The real reason we need to split off | The Boneyard

The real reason we need to split off

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Aug 27, 2011
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I agree with a comment by Freescooter somewhere below. I lost where it was so I want to start a new thread. And I'd like to address more emphatically Waylon's arguments for the keeping with the basketball schools. Yes, we lose money by splitting off in the short term. That's a given. We'll make it back long term. But staying with the onlies will only lead to a slow, painful, bloodletting death. Why? First, let's face it. The basketball side does not feel our pain. The BE basketball side is without doubt the "elite" side of the Big East conference. They think so, I tend to think so, everyone else thinks so, it's probably true. Georgetown is elite. Villanova, PC, SJU, are pretty good schools. Seton Hall? Dunno. BC was real good. ND, don't even go there. Do these programs consider us their "peers?" These programs are not real gung ho about joining up with UCF or ECU. Or USF, or Louisville, Cincinnati, WVA, or guess who else, if you care to listen to them. Uconn. They didn't like the addition of Uconn, they don't like it now, they don't think Uconn is worthy of them, which explains why they view Uconn with such inexplicable (to us) disdain. Disdain and disgust is the way you'd have to characterize it. I went to Fairfield, a fine little place, but nothing to write home about. Even they looked down on Uconn, something I never understood. But listen to the sounds of these places - you feel it too. The aspirations of the onlies is far removed from what we on the football side need. Fact is, all the damage they could have done has just about been done. There's not much more they can do. They drove out UM. UM had its tag-a-longs. They drove out Syracuse. Pitt. There's not a heck of a lot more they can do to damage this football conference, but what they can, they will do. They don't care what we need. Maybe they can only do just a tiny bit more damage, but the way we're bleeding right now, we can't take any more stab wounds.

What do we need? We need ND to go away. We need ND to just go away. Go away with the onlies. Let ND stand in the muck in the rain. We can't give them a safe haven any more. Let them be independent. Like your kids with the mouths. Sometimes they need to feel what independence is really like. On our end, we need to have the flexibility to add programs the onlies won't deal with because such associations damage their self perception. It makes them feel less superior to be associated with certain universities. Many here feel the same way, but at least here we understand that survival is at stake. The onlies could never understand that. Their survival has nothing to do with all of this. What do they care? If they reluctantly, scoffingly, agree to let us add a UCF, or an ECU, we'll have to add a Butler, or a St. Joe's or St. Peters, to keep them happy. They want a say in our future, but they don't have a stake in our future. They will agree if we agree to accept Villanova in football. The onlies, and perhaps some here, think that's a grand idea. An idea that causes schools like Pitt and Syracuse, and others before them, to run for the fire escapes!

To make this football side work, we need to do some dirty, ugly things, that the onlies aren't going to tolerate gladly. Unless we want to have a 24 team basketball league. The ugly things we need to do are things we need to do. We need to associate with programs that will help us build a football conference. A BCS conference. There aren't many options left out there. It will be ugly. We need to associate with programs in different states - multiple constituencies - so that the BCS conferences will not have the guts to kick us out after what they did to us. Not have the guts to look in the mirror in the morning. Syracuse and Pitt will not have the guts to want to kick us out. North Carolina politicians will bargain for ECU. Florida politicians will go to bat for UCF. I just wish we could get California involved. Ohio. Texas. West Virgina. New Jersey. We just lost New York.

We need time. Time will wear down the barriers, it always does. Syracuse and Pitt were once storied programs. Look at them now. Their departure, and their replacement with UCF, maybe ECU, certainly a Boise State, only strengthens our BCS formulas. These losses are losses in sentiment only. It would have been better if Syracuse had left the first time, and VT remained. Then Pitt could go now, and be replaced with UCF, or TCU. Net gain. But we can't make these moves with the onlies around our neck.
Sep 18, 2011
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Before you drive the basketball schools away, you have to answer this question: Is it more important to protect your basketball brand or hopefully build your football program? I am a huge UConn football fan, but I think you protect the basketball brand first even if it means going independent in football until a more desirable conference spot opens. I think you can schedule enough decent football games with other independents like BYU, Navy, Army, ND, as well as a couple difficult top teams like we have scheduled already Michigan and Tennessee. Schedule Boise St.... Tell ND you will stay in the BE if you schedule a home and home football series with us by dropping either BC or Pitt from their schedule. Big East football money before an anticipated new contract wasn't that much and we can negotiate TV rights to our football games if we have home games with Michigan, Tennessee, ND, Navy, Army, BYU, Boise St.,... Probably a downtick from what we are currently making, but not a disaster.

