South Carolina Postgame Thread[merged thread] | Page 14 | The Boneyard

South Carolina Postgame Thread[merged thread]

Apr 3, 2022
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1st I would like to congratulate the team on a great season and on playing through adversity to get to the championship game. Great job. But as far as the championship game was concerned, I felt like the team thought it was beaten before the game even started. With the exception of Page, the rest of the team looked extremely flat and were not hustling like championship teams of the past. The passes had no snap, which was why we had so many turnovers, the hustling for loose balls was not there, and the boxing out and rebounding did not exist. Losing is one thing and something we can all accept (South Carolina has a very good team) but losing without putting it all out there is another thing altogether and it certainly is not UCONN basketball. Hopefully, we can remember that next year when we have another opportunity like this. Everyone needs to hustle in these games, not just one or two players.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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When we were getting beat on the boards so badly I wished that they had Aubrey available. She's not as tall as them but she has great leaping ability and a nose for the ball. Just another of those things that worked against UConn this year. The team certainly put forth effort, but because we did so bad on the boards Geno directed the guards to go get the rebounds, too (at least that's what he said in one of the sideline interviews). So South Carolina's interior/rebounding game really opened it up for their guards. South Carolina had a good game plan and they executed it. We still had a great season considering all that we had been through this year. I really enjoyed the NC St and Stanford games a lot. I don't think either of those teams would have fared any better than us. It was just SC's year.

I’d have to project Stanford and SC as 2 and #1 next year preseason. Too bad that Blackwell girl from Missouri has so many disciplinary problems as she would have helped. Here is the deal beyond the rebounding issue. Paige couldn’t make much headway tonight on this high screens as she would look up after clearing the pick and there would be Sexton or Boston waiting for her and SC is so big they covered the roll well with the switch. Our approach was to make the guards beat us rather than Boston so what do they do? They knock down several 3’s in a row. I thought Geno’s game plan was the best option but we just couldn’t force turnovers and they hit jump shots and driving layups well. They did restrain Boston though. If SC’s guards had a bad shooting day they knew when the shot was going up and had great rebounding position. That is Dawn’s game in a nutshell. Tough defense and win the boards big time.
These two quotes are, imo, the analysis that summarizes this game and why SC was the superior team. @EasyEd explains how SC's bigs helped their guards get open to make uncontested threes or allowed them to have an easier time to drive to the basket. @TeamFirst explains how their bigs prevented our guards from performing well because they allowed their guards to over press the perimeter plus the bigs successfully hedged when we tried to set picks. They negated UConn's perimeter game.

Add the illness to Fudd, the game injury to Evina, the groin injury that ONO played with and the absence of Dorka I was amazed that we kept this game as close as we did. I would add that Paige expended a lot of energy that first period. I feel that she still isn't completely back to game shape so add that to the equation of loss differential. It was against teams like SC, Stanford and to a lesser extent UCF that Griffen's absence was missed.

My only two quibbles were with Geno keeping Azzi in the first period as long as he did. She was clearly struggling and a big liability on defense. And I have to question Gabriel's development/absence. I was hoping he would put in Amari and or Piath because this game necessitated one or both get minutes.
Jan 29, 2021
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So first of all, I want to thank the team, coaches and staff for the GREAT job they did this year, amid all the injuries. It was a lot of fun watching.
Secondly, I thought I would share my thoughts about each player's performance this season.

Aaliyah - AE had a very slow first half of the season. Somehow she came alive and we began to see an aggressive basketball player. Sometimes we saw a bull in a china shop. And she seemed shy about driving driving toward the basket when there was only one defender in front of her. Definitely fights to get the ball any chance she can, and often ends up on the floor. That's a good thing.

Paige - Paige has an enormous amount of talent and great instincts. A terrific short jump shot. Her long shot was a bit rusty in March. She is probably still recovering from her injury and the shock of being out so long. Probably would look much better if other teammates had her abilities. Occasionally tries to thread the needle with her passes where there is just no room.

Nika - Nika is an amazing fighter on defense. Love her speed bringing the ball up-court. And I love her ability to pressure guards, and love her ball stealing. Her lack of height is a big problem, and often she would have to stop advancing the ball because everyone was taller than her. Has a pretty good 3-pointer, but would have to become VERY consistent to gain enough confidence to shoot more often.

Christyn - CW had a good year. Many times I couldn't believe how driven she was, and the athletic shots she was making. But also had a couple very average games. For some reason, last night she was unable to connect, and I felt sad for her. Pretty strong on defense, though. I think she will do well in the WNBA.

