class.
The key to UConn, the player that can lead this team and make the biggest difference is Caroline Doty. As Ive harped on in the past a point guard needs to be a leader/coach on the floor and Caroline is the best right now at UConn. She can make the difference in UConns season because of her leadership on the court and her confidence on the court allows her teammates to trust her, thus taking the pressure off them because they know they can count on her.

Tony, your optimism is overwhelming.

What happens if Caroline's play is limited?
What happens if she has lost a step because of the surgeries?
What happens if her shooting is not improved? Is there a game in Caroline's past to which we can point as a baseline?

IMO, Caroline was much like Maria Conlon as a point guard. With Tina, Maya, Kalana, and Tiffany on the floor, Caroline did not have to be great. In her freshman year, she played alongside Renee. Again, she did not have to be great. If Caroline had the potential for greatness, that potential has been arthroscopically diminished. By how much is yet to be seen. Three knee surgeries. Is there even another player with whom she can possibly be compared?
Oct 17, 2011
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No single player will be able to "replace" Maya...a collective effort will be required. I think several players will bring a better performance to the table precisely because they no longer will be looking to Maya to step up and magically save the day. I have doubts, however, about how big a role Caroline will play in that effort simply becuse of her ongoing fragility. Clearly, a lot will depend on greater consistency from Tiffany. But my greatest hope lies in two other areas. I predict a true breakout season for Bria, who, Caroline and Tiffany notwithstanding, will make it very hard for Geno to pull her off the floor. And, despite the fact that she's just a Freshman, and will, at times, play like one, I think that KML is going to prove to be the real deal, and will turn into a scoring machine. The biggest question going forward, for me, is can Stef be kept out of foul trouble and be kept on the floor.


Aug 26, 2011
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The players will step up...it will be done by committee. We cannot control who steps up that is up to Geno and staff. We, on the other hand, can control one thing...our attendance. It is time for us, the fans to step up. Support the team...watch how fast they grow past losing our all everything Maya Moore. While I am sure we will all miss Maya soaring through the air with her famous one hand scoop shot...as well as everything else she has done for our programe, we still have a wonderful stable of talented women who are sure to impress and entertain us. So let's get out there and support this year's version of our Huskies.... Go Huskies!
Aug 26, 2011
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I am getting deja vu here. It seems to happen every year at this time. Woe is me. No Maya (or no Renee or no Tina or whatever). We are doomed. Everyone seems to compare KML to what Maya was like last year rather than to what she was like as an incoming freshman. We know from first hand experience last year (and Maya's first year) what an impact incoming freshmen can have. I seem to recall that when KML first verballed we all said she would be the 2nd coming of Maya. But now everyone seems to think she could never be as good. Well I think she could well be as good as Maya was. Maya was not a "once in a lifetime" event. It can happen again. And what is more, KML is (and will be) backed up by a better supporting cast than Maya ever had (yes, including Renee & Tina).


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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I'm not as interested in how the team will replace Maya's points, rebounds and assists as I am interested in seeing the team's level of confidence without Maya on the court. It was said by many opposing coaches last year that Maya's presence on the court relaxed her teammates and allowed them to play with confidence. Diana had that effect on teammates as well. Confidence comes with success so those early season match-ups against Stanford, A&M and Baylor will be important.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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I think it varies by game--matchups and who is hot. In general, a much more balanced approach.

But I am reminded of 4 years ago, when we had a highly touted newbie. Charde was struggling at times, Kalana got hurt, and then Mel got hurt. So there was a void. Into this void came an attractive young woman with trademark hoop earrings, a scoop shot, and a classic jumpshot. The opportunity is there for Kaleena, as it was for Maya.


It's amazing how much slimmer KLM is now.

KLM Picture


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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It's amazing how much slimmer KLM is now.

KLM Picture
Geno said KML has lost a lot of weight and is in the best shape of her life. Let's compare Kaleena's high school pictures with her senior year UConn pictures in 2014-15. Kaleena could really look like Maya in 3-4 more years. :)


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not as interested in how the team will replace Maya's points, rebounds and assists as I am interested in seeing the team's level of confidence without Maya on the court. It was said by many opposing coaches last year that Maya's presence on the court relaxed her teammates and allowed them to play with confidence. Diana had that effect on teammates as well. Confidence comes with success so those early season match-ups against Stanford, A&M and Baylor will be important.
I think Caroline will bring confidence. I think Bria and Stef also have it. I also think that this is another area in which, if you have to lose Maya, the new recruit is the one kid in the country who you really want. KML will raise the team's confidence level. Her teammates say she make shots at an amazing rate. Without being smug, Kaleena is confident and cool. Confidence come from being the #4 player nationally as a sophomore, continually improving, being on the top team in the nation against a really tough schedule for two years, and outscoring the entire oppostion over 3 quarters in the California state championship game.
Aug 29, 2011
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The biggest question going forward, for me, is can Stef be kept out of foul trouble and be kept on the floor.