Finally, get the BCS deal that the non-AQ conferences, BYU, and ND get. If we are in top 8 of BCS ratings we go to a BCS bowl.
Aug 29, 2011
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Retain the BCS bid. President Herbst. Find a way to retain the BCS bid for our football schools. Then, with the 6 we have, and a 7th coming in.

Go out and forge a path. The players will win on the field. We will be grouped among the top 25 in the land. We already are.

There's nothing more dangerous than a cornered animal.

Basketball is a wonderful sport, and dominates the winter landscape when the fields are buried in snow and the barns were the only place that competition could take place.

But football, football is the game of war. Football is the game that so proverbially drives the bus.
Aug 27, 2011
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Before you drive the basketball schools away, you have to answer this question: Is it more important to protect your basketball brand or hopefully build your football program? I am a huge UConn football fan, but I think you protect the basketball brand first even if it means going independent in football until a more desirable conference spot opens. I think you can schedule enough decent football games with other independents like BYU, Navy, Army, ND, as well as a couple difficult top teams like we have scheduled already Michigan and Tennessee. Schedule Boise St.... Tell ND you will stay in the BE if you schedule a home and home football series with us by dropping either BC or Pitt from their schedule. Big East football money before an anticipated new contract wasn't that much and we can negotiate TV rights to our football games if we have home games with Michigan, Tennessee, ND, Navy, Army, BYU, Boise St.,... Probably a downtick from what we are currently making, but not a disaster.

Finally, get the BCS deal that the non-AQ conferences, BYU, and ND get. If we are in top 8 of BCS ratings we go to a BCS bowl.

Jim, maybe I'm missing the point, but I love your passion. I get it. I'm not sure that our going independent at this point would necessarily attract the quality of opponent that you're talking about, and we would really have a scheduling problem for the first couple years due to the pre-arranged schedules, so it's just not an option for us. Also the non revs. Where do they go? One of the reasons you need a conference is cause its like a family in a way, for your sports.
Aug 30, 2011
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Here are the immediate potential players in a new league built for football. This is a much better football league than we are in now and the hoops are decent. Before knocking the hoops potential of this league first remember that Seton Hall, and Depaul are in our current league. Play the basketball tournament in NYC at the new brooklyn arena. We could even add Fordham to the mix if we wanted NYC in the fold.

West Virginia
East Carolina
Aug 27, 2011
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Here are the potential players in a new league built for football. This is a much better football league than we are in now and the hoops are decent. Before knocking the hoops potential of this league first remember that Seton Hall, and Depaul are in our current league. Play the basketball tournament in NYC at the new brooklyn arena.

West Virginia
East Carolina
That's 13, but I'm good with it. The only school I'd add would be Memphis. Great basketball. Decent to good potential in football. What else we got to do?:) Let's take Memphis!!


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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If this two year round of expansion has taught us anything, it is that markets and marketability drive the bus, not football or basketball. Colorado is highly coveted despite being lousy in both major sports because it has a medium sized market all to itself. Oklahoma has not gotten so much as a sniff because despite being one of the Top 5 football programs in history, it shares a poor, small market with another school.

The Big East has 7 tradition-rich basketball programs in major markets. I can not figure out how getting rid of those schools makes our football program better at this point. We know that a 16 team basketball conference works and can thrive.

As for the football league, 3 of the 7 schools are currently in the Top 20. Quantity does not help us here. It never has. I think we focus on markets and programs that can grow. I like Houston more than UCF for that reason for all sports. I like Temple and UMass for football only, to being in 2014 to give them time to upgrade their recruiting. Navy and Army seems like solving a problem we don't have. I don't hate adding them, but I don't love them.

Net/net, Houston and TCU are a big downgrade on the hoops side compared to Pitt and Syracuse, but we have some cushion there and St. Johns and Depaul are getting better. On football, UConn, Rutgers, WVU, Cincinnati, Louisville, USF, TCU and Houston are clearly a BCS league, and Temple and UMass can grow into that status, much like USF, UConn and Cincinnati did. If, down the road, folding UMass and Temple in for all sports is justified, we do it, or we can split off.

