How many QB's will we see under center for UConn this Thursday? | The Boneyard

How many QB's will we see under center for UConn this Thursday?

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Aug 26, 2011
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I think we will see 2 QB's the bulk of the first 3 quarters, and the 3rd QB getting run in the 4th qrtr.
Not sure who these 2 will be (all media indications seem to point to either Neebs or JMc).

Personal preference would be to have the top 2 QBs alternating every 2 offensive series. Give each plenty of run with the 1's and 2's for 3 quarters, then hand it over to the #3 QB for the 4th qrtr. Use this game as another "scrimmage" setting to evaluate your guys, and make a more informed decision going into Vandy. Also gives the 'Dores a few different scenarios to game plan for.
Aug 24, 2011
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I think we will see 2 QB's the bulk of the first 3 quarters, and the 3rd QB getting run in the 4th qrtr.
Not sure who these 2 will be (all media indications seem to point to either Neebs or JMc).

Personal preference would be to have the top 2 QBs alternating every 2 offensive series. Give each plenty of run with the 1's and 2's for 3 quarters, then hand it over to the #3 QB for the 4th qrtr. Use this game as another "scrimmage" setting to evaluate your guys, and make a more informed decision going into Vandy. Also gives the 'Dores a few different scenarios to game plan for.

At least three. Won't shock me if Driscoll gets to hand the ball off for the last series as well.
Aug 29, 2011
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Could see 3, but if Nebrich is one that will signal that he will be the starter before long even if he isn't thursday. If he doesn't play, most likely he'll redshirt barring a serious injury or a total disaster on the offense. I would guess that Driscoll will get some 4th quarter snaps as well. But I have a slightly different view of this game than many. I don't think it will be a glorified scrimmage as far as quarterback is concerned. I think Pasquoloni has selected his quarterback and has known for a while who it will be. Given the lack of experience from any of our quarterbacks, though, I wouldn't be surprised to see whoever is the starter play a little longer than usual in a game like this. I just don't buy the idea that somehow we're alternating quarterbacks. I think whoever is the starter will be the starter. This isn't basketball where you can yank a guy who takes a bad shot. You need your quarterback to develop a few things, get the confidence of the team, get in a rythym with not just his recievers but the linemen, too. You make too many changes too often and you run the risk of never getting anything established. It'd be one thing if we had a clear #1 guy returning. Instead, we have 2 young guys and a Jr who sat on the end of the bench his whole career. Leads me to think that the starter will be pretty clearly established in this one and will play the first half and depending on the score, a few series in the 3rd quarter too. After that you'll see #2 then Driscoll for mop up duty in the 4th if the game goes as it should. Obvioulsy if its 21-10, all bets are off.
Aug 26, 2011
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If I was in HCPP's shoes, I would start Johnny Mac and see what McCummings can do once the game is well in hand. I'd hate to see them potentially burn Nebrich's redshirt on garbage time against Fordham. If Johnny Mac and McCummings as the run option doesn't work out against Vandy, go ahead play Nebrich. But it could be Johnny Mac is the answer for this that case, let's keep Nebrich here another year.
Aug 27, 2011
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Scenario 1: Nebrich starts, McEntee plays as well, McCummings and/or Driscoll are used as mop-up in the fourth quarter.
Scenario 2: McEntee starts. HCPP decides not to burn Nebrich's redshirt just yet, McCummings and/or Driscoll may be used as mop-up though.

