UConn In Discussions With ACC? | Page 8 | The Boneyard

UConn In Discussions With ACC?

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Aug 29, 2011
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Haha well you're about to get way too much info on Nexus message boardery but...

It started on Rivals, obviously a pay board. Now I and others have issues with paying to talk about sports but this is besides the point. Rivals lives off access to the program so in turn they pump out fluff pieces in a you scratch my back I'll scratch yours sort of way. I believe in 2004 someone discovered that there was a "secret" board where content beyond fluff pieces was being talked about. Only certain members were allowed entry. Someone found the secret board said WTF on the main board, his post was deleted and he was banned. It was this constant struggle by members who were already frustrated to pay for garbage to expose the secret board. The secret board was run by Christopher Zander. Eventually enough were frustrated thinking what are we paying for? And moved to scout.

Everything was fine there for a couple of years we were able to mix our BC sports talk with guy talk and always skirting the edge of internet acceptability.

You think you have bad neighbors in Stoors? BC's are 2000% worse. If you've never been, BC is in Chestnut Hill essentially a made up area but is part in Brighton, part in Newton. Newton is a Darien, Greenwich, etc & Brighton is a town varies between a college town and a slum. Brighton neighbors hate us for many reasons. BC started an expansion campaign and the town meetings got very ugly. That carried over to the internet community:
Here: http://atleagle.blogspot.com/2008/01/neighborhood-battle-takes-unexpected.html
Here: http://brighton-community.blogspot.com/2008/01/anti-semitism-and-misogyny-in-boston.html

And got written about in newspapers.

It eventually drew the admins at scout to establish a full time rule. It turned from the wild wild west to Stalingrad. We reluctantly adapted. Then someone hears an interview with the head of BC's scout site who is.... Christopher Zander! And a similar posting of link to prove who new admin is, deletion, and banning cycle took place.

The scout site is now a ghost town.

I might've missed some things as it was strictly through memory.

I just read all that, and the only thing that registered in my brain and was logged in memory....is...

the ACC sucks.


Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Haha well you're about to get way too much info on Nexus message boardery but...

It started on Rivals, obviously a pay board. Now I and others have issues with paying to talk about sports but this is besides the point. Rivals lives off access to the program so in turn they pump out fluff pieces in a you scratch my back I'll scratch yours sort of way. I believe in 2004 someone discovered that there was a "secret" board where content beyond fluff pieces was being talked about. Only certain members were allowed entry. Someone found the secret board said WTF on the main board, his post was deleted and he was banned. It was this constant struggle by members who were already frustrated to pay for garbage to expose the secret board. The secret board was run by Christopher Zander. Eventually enough were frustrated thinking what are we paying for? And moved to scout.

Everything was fine there for a couple of years we were able to mix our BC sports talk with guy talk and always skirting the edge of internet acceptability.

You think you have bad neighbors in Stoors? BC's are 2000% worse. If you've never been, BC is in Chestnut Hill essentially a made up area but is part in Brighton, part in Newton. Newton is a Darien, Greenwich, etc & Brighton is a town varies between a college town and a slum. Brighton neighbors hate us for many reasons. BC started an expansion campaign and the town meetings got very ugly. That carried over to the internet community:
Here: http://atleagle.blogspot.com/2008/01/neighborhood-battle-takes-unexpected.html
Here: http://brighton-community.blogspot.com/2008/01/anti-semitism-and-misogyny-in-boston.html

And got written about in newspapers.

It eventually drew the admins at scout to establish a full time rule. It turned from the wild wild west to Stalingrad. We reluctantly adapted. Then someone hears an interview with the head of BC's scout site who is.... Christopher Zander! And a similar posting of link to prove who new admin is, deletion, and banning cycle took place.

The scout site is now a ghost town.

I might've missed some things as it was strictly through memory.
Thanks. That "secret" board thing kills me. I just figured people finally realized that Mike Farrell was running a scam with his inside information and grade inflation of BC commits in order to increase subscribers.
Sep 20, 2011
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If ND were forced to join a conference I think it would be the Big East.

ND is a national brand, the Big East is the only coast to coast conference. Also ND would MUCH rather be in a conference where they are the dominant player vs joining a conference where they have equals. They want to be in a conference that they can reasonably win 2 out of 4 years. No other conference offers them that.

