The Unforeseeables of Hype, Reality, and Reasonable Expectations... | The Boneyard

The Unforeseeables of Hype, Reality, and Reasonable Expectations...

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Aug 4, 2014
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Pondering a Mo-less, Stewie-less future, I was still certain that if we added a really good big kid, a team otherwise consisting of Gabby, Kia, Lou, Napheesa, Crystal, Kyla and Molly (with or without Morgan) would win several National Championships. Well, all the ingredients seem to be there, with Natalie being the only question mark.

This is absolutely not a putdown of Natalie but more of a question. Having seen her perform in limited minutes and recovering from a serious hand problem, was all the hype unfairly over-the-top and what can be reasonably expected from her over the next two years?

A few things Nat should easily be able to fix:
- Work to increase hand strength and her ability to hold onto the ball.
- Learn to stop bringing the ball down so low, allowing smaller opponents to tie her up and turn her over.
- Learn to move her feet much better and to stop reaching so much on defense.
- Getting more comfortable in her UConn skin (and that will come with time), She's understandably very nervous on the floor, uncertain of how/when to release the ball to after she grabs a rebound.
ALL THESE THINGS ARE EMINENTLY FIXABLE and DOABLE. Some will take more time, but I have no doubts Natalie will do it. UConn fans are often too impatient; we need to be.

Looking back at the shortcomings and struggles some other first-year UConn players had (granted, they were true freshmen but given the un-UConnish level of BigEast/Georgetown play, I'd cut Nat a lot of slack), I think it's reasonable to be a little more patient and we shall see significant improvements ahead.

Three Husky greats come to mind when I think of the huge gap between how they often struggled in their first years as a Husky and how they blossomed after that.

1. Moriah Jefferson- obviously uber-talented, but she always played too fast and out-of-control. She didn't have to be guarded on the outside because she had no shot. Moriah had a terrible 3/2 assist to turnover ratio and shot a poor 42% from the field and a dreadful 27% from three! However, all that changed- she shot 58, 59 and 55% from the field her last 3 years, and 42, 50 and 39% from the arc.

2. Stef Dolson- As a freshman she took forever to get up and down the court. It was hard to watch her as she struggled with her running and conditioning. And Stef wasn't always there for her teammates as they waited on her to get in the play. Some very hard work, and all that changed for the future All-American. Watching her first year, who would have guessed she'd become so great. (Geno, surely not me.)

3. Kelly Faris- A real Husky great, but she couldn't shoot her way out of a paper bag her freshman year. And it was ugly. Her shot that first year was dismal- 38%. Even worse from three- 27%! But a lot of hard work, and presto- 43, 44 and 53% her senior year! And improved to 31, 32 and 42% from three her last year.

My point (finally, you windbag HR) is that even some of the greatest Huskies struggled mightily in their first year at UConn. They were all talented, but they all also had real problems that needed fixing. And they did the hard work and fixed them. Moriah had to do some major work on her shot. She's now one of the best shooters on the team and in the country! Stef didn't become great until through her incredibly determined efforts she became (no laughs, please) the finely conditioned athlete she is today. And until Kelly worked and developed her shot, she never looked like more than a super hustler and defender who could contribute very little offensively.

The weaknesses I see in Natalie's game are all fixable. Given the 'right' attitude, work ethic and the desire to become the best she can become, Natalie is in the best hands possible to become that "really good big kid" we need moving forward. She just has to want it bad and work it hard.

[I can't believe I wrote this much- sorry, guess that's what retirement does to you. Apologies for the pretentious Stephen Hawking's-like title.]
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Feb 26, 2015
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I mentioned in another thread that I noticed that Natalie was keeping the ball high last night. Only once or twice did she dribble. By keeping the ball high, she was able to outlet pass better.


Aug 30, 2011
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Pondering a Mo-less, Stewie-less future, I was still certain that if we added a really good big kid, a team otherwise consisting of Gabby, Kia, Lou, Napheesa, Crystal, Kyla and Molly (with or without Morgan) would win several National Championships. Well, all the ingredients seem to be there, with Natalie being the only question mark.

This is absolutely not a putdown of Natalie but more of a question. Having seen her perform in limited minutes and recovering from a serious hand problem, was all the hype unfairly over-the-top and what can be reasonably expected from her over the next two years?

A few things Nat should easily be able to fix:
- Work to increase hand strength and her ability to hold onto the ball.
- Learn to stop bringing the ball down so low, allowing smaller opponents to tie her up and turn her over.
- Learn to move her feet much better and to stop reaching so much on defense.
- Getting more comfortable in her UConn skin (and that will come with time), She's understandably very nervous on the floor, uncertain of how/when to release the ball to after she grabs a rebound.
ALL THESE THINGS ARE EMINENTLY FIXABLE and DOABLE. Some will take more time, but I have no doubts Natalie will do it. UConn fans are often too impatient; we need to be.

Looking back at the shortcomings and struggles some other first-year UConn players had (granted, they were true freshmen but given the un-UConnish level of BigEast/Georgetown play, I'd cut Nat a lot of slack), I think it's reasonable to be a little more patient and we shall see significant improvements ahead.

