Phil Knight calls it right at PSU | The Boneyard

Phil Knight calls it right at PSU

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Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Phil KNight was among the eulogizers at the memorial service for JoePA yesterday in a packed Bryce Jordan Center. Phil received an extended standing ovation calling out the Board of Trustees for their treatment of Joe and their handling of all aspects of the situation. He, also, called out the media. Most importantly he, also, said the investigation needs to get to the bottom of the situation.

Phil Knight speaks

During the procession earlier in the week many of the students and fans lined the road in black shoes and rolled cuffs.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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LOL, yeah it was the Board of Trustees who mistreated Joe and didn't handle the situation well. It wasn't Joe turning a blind eye and then as a Catholic trying to claim he didn't comprehend the crime.
Aug 26, 2011
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Phil Knight called it right in terms of playing to an audience, that's about it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Played well in Happy Valley, but I doubt he did much for Nike sales anywhere else. That wasn't the time or place to start calling people out unless you were including the deceased. The BOT did what they had to do. And cleaning house in the football program was also the only direction to proceed. Despite all that went on they still want to pretend everything is okay with the Penn State football "family".
Nov 26, 2011
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Since when does anyone listen to Knight when it comes to anything ethical? Nike for years exploited near slave labor overseas to ensure its profits.

Anyone not thinking that JoePa was culpable in the scandal is either blinded by their allegience to Penn State or an idiot.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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The worst IMO was Jay Paterno saying his father died with a clean, clear conscience, which got a standing ovation.

Shut the hell up, Jay.

Joe himself said he should have done more. That means even he knew he had FAR from a clean OR clear conscience. Just because you say it and it gets a standing ovation doesn't make it so. No matter how much you or the nits want to believe it. He was incredibly culpable and will be for all eternity.

Aug 26, 2011
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Knight wants to blame those at the top and those at the bottom (i.e. Sandusky) of the situation while ignoring those in the middle that knew or should have known and done something about it. That's because to do so would recognize that St. Joe Pa acted, at a minimum, as an enabler - doing the precise minimum he had to do and then conveniently looking the other way for another decade. It's disgusting but to acknowledge it would require a level of introspection that many in the Penn State community are either not willing to do or incapable of performing. Anything that threatens to shake up the image they've crafted in their own minds must be someone else's fault.

Joe Pa was almost all powerful - even at one of the weakest points in his career a decade ago (when Penn State had a number of mediocre seasons) being able to stare down a president and trustees and get away with it. When you take on that kind of power you also have a commensurate level of responsibility. Now his apologists want to ignore those obligations.
Aug 27, 2011
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Knight wants to blame those at the top and those at the bottom (i.e. Sandusky) of the situation while ignoring those in the middle that knew or should have known and done something about it. That's because to do so would recognize that St. Joe Pa acted, at a minimum, as an enabler - doing the precise minimum he had to do and then conveniently looking the other way for another decade. It's disgusting but to acknowledge it would require a level of introspection that many in the Penn State community are either not willing to do or incapable of performing. Anything that threatens to shake up the image they've crafted in their own minds must be someone else's fault.

Joe Pa was almost all powerful - even at one of the weakest points in his career a decade ago (when Penn State had a number of mediocre seasons) being able to stare down a president and trustees and get away with it. When you take on that kind of power you also have a commensurate level of responsibility. Now his apologists want to ignore those obligations.

Agree. Knight's words ignores the reality that the PSU President, AD, and the chief of police all reported to Paterno and not the other way around. Wasn't Curley JoePa's lawn boy growing up?
Aug 26, 2011
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Someone a lot wiser than me(dad) told me a long time ago, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". It makes UConn fans look cheap when they pick at the carcass of a dead man so why don't you just let the guy rest in peace and start aiming your concern at the guy who was actually responsible for all this.
Dec 13, 2011
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Sorry to disagree with many posters in this thread but I think that Joe Pa did what he had to do and the real villain, as Phil Knight put it, is in the investigation and not with Joe. I have thought about it a lot and I continue with my belief that the vitriol and badmouthing of Joe Pa is misdirected and needs to go to Sandusky , of course, and the PSU administration and Police who dropped theb all AFTER BEING NOTIFIED BY JOE PA.

Phil Knight was spot on CORRECT in his statements and assessment.
Sep 1, 2011
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FastEddy, please explain to me why Jerry Sandusky was on the sidelines of Penn State practices, with young boys in tow, as late as 2007.

Anyone, please answer that for me...
Aug 27, 2011
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Someone a lot wiser than me(dad) told me a long time ago, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". It makes UConn fans look cheap when they pick at the carcass of a dead man so why don't you just let the guy rest in peace and start aiming your concern at the guy who was actually responsible for all this.

