Good day for Kemba vs Heat (27-6-6) | The Boneyard

Good day for Kemba vs Heat (27-6-6)

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Aug 26, 2011
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Of course in a losing cause.

He ended up 9-20 from the floor, but was 0-3 on garbage time shots in last minute to make that look a little worse than it was. Cats were down 20 and got it down to two in fourth quarter.

No Ben Gordon (and no Jeff Mullens). And no Ray for the Heat after taking a charge on Perkins yesterday and hurting his shoulder.
Aug 27, 2011
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Kemba has already developed into a very good NBA player and he could still improve. His best days are still ahead. Kemba needs to get out of Charlotte as soon as possible. That franchise is going nowhere.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's not a bad spot for him to continue to get playing time and develop, but they are exceedingly young. Biyombo and Kidd-Gilchrist are both 19-20 years old and Taylor is a rookie at 22. Mullens might be 24, and even Henderson is only a few years removed from punching Hansborough in the face in a Duke-Carolina game, so he's probably 25 or 26.

They need a post scorer in the worst way, but they do have cap space and another lotto pick coming so they have a few different paths they can take.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think Kemba should stick it out in Charlotte. Him and Kidd-Gilchrist are a solid foundation - both under 23, and both already good NBA players who have winning in their DNA. The 2013 draft isn't loaded, but it's not as bad as people think - Ben McClemore of Kansas looks like the real deal, Muhammad is having a better season than people give him credit for, Alex Len of Maryland is bursting onto the scene as a viable lottery pick, Plumlee's a beast, Zeller has a lot of potential even though he's a bit soft right now, Nerlens Noel is right around where I thought he'd be in his development, Archie Goodwin and Alex Poythress are putting up solid numbers at UK, etc. There is some solid talent available this year, and next season's draft is expected to be loaded. Even though the Cats are 7-21, and on a horrid 16 game losing streak, they are still worlds better than they were last season, when there was legitimate chatter about whether they could beat Kentucky.


Aug 26, 2011
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Kemba has already developed into a very good NBA player and he could still improve. His best days are still ahead. Kemba needs to get out of Charlotte as soon as possible. That franchise is going nowhere.

Most franchises are going nowhere. Charlotte is a ton better than last year, but are years from being a playoff team (assuming they can have 1-2 more good draft picks).

I think Kemba will be fine there. If Charlotte doesn't look like it's going anywhere by the end of his rookie contract, he needs to leave but that is a few years down the line. He isn't a restricted free agent until after 2015, he will only be 26 or so then.

The Bobcats are a lot better this year than last and they seem to be moving in the right direction. Two of their three best players are MKG and Kemba. Biyombo looks like a starter or at least a rotation player in the NBA, though he has horrible hands on offense. Taylor seems like he could be in an 8 man rotation as well. That is four solid players from the past two drafts.

They need 2 more solid drafts and some other solid trades/signings like they have had this past year (Sessions, Gordon, Warrick).

This is a big year for the front office and they need to make the right moves (MO below).

Free Agents:
  • Cut the deadwood in DeSanga Diop, just let him walk.
  • Trade Henderson for a pick if possible, let walk if not. He's not horrible, but he isn't needed either.
  • Mullens, they should resign, but not for more than 3 years and not for too much. His value really shouldn't be that high, but don't let his contract hamstring you. Let him walk if he wants too much.
  • Reggie Williams, sign if on the cheap. Not really important.
  • Sign someone to a Sessions type deal or a Haywood type deal. Nothing else, unless it's signing Jeff Adrien.
  • Only one pick this year, unless Portland is a top 18 team. Pick a big, preferably a four. I think Austin is the worst they could do here and he isn't bad.
Other moves:
  • Trade Tyrus Thomas if possible. Probably not likely
  • Trade Hakim Warrick for another draft pick and another player with a slightly longer contract (see the Ben Gordon/Maggette trade). They can afford to do this one more time I think and they need salary anyway to meet the floor. Another team might do this to save money.
This would give them a lineup of:
PG: Kemba Walker, Ramon Sessions
SG: Jeff Taylor, Ben Gordon
SF: MKG, Williams
PF: Mullens, 2013 draft pick (Austin?), Thomas
C: Biyombo, Haywood

Very similar to this year, but as you can see most of the dead weight is gone and all of the older players' contracts are set to expire in 2013 or 2014, additionally a big man who can catch and finish would be a huge improvement. Mullens is actually OK near the hoop, but he tends to stand at the three point line. Biyombo bobbles too many passes, Kemba would probably average an extra assist or two if Biyombo could catch cleanly. That is a huge step in the right direction.

Of course this does mean they need a starting quality SG in 2014, or if MKG can play SG then a SF, but with a good shot at having 3 first round picks* that are relatively high I think they can fill out their bench and find a starting SG, or make a Harden type trade. Either way, Kemba should have a great idea by his free agency time where the team is going.

*They may also get Portland's pick in 2013 (top 12 protected 2013 through 2015, unprotected 2016). Detroit also owes them a pick (top 12 protected 2013, top 8 2014, top 1 2015, unprotected 2016). They do owe a pick to Chicago (top 12 2013, top 10 2014, top 8 2015, unprotected 2016). It looks like Detroit's won't come in 2013, but Portland's may. Charlotte's is going nowhere this year and 2014 is also unlikely.
Sep 30, 2011
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The lottery is cruel... Anthony Davis would've been nice... Kemba has a good attitude, if he keeps that and keeps improving it'll work out for him somewhere. I'm very proud of him so far
Aug 27, 2011
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That was actually a pretty entertaining game.

LeBron was LeBron, Kemba bounced back after a couple of bad shooting nights, and Wade once again proved why he's the biggest d***head in the league.
Sep 9, 2011
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Right now Kemba is 15th in the league in scoring at 18.6 ppg & 20th in assists at 6.0/gm on a very bad team without a lot of scoring options and with another PG (Sessions) getting minutes. He's also up to 80% from the FT line. He's averaging 19.1 ppg during this terrible 16 game losing streak and has scored at least 27 in four of the last six games....I'd say he is having a great 2nd season so far!
Aug 28, 2011
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Charlotte needs front court help. This draft will tell if they are headed up or down.
Sep 16, 2011
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I can't stand Wade, glad people are finally seeing that his good guy image is nonsense, guy is a total . Kemba has been great this year.
Aug 26, 2011
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Wade gotta get suspended for that. Still not sure how people go around saying how much they hate Lebron and while Wade gets a pass from the masses with some of the stuff he has pulled the past couple of years. The ddt on Rondo, the forearm shiver to Rip, the flagrant foul on Kobe in an All Star game that broke his nose, now this, this is ridiculous. I wish Sessions would've rolled up to him and just cracked him in his jaw.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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UConn players in the NBA accounted for roughly 2.61% of all scoring last season. Kemba will improve that to over 3 this year probably.
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