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Humanity Hiker
Oct 1, 2011
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I see both sides on this one. I believe coach and players have called Stewart "Goofy" and all evidence I can see indicates this kind of thing does not bother her. Some people actually hold on to something like this as a self-deprecating means of endearment to others, this very thread provides such an example.

Yet to profess doubt that players are not aware of online content is just convenient thinking.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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Just ridiculous. Why has everybody suddenly wisened up to the fact that Stewie is known as Goofy on the team? I guess because Lobo mentioned it earlier in the month? There have been many many articles since back in 2012 that have used the "goofy" term for her on ESPN, the Courant, the Post, etc., but as soon as a newbie who has never read a thing about the team stumbles into the comment on TV, suddenly everything is viral.

Where did it start? Back when Stewie started practicing with the Huskies as a freshman and they were asked about their budding superstar, her teammates said she was known to the team as "goofy," and Stewie seemed to embrace it at the time along with her teammates. She was considered a "silly, funny practical joker," and Caroline Doty stated, "She's her own goofy. You just have to watch her. There's no explaining how goofy she is. A good goofy. Like a funny goofy." And since then it became a frequent attribute used for Stewie in articles.

I really think Stewie and her teammates are better equipped to handle their image and how they treat each other than moralizing super-sensitive posters who just want to shake a finger at their fun and games and also lambaste "family members" like Lobo who try to share some of delightful camaraderie of the Huskies. By the way, Stef is also often described by her teammates as a goofball, and I'm sure there are a few other Huskies that wished they could battle for the title of Queen of the Goofs. An article I wrote years ago about another group of national champion girls centered on a bunch who emphatically wanted to make known that their physical toughness hid the fact that they considered themselves a team of goofballs who wanted to have fun.

Not saying that it can't at some point change a bit for Stewie and that by her senior year some of the goofy labels won't seem less appropriate, but there's no indication yet that Stewie has chucked her self-proclaimed goofball role yet for UConn, and something tells me our CNS HS girl will always have some of the goof in her.
Apr 7, 2012
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The difference, once again, was not about her personality, but her looks. THAT is what I found offensive. Everyone acts goofy at one time or another, but to make fun of the way someone looks, and to go on and on about it, is over the line.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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I see both sides on this one. I believe coach and players have called Stewart "Goofy" and all evidence I can see indicates this kind of thing does not bother her. Some people actually hold on to something like this as a self-deprecating means of endearment to others, this very thread provides such an example.

Yet to profess doubt that players are not aware of online content is just convenient thinking.
I didn't say she was unaware of online content. I said I doubt she reads this board.

Ok, I admit it. I think she is goofy enough to read this board.


Creeker in fact
Aug 26, 2011
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The difference, once again, was not about her personality, but her looks. THAT is what I found offensive. Everyone acts goofy at one time or another, but to make fun of the way someone looks, and to go on and on about it, is over the line.

And you are right. All this back and forth about being described as being goofy is irrelevant. The problem is describing her as looking goofy.

That may not be an issue for Breanna. But plenty of people would be upset by any comment about one's appearance, even though they would never let it show. Since you don't really know who is offended by such a comment and who instead hides the hurt (I daresay must people do hide that when it is so personal), you should just stow it.

Why say anything that could wound a sensitive person? The implication is that you think that person is "too sensitive" and silly to be so. That's a good way to discourage sensitivity -- and of course we already have too much sensitivity in this world!


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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Um, okay, not sure I get the big difference between trying to act goofy and looking goofy. Usually they kind of go hand in hand. Stewie and at least some of her teammates (not sure that Saniya is there yet) have embraced the image of being goofy and acting like goofballs, and to facilitate that act they sometimes put on weird and goofy faces. It's kind of hard to act goofy when you're putting on a face like Ebenezer Scrooge. Simply put, there are times that Stewie is goofy looking and wants to be known that way, just as there are times that Stef is putting on goofy faces and mugging for the camera. That is the type of thing that Lobo was referring to and the team image that some of the Huskies project. When Stewie is staring at the basket and suddenly popping a 3, she is not goofy looking, and when she's swatting away a shot she is anything but goofy. But there are times when she is intentionally goofy looking, and we can either enjoy that with her, or we can carp about some imagined injustice to her that she has given no indication that she feels during the last 1 1/2 years, try as others might to look into her head.