Nobody is picking at the dead carcass. We are simply dealing with the reality that others seem willing to ignore. Save the sanctimony.
Aug 26, 2011
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Someone a lot wiser than me(dad) told me a long time ago, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". It makes UConn fans look cheap when they pick at the carcass of a dead man so why don't you just let the guy rest in peace and start aiming your concern at the guy who was actually responsible for all this.
This can of worms was opened up by Phil Knight, not the Boneyard.
Sep 7, 2011
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Joe Pa and Tressel 2 guys who controlled their campuses until the hit the fan. The Pres and the BOT answered to Joe and he obtained deniability by reporting it to his "lawn boy" Never have bought Nike because I don't like Knight and his Asian failings. Why was Sand at PSU practices in 07????????????
Dec 13, 2011
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FastEddy, please explain to me why Jerry Sandusky was on the sidelines of Penn State practices, with young boys in tow, as late as 2007.

Anyone, please answer that for me...

I agree that this is a tough one to reconcile. I can only imagine that he believed that there was nothing to the allegations against Sandusky since there were charges filed against him and nothing came from the PSU admin and Police. He must have assumed that the charges were without merit sicne he notified the ADmin and Police and they surely investigated the situation and were unable to find something on Sandusky. I assume he adhered to a policy of Innocent until Proven Guilty.

Thats all I got on that one.
Aug 28, 2011
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Pretending that JoPa was Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes won't cut it. JoPa's silence is to his shame. Period.
Aug 26, 2011
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Joe Pa reported nothing to the police. He met with the AD and a VP that the police chief reports to for administrative reasons. He spoke to no law enforcement agents or anyone else with the skills and legal responsibility to conduct a proper investigation.

Edit: As for his subsequent knowledge, he had to know that no comprehensive investigation was done, because the police absolutely would have questioned him and McQueary. That didn't happen.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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Sorry to disagree with many posters in this thread but I think that Joe Pa did what he had to do and the real villain, as Phil Knight put it, is in the investigation and not with Joe. I have thought about it a lot and I continue with my belief that the vitriol and badmouthing of Joe Pa is misdirected and needs to go to Sandusky , of course, and the PSU administration and Police who dropped theb all AFTER BEING NOTIFIED BY JOE PA.

Phil Knight was spot on CORRECT in his statements and assessment.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Aug 26, 2011
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Joe's in the ground now and I believe for most of his life he was a good, but imperfect man who tried and succeeded in improving the lives of those around him. That along with the circumstances of pressure, age or loyalty does not erase the negligence and poor judgement that led to the damaging of so many vulnerable youth. I would never judge a man's life by his greatest accomplishment or worst failure, but this was one of great consequence. Overall though, I'll reserve my hostility for the main perpetrator here, and secondly for those at the top that created an environment where success on the field trumped ethics and safety off of it. There was a clear lack of institutional control here and some of it was willful IMHO.
Oct 9, 2011
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Since when does anyone listen to Knight when it comes to anything ethical? Nike for years exploited near slave labor overseas to ensure its profits.

Anyone not thinking that JoePa was culpable in the scandal is either blinded by their allegience to Penn State or an idiot.
It seems to me since some posters who do not have any inside information about what really happened when Joe Pa reported to his superiors, spew their prejudiced opinions. Here goes my also un-informed take. Joe Pa reported to the proper authorities and they threw him under the bus to protect the Holy name of Penn State. They are the ones who should be held accountable.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Sigh. This again. In the 4 months since the story broke, we have almost no new information. As I said 4 months ago, the details matter and we will hopefully find out exactly who squashed or bungled the investigation. However, I believe the following to be true.

No one likes child abusers or pedophiles.
The horror these kids went through can not be understated.
The mob often needs to vent its rage at something and that something is usually a person.
The term "lawn boy" is offensive.
A lot of these most powerful persons on campus seem to get fired, and it puzzles me.
Bobby Knight was also the most powerful person on his campus, didn't help him either.
Joe as the most famous person in this story and based on what we know now is bearing a undue share of the blame because of it.
He was not the abuser.
He did not witness the abuse.
At the time of the eyewitness report, he was not in a supervisory role to the.abuser.
He was not in charge of the investigation.
He did not have organizational control over access to campus nor the removal of a tenured professor.
He was not the statutory agent required to report the accusation.
He did report the incident to said agent.
He would not have been privy to the status of the investigation, if he did ask.

So in that instance, Phil Knight is correct.

Should Joe have raised holy heck say around 2004+ when nothing happened? Probably, but I don't know what he knew or what he was told.

I hope the details come out, because as Phil said, the investigation was the villian and whomever was responsible for that should be outed. Maybe it was Joe, maybe it was some politician afraid of being connected to Second Mile, maybe it was plain old small cow town incompetence.

The man had a long list of humanitarian accomplishments and clearly many people knew him closely and loved him dearly. Before anyone feels the need to spit on his grave, I would ask you to remember that and let the due process take its course.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
Aug 28, 2011
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It seems to me since some posters who do not have any inside information about what really happened when Joe Pa reported to his superiors, spew their prejudiced opinions. Here goes my also un-informed take. Joe Pa reported to the proper authorities and they threw him under the bus to protect the Holy name of Penn State. They are the ones who should be held accountable.
The proper authority, when a grown man is raping a child, is the police.
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