Dorka - Dorka's first few games this season were not very impressive. But at some point she came alive, and then I truly looked forward to seeing her in the game. I hope this summer she will put on some more muscle and become more aggressive. We will really need her big time.

Olivia - ONO had a very mixed year. At one point she was blocking shots like crazy, particularly against players who were shorter than her. And she also became a good free throw shooter. But against tall players, she seems to hide a bit, and she doesn't jump much. Needs to just grab the pass and shoot. But she did contribute a lot to the success of the team this year. Pretty good passer, too. Needs to be much more aggressive and needs more muscle.

Evina - EW is your consistent player. She will rarely make a bad pass or take a crazy shot. Takes her time bringing the ball downcourt, however. Occasionally, she surprised us with her 3-pointers and steals, and often gave us the lift we needed.

Piath - Piath didn't have a lot of chances to play this year, and I wish that Geno would have put her in sooner when we had a big lead. Hard to tell how she will fit into the future. Hoping for the best.

Caroline - CD showed flashes of brilliance once Paige was sidelined. She was making long shots, she was making short shots. After Paige returned, she seemed to struggle. Does have a great ability to facilitate the backdoor play and the quick release.

Azzi - Azzi has a beautiful shot, both as a 3-pointer and a jumper. She has much to learn about getting open and about not making a careless pass. Was terrific at the foul line in the tournament.

Amari - Amari did not play much, and so it is difficult to have an opinion about her. Despite her height, she didn't seem very aggressive grabbing rebounds, nor did she make many of her shots. Hoping for big improvements next year and more time on the court.

Aubrey - Tough year for Aubrey sitting out every game because of injury. She has very good instincts when someone is shooting, and somehow knows exactly where the ball will end up. And she goes UP for it! She should work on her offense a bit. Looking forward to her return!

Again, thanks to all for a fantastic year!!!


Aug 26, 2011
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I was with you right up until the part where Geno decided to blow up an established lineup just for the NCAA tourney.
What if, perhaps, Nika did a Bria?
Sep 12, 2011
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And when your team commits one or more fouls every game because they haven't been required to NOT MOVE WHEN SCREENING, there are consequence.

Astonishing how difficult this concept proved to be. All season long with Nelson-Ododa and Edwards, more often than not setting moving picks, even as they were commonly left uncalled by the refs.

I thought the late second quarter lineup with DeBerry and Ducharme was interesting, settling the rebound issues, had us down 8 at half. Would have liked to see a bit more of it. Ducharme played well I thought, very active. Best she has since her injuries.

I wouldn't sleep on DeBerry next year. Height, length, decent shot from distance (in what little we saw of it), real solid fundamentals, a year on the bench, an off-season to step-up, I would not at all be surprised to see her make a real impact. Wouldn't be the first time a big made a massive jump from frehsman to sophomore years #Dolson.


Dec 3, 2021
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The crowd was roaring when UConn pulled within 6 points.
And with 3:00 left in the 4th UConn was still only down by 10.
UConn's defensive effort was super, they just couldn't make enough shots.
It's tough to play offense well when expending so much defensive effort to come back from behind.
Paige would need to have a clone or two in order to have won that game.

At this point, it doesn't serve any constructive purpose to criticize players for their errors made during the game.
The NCAA is a training ground for young athletes and every player will make mistakes and have weaknesses.
Only one team can be crowned the best, and UConn ended up being the 2nd best team this time around.
A #2 must always try harder if they want to become a #1.
All of the errors and mistakes added up to being the final score.
Geno can't go on the court and make the baskets for the players.
He gave them all a chance to have an impact on the NC game.
There's no excuses, THE TEAM simply couldn't score enough points.
Too bad, so sad, better luck next year because we all know that eventually the Huskies will return with some different players.
That's just the way the college game is, it's a set up for a heartbreak when they lose.

It's always going to be something, injuries, illness, the players, the coaches, the refs, the opponents.
It's entertainment except for those who are playing that have something on the line to prove.
And the game certainly was entertaining even though it was a little more exasperating than usual.
That's because of the emotional investment that many of the fans have with the UConn Huskies.
Next year the team will have some new players and a new identity, and the process will start all over again as sure as birds fly south for the winter and then return in the spring.
Geno is a coach on a mission, and he helped to create a wonderful and richly rewarding experience for the school, the fans and the players this year.
They all deserve congratulations and admiration for all of their efforts to reach the NC game.
They beat a lot of odds just to be able to play in it again this year.
Better luck to them next year!
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Nov 13, 2013
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Astonishing how difficult this concept proved to be. All season long with Nelson-Ododa and Edwards, more often than not setting moving picks, even as they were commonly left uncalled by the refs.