In other words, Nebrich might start. If he does, Johnny Mac plays, with possibly mop-up by the others. If he doesn't, Johnny Mac will. If Mac does start, I don't see HCPP burning Nebrich's redshirt, unless possibly McEntee gets hurt.
Aug 26, 2011
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Play all three. This is not the time to be planning for the 2014 season. Need to get all some game reps. QB's get beat up, if it's Johnny Mac then his stay in the pocket style will get him hit, if Nebrich or McCummings play their running will get them hit. Michigan and Nebraska qb's lasted the season but missed some games, Cincinnati's Pike would have never been the man without several injuries. Don't want any of the three to get into a Vanderbilt or later game without having played before.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm hoping 2...Nebrich and McEntee...the starter gets majority of snaps regardless...if late in 3rd its a blowout, then get the backup some snaps...sorry, don't think 'playing for next year' makes any sense...if Nebrich is the guy, he needs as many snaps as he can get in a 'real' game...
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm hoping 2...Nebrich and McEntee...the starter gets majority of snaps regardless...if late in 3rd its a blowout, then get the backup some snaps...sorry, don't think 'playing for next year' makes any sense...if Nebrich is the guy, he needs as many snaps as he can get in a 'real' game...
It isn't "playing for next year" if as has been reported at least , nobody is out in front in the quarterback race. The judgement is whether you can win with McEntee or McCummings (or for that matter if you will struggle to move the ball just as much with Nebrich) . If the answer is that the team will perform just as well with Mac, or McCummings for that matter, then there is no reason to waste a year to experiment with Nebrich. You only play him if you intend to give him the starters job at some point this season. If you expect that he'll spend the season as the backup, then don't play him. Because the absolute worst case scenario, other than an injury, is that you muck around with Nebrich for a series or two in a meaningless 1AA game, McEntee plays great and nails down the starting job for the remainder of the season and Nebrich has wasted a season for no purpose.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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It isn't "playing for next year" if as has been reported at least , nobody is out in front in the quarterback race. The judgement is whether you can win with McEntee or McCummings (or for that matter if you will struggle to move the ball just as much with Nebrich) . If the answer is that the team will perform just as well with Mac, or McCummings for that matter, then there is no reason to waste a year to experiment with Nebrich. You only play him if you intend to give him the starters job at some point this season. If you expect that he'll spend the season as the backup, then don't play him. Because the absolute worst case scenario, other than an injury, is that you muck around with Nebrich for a series or two in a meaningless 1AA game, McEntee plays great and nails down the starting job for the remainder of the season and Nebrich has wasted a season for no purpose.
Agree. If Nebrich plays at all, he's our likely starter for Vandy.

"You need your quarterback to develop a few things, get the confidence of the team, get in a rythym with not just his recievers but the linemen, too. You make too many changes too often and you run the risk of never getting anything established." Thought this was worth repeating. Very tough to have two 'starting QBs. You bring in a guy a situationally but it is tough to split the time, especially when you have two very different QBs like Nebrich and McEntee. That's part of what has me looking forward to Thursday. The QB chosen will let us know what the O-scheme will look like this year.
Aug 27, 2011
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By all indications Nebrich has at minimum performed as well as any QB in camp. If that's the case, play him now and don't worry about the redshirt. We don't have 2 experienced QB's like we did back in 09 when Box redshirted. My gut is telling me they'll start McEntee and give Nebrich a lot of game reps until the staff feels he is ready to take over the reins. Just my opinion.
Aug 29, 2011
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If McEntee is the starter, you don't really need to put Nebrich in unless you really play on making him the #1 by mid-season. If he is going to be the backup, you can simply leave him on the sidelines and let the other 3 guys get in. Lots of college backups never take a real snap until they absolutley have to. The other thing you risk is creating a quarterback fact, if Nebrich comes in and performs appropriately against subpar talent, you can bet the first game where the offense struggles, palatine will have a thread about how much better he is than McEntee, and how we'd be ranked #1 if only Nebrich was taking the snaps.
Aug 27, 2011
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Gate97 and Freescooter are right on the button. I still don't believe Nebrich sees the field if he isn't out there for the first snap. If Johnnie Mac trots out there at the beginning, he will start and finish. And McCummings is a strong running QB. If that's what we need for a spell in the game, he'll come in. Nebrich's redshirt will remain clean and dry.
Aug 27, 2011
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Gate97 and Freescooter are right on the button. I still don't believe Nebrich sees the field if he isn't out there for the first snap. If Johnnie Mac trots out there at the beginning, he will start and finish. And McCummings is a strong running QB. If that's what we need for a spell in the game, he'll come in. Nebrich's redshirt will remain clean and dry.

Even if McEntee takes the first snap, Nebrich's redshirt will be torched before halftime.
Aug 26, 2011
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if you redshirt a guy, can you burn it in the middle of the season?