Three Husky greats come to mind when I think of the huge gap between how they often struggled in their first years as a Husky and how they blossomed after that.

1. Moriah Jefferson- obviously uber-talented, but she always played too fast and out-of-control. She didn't have to be guarded on the outside because she had no shot. Moriah had a terrible 3/2 assist to turnover ratio and shot a poor 42% from the field and a dreadful 27% from three! However, all that changed- she shot 58, 59 and 55% from the field her last 3 years, and 42, 50 and 39% from the arc.

2. Stef Dolson- As a freshman she took forever to get up and down the court. It was hard to watch her as she struggled with her running and conditioning. And Stef wasn't always there for her teammates as they waited on her to get in the play. Some very hard work, and all that changed for the future All-American. Watching her first year, who would have guessed she'd become so great. (Geno, surely not me.)

3. Kelly Faris- A real Husky great, but she couldn't shoot her way out of a paper bag her freshman year. And it was ugly. Her shot that first year was dismal- 38%. Even worse from three- 27%! But a lot of hard work, and presto- 43, 44 and 53% her senior year! And improved to 31, 32 and 42% from three her last year.

My point (finally, you windbag HR) is that even some of the greatest Huskies struggled mightily in their first year at UConn. They were all talented, but they all also had real problems that needed fixing. And they did the hard work and fixed them. Moriah had to do some major work on her shot. She's now one of the best shooters on the team and in the country! Stef didn't become great until through her incredibly determined efforts she became (no laughs, please) the finely conditioned athlete she is today. And until Kelly worked and developed her shot, she never looked like more than a super hustler and defender who could contribute very little offensively.

The weaknesses I see in Natalie's game are all fixable. Given the 'right' attitude, work ethic and the desire to become the best she can become, Natalie is in the best hands possible to become that "really good big kid" we need moving forward. She just has to want it bad and work it hard.

[I can't believe I wrote this much- sorry, guess that's what retirement does to you. Apologies for the pretentious Stephen Hawking's-like title.]
I think the Huskies will be fine next year. They will lose a few games. But they won't be bad at all. Natalie will get in better condition and probably will be a starter. And after watching a few clips on Kyla Irwin she could be nice in the post rotation. She could have trouble guarding bigger posts , but they are going to have trouble guarding her as well. As she is mobile and has a good outside stroke. Many teams play with smaller posts these days as teams try to get more mobile and faster......And because there are just not that many good tall 6'3--6'6 post players.
Apr 1, 2013
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I think the Huskies will be fine next year. They will lose a few games. But they won't be bad at all. Natalie will get in better condition and probably will be a starter. And after watching a few clips on Kyla Irwin she could be nice in the post rotation. She could have trouble guarding bigger posts , but they are going to have trouble guarding her as well. As she is mobile and has a good outside stroke. Many teams play with smaller posts these days as teams try to get more mobile and faster.And because there are just not that many good tall 6'3--6'6 post players.

As long as Butler and Irwin don't have to play the 4/5 together for other than a minute or two or in blowouts. If Irwin can play some backup center - great. But please no power forward and have Butler at center in which they play crucial minutes vs top-tier teams. If that happens - we're in big trouble. Unless Irwin is some super-sleeper player/recruit.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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As long as Butler and Irwin don't have to play the 4/5 together for other than a minute or two or in blowouts. If Irwin can play some backup center - great. But please no power forward and have Butler at center in which they play crucial minutes vs top-tier teams. If that happens - we're in big trouble. Unless Irwin is some super-sleeper player/recruit.
Well Irwin is pretty good at shooting threes as well, and yes she is a super secret sleeper recruit!
Sep 6, 2011
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Butler, KLS, Collier, up front, with Gabby, and Kia at the guard spots isn't a bad lineup.
Jan 29, 2012
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As far as I can tell from reports, Gabby will be a small forward the rest of her UCONN career.
She would just be a good G but an outstanding AA SF as her quickness & athletic ability (HJ) destroys other forwards!
When I talked to her at autograph night that is what she sees for herself, SF all the way.
Chong/Nurse/Dangerfield/Bent/KLS/ will handle the SG & PG positions.

To start in Nov. you have: Chong PG
Nurse SG
Collier PF
Butler C
Gabby & Dangerfield 1st off the bench ( Geno likes Gabby to add a spark off the bench)

In Jan. Dangerfield PG
Nurse SG
Collier PF
Butler C
Gabby & Chong & Irwin off the bench

Sometimes Geno will go with: Nurse PG
Gabby SF
Collier PF
Irwin F/C

********I really wish Geno had gotten Cox or Patterson, boy they would have added so much to this line-up!
Aug 4, 2014
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As far as I can tell from reports, Gabby will be a small forward the rest of her UCONN career.
She would just be a good G but an outstanding AA SF as her quickness & athletic ability (HJ) destroys other forwards!
When I talked to her at autograph night that is what she sees for herself, SF all the way.
Chong/Nurse/Dangerfield/Bent/KLS/ will handle the SG & PG positions.