People wonder why ND hasn't been forced to join a conference, IMO the other conferences already know ND would join the Big East so they backed off from that idea. Do you think Texas wants Houston and SMU to be in a conference with ND? Not a chance.

ND and BYU to the Big East makes the Big East the most watched conference in the country, not the best, just the most watched. Don't laugh, there are plenty of loyal Mormans and Catholics in the country, and look at the big cities in the Big East.

The idea that ND would not be in a conference with Temple is shortsighted. Philly is a huge market, and ND already has UMASS on their schedule. They are not above putting a weakling on their schedule.

ND to the Big East instantly elevates the other schools in the conference. It would be a very solid football conference, on par or better than the ACC and PAC 12 and biting the heels of the Big 12.

It actually makes sense that they might consider it. ND football to the Big East would guarantee that the BE TV deal would be more on par with the Big 4 than the ACC and also assure the BE champ would get a tie in with an elite bowl. It also would allow them to be in a league where they dominate the leadership and call a lot of the shots. They also would be in the conference with the highest percentage of the television markets in the U.S., which I suspect is pretty attractive to them on some level.

I'd love it if this happened. I suspect many of us would. The clear shot callers in this league would be UConn, Louisville, and Notre Dame. BYU would probably be brought in and I assume Air Force would join.


Mar 30, 2012
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Notre Dame is partners with NBC and partners help each other. Notre Dame could play a reduced schedule focused on traditional rivals (Navy) and big-market teams (Rutgers/UConn for NYC, Temple for Philly, Houston, SMU, maybe Florida once in a while -- good for recruiting, big markets). It wouldn't change the way they do things much. It would preserve their bball conference. They could get an outsized share of revenue, as they do now - a bump in revenue most probably. They would make a new major bowl with Notre Dame and Big East champ tie ins airing on NBC more interesting.

I don't say I believe it is probable, but it would be a plausible deal. With BYU and Air Force joining, and Notre Dame a part-time member, the conference would make a splash nationally. It would undoubtedly be a major player. Anyone who thinks this hasn't been getting seriously discussed, knows nothing about business. All options are explored. This deal could be the making of NBC Sports Network, so you can be sure NBC is going to every partner and seeing how they can maximize the TV value.


Mar 30, 2012
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Personally, with this and big exposure on NBC, I would rather be in the NBE than the ACC. It gives UConn a clear path to national prominence in football.
Aug 26, 2011
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haven't we been down this road before...ND is not joining the big east. I'd love if it happened but there is NO chance.
Sep 20, 2011
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Anyone who speculates about ND joining the Big East in football is wasting their time; it's not ever going to happen.

I'm actually somewhat disappointed with myself for even wasting time to type this message.

Also, ACC > Big East.
Feb 10, 2012
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It actually makes sense that they might consider it. ND football to the Big East would guarantee that the BE TV deal would be more on par with the Big 4 than the ACC and also assure the BE champ would get a tie in with an elite bowl. It also would allow them to be in a league where they dominate the leadership and call a lot of the shots. They also would be in the conference with the highest percentage of the television markets in the U.S., which I suspect is pretty attractive to them on some level.

I'd love it if this happened. I suspect many of us would. The clear shot callers in this league would be UConn, Louisville, and Notre Dame. BYU would probably be brought in and I assume Air Force would join.
I think that's one reason why I would be hesitant to join the ACC if it were my decision. Especially if the money is close. In the BE, Uconn is a heavyweight (forget BY or ND). In the ACC, we'd be an outsider with little voice and fight for exposure in a southern dominated conference. Sure the pond is smaller, but isn't it better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond?
The BE is going to work or it won't. If it does work, with schools like Houston, SMU, USF, and UCF joining UofL and Cincy on the upswing the skies the limit. Boise has already proven you don't have to be one of the big-boys to compete on any given day. I think the other conferences know this as well.
It's not just ESPN that doesn't want the Big East around. A successful BE proves that college football isn't a birthright for a handful of schools and that tradition isn't a factor for NC consideration. And when your entire argument for splitting up the BCS pie is based on those arguments the BE is just an extra expense and another mouth to feed.
Aug 30, 2011
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Also, ACC > Big East.

From Notre Dame's perspective why would this be true? I've laid out why I think ND would rather join the Big East if they were forced to join a league, why do you think they would rather join the ACC?

