Jacobs Grandstanding | The Boneyard

Jacobs Grandstanding

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Rape/sexual assault is a serious crime with enormous impact on individual lives. Given that, lumping 7 distinct cases with very different circumstances together to make a political statement or to put together a newspaper column is sad.

Some of these accusations may be true, some may be a mix of conflicting drunk recollections and others may be false. Instead of addressing them in an individual and serious manner, Jacobs takes the Duke rape media circus route.
Aug 26, 2011
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He lops it in with the APR troubles which were a reason the ACC didn't take UConn--not to mention the fact that Louisville (which was taken) also fell afoul of APR, not to mention Miami and UNC and FSU and all the troubles down in the ACC. Somehow, that conference was troubled by UConn's APR, though all the rest of the issues at the schools I just mentioned were okey-dokey.


Aug 26, 2011
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Rape/s e xual assault is a serious crime with enormous impact on individual lives. Given that, lumping 7 distinct cases with very different circumstances together to make a political statement or to put together a newspaper column is a sad.

Some of these accusations may be true, some may be a mix of conflicting drunk recollections and others may be false. Instead of addressing them in an individual and serious manner, Jacobs takes the Duke rape media circus route.

I refuse to read Jacobs.
Aug 26, 2011
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As usual for this guy, talks about an issue (sexual assaults) without knowing any of the facts. But if you are a columnist, it makes easy fodder for an article and he is too lazy to investigate. That would take too much effort and he has to have his column ready for the Saturday paper. As far as the grad rates, seems to brush off the fact that players transferred or left early for NBA millions, because it doesn't fit his theme to dump on UConn.
Aug 26, 2011
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The grad rates are reflective of a period of time that Uconn has already been dumped on plenty for their low APR. Seems like old news to keep rehashing what went on with the Sticks, Mandeldoves and Gavin Edwards. Is the number low yes, but a surprise clearly not. JJ loves to start fires based on his immediate reaction without looking into situation further.

As Chief00 already mentioned I can not imagine what an article from JJ would be like if he was a columnist in Raleigh area at the time of the alleged Duke sexual assault. Guy would have destroyed those kids based on allegations alone.
Aug 5, 2013
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The subject of indifference to sexual assault is important and the lawsuit guarantees that it will be carefully addressed. This post is not about that.

Jeff Jacobs has proved for years that he is an excellent sports writer. However, I believe his best work involved Whalers' coverage.

When "two decades ago ... [he] accepted the job as LEAD SPORTS COLUMNIST at our state's largest newspaper," the Courant apparently hired his moral compass as well as his eyes and pen. He seems to have taken himself very seriously from then on and now he is starting his coverage of this issue, long before all facts are available, with his judgments.

I still value his eyes and pen, but the sermons are interminable. It is illuminating that 20 years ago when he attained his lofty position, he "swore" an oath to "not sit quietly in the face of campus allegations involving violence against women." It would be interesting to know to whom he made the oath. Even Green Lantern, who pledged to the Justice League, "in brightest day, in darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, Green Lantern's light," did not think to specifically make promises regarding campus allegations of violence against women.

The article is a know-it-all discussion of competing perspectives, including the statement of his perception of his role - "as THE Courant sports columnist, as a dad of a daughter at a state university, the ... story is personal...." and his promise to us that he "will not rest until we get to the truth." It would have been more helpful to me for him to have written, this is what is undisputed, this is what is claimed, these are the responses to allegations, and then, his viewpoint, clearly identified.

Instead, he tries to wrap it up by again putting on the RING of the THE COURANT SPORTS COLUMNIST and shinning its light on Jim Calhoun. There is more to the graduation rate issue than he spent time developing. It is a ridiculous intellectual fallacy to attempt to connect the graduation rate to campus allegations of violence against women. I am sure that Jacobs feels that Kevin Ollie was chosen because Jacobs spoke truth in the darkness, so that is why he admits that the issues are already addressed. I don't think Kevin worries about the light of THE COURANT SPORTS COLUMNIST. I prefer to thank Calhoun for Ollie.

There is much more "good" than "not good" about Calhoun's legacy. He deserves to be remember for the good and UConn is right to emphasize it. Someday, Jacobs ring will come off and there will be a new THE COURANT SPORTS COLUMNIST. How will Jacobs want to be remembered?
Oct 1, 2011
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Usually no problem with Jacobs. But he whiffed on this one while swinging for the fences.