This is precisely why I believe UCONN needs another "Big" on the floor most of the time to play defense against the other team's best "Big" to keep Stef out of foul trouble. Or at least on the floor after Stef gets her 2nd or 3rd foul.
Oct 17, 2011
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I agree, NCorBust...and this is why, in all likelihood, we need to wait for the arrival of Breanna before we start thinking seriously about another NC. Geno and staff do a great job of coaching Stef on how to stay out of serious foul trouble, but, if I were Kim, or Muffett, etc. challenging Stef in the paint would be my priority from the opening minute, and I'm sure that's occurred to them. Heather is a great kid, but, in terms of overall talent, she isn't going to be the answer. This shows what a luxury we had when we could insert a wide body like McLaren in the post to spell Tina, play physically, absorb some fouls, and dish the ball beautifully. MJ is still an unknown quantity at this point, but maybe she can step up. I think our perimeter play is going to be outstanding. How physically we can play down low, and keep Stef from fouling out....therein lies much of the story for this season.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Stef averaged slightly more than one foul per half for the season last year. 85 fouls in 38 games, Tiff and Bria had 77 and Maya had 67. She fouled out of a total of two games, one being Baylor. That includes the early season when she was still learning the difference between the college game and high school and committed more fouls.

For a post player that is solid play and not someone given to foul issues. Fouling is not an issue for Stef. She will be on the floor.
Aug 26, 2011
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This is precisely why I believe UCONN needs another "Big" on the floor most of the time to play defense against the other team's best "Big" to keep Stef out of foul trouble. Or at least on the floor after Stef gets her 2nd or 3rd foul.

I think Stef's conditioning issues last year combined with the number of minutes she had to play in each game were a major reason for the fouls. This year she will be in much better condition and the resulting stamina should make it easier for her to avoid fouls.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Tony, your optimism is overwhelming.

What happens if Caroline's play is limited?
What happens if she has lost a step because of the surgeries?
What happens if her shooting is not improved? Is there a game in Caroline's past to which we can point as a baseline?

IMO, Caroline was much like Maria Conlon as a point guard. With Tina, Maya, Kalana, and Tiffany on the floor, Caroline did not have to be great. In her freshman year, she played alongside Renee. Again, she did not have to be great. If Caroline had the potential for greatness, that potential has been arthroscopically diminished. By how much is yet to be seen. Three knee surgeries. Is there even another player with whom she can possibly be compared?
VA you make a good points and I agree. We dont know what the future brings for Caroline. If Caroline cant play the point then UConn will have go with Bria or BB or someone else at the point. If Caroline can play the point and lead the team I feel she is the best to do that because of her experience. If she cant and lets face it many fans already feel for her to come back one more time will at the most be limited time, then we will live with it.


The Blue Guy
Aug 28, 2011
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As previous posters have said, it will be by committee in my opinion. Tiff, Caroline(pending healthy knees), Stef, ,Bria, and who knows how KML will turn out this year. Everyone will step up their game a bit and will make up for the loss offensively. Defensively however it will be interesting IMO.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not as interested in how the team will replace Maya's points, rebounds and assists as I am interested in seeing the team's level of confidence without Maya on the court. It was said by many opposing coaches last year that Maya's presence on the court relaxed her teammates and allowed them to play with confidence. Diana had that effect on teammates as well. Confidence comes with success so those early season match-ups against Stanford, A&M and Baylor will be important.



OC Hoops Fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Kaleena looks great. I watched the dancing video and didn't see her until I looked twice. I have seen her for 4 years in HS and in 4 months since being at UConn she looks the best I have ever seen.

Congrats to her.
Now play the other girl from OC and make me really happy.
Aug 26, 2011
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Bria played the point all of last year and even as a frosh she was one of the best in the country. Not worried about our point guard at all.
Aug 29, 2011
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I agree, NCorBust...and this is why, in all likelihood, we need to wait for the arrival of Breanna before we start thinking seriously about another NC. Geno and staff do a great job of coaching Stef on how to stay out of serious foul trouble, but, if I were Kim, or Muffett, etc. challenging Stef in the paint would be my priority from the opening minute, and I'm sure that's occurred to them. Heather is a great kid, but, in terms of overall talent, she isn't going to be the answer. This shows what a luxury we had when we could insert a wide body like McLaren in the post to spell Tina, play physically, absorb some fouls, and dish the ball beautifully. MJ is still an unknown quantity at this point, but maybe she can step up. I think our perimeter play is going to be outstanding. How physically we can play down low, and keep Stef from fouling out....therein lies much of the story for this season.