My point is, that league is sustainable, is a BCS league, and will get a decent TV deal. That is all we need from a conference.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Yeah, the B1G really hit the jackpot with the Lincoln-Omaha demographic. It had nothing to do with Nebraska's football program :rolleyes:

Now I fully understand why upgrading Nova in football would have been such a coup. Imagine how strong we would be if St John's ever decided to bring football back!
Aug 30, 2011
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Until yesterday I thought staying with the basketball schools was the right move. I now believe a clean break would be in our best LONG TERM interest. The basketball schools are never going to let us build a quality football league. NEVER! and the small size of the current football league destroys the perception of it. We need to start with quantity and work hard to develop quality.
Sep 1, 2011
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If this two year round of expansion has taught us anything, it is that markets and marketability drive the bus, not football or basketball. Colorado is highly coveted despite being lousy in both major sports because it has a medium sized market all to itself. Oklahoma has not gotten so much as a sniff because despite being one of the Top 5 football programs in history, it shares a poor, small market with another school.

The Big East has 7 tradition-rich basketball programs in major markets. I can not figure out how getting rid of those schools makes our football program better at this point. We know that a 16 team basketball conference works and can

As for the football league, 3 of the 7 schools are currently in the Top 20. Quantity does not help us here. It never has. I think we focus on markets and programs that can grow. I like Houston more than UCF for that reason for all sports. I like Temple and UMass for football only, to being in 2014 to give them time to upgrade their recruiting. Navy and Army seems like solving a problem we don't have. I don't hate adding them, but I don't love them

Net/net, Houston and TCU are a big downgrade on the hoops side compared to Pitt and Syracuse, but we have some cushion there and St. Johns and Depaul are getting better. On football, UConn, Rutgers, WVU, Cincinnati, Louisville, USF, TCU and Houston are clearly a BCS league, and Temple and UMass can grow into that status, much like USF, UConn
and Cincinnati did. If, down the road, folding UMass and Temple in for all sports is justified, we do it, or we can split

My point is, that league is sustainable, is a BCS league, and will get a decent TV deal. That is all we need from a conference.

Aug 27, 2011
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If this two year round of expansion has taught us anything, it is that markets and marketability drive the bus, not football or basketball. Colorado is highly coveted despite being lousy in both major sports because it has a medium sized market all to itself. Oklahoma has not gotten so much as a sniff because despite being one of the Top 5 football programs in history, it shares a poor, small market with another school.

The Big East has 7 tradition-rich basketball programs in major markets. I can not figure out how getting rid of those schools makes our football program better at this point. We know that a 16 team basketball conference works and can thrive.

As for the football league, 3 of the 7 schools are currently in the Top 20. Quantity does not help us here. It never has. I think we focus on markets and programs that can grow. I like Houston more than UCF for that reason for all sports. I like Temple and UMass for football only, to being in 2014 to give them time to upgrade their recruiting. Navy and Army seems like solving a problem we don't have. I don't hate adding them, but I don't love them.

Net/net, Houston and TCU are a big downgrade on the hoops side compared to Pitt and Syracuse, but we have some cushion there and St. Johns and Depaul are getting better. On football, UConn, Rutgers, WVU, Cincinnati, Louisville, USF, TCU and Houston are clearly a BCS league, and Temple and UMass can grow into that status, much like USF, UConn and Cincinnati did. If, down the road, folding UMass and Temple in for all sports is justified, we do it, or we can split off.

My point is, that league is sustainable, is a BCS league, and will get a decent TV deal. That is all we need from a conference.
Very rational. It is. But I still favor a split. I'm assuming that you are assuming that the onlies are part of the conference and that they are going to go along with this?


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Yeah, the B1G really hit the jackpot with the Lincoln-Omaha demographic. It had nothing to do with Nebraska's football program :rolleyes:

Now I fully understand why upgrading Nova in football would have been such a coup. Imagine how strong we would be if St John's ever decided to bring football back!

Nebraska was a strange add in some ways, but it is also one of a handful of national programs. The relationship of Tom Osborne with several of the Big 10 AD's was also critical.

All the other moves are market driven. Colorado and Utah to the Pac 12 were slam dunks, while Oklahoma and Oklahoma State was a rejection. In fact, no one wants the Oklahomas. WVU never got serious consideration from the SEC despite a tremendous football AND basketball program. BYU is at the top of the Big 12's list, over WVU, TCU and Louisville. Funny how Boise has not gotten so much as a sniff from anyone so far.

