Non-Key Discussion | The Boneyard

Non-Key Discussion

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Jun 17, 2013
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This is a thread for discussion about BC, Syracuse, Rutgers, and btstimpy.

why don't you add a root canal, a visit to a proctologist, an IRS audit and a vacation with your mother in law...
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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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So, how does Wake Forest women's discus look this season?
I think it may be fixed. I heard someone say that they "threw the discus."
Mar 10, 2016
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I loved this exchange in the M H ver 3 tweets CoastAtlantic posted in the Non-Key Tweets Thread:

#HTownTakeOver™ ‏@MattRam26 3h3 hours ago

@MH ver3 so nothing about the highly ranked Houston that had 1 loss

MH ver3‏@MH ver3

@MattRam26 Houston was not mentioned to me. Not looking at schools in markets we will already have

#HTownTakeOver™ ‏@MattRam26 3h3 hours ago

@MH ver3 starting to think you just throw up and see what

MH ver3‏@MH ver3

@MattRam26 well you are certainly entitled to your opinion. Fwiw I'm sorry the info I was given wasn't to your liking.

Pooooooor Cougars.

I love H-town. I have to spend a week there every month. The music, the people, everything's cool. I love the street signs in Chinese.

And UofH is a nice school with good teams, but why would the Big 12 want them? Four Texas teams is more than enough. TCU was probably too much.

The conference needs to expand its geographic footprint and its potential in-network viewers. I think it's becoming clearer and clearer that UConn is the right university to do that.
Mar 10, 2016
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On the non-key tweet thread, there was some talk about M H ver 3 and the dude and if they had ever gotten anything right.

If I remember correctly, the M H Ver guy's claim to credibility is that he supposedly reported proposed renovations to Milan Puskar Stadium and Mountaineer Field right before they were announced to the general public.

The dude of wvu drew attention to himself in 2012 by "breaking" the story that FSU and Clemson were dissatisfied with the ACC and interested in the Big 12. That bombshell never exploded, of course, but there was enough validation of FSU's unrest from credible sources like Andy Haggard to make some wonder how the dude knew of it before everybody else did.

So I suspect they both know people who know things. Or more likely, they each once knew people who knew things.

It kind of makes me wonder if there's a leak in the West Virginia athletic department. As a Texas fan, I know all about those. Our program was a sieve for years and I suspect they were oftentimes calculated leaks. They seem to be a little better at keeping things closer to the vest now.

An assistant AD seems to hate Charlie Strong and leaks info spins on occasion to the Horns 247 and Austin American Statesman staff.

But as far as conference realignment goes, nobody seems to be saying anything.


It's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Aug 16, 2013
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On the non-key tweet thread, there was some talk about M H ver 3 and the dude and if they had ever gotten anything right.

If I remember correctly, the M H Ver guy's claim to credibility is that he supposedly reported proposed renovations to Milan Puskar Stadium and Mountaineer Field right before they were announced to the general public.

The dude of wvu drew attention to himself in 2012 by "breaking" the story that FSU and Clemson were dissatisfied with the ACC and interested in the Big 12. That bombshell never exploded, of course, but there was enough validation of FSU's unrest from credible sources like Andy Haggard to make some wonder how the dude knew of it before everybody else did.

So I suspect they both know people who know things. Or more likely, they each once knew people who knew things.

It kind of makes me wonder if there's a leak in the West Virginia athletic department. As a Texas fan, I know all about those. Our program was a sieve for years and I suspect they were oftentimes calculated leaks. They seem to be a little better at keeping things closer to the vest now.

An assistant AD seems to hate Charlie Strong and leaks info spins on occasion to the Horns 247 and Austin American Statesman staff.

But as far as conference realignment goes, nobody seems to be saying anything.

During the last coaching search, there were several insiders that had almost everything correct. There is a forum that has been around as since the mid '90's that has many in the know people. They had the Harbaugh hire in the middle of November. Some had in's with either Harbaugh's family or family friends and were pretty consistent with the hire, down to some of the assistants that were being talked about. Others came from the AD itself. We have heard nothing from them about any of this, but several of them haven't been back since December 2014.