The graduation rate thing is a non-starter given it's never put into context. Once again, UConn is held to a different standard that UNC Kentucky, Miami, etc. etc. I'd bet percentage of the 12 who turned into solid, productive citizens is about the same percentage of kids who were UConn students (graduates or not) during that time period.

Sorry but these accusers lost credibility when they got the ambulance-chasing Allred in on the act. Jacobs thinks Allred is a pit bull? Herbst didn't get to where she is in life by being a wallflower. If this ends up with Herbst taking Allred down a few notches all the better.

Certainly there's nothing worse than rape and domestic violence. But false allegations of same under any circumstances (revenge?) are a close second (see this story on the Duke case and the comments). In Ricci's case I find it very very very hard to believe a UConn cop was not sympathetic to her especially since same police force has a good track record of treating players harsher than they would a 'regular' student. The lack of sympathy alone is/should be a career-ender -- if true.

Tying this to CR is also a big-time reach.
Oct 1, 2011
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Bet Webster Bank won't like this



We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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I refuse to read Jacobs.
Jeff Jacobs is about one thing. Himself. It is easy to find fault and put blame on anyone and anything. And we, the public relish this process. An informative article would have done a comparative study of rape with various universities as well as comparing incident rates with occurrences in the general public. But informative studies are intellectual and not emotional. So JJ goes for the gutter and wants to hit our emotions knowing that a good percentage of the public wallows in the trouble of others. And this group does not want to develop critical thinking. They are either too tired, distracted, frustrated, angry, ignorant and/or dumb.

JJ has cover with this story because he knows darn well that the University cannot discuss this issue publicly other then a generic statement because of privacy laws.

The fascinating things is there is a regional difference. I've lived in CT and now live in SC. The public here does not want or know how to concern itself with the dirt of its public institutions. They primarily direct their vitriol and negative fascination of public figures outside of the state. In CT the negativity was focused everywhere. It is a disadvantage for public institutions in the Northeast vs. the Southeast imo because the two regions are playing by different rules.

Journalism's first and foremost purpose is to generate viewership. Some journalism does go into depth and the presentation is very informative. But a lot of journalism is stuff just thrown out there to get a reaction. The viewer should be wary of this intent. That is why I don't read JJ.

I love this forum because various ideas and perspectives get presented. At times there is chaos and nothing gets resolved. But I'll take that any day over seeking out a systems that caters to our emotional desires.
Jan 21, 2012
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He's a tad jealous of the recent celebrations surrounding Jim Calhoun. And he tries to taint their championships by implication as well, which is ridiculous.
Feb 16, 2012
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The subject of indifference to s e xual assault is important and the lawsuit guarantees that it will be carefully addressed. This post is not about that.

Jeff Jacobs has proved for years that he is an excellent sports writer. However, I believe his best work involved Whalers' coverage.

When "two decades ago ... [he] accepted the job as LEAD SPORTS COLUMNIST at our state's largest newspaper," the Courant apparently hired his moral compass as well as his eyes and pen. He seems to have taken himself very seriously from then on and now he is starting his coverage of this issue, long before all facts are available, with his judgments.

I still value his eyes and pen, but the sermons are interminable. It is illuminating that 20 years ago when he attained his lofty position, he "swore" an oath to "not sit quietly in the face of campus allegations involving violence against women." It would be interesting to know to whom he made the oath. Even Green Lantern, who pledged to the Justice League, "in brightest day, in darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, Green Lantern's light," did not think to specifically make promises regarding campus allegations of violence against women.

The article is a know-it-all discussion of competing perspectives, including the statement of his perception of his role - "as THE Courant sports columnist, as a dad of a daughter at a state university, the ... story is personal...." and his promise to us that he "will not rest until we get to the truth." It would have been more helpful to me for him to have written, this is what is undisputed, this is what is claimed, these are the responses to allegations, and then, his viewpoint, clearly identified.

Instead, he tries to wrap it up by again putting on the RING of the THE COURANT SPORTS COLUMNIST and shinning its light on Jim Calhoun. There is more to the graduation rate issue than he spent time developing. It is a ridiculous intellectual fallacy to attempt to connect the graduation rate to campus allegations of violence against women. I am sure that Jacobs feels that Kevin Ollie was chosen because Jacobs spoke truth in the darkness, so that is why he admits that the issues are already addressed. I don't think Kevin worries about the light of THE COURANT SPORTS COLUMNIST. I prefer to thank Calhoun for Ollie.

There is much more "good" than "not good" about Calhoun's legacy. He deserves to be remember for the good and UConn is right to emphasize it. Someday, Jacobs ring will come off and there will be a new THE COURANT SPORTS COLUMNIST. How will Jacobs want to be remembered?