I thought the late second quarter lineup with DeBerry and Ducharme was interesting, settling the rebound issues, had us down 8 at half. Would have liked to see a bit more of it. Ducharme played well I thought, very active. Best she has since her injuries.

I wouldn't sleep on DeBerry next year. Height, length, decent shot from distance (in what little we saw of it), real solid fundamentals, a year on the bench, an off-season to step-up, I would not at all be surprised to see her make a real impact. Wouldn't be the first time a big made a massive jump from frehsman to sophomore years #Dolson.
DeBerry and Ducharme did nothing to “settle the rebound issues”. In 22 minutes Ducharme had 1 and DeBerry had zero in 4 minutes.
Dec 25, 2013
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Sure. he has. IMO every game that’s close any move could be the one anyone can randomly say "that's the move that blew it."

In this case, with Amari- I don’t think that just because you give a player minutes during the reg season that they will automatically produce during the high tension Tourney. For me- I value experience. And lo and behold how our seniors came through before this game but then it was the SC sr that came through in this game.

Anyhow where do you see the mistake here? You agree with some that it was DeBerry? Or Ducharme? Nika? My only counter to anyone suggesting that--- that those extra minutes he would have given in the NC State game or Stanford game while not having the starters or Evina in for example could have just as likely cost them. Agree?

And finally- when is it not the coach’s fault and you just lost to the better team?
UConn lost to a better team this night. But I agree UConn needed to develop Amari Deberry duringvthe year they needed the depth. Geno does not develop his depth and it costs him against teams like South Carolina.
Jul 19, 2014
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Well I don’t think you can count on Dorka being hurt and can't play. Then Liv suffering an injury that slowed her down then go out and rip the coach.

And again the minutes you give that frosh in the Reg season you have no way of knowing if it will produce duringg the NCAA's. The strategy of the short bench has produced the 14 straight Final Fours. It produced getting to the final this year. To have an implication that DeBerry would not have cost UCONN any of the tight games vs NC State and Stanford is nothing more imo than throwing a dart. Monday Morning QB. Which as I said after any loss one can randomly do.

For me- I wanted Paige to shoot and shoot and shoot.
So did I and I also wanted her to bring the ball up much more quickly, to keep SC off balance.
Sep 12, 2011
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[forgot to insert the quote]
Bobby J:
"DeBerry and Ducharme did nothing to “settle the rebound issues”. In 22 minutes Ducharme had 1 and DeBerry had zero in 4 minutes."

Disagree mate. Some things are NOT in the box score. Rebounding is a team casade where players may facilitate for others. There is no "assist" stat for rebounds.

From 4 minutes to half, South Carolina had 4 total boards, 2 o-boards. UConn had 6 total boards, 1 offensive. Admittedly a very small sample, however against SC's game advantage of 49-24, FOR ME, things felt settled down. OK?
Jun 24, 2012
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UConn lost to a better team this night. But I agree UConn needed to develop Amari Deberry duringvthe year they needed the depth. Geno does not develop his depth and it costs him against teams like South Carolina.
Yes, but who could’ve expected Dorka to break her wrist in the tournament. Dorka led the team in both offensive and defensive rebounding rate per 40 minutes. You could argue she was our best rebounder.

If she was available, I wouldn’t have been surprised to see Geno use the big lineup of Dorka, Olivia, and Aaliyah after the opening few minutes. Swapping out 5’11 with 6’5 would’ve immediately helped us to match up with the length of SC.

I feel pretty confident that Deberry will be a completely different player next year. It sounds like she has bought in, and im excited to see her develop n
Apr 1, 2013
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UConn lost to a better team this night. But I agree UConn needed to develop Amari Deberry duringvthe year they needed the depth. Geno does not develop his depth and it costs him against teams like South Carolina.
Hello - hey thank you for the post and it is absolutely fine we disagree on some points. Agree on others. Please don't take offense to any disagreement.

Can I ask some questions about DeBerry and your comment of playing her more along with a question on injuries?

1-- How certain are you that if you gave DeBerry minutes that it wouldn't have hampered performance from other players such as Edwards, Liv and Evina who all played the frontcourt position this year? Because we saw UCONN beat the bigger team while Evina was tremendous. Playing her more would have limited Evina as an example.