No. I'm not a member, but rumor has it that Bluevod had inside sources and shared them on the Rivals premium forum. Sea Blue may have some confirmation on that, not sure myself, though. Also, not sure if his sources dried up or were even within the AD itself. Michigan has many big time donors (bigger than most schools) and they are kept in the loop pretty well. Leaks may get out that way.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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During the last coaching search, there were several insiders that had almost everything correct. There is a forum that has been around as since the mid '90's that has many in the know people. They had the Harbaugh hire in the middle of November. Some had in's with either Harbaugh's family or family friends and were pretty consistent with the hire, down to some of the assistants that were being talked about. Others came from the AD itself. We have heard nothing from them about any of this, but several of them haven't been back since December 2014.

No. I'm not a member, but rumor has it that Bluevod had inside sources and shared them on the Rivals premium forum. Sea Blue may have some confirmation on that, not sure myself, though. Also, not sure if his sources dried up or were even within the AD itself. Michigan has many big time donors (bigger than most schools) and they are kept in the loop pretty well. Leaks may get out that way.
I stopped following bluevod because 1) my feed was getting too many tweets related to UM recruiting 2) a lot of the realignment stuff he tweeted out sounded somewhat out there (even for realignment twitter). Now... maybe he has sources on the inside at UM or in the B1G and they just like to spitball 10-20 year scenarios with slightly more weight than what twitter people do. By my reading was he was the one doing most of the spitballing or just riffing off of vague things that he may have heard.
Aug 27, 2011
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I stopped following bluevod because 1) my feed was getting too many tweets related to UM recruiting 2) a lot of the realignment stuff he tweeted out sounded somewhat out there (even for realignment twitter). Now... maybe he has sources on the inside at UM or in the B1G and they just like to spitball 10-20 year scenarios with slightly more weight than what twitter people do. By my reading was he was the one doing most of the spitballing or just riffing off of vague things that he may have heard.
He is just as bad as the comedy team of West Virginia hillbilly's
Feb 4, 2013
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This is just an opinion from a guy that has followed CR more than most people (not on this board) since 2009. It is starting to feel like something’s brewing, who knows what it could be but it feels like 2009-10 again to me. The crazies running naked in the street yelling that the sky is falling don’t change the fact that it is really raining.
Mar 29, 2014
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Bluevod is bit drunk on his Twitter ratings. Got a couple things right back in the day, and now seems to be thoroughly enjoying the attention. He stopped getting that attention on a premium board and took the show to Twitter.

He does it in a lighthearted way so he's a little bit different from the other guys. But... He's a bit of a pain in my side because I do think he is connected to the program and just might stumble on to something. However, I have no idea how he would know anything more than we do on CR.
Aug 26, 2011
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Where are all the posts in the Key, Non Key, Key Discussion, Non Key Discussion threads? Awfully quite the last few days. Something must be brewing in CR world.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Where are all the posts in the Key, Non Key, Key Discussion, Non Key Discussion threads? Awfully quite the last few days. Something must be brewing in CR world.
I believe that they have been moved to the "Discussion of Somewhat Non-Key Tweets and Instagrams Involving People Who Wear Bib Overalls Without Shirts" thread.


"Well, okay then!"​
Sep 26, 2011
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First time posting in this thread. I can't believe I'm going to say this... but... I ... agree........ with the DUD! Wow, that hurt! I'm not sure how B1G fans are expecting an enormous tv increase. They have their market cornered. But why are networks going to fight so heartily over getting a game between midwestern foes (or mediocre east coast schools)? There is serious pressure on espn to cut costs. Fox, cbs and nbc can't seem to get any traction on any of the sports they've brought on. I just don't see an enormous increase being smart.
Jun 26, 2014
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Not tweets but posts from BUFFALO LION at Landthieves:

CR Part XI: It never ends - Page 162

There is no incentive for ESPN to add ND to the ACC in football unless schools like FSU and Clemson are willing to play on an uneven playing field with them financially. If ESPN was actually going to start up an ACCN, a school like UConn adds exponentially more financial value to ESPN's ACCN inventory at a 50% initial escalating share than ND.

ND joining the ACC in football has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on whether the Network gets started. The only reason ESPN would add ND as an EQUAL partner in football is if they were doing it as a defensive move. Considering what I'm hearing about NBC's involvement in all this, and FOX's blessing, ESPN and the ACC may have boxed themselves into a corner.

CR Part XI: It never ends - Page 162

There may actually be a "morsel of truth to this". But not all of it.