To start in Nov. you have: Chong PG
Nurse SG
Collier PF
Butler C
Gabby & Dangerfield 1st off the bench ( Geno likes Gabby to add a spark off the bench)

In Jan. Dangerfield PG
Nurse SG
Collier PF
Butler C
Gabby & Chong & Irwin off the bench

Sometimes Geno will go with: Nurse PG
Gabby SF
Collier PF
Irwin F/C

********I really wish Geno had gotten Cox or Patterson, boy they would have added so much to this line-up!

I agree- if that kid from Flower Mound had the stones to leave Texas for Storrs, several NC's would have been in the cards. A good, not even necessarily a great post player would have complemented what could become an otherwise awesome lineup going forward.

I have to believe (trusting in Geno as I do) that if coach is NOT confident in Natalie's development based upon what he has seen this year, then somehow, someway, he will find a good big- maybe in Moscow, who knows. :rolleyes:
Aug 26, 2011
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Er, um, well, Lauren is a girl....

Seriously, though, UConn isn't for everyone. I'm uncomfortable being insulting to girls that choose to go elsewhere.

And I find myself often surprised at the inappropriate language used by "vocabulary challenged" people on this board. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned, though good taste never goes out of fashion.
Oct 5, 2015
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Concerning Natalie, strength is speed. She has got to get a lot stronger around the rim. Right now she can't get a shot off with much smaller girls on her. I'm hoping she puts in the time over the summer and comes back next fall a stronger and more confident player. If not we will have a much shorter line up next fall. In Geno we trust.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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From all I have read (and seen), it's gonna be hard as heck to keep Crystal on the bench. Really, really hard.
I hope so, but I've learned to temper my expectations. KLS is a great example of how even potentially great players can take some time making the jump to elite WCBB. She looks pretty good now though, doesn't she?


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Er, um, well, Lauren is a girl....

Seriously, though, UConn isn't for everyone. I'm uncomfortable being insulting to girls that choose to go elsewhere.
You know some people would consider saying she had stones as an insult. :rolleyes:


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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And I find myself often surprised at the inappropriate language used by "vocabulary challenged" people on this board. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned, though good taste never goes out of fashion.
I'm occasionally surprised how some people think old fashioned, stuffy, curmudgeon is somehow "good taste".


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Butler, KLS, Collier, up front, with Gabby, and Kia at the guard spots isn't a bad lineup.
For me, as much as I like Gabby's game, I think she lacks the ball handling skills for that task.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm occasionally surprised how some people think old fashioned, stuffy, curmudgeon is somehow "good taste".

It shouldn't surprise you, or anyone, that there are people who think that it's possible to express yourself without being offensive or stuffy, and still make yourself understood.
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Aug 26, 2011
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I'm occasionally surprised how some people think old fashioned, stuffy, curmudgeon is somehow "good taste".

But you are correct that old fashioned , etc may not be in good taste.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Next season without Tuck we have the Butler BE FOY who averaged a double double. The number 1 HS player in KLS. A top 10 in Collier and Lawlor Nurse Chong Ekmark and Williams. Dangerfield is coming in a top 3 HS and top point guard in the class plus Irwin and Bent. How far the team goes will be based on how they develop as a team. Chemistry cohesiveness and execution will need to become part reflexive. I like our talent.
Nov 20, 2011
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I'm optimistic about Natalie for next year. She has shown flashes of brilliance this year interspersed with forehead smacking mess-ups.

It's obvious that Natalie has a great desire to succeed and wants to show it to Geno and the team. When she is on the court, she knows there is only a small window of time in which to display her ability. This self imposed pressure is not conducive to great performance.

I believe, over the summer, she will embrace a Dolson like training regiment, and will come back with great fitness. That, coupled with less fear of being yanked after scant minutes will work wonders. She can do it!


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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On thing I find interesting with Butler who has shown herself to be a good passer and has a nice foul line jumper is that she NEVER plays that high post position that Dolson made so effective. It is not a real part of the repertoire of this current team and her being a bench player means that it hasn't been dusted off this year and installed. I suspect it will be added back into the game plans next year.
Apr 29, 2015
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Crystal Dangerfield Will be starting next year,If not right away by the 5th game.Uconn cant play a pg who doesnt have cofidence in herself to led a team.Nurse can play point and Lou the 2 with Gabby,Napheesa and Natalie.
Apr 1, 2013
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I really want to see next year if Collier, Gabby, KLS, Nurse and Danger can impose their will on a very good "big team." For that to work though, they all have to be proficient sticking outside shots though for some not necessarily from 3. I'm a bit disappointed that Collier's outside shot 10-15 feet hasn't been very good. I'm still hopeful to see a game in the next two or maybe 3 which I see her knock down two or three outside jumpers in one game. Not much time left to see it!! I'm ecstatic that Gabby can knock down ft jumpers. Hopefully next year it can be a weapon not just an occasional "show me."

In particular if Collier or Gabby can hit jumpers with consistency, more than likely UCONN becomes un-guardable too vs many big teams.

Sluconn Husky

#1 Source of Info
May 22, 2014
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she NEVER plays that high post position that Dolson made so effective.

I think we need to realize Dolson was one of a kind, and that it'll be a while before you see a player her size with those skills and instincts. Butler will be different for better or worse.
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