So it occurs to me that last night's game... | The Boneyard

So it occurs to me that last night's game...

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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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...was less of a quantum leap and more of a evolution. Think about it. If Foxx drops that ball, how do we feel about Whitmer's game? That was a big part of the difference in performance, no drops, fewer over throws. We've had big plays available all season, we just didn't execute.

Big difference, I think, is timing. CW is getting rid of the ball faster and connecting with his receivers on their routes. Yes the Oline is holding up but not for all that long. Incremental improvement. I think the two by weeks were productive.

I'd like to start seeing W's but maybe, just maybe, Diaco actually knows what he's doing.
Aug 29, 2011
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What last night showed, is that we have the talent to compete with the best in our conference. It showed that when we play with a UCONN identity - we can exert control over the game in all three phases, and control the LOS from both the offensive and defensive side. It also showed that we don't know how to win yet.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Think it also shows showing some confidence in your team and trying to compete goes a long way. No need to stop playing if the first handful of plays don't go well.
Aug 29, 2011
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Think it also shows showing some confidence in your team and trying to compete goes a long way. No need to stop playing if the first handful of plays don't go well.

Diaco is 7 games into a head coaching career, and has a long road in front of him, for sure. I was pissed off at the last 10 minutes or so of the game last night, but bottled it up. Lots of positive happened, and it needed to be recognized. How they take the positive out of the game, and apply it moving forward, and learn from the negative - which there is a TON - moving forward is what matters. We need to break this 5 game losing streak at homecoming.

It's time to move forward, and the lesson I'm taking out this game, is that we have the talent on this roster, to compete with the best in our conference - right now, and it was good to see the attitude and type of play that I've always attributed to UCONN football on the field again last night.

I won't fall for that illusion again that we are overmatched talent wise again. I didn't believe it prior to the season, but the first half of the season left me waivering in my confidence, for sure.

Hopefully, last night was a sign that pre-season scrimmages are finally over. Won't have enough to form a solid opinion on that until after the next game.
Jul 22, 2013
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There is no doubt that progress is finally being made, and I love it. Players are making better decisions, as well as the coaches. But also, it is clear we don't know how to win...yet. But, I am sure that ability to finish and close will come and I am just glad to feel into the game for the full 4 quarters


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Diaco is 7 games into a head coaching career, and has a long road in front of him, for sure. I was pissed off at the last 10 minutes or so of the game last night, but bottled it up. Lots of positive happened, and it needed to be recognized. How they take the positive out of the game, and apply it moving forward, and learn from the negative - which there is a TON - moving forward is what matters. We need to break this 5 game losing streak at homecoming.

It's time to move forward, and the lesson I'm taking out this game, is that we have the talent on this roster, to compete with the best in our conference - right now, and it was good to see the attitude and type of play that I've always attributed to UCONN football on the field again last night.

I won't fall for that illusion again that we are overmatched talent wise again. I didn't believe it prior to the season, but the first half of the season left me waivering in my confidence, for sure.

Hopefully, last night was a sign that pre-season scrimmages are finally over. Won't have enough to form a solid opinion on that until after the next game.

I can only get so mad losing to a better team on the road. They may shoot themselves in the foot, leg, arm and face constantly but ECU is just better at more positions.

Diaco got 75% of the way there. He was a better player than Edsall so hopefully he connects the dots faster. Let your guys go and let it all hang out.

We disagree sometimes but I think we'd agree that football is a game that is more than the sum of it's parts. It's a game of emotion and it's a game of confidence.

I've never coached a FBS team - but I've managed large organizations and have been managed by some extremely talented people.

I don't think I'm alone - when someone I respect shows confidence in me I respond. When I've shown confidence in people they have responded.

It's a little odd - he is charismatic and says a lot of motivational things - but there are times when you can tell he has had no confidence in the team.

Maybe it will come easier when it's players he has recruited.

It's past the point where playing it straight up has any return. When they expose their jugular... slit their throats.
Aug 30, 2011
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Diaco finally allowed the offense to move beyond the wax on, wax off stage.
Feb 10, 2012
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Diaco finally allowed the offense to move beyond the wax on, wax off stage.
until the fourth quarter. then i don't know if it was the ECU adjustment, CW puckering, the coaches tightening up the play calling or a little of everything...
Something definitely changed in the 4th quarter and CW could do absolutely nothing.
Aug 26, 2011
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until the fourth quarter. then i don't know if it was the ECU adjustment, CW puckering, the coaches tightening up the play calling or a little of everything...
Something definitely changed in the 4th quarter and CW could do absolutely nothing.

They switched to a firm zone coverage. CW didn't have man coverage to throw against any longer.

Play calls were very similar, but we didn't make them happen.
Sep 17, 2011
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In the 4th on 3rd down and 9 you can't throw a 5 yard pass. We needed to go get it and we were afraid to make a mistaker IMO. The change in offensive philosophy gave us a chance to compete since the D can't pitch a shutout. Use our wideouts which we have plenty of and stop for the most part being sitting ducks trying play action out of the I formation.
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