2-- And if you value experience, how confident would you have been with DeBerry getting "bench" minutes (not "starter" minutes of near 25 per game but "bench" as a frosh) going against the experience of UCF, NC State, and Stanford? There is no assurance our frosh was going to do well vs them in the Tourney its why experience is so valued. So wouldn't you agree that there is also a possibility that DeBerry in just even 1 minute could have cost UCONN the game vs Nc State or Stanford regardless how many minutes she picked up as a bench player?

I’m asking you to re-look at the Stanford game as a case in point. Early in the 4th quarter, Stanford put in Kiki Iriafen and she proceeded to get an OReb then turned it over, then didn't help quick enough vs Liv in which Liv got a low post basket while Kiki fouled her.). In the span of her 1 minute she allowed UCONN to get 3 valued points in which UCONN lead went from 2 to 5. That move was extremely costly. And right after that Tara V pulled Kiki. SO summing up everything, are you that sure a player who is let's be honest is "soft," probably would be that during the NCAA Tourney (regardless of the minutes you give her) vs highly experienced teams, and as a result , could have cost UCONN the game?

3-- We saw Evina play well vs big teams. UCONN got to FF last year and she was the 4. This year the game vs Stanford she was an enormous difference maker, and Geno had 3 other post players and as we know Ducharme also played PF. So, through it all, Geno was supposed to realize that it be possible vs an eventual SC matchup (the one team that beat UCONN) that Dorka would be out, Liv and Evina would be banged up, and CD would play worse (not awful but worse)) than she previously showed, and play Amari instead while “hoping for the best” vs experienced and very good teams of UCF, NC State, and Stanford?
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Dec 3, 2021
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UConn lost to a better team this night. But I agree UConn needed to develop Amari Deberry duringvthe year they needed the depth. Geno does not develop his depth and it costs him against teams like South Carolina.
I agree that Amari hasn't been properly developed but it's hard to blame anyone if she's not quite ready yet.
She has shown the ability to make a high percentages of short range shots within and all around the lane.
She also has very good hands, perhaps better than Dorka and AE.
I recall in one game she caught a flaming hot pass with one hand while in the lane that was over her head, and she caught it like her hand was a catcher's mitt.
I think that she will get a lot of minutes next year and will become an important scorer.

And Amari has also displayed the ability to block shots including from behind the shooter.

Against certain power teams, we're going to need to use twin towers being on the court at the same time.
Perhaps even in addition to having Edwards or another big combo-forward on the court such as next year's rookies, in order to enhance rebounding and an inside game.

3 point shooting success appears to be too sporadic to be relied on to win the big games.
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Apr 6, 2019
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Congrats to South Carolina. I have to say I hate when I see 21 fouls to 11.... and 26 free throws to 4... that is something that will irate me for the entire year. But South Carolina had a great game tonight... Give them their dues.
With regards to how the game was


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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[forgot to insert the quote]
Bobby J:
"DeBerry and Ducharme did nothing to “settle the rebound issues”. In 22 minutes Ducharme had 1 and DeBerry had zero in 4 minutes."

Disagree mate. Some things are NOT in the box score. Rebounding is a team casade where players may facilitate for others. There is no "assist" stat for rebounds.

From 4 minutes to half, South Carolina had 4 total boards, 2 o-boards. UConn had 6 total boards, 1 offensive. Admittedly a very small sample, however against SC's game advantage of 49-24, FOR ME, things felt settled down. OK?
I saw Caroline tap rebounds to a teammate or get a hand on one for a held ball. She was a pest in the paint for the SC rebounders.
Apr 6, 2019
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Congrats to South Carolina. I have to say I hate when I see 21 fouls to 11.... and 26 free throws to 4... that is something that will irate me for the entire year. But South Carolina had a great game tonight... Give them their dues.
With regards to how the game was refereed……am I delusional in thinking there were a lot of non traveling calls or should I have put more tonic in my G&T?
Jan 7, 2020
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I'm sorry to belabor this thread but I just had to weigh in on this. There weren't any coaching fixes, player fixes or offense or defense fixes that would have changed last night. We were tired, spent, worn down or whatever words you want to use. It was our 3rd intense game in 6 days, and this one on 1 days rest in a non-restive environment known as the Final Four.

SC had an extra days rest, had two easier preceding games including a cakewalk in the Elite 8, had bigger bodies in bigger numbers and when you are tired and smaller, better rested bigs usually have their way. We also did not have Dorka who gives you a completely different inside-outside game and bulk underneath and has more basketball skills than either Liv or Aaliyah.