Geno seems a bit higher on Heather's defensive skills. Perhaps she will be UCONN's Satch Sanders (little or no "O" but lots of "D"). Certainly UCONN can fill the other positions with scorers.
Aug 29, 2011
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Stef averaged slightly more than one foul per half for the season last year. 85 fouls in 38 games, Tiff and Bria had 77 and maya had 67. She fouled out of a total of two games, one being Baylor. That includes the early season when she was still the difference between the college game and high school and committed more fouls.

For a post player that is solid play and not someone given to foul issues. Fouling is not an issue for Stef. She will be on the floor.

When stating averages be aware of the distribution. Stef has 31 fouls in 9 games for which I could get statistics. (I reported the problem to the UCONN Webmaster.) See the information below:

Stef’s Foul Situation vs. Top Teams and/or Close Games

OPPONENT ----------------- # FOULS
Notre Dame --- 04/03/11-------- 4
Notre Dame --- 02/19/11 -------- 3
Georgetown --- 03/06/11 -------- 3
Georgetown --- 02/26/11 -------- 4
Notre Dame --- 02/19/11 -------- 3
West Virginia - 02/08/11 --------- 3
Notre Dame --- 01/08/11 -------- 3
Stanford --------12/30/10 -------- 3
Baylor --------- 11/16/10 -------- 5 Played 12 minutes Heather was the late game
hero with her defense
Aug 29, 2011
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I think Stef's conditioning issues last year combined with the number of minutes she had to play in each game were a major reason for the fouls. This year she will be in much better condition and the resulting stamina should make it easier for her to avoid fouls.

I tend to agree. However, it does not explain 5 fouls against Griner. Griner explains it. For her there will be a need for multiple BIGs.


Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah, we'll be fabulous this year. No doubt. But next year, barring injuries or some other crazy thing, we might even beat Baylor. But if we don't it will be nothing to be ashamed about. And in the following year (after BG graduates from Baylor), if all goes as the numbers say it likely will, we will win the NC.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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When stating averages be aware of the distribution. Stef has 31 fouls in 9 games for which I could get statistics. (I reported the problem to the UCONN Webmaster.) See the information below:

Stef’s Foul Situation vs. Top Teams and/or Close Games

OPPONENT ----------------- # FOULS
Notre Dame --- 04/03/11-------- 4
Notre Dame --- 02/19/11 -------- 3
Georgetown --- 03/06/11 -------- 3
Georgetown --- 02/26/11 -------- 4
Notre Dame --- 02/19/11 -------- 3
West Virginia - 02/08/11 --------- 3
Notre Dame --- 01/08/11 -------- 3
Stanford --------12/30/10 -------- 3
Baylor --------- 11/16/10 -------- 5 Played 12 minutes Heather was the late game
hero with her defense
Yes, among those toughest games she averaged 3.4 fouls per game in those games. I said she fouled out against Baylor which was her 2nd collegiate game against the most challenging center in the country, not very surprising. If a post player averages 3.4 fouls per game against the best competition I consider that to be huge and positive, especially, when it was clear in game play that a number of those games she was being targeted to get her in foul trouble and put her on the bench. This year she has Heather plus Kia behind her. I am very comfortable with that.

Danielle Admas had 109 fouls and 3 FOs, Brittany Griner had 71 fouls and 0 FOs, Nikki Greene for PSU had 114 fouls and 5 FOs, Julia Trogele of PSU had 119 fouls and 9 FOs, Devereaux Peters had 96 and 3 FOs, Becca da Bruzer had 99 fouls and 3 FOs, Chiney O. had 95 and 4 FOs, Khadijah Rushdan had 94 fouls and 2 FOs.

Stef is far from a foul liability in the game and is very capable of managing her game to avoid foul trouble.


Aug 26, 2011
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Next year when Breanna Stewart, Moriah Jefferson and Morgan Tuck show up on campus...it is going to be hard to imagine UConn losing any games.

Post Players

Stephanie Dolson
Heather Buck
Kiah Stokes
Michala Johnson
Breanna Stewart
Morgan Tuck
Xylina McDaniels ????

Swing players and guards

Kelly Faris
Kaleena Mosqueda Lewis
Laura Engeln
Caroline Doty
Bria Hartley
Brianna Banks
Moriah Jefferson

Are you kidding me...that is the most ridiculous line-up I have ever seen in WCBB.
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