.......and I'm not buying academics. North Carolina doesn't even make their student athletes go to real classes. There is no evidence of an academic Halo effect given to ND by joining the ACC. What student who is on the fence about going to ND is going to suddenly decide yes just because ND joined the ACC in sports? Why would that be a factor at all? Just because Duke is in the ACC? The Big East has Georgetown, Navy, and probably Air Force. The academic issue is very overrated and is trumped by national marketing

You think ND wants to be a servant on Tobacco road when they can be the Pope of the Big East? Think again.


Mar 30, 2012
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Anyone who speculates about ND joining the Big East in football is wasting their time; it's not ever going to happen.

I'm actually somewhat disappointed with myself for even wasting time to type this message.

You guys are missing the point. Notre Dame doesn't have to be a full member or play a full schedule to help the Big East, NBC, and themselves. If they simply regularly play NBE members and affiliate with a new Big East champion major bowl, then NBC gets full rights to the games whether home or road and bigger visibility for its major properties (NBE/ND/bowl). Notre Dame gets more exposure in major media markets like NYC/Philly/Houston/Dallas/Tampa/Orlando/San Diego or schools with national followings like Navy or BYU, and they support their basketball league which has most of the Catholic schools active in sports. The NBE obviously benefits.

Notre Dame doesn't have to be a conventional conference member. Their schedule can be designed to maximize value; they may even be able to choose their partners and dates. The games don't have to count in conference standings. It still works.
Dec 30, 2011
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What keeps getting missed by most of the arguments I've seen on this thread, is that the hybrid nature of the BE simply doesn't work.
If theres a chance for a program to go all-in to a conference, as opposed to being like a Boise or ND that parks its sports in 2 leagues, the prudent choice will always be full membership.
EVEN ND is now feeling pressure to join a league full-time and I predict eventually they'll have to. Boise had to adjust because it needed big-time ftball, and the BE needed Boise. But that still doesn't change the nature of the beast.
As a Cuse fan I've accepted that like it or not, whether the ACC is "shaky" or whatever, its much more viable than a hybrid BEast. Even if poached, recovery is easier with an all-in league like the ACC. In fact, if ND refuses to come in as a full member, I hope the ACC rejects them. The BE knows what those ND leeches are all about....been there, done that.
The BE will tinker, but unless and until the ftball/bsktball hybrid is ever adequately addressed, most programs will still want out.
Aug 26, 2011
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So, I thought this was all about football and the mutizillion revenues derived from it. And you bring up BB? Wrong answer. So after 17 pages of blather it comes down to trying to continue to give ESPN control of MCBB for the next 10-20 or or so years by bringing in UConn to seal the deal for some shaky ACC that might possibly reunite the Huskies with the beloved Pitt, Orange, and (maybe\maybe not) Hokies? Sounds a little pathetic for the network, the proposed conference, and UConn. Local yokels may love the BC and Duke football matchups, but the rest of the country could give a stifled air expulsion from the backside, or less.

It may be a little tough for those over 30 to come to grips with, but games with Clemson and Wake Forest are kind of a quaint fantasy of what UConn would have loved back in the previous millenium. Going forward, a nationwide reach that pulls the Huskies in with wide-ranging group that is featured in all time US time zones and makes UConn a national team sounds better, especially since the money has to be better than Bristol's tin nickels and knife in the back. Any who are real observers can see that any ACC team with any FB punch is leaving as soon as they can get a decent offer, so why does UConn run to this hodge-podge of old-conference underachievers and recent additions of Big East trembling Trudies. As a film from way back said, "Follow the money," and it ain't ESPN that was being talked about.

But Swofford has a lot more cheek for those who have the pucker.

Memphis, UCF, San Diego St., Boise St., Houston, SMU, etc.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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You guys are missing the point. Notre Dame doesn't have to be a full member or play a full schedule to help the Big East, NBC, and themselves. If they simply regularly play NBE members and affiliate with a new Big East champion major bowl, then NBC gets full rights to the games whether home or road and bigger visibility for its major properties (NBE/ND/bowl). Notre Dame gets more exposure in major media markets like NYC/Philly/Houston/Dallas/Tampa/Orlando/San Diego or schools with national followings like Navy or BYU, and they support their basketball league which has most of the Catholic schools active in sports. The NBE obviously benefits.