I think it is unbelievable that we even got to the NC game. We kept the most incredible, never to be broken, streak alive with a gut wrenching Elite 8 game. Think of the injuries, the sicknesses, the lineup changes, the unthinkable losses, and then the final crushing injury to Dorka. I mean, really?

You could see in the beginning of the game how it was going to be called by the refs, which was sickening in and of itself and I thought unfairly deferential to Boston and completely inappropriate for a showcase for women's basketball. 3 fouls in 6 games for Boston in the entire NCAAs? I counted that many fouls on her last night. It just wasn't happening. We had gone as far as we could with surgeries ( 3 including Aubrey and Dorka ), stitches, plates, screws, antibiotics, neurological exams, bedrest, braces and crutches. We needed our A game and a fairly called 40 minutes last night. We had neither.

Our ladies did great this year. As bad as they feel today, they will realize soon that they proved they could overcome adversity working together with grit and focus. They don't give a trophy for that but if they did is there any doubt which team would be the recipient?



Aug 27, 2011
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lol. Now, with only 5 players that can play at a time, we can have "decoys" out there. Nika , for all her positives, is not a great offensive player, and the other teams know that. They "Guard" her by staying 7 ft away to help guard our real threats. That she made some wide open threes during the tournament was good, but a tiny sample. She shoots 22% from the foul line, FOUL LINE.
Bigger sample last year 73% FT. She scored the same a CW yesterday. Same number of rebounds as ONO and AE. And they don't lay that far back.


Aug 27, 2011
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The way the referees handled Boston all season with the foul calls who is a bull in a China shop running over people and never getting called for a foul was a joke and I hope they watch the tapes and are embarrassed!
They pocketed that ESPN cash
Feb 19, 2017
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Bigger sample last year 73% FT. She scored the same a CW yesterday. Same number of rebounds as ONO and AE. And they don't lay that far back.
My point: She is a below avg offensive player.
Your Point: She is an above avg offensive player.

Apr 3, 2018
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I wish people would stop blaming the refs. South Carolina was the much quicker team. Quicker teams draw more fouls. Dawn has done a really good job with recruiting fast and quick players. Those are things you can't teach. The other parts of the game you can teach and she has done a good job with that as well.

To me, the difference in the game was Paige basically taking the 1st & 3rd quarters off. Sometimes team players need to become selfish early in the game, instead of waiting until the end.

Everyone is pointing to the rebounds and fouls as being the biggest issues of the game, but to me it was the turnovers at critical times of the game. There were 2 opportunities in the 3rd quarter UConn had a chance to cut the lead to 3 or 4 points and didn't even get a shot off and South Carolina scored 4 straight points and got the lead back to 10. Little things add up to big things.
smaller and less strong guards foul more not less
Apr 3, 2018
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To those making excuses that the refs 'weren't' part of last night result, tell me one final game that UCONN won, where UCONN had a 26 to 4 foul line shooting advantage?
You'll never see a lop side officiated final in the men's final like that!
You let the players decide the game, the refs decided that wasn't gonna happen last night!
Apr 3, 2018
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These two quotes are, imo, the analysis that summarizes this game and why SC was the superior team. @EasyEd explains how SC's bigs helped their guards get open to make uncontested threes or allowed them to have an easier time to drive to the basket. @TeamFirst explains how their bigs prevented our guards from performing well because they allowed their guards to over press the perimeter plus the bigs successfully hedged when we tried to set picks. They negated UConn's perimeter game.

Add the illness to Fudd, the game injury to Evina, the groin injury that ONO played with and the absence of Dorka I was amazed that we kept this game as close as we did. I would add that Paige expended a lot of energy that first period. I feel that she still isn't completely back to game shape so add that to the equation of loss differential. It was against teams like SC, Stanford and to a lesser extent UCF that Griffen's absence was missed.

My only two quibbles were with Geno keeping Azzi in the first period as long as he did. She was clearly struggling and a big liability on defense. And I have to question Gabriel's development/absence. I was hoping he would put in Amari and or Piath because this game necessitated one or both get minutes.
SC bigs help because they aren't called for fouls against other teams guards!
Dec 2, 2018
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Calling South Carolina's defense the best ever is nonsensical. The 2010 and 2012 Connecticut teams posted the two lowest scoring defense and field goal percentage defense numbers ever, despite running a more high-powered offense than South Carolina does now.

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