But keep up the snark. Maybe you will actually pull it off at some point.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Very rational. It is. But I still favor a split. I'm assuming that you are assuming that the onlies are part of the conference and that they are going to go along with this?

The basketball onlies will do whatever we want. They always have. Can anyone remember a factual instance where they turned down an addition that actually made sense to add?
Aug 29, 2011
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The basketball onlies will do whatever we want. They always have. Can anyone remember a factual instance where they turned down an addition that actually made sense to add?

I'm getting tired of this.

When was the last time a BCS conference other than the big east, added a non-BCS conference team?

When the big east adds a team from another BCS conference, keep talking. otherwise, seriously. STOP!!
Aug 27, 2011
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The basketball onlies will do whatever we want. They always have. Can anyone remember a factual instance where they turned down an addition that actually made sense to add?
They must be doing something wrong. Seems a lot of folks don't find them all that popular. You have to wonder why. I have no answers to the specific questions. Don't follow it all that closely. All I know is that a lot of schools, some well respected, seem to want out. I'm not being facetious, I don't exactly know why. But it is a strong statement.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm getting tired of this.

When was the last time a BCS conference other than the big east, added a non-BCS conference team?

When the big east adds a team from another BCS conference, keep talking. otherwise, seriously. STOP!!

I get that the Big East is at the bottom of the list in terms of BCS conferences. Thanks for the bulletin. Someone should pin this post because prior to Mr. Spackler's epiphany, no one had figured that out.

Now back to the basketball schools...


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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They must be doing something wrong. Seems a lot of folks don't find them all that popular. You have to wonder why. I have no answers to the specific questions. Don't follow it all that closely. All I know is that a lot of schools, some well respected, seem to want out. I'm not being facetious, I don't exactly know why. But it is a strong statement.

Its the TV contract. The Big East's sucked because last time we signed one, Miami, VTech and BCU had just walked out the door. Obviously mistakes were made on the TV contract. But blowing out the basketball schools because of a bad TV deal is like a company firing everyone in R&D and production because sales is screwing up. We need to focus on the actual problem.
Sep 20, 2011
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Here are the immediate potential players in a new league built for football. This is a much better football league than we are in now and the hoops are decent. Before knocking the hoops potential of this league first remember that Seton Hall, and Depaul are in our current league. Play the basketball tournament in NYC at the new brooklyn arena. We could even add Fordham to the mix if we wanted NYC in the fold.

West Virginia
East Carolina

I honestly think that this conference plus Memphis could allow us to keep our BCS bid if we could put it together quickly enough for it to play as a BCS league for the next two seasons for which we are guaranteed to still have it for.
Aug 29, 2011
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Its the TV contract. The Big East's sucked because last time we signed one, Miami, VTech and BCU had just walked out the door. Obviously mistakes were made on the TV contract. But blowing out the basketball schools because of a bad TV deal is like a company firing everyone in R&D and production because sales is screwing up. We need to focus on the actual problem.

Ok. please. What is the actual problem?


Aug 26, 2011
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I honestly think that this conference plus Memphis could allow us to keep our BCS bid if we could put it together quickly enough for it to play as a BCS league for the next two seasons for which we are guaranteed to still have it for.
I'm not seeing it. That looks more or less like what I envision as a worst-case scenario, especially if just one more current BE program leaves.
Aug 27, 2011
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Ok. please. What is the actual problem?
Carl, that's a great question. The problem is that there is a real old boy network, you could call it the country club crowd, and they have a lot of cache with the networks, which provide the medium, to the American public. There is a lot of new money in the old boy network, and there is a lot of old money. Pitt and Syracuse are old money, they don't much money anymore, but they're still one of us. So, the old boy network, somewhat reluctantly, can't just them outside in the cold, it's unseemly and UN-Christian like. So they find a place for their poor relations, Syracuse and Pitt. The rich relations have a hard time just leaving them outside in the cold. They're having a bit more trouble with their hillbilly cousins, no one wants to take them in, but someone has to. The SEC? Someone's got. They're (yeech) family.