I mean if you are going to start JM, why not just RS Nebrich so you have him for 5 years instead of possibly not using all year and then using him for three?


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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You don't technically Redshirt a player until after the season is over. He can play at any time during the season if the coaches choose to play him.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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I read somewhere (maybe Dez?) that it's down to NebEntee but they have specialty packages for McCummings. Maybe some spread option.... I think we see all three in the first half. With three scholarship QB's, it doesn't seem likely that they'll be able to get away with red shirting one. They should probably plan accordingly.
Aug 26, 2011
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why worry about the red shirt with nebrich if you have cochrane (however you spell it) coming on board next season
Aug 26, 2011
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why worry about the red shirt with nebrich if you have cochrane (however you spell it) coming on board next season

And then Boeing Brown the year after that.......hopefully.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't care about the redshirt if he is the best quarterback for now and the future. I think all three play some with McEntee starting and Nebrich coming in at some point in the first half.
Aug 29, 2011
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You don't technically Redshirt a player until after the season is over. He can play at any time during the season if the coaches choose to play him.
That's right. That is what happened with Peyton Manning at Tennessee, for example. He was being redshirted but the starter got injured, as did his backup midway through the season. Having nowhere else to turn, in went Peyton. It wasn't the plan. Same thing happened with Dennis Brown a couple of years ago. As a true frosh they planned to reshirt him but when both Bones and DJ Hernadez got injured, he played the Rutgers and West Virginia games. Unlike Peyton, who came in and played well, Brown didn't go on to a Hall of Fame career, but they concept is the same. You can have a guy on the sidelines. If you need him, you can use him. If you don't you can redshirt him. But in my mind, if you're thinking about a redshirt, you DO NOT put him in for a couple of series in a blowout against an overmatched 1AA opponent.
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't see Nebrich being redshirted. He seems, at worst, to be the No.s 2 behind and unproven and physically limited no. 1. My guess is the staff has given up on redshirting him. If he's not the starter going into next year, you redshirt him then when McEntee and McCummings are a year along and you have next year's QBs joining as well. Or, more likely, barring injury you play him the next 4 years and worry about the 2015 season when you get there.

Coaches don't sit true freshmen who can help them right away. Each year, each game, is too valuable. We have plenty of time to develop options for 2015. We only have what we have for 2011.
Aug 26, 2011
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That's right. That is what happened with Peyton Manning at Tennessee, for example. He was being redshirted but the starter got injured, as did his backup midway through the season. Having nowhere else to turn, in went Peyton. It wasn't the plan. Same thing happened with Dennis Brown a couple of years ago. As a true frosh they planned to reshirt him but when both Bones and DJ Hernadez got injured, he played the Rutgers and West Virginia games. Unlike Peyton, who came in and played well, Brown didn't go on to a Hall of Fame career, but they concept is the same. You can have a guy on the sidelines. If you need him, you can use him. If you don't you can redshirt him. But in my mind, if you're thinking about a redshirt, you DO NOT put him in for a couple of series in a blowout against an overmatched 1AA opponent.

Same with Dan O.
Aug 29, 2011
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I don't see Nebrich being redshirted. He seems, at worst, to be the No.s 2 behind and unproven and physically limited no. 1. My guess is the staff has given up on redshirting him. If he's not the starter going into next year, you redshirt him then when McEntee and McCummings are a year along and you have next year's QBs joining as well. Or, more likely, barring injury you play him the next 4 years and worry about the 2015 season when you get there.

Coaches don't sit true freshmen who can help them right away. Each year, each game, is too valuable. We have plenty of time to develop options for 2015. We only have what we have for 2011.

that is generally true, but it isn't true with quarterbacks. If a true freshman has the wheel it usually means one of 3 things: 1. the cupboard is completely bare; 2. the coach is under incredible pressure to win now; or the 3. kid is a absolute stud. It isn't 2. Nebrich came with a nice rep, but not a can't miss stud rep, so I doubt that is it. #1 doesn't make me all that comfortable, but if he starts I suspect it is the case.
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