Until Stewie says, "I'm done with the goofy stuff. Let's move on," I'm happy to ride her goofy wave.
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You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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but to make fun of the way someone looks, and to go on and on about it, is over the line.
Ah, now see there is the problem. No one was making fun of the way she looks. It was actually used in a complement. That even though she doesn't look overly athletic, but rather kinda goofy when you first see her, she is actually very, very athletic.

Some of you people are being ridiculous about this. Geez.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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And Katz's letter just points to the whole murky area of goofiness. First he's stating indignantly that ESPN should apologize to Stewie for the "goofy-looking" remarks (ESPN has a lot to apologize for, but this seems low on the priorities list), and then he's proclaiming that Stewie's play is a sign that maybe everybody should be goofy looking. So it's a fun type of quality that you can make into a positive trait if you want to.

If the articles had said something that was insulting like Stewie has breath that could kill a Mack truck at full throttle, I doubt Katz would have ended the letter saying, "Maybe everyone should be as foul-breathed as Breanna Stewart."
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Jul 19, 2013
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Um, okay, not sure I get the big difference between trying to act goofy and looking goofy. Usually they kind of go hand in hand. Stewie and at least some of her teammates (not sure that Saniya is there yet) have embraced the image of being goofy and acting like goofballs, and to facilitate that act they sometimes put on weird and goofy faces. It's kind of hard to act goofy when you're putting on a face like Ebenezer Scrooge. Simply put, there are times that Stewie is goofy looking and wants to be known that way, just as there are times that Stef is putting on goofy faces and mugging for the camera. That is the type of thing that Lobo was referring to and the team image that some of the Huskies project. When Stewie is staring at the basket and suddenly popping a 3, she is not goofy looking, and when she's swatting away a shot she is anything but goofy. But there are times when she is intentionally goofy looking, and we can either enjoy that with her, or we can carp about some imagined injustice to her that she has given no indication that she feels during the last 1 1/2 years, try as others might to look into her head.

Until Stewie says, "I'm done with the goofy stuff. Let's move on," I'm happy to ride her goofy wave.
Well said.
Sep 6, 2011
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I bet there are hundreds of women college players who would like to be called goofy looking, have a National Championship, be Final Four MOP, and 2 USA basketball Player of the year awards.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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I bet there are hundreds of women college players who would like to be called goofy looking, have a National Championship, be Final Four MOP, and 2 USA basketball Player of the year awards.
I know a few goofballs who would be fine with just the first thing without even the last three items.
Sep 9, 2011
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I believe Geno used goofy on one of his shows as did the players. I think for the player it was in answering those questions like "who would you take with you on a cross country trip?"
I think that there's a world of difference between someone being portrayed as "acting goofy" versus the suggestion that someone has a goofy appearance. Goofiness or silliness is a character issue and might suggest playfulness or funny or a little immaturity but the other suggests goofy physical appearance and that would be very objectionable to a lot of people. Just saying!


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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methinks that those who are trying to defend Lobo doth protest too much.
I think folks protesting about goofy protest too much. It started within the team. Staff used it long before Rebecca and Ward who probably picked it up from them in her game prep.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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At the risk of prolonging what some regard as an unwanted topic, there are a few points I'd like to offer. First, the "goofy" remark was first uttered by Doris Burke as I recall. Whether it was she or Lobo, it matters only slightly. There are certain boundaries that broadcasters of prep and college sports know not to cross. And as good as Burke, Lobo, and (to some extent) Ward are, they must surely know that negative remarks critical of physique, faith, family, or intellect will draw wrath every time. And these comments should draw fan reaction. I've done games for years on radio/TV and produced coverage for several years more. I've seen no shortage of players in WBB who are "too-heavy", "too-awkward", "too-wide", "too-thin", or "too-chesty." But even if I am on the edge of a six-Budweiser fade-out, I still wouldn't mention it or say that a player looked goofy.