Good job, very well put. I don't value Jacobs, but I respect his talent. I don't know how many on here remember the great Owen Canfield, but he wrote many more positive, and inspirational sports stories for the Courant. And he was very well respected. It wouldn't hurt JJ to write something positive about UConn men's basketball. IT is extremely rare. I didn't even read the article (I saw the title, and read the very beginning), just rolled my eyes.
Feb 16, 2012
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Rape/s e xual assault is a serious crime with enormous impact on individual lives. Given that, lumping 7 distinct cases with very different circumstances together to make a political statement or to put together a newspaper column is sad.

Some of these accusations may be true, some may be a mix of conflicting drunk recollections and others may be false. Instead of addressing them in an individual and serious manner, Jacobs takes the Duke rape media circus route.

No disrespect to anyone suffering from schizophrenia, but that article read like it was written by one. As has been mentioned, the APR scores have nothing to do with violence towards women. He's all about bashing the athletic department, particularly JC and men's basketball. I know JJ is a sports columnist, but rape is a major issue at every university, inside and outside the athletic department. Accusations are just that - accusations. I was at a party - maybe - 13 years ago. And this one woman, who was sloppy drunk, claimed that I had touched her (totally untrue) and my friends knew I wouldn't do that. I was also very sober.

I hope JJ has become an advocate about violence towards women :rolleyes: . He is more an advocate about himself and bringing UConn down.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Plain and simple - its the Courant that is a leftist rag that employs the droid desmond conner and Jacobs who is a bandwagon writer who knew one thing-the Whalers

Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
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I feel kind of sorry for Jeff Jacobs. When a reporter resorts to having to justify why they're writing a column, in the column itself, it's time to reassess the true motive. Who you trying to convince, Jeff?


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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I (generally) like Jeff Jacobs' work quite a bit, but that wasn't much of a column - there's a lot of 'look at me' in that piece, but it seems that the core of it, basically, is that Jeff read two articles this week and created a column about himself out of both of them.

Honest question - does anyone remember Jeff Jacobs involved with or promoting any organizations working to eliminate violence against women? If so, good for him - I would like to hear about it.

If not, hmm. The 'I have a daughter, so it's personal' thing is trite and perfectly hollow without action. Pestering the girl involved with Enosche Wolf and suggesting that UConn adopt a cute mascot is not exactly a march on city hall.

Deeds, not words, my boy.


Aug 26, 2011
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The only cause Jacobs has ever been involved in is trying to get the NHL back in Hartford so he can feel relevant.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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What a load of BS. Talking about throwing anything together and hoping it sticks.

Violence against women?
Aggressive logo?
Conference realignment?
APR? Graduation Rate?

This is juat classic Jacobs grandstanding. "I will not rest". Please, spare us the self righteous bs..
Aug 26, 2011
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The biggest piece of bs in the article (well, one of them):

"I reached out to the woman. She refused comment numerous times. I respect her privacy".

No, Jeff. You don't - or she would have only had to refuse comment once.
Aug 27, 2011
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Jacobs always gets bashed on here but I never thought he was as bad as some said. But, I was in total shock when I read this. I have no idea what Jacobs was trying to accomplish by writing this. It really does seem personal.
Sep 29, 2013
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First of all, you all have made good points. I think everyone on here should take 30 seconds and share those concerns with the Courant. His bosses might be scratching their heads today wondering why their sports writer is obsessed with instigating their readership? Easiest way is to click here to submit concerns.

About his column; I've never thought he was a good writer. He never conducts any research. Calling Wolf's girlfriend is not research. He seems a lot more interested in making "shocking" statements. His columns tend to be filled with emotion; and he rarely actually talks about sports. Isn't that odd? Plus, the guy has a chip on his shoulder and constantly is trying to piss his readers off. Strangely, it's clear that he hates UConn. He seems to forget that he writes for the Hartford Courant and not the Providence Journal.
Sep 29, 2013
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The biggest piece of bs in the article (well, one of them):

"I reached out to the woman. She refused comment numerous times. I respect her privacy".

No, Jeff. You don't - or she would have only had to refuse comment once.

And he wouldn't have written about calling (harassing) the woman if he respected her privacy


Unfortunately the Courant runs that AD Jacobs love him or hate him blah blah. There is a belief any reaction creates readership or hits on their website. I don't mind his columns since it's fun to predict the jab that Calhoun gets in any UConn article. As one poster has said his articles are mostly emotional.
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