But to the point. The problem is, we are not in the old boy network. We blasted our way in, in basketball, but not in football.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm not seeing it. That looks more or less like what I envision as a worst-case scenario, especially if just one more current BE program leaves.
T, if anyone else leaves, this whole thing collapses. No question. But we have to be ready and stay fit.
Aug 24, 2011
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I agree with a comment by Freescooter somewhere below. I lost where it was so I want to start a new thread. And I'd like to address more emphatically Waylon's arguments for the keeping with the basketball schools. Yes, we lose money by splitting off in the short term. That's a given. We'll make it back long term. But staying with the onlies will only lead to a slow, painful, bloodletting death. Why? First, let's face it. The basketball side does not feel our pain. The BE basketball side is without doubt the "elite" side of the Big East conference. They think so, I tend to think so, everyone else thinks so, it's probably true. Georgetown is elite. Villanova, PC, SJU, are pretty good schools. Seton Hall? Dunno. BC was real good. ND, don't even go there. Do these programs consider us their "peers?" These programs are not real gung ho about joining up with UCF or ECU. Or USF, or Louisville, Cincinnati, WVA, or guess who else, if you care to listen to them. Uconn. They didn't like the addition of Uconn, they don't like it now, they don't think Uconn is worthy of them, which explains why they view Uconn with such inexplicable (to us) disdain. Disdain and disgust is the way you'd have to characterize it. I went to Fairfield, a fine little place, but nothing to write home about. Even they looked down on Uconn, something I never understood. But listen to the sounds of these places - you feel it too. The aspirations of the onlies is far removed from what we on the football side need. Fact is, all the damage they could have done has just about been done. There's not much more they can do. They drove out UM. UM had its tag-a-longs. They drove out Syracuse. Pitt. There's not a heck of a lot more they can do to damage this football conference, but what they can, they will do. They don't care what we need. Maybe they can only do just a tiny bit more damage, but the way we're bleeding right now, we can't take any more stab wounds.

What do we need? We need ND to go away. We need ND to just go away. Go away with the onlies. Let ND stand in the muck in the rain. We can't give them a safe haven any more. Let them be independent. Like your kids with the mouths. Sometimes they need to feel what independence is really like. On our end, we need to have the flexibility to add programs the onlies won't deal with because such associations damage their self perception. It makes them feel less superior to be associated with certain universities. Many here feel the same way, but at least here we understand that survival is at stake. The onlies could never understand that. Their survival has nothing to do with all of this. What do they care? If they reluctantly, scoffingly, agree to let us add a UCF, or an ECU, we'll have to add a Butler, or a St. Joe's or St. Peters, to keep them happy. They want a say in our future, but they don't have a stake in our future. They will agree if we agree to accept Villanova in football. The onlies, and perhaps some here, think that's a grand idea. An idea that causes schools like Pitt and Syracuse, and others before them, to run for the fire escapes!

To make this football side work, we need to do some dirty, ugly things, that the onlies aren't going to tolerate gladly. Unless we want to have a 24 team basketball league. The ugly things we need to do are things we need to do. We need to associate with programs that will help us build a football conference. A BCS conference. There aren't many options left out there. It will be ugly. We need to associate with programs in different states - multiple constituencies - so that the BCS conferences will not have the guts to kick us out after what they did to us. Not have the guts to look in the mirror in the morning. Syracuse and Pitt will not have the guts to want to kick us out. North Carolina politicians will bargain for ECU. Florida politicians will go to bat for UCF. I just wish we could get California involved. Ohio. Texas. West Virgina. New Jersey. We just lost New York.

We need time. Time will wear down the barriers, it always does. Syracuse and Pitt were once storied programs. Look at them now. Their departure, and their replacement with UCF, maybe ECU, certainly a Boise State, only strengthens our BCS formulas. These losses are losses in sentiment only. It would have been better if Syracuse had left the first time, and VT remained. Then Pitt could go now, and be replaced with UCF, or TCU. Net gain. But we can't make these moves with the onlies around our neck.

You know as well as I do that Miami wasn't driven away by the basketball schools. It didn't care about the basketball. It was driven away because the football schools weren't good enough, weren't prestigious enough and didn't have enough fans.
Sep 20, 2011
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I'm not seeing it. That looks more or less like what I envision as a worst-case scenario, especially if just one more current BE program leaves.

It is worse case scenario time though. We have no other options as far as Big East is concerned. I don't think we need to get rid of the onlies if they would simply allow us to get up to 12/20 quickly. The BE is in a constant state of paralysis though so I honestly will be surprised if we are able to add football schools. I can see a scenario where it literally is just UConn, Rutgers, and USF with the basketball schools and ND. If that were to be the case the 3 of us may have no choice but to go indy in football and stay in the BE just for all other sports like ND. It would likely still be our best option for basketball. Maybe that is what the onlies really want. I guess we would find out what we are really made of.
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