Notre Dame doesn't have to be a conventional conference member. Their schedule can be designed to maximize value; they may even be able to choose their partners and dates. The games don't have to count in conference standings. It still works.

This is the only way that NBC might coax ND closer to the BE.


Hey there
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Haha well you're about to get way too much info on Nexus message boardery but...

It started on Rivals, obviously a pay board. Now I and others have issues with paying to talk about sports but this is besides the point. Rivals lives off access to the program so in turn they pump out fluff pieces in a you scratch my back I'll scratch yours sort of way. I believe in 2004 someone discovered that there was a "secret" board where content beyond fluff pieces was being talked about. Only certain members were allowed entry. Someone found the secret board said WTF on the main board, his post was deleted and he was banned. It was this constant struggle by members who were already frustrated to pay for garbage to expose the secret board. The secret board was run by Christopher Zander. Eventually enough were frustrated thinking what are we paying for? And moved to scout.

Everything was fine there for a couple of years we were able to mix our BC sports talk with guy talk and always skirting the edge of internet acceptability.

You think you have bad neighbors in Stoors? BC's are 2000% worse. If you've never been, BC is in Chestnut Hill essentially a made up area but is part in Brighton, part in Newton. Newton is a Darien, Greenwich, etc & Brighton is a town varies between a college town and a slum. Brighton neighbors hate us for many reasons. BC started an expansion campaign and the town meetings got very ugly. That carried over to the internet community:
Here: http://atleagle.blogspot.com/2008/01/neighborhood-battle-takes-unexpected.html
Here: http://brighton-community.blogspot.com/2008/01/anti-semitism-and-misogyny-in-boston.html

And got written about in newspapers.

It eventually drew the admins at scout to establish a full time rule. It turned from the wild wild west to Stalingrad. We reluctantly adapted. Then someone hears an interview with the head of BC's scout site who is.... Christopher Zander! And a similar posting of link to prove who new admin is, deletion, and banning cycle took place.

The scout site is now a ghost town.

I might've missed some things as it was strictly through memory.

I remember that spat on the Scout board. Eva Webster (sp?) even stopped by for a visit. Very interesting stuff.

What happened to captainhardcore? His posts were so horrible I'd be surprised if Edsall didn't show prospective recruits his rantings and say "If you go to Boston College, you will permanently be within a 1.5 mile radius of this person."


Hey there
Aug 26, 2011
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Anyone who speculates about ND joining the Big East in football is wasting their time; it's not ever going to happen.

I'm actually somewhat disappointed with myself for even wasting time to type this message.

Also, ACC > Big East.

I agree that the ACC is better than the Big East, but I don't mind our current situation. We are still playing football programs that should be considered equal or better than we are (Boise State, Rutgers, Houston, maybe SMU, Louisville, and Cincinnati at least). We don't have much to complain about. If the 16 team superconferences happen, I firmly believe UConn will find a home somewhere. If not, we are OK for the next decade at least.

If Louisville and or Rutgers leave, then we are in trouble.
Oct 11, 2011
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You guys are missing the point. Notre Dame doesn't have to be a full member or play a full schedule to help the Big East, NBC, and themselves. If they simply regularly play NBE members and affiliate with a new Big East champion major bowl, then NBC gets full rights to the games whether home or road and bigger visibility for its major properties (NBE/ND/bowl). Notre Dame gets more exposure in major media markets like NYC/Philly/Houston/Dallas/Tampa/Orlando/San Diego or schools with national followings like Navy or BYU, and they support their basketball league which has most of the Catholic schools active in sports. The NBE obviously benefits.

Notre Dame doesn't have to be a conventional conference member. Their schedule can be designed to maximize value; they may even be able to choose their partners and dates. The games don't have to count in conference standings. It still works.

Swarbrick said a more stable Big East could also lead the independent football program to consider resuming its partnership with the conference on secondary bowl options.
"In my time here, the affiliation has been for a single bowl game," said Swarbrick. "That creates challenges for us. We are exploring a host of potential ways in which we might deepen the number and nature of our bowl affiliations. There's a lot of work ahead in that but certainly working with The Big East on that is one possibility."

Read more: http://www.kitsapsun.com/news/2012/aug/16/swarbrick-praises-new-big-east-commissioner/#ixzz254WJPzd3
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