Making a little noise about this is a good thing. It sends a message, no matter how opaque, that viewers regard a boundary to have been violated and want it stopped.

Just my two cents worth, but I'd guess hell will have frost on its windows before any of the three announcers involved again say anything that stupid about a player.
Um, do you have any pictures of the too chesty ones? Uh, wait, this isn't the men's board...never mind.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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methinks that those who are trying to defend Lobo doth protest too much.
And also her teammates. How dare they go around calling her goofy and hurting her feelings? And the sensitivity people here know her feelings have been hurt because Stewie always goes around so hurt-looking and trying desperately not to put on any goofy faces.

Ask Meghan, Kara, and Rebecca, UConn girls just wanna have fun, that's always been the case. And don't worry daddy dears, Stewie is having a hell of a lotta fun.
Aug 26, 2011
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And also her teammates. How dare they go around calling her goofy and hurting her feelings? And the sensitivity people here know her feelings have been hurt because Stewie always goes around so hurt-looking and trying desperately not to put on any goofy faces.

Ask Meghan, Kara, and Rebecca, UConn girls just wanna have fun, that's always been the case. And don't worry daddy dears, Stewie is having a hell of a lotta fun.

with as much respect as i can garner, you don't have a clue as to what exactly goes on between breanna and her teammates. besides, what they say to each other has nothing to do with what is said on national tv, and how it is said.
Nov 27, 2012
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I have been on this board long enough to trust the Administrators. They have final say on what is appropriate, and what isn't. They have been tested several times, and are very good at their jobs. (Kudos to Nan and others.)

Personally, I am not that crazy about "self-appointed" administrators...

That's it.... no blog for you!!!!! ;)
Nov 18, 2013
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Um, do you have any pictures of the too chesty ones? Uh, wait, this isn't the men's board...never mind.
You mean most of these posters are women?



Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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with as much respect as i can garner, you don't have a clue as to what exactly goes on between breanna and her teammates. besides, what they say to each other has nothing to do with what is said on national tv, and how it is said.
Oh, and I suppose you do? I'll take my cues from what they say in the articles and what they say on TV and not from bootonbomber's own uninformed view of what the world should be like. Go and read the articles instead of throwing your sanctimonious crap out about how the players should act. Some of us are fine with being invited into the Huskies' playful world. For the prunes who want to stew on the outside, just follow your own path without preaching to the rest of us.

But no garnered disrespect there. I really like the way Jennifer acts.
Aug 26, 2011
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Oh, and I suppose you do? I'll take my cues from what they say in the articles and what they say on TV and not from bootonbomber's own uninformed view of what the world should be like. Go and read the articles instead of throwing your sanctimonious crap out about how the players should act. Some of us are fine with being invited into the Huskies' playful world. For the prunes who want to stew on the outside, just follow your own path without preaching to the rest of us.

But no garnered disrespect there. I really like the way Jennifer acts.

I never said I had any idea what the players say to each other. My sanctimonious crap never included anything about how the players should act. My SC and preaching was aimed directly, and only, at Lobo and Ward. And I was far from alone in doing that. I certainly know what goes on between players on teams, though my memory is beginning to fade a bit. But what they say to each other , and what commentators say about the players, IMHO, are two different kettles of fish. Lobo may be part of the family, but she's not a member of that team. And who's Jennifer?
Aug 27, 2011
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The difference, once again, was not about her personality, but her looks. THAT is what I found offensive. Everyone acts goofy at one time or another, but to make fun of the way someone looks, and to go on and on about it, is over the line.

Completely agree with you. They were talking about her looks. Pointing out that she is pigeon toed, her arm length and other physical traits. That was WRONG. Shame on them. An apology is definitely in order. What was Rebecca thinking? I seem to remember a certain fan base that made fun of her and her size of her teeth. That drove me crazy too.
Breanna is a beautiful young women who deserves respect. Especially on national TV.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Rebecca was thinking "Stewie is just like I was was at that age." It was no big thing.
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