There's a lot of smoke coming out of South Bend and NBC right now, and I'm not talking about the JUST the hockey move. From what I have been told, the hockey team is elated with the move and some of their other Olympic sports want to join them. Among other things, the issues are travel and increased exposure on BTN. Unfortunately for the other Olympic sports, hockey is a unique situation, and the Big Ten won't accept the rest of ND's Olympic sports without the football team.

Many moving parts here, but NBC is serious about bidding on all or a portion of the B1G's 1st tier rights. They would have no problem integrating ND into a Big Ten television package. Even if FOX gets none of the 1st tier programming, they have an outstanding working relationship with NBC Sports through NASCAR, and would automatically inherit ND's 3rd tier programming (BTN). However, playing against this is the ESPN angle.

For ESPN to add ND to the ACC Football Conference by itself and both pay them and the rest of the Conference an amount that would make the ACC whole (all teams get the same payout), they would in essence have to pay at least ten times as much for each Notre Dame Game as NBC currently does (don't have time to give the arithmetic right now, but maybe some of you guys that know the contracts can figure it out on your own). So what I'm hearing is, ESPN is boxed into a corner unless they try to cut their losses, and move some of their more valuable properties to the B1G so as to possibly retain some share of the B1G's 1st tier rights. FOX would also have no problem with this since they again would inherit additional quality BTN programming.

Interesting stuff going on. I still can't get any definitive answer as to whether the ACC GOR escape clause actually does exist. But I am 90% sure that at this point that ESPN has absolutely no intention of starting an ACC Network.

As far as the schools involved and where they are going, I will only say this right now. FSU and UNC both have an uphill battle as far as the B1G goes. FSU more so than UNC.

The Presidents have at least three non-AAU East Coast schools ahead of Florida State on their priority list. ND, Virginia Tech, and UConn (Laugh if you want, but UConn has a lot of very important friends in some very high places in the B1G. And their metrics regarding the B1G are off the charts). Of course FOX, the television partners, and Delany would like Florida State included. If this thing actually does go down, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. My gut guess is that Florida State would end up in the Big 12 or the SEC.

CR Part XI: It never ends - Page 162

You might be absolutely right. Who knows? But there is a lot going on behind the scenes right now.

A few things are becoming pretty apparent:

1.) ND football is not going to be joining the ACC either. ESPN can't justify the cost relative to NBC for, at most, an additional 3 games over a 2 year period. I say at most, because ESPN would have had the rights to some of those three games anyway if they would have been scheduled against a B1G team, Pac 12 team, or another ESPN property.

2.) The ACC is not going to get a Network.

3.) NBC is very serious in bidding for the B1G and making ESPN very nervous. NBC can integrate ND into a B1G 1st tier contract exponentially more cost effective than ESPN can integrate ND into an ACC contract, and ESPN knows it.

4.) If ESPN decides to cut their losses, and offer to move their most valuable ACC properties to the B1G as part of their 1st tier negotiations, the ACC won't exist as you know it anyway.

5.) The B1G will not accept your Olympic sports without the football team.

6.) Apparently many of the coaches and the PLAYERS on your Olympic teams want to join the hockey team in the B1G.

NBC is floating this, and ESPN is somewhat buying it. Who knows? But one thing is for sure. If that ACC Network GOR escape clause does in fact exist, all heck is about to break loose.

CR Part XI: It never ends - Page 162

Notre Dame's not going to "move their Olympic sports to the B1G" without the football team included. That is a no-go on the B1G's end, and most likely ND's. Hockey was a unique situation and not tied to any ACC agreement.

This isn't a "Notre Dame" thing. It is an NBC/ESPN/ACC thing.

Interesting that a lot of this is jiving with the stuff posted by Bluevod and MH ver3, except for the UConn thing, obviously.
Feb 22, 2014
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The one area where I do agree with in BL's ramblings is that it is highly likely that ND's Olympic Athletes and Coaches would prefer the B1G over any conference. Its almost like Domer Fans forget that their campus is actually located in South Bend, Indiana. These are actual student athletes who take school seriously, and for 99% of them will have a job other than sports after they graduate. I'm sure these athletes would appreciate a schedule with a lot of short trips, allowing them more time to their academics. The coaches would also benefit as they would have more time with their families away from the road. Anyone who makes the argument that its great for exposure and recruiting, 1)doesn't have to make these trips, and 2) ignores the fact that ND needs more exposure like Charlie Sheen needs more hookers and blow.
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