Game of Thrones book predictions (spoilers) | The Boneyard

Game of Thrones book predictions (spoilers)


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Aug 27, 2011
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This thread is for people who have read through Dance with Dragons.

SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER - Do not read if you don't want spoilers.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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If Martin ever bothers to finish another book, here is what I think will happen:

Characters who will not survive Winds of Winter:

Danerys - she is getting sloppy and a little too powerful. Martin has a habit of knocking off characters if they think they are in complete control.

Baelish - At first I thought Baelish would win, but now I think he isn't going to make it through the next book. Too smug, starting to f-up, usually a sure sign of impending doom with Martin.

Ramsey and Roose Bolton - I think Sansa will unify the Vale and North soon, and the Bolton's will be the victims of Sansa's success.

I think Sansa, with Arya's and Bran's help, will win. I think the Others will turn out to not be quite as evil as they are made out to be. We just don't know what they are after. I think Bran will co-opt them. Martin loves the Arya character, and she is going to come back and start kicking ass on a whole other level.

It bugs me a little that Cersei is still alive. Martin should have finished her off whne the cult took over Kings Landing. It will feel a little forced if she emerges again as a power in Winds of Winter.


esta noche somos mantequilla
Aug 28, 2011
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I don't think Jon is going to be "dead". I think Melisandre is going to revive him, which would mean he served his wach with the Night's Watch, and he'd be able to go claim Winterfell. I also think Melisandre is starting to doubt that Stannis is Azor Ahai reincarnated, and thinks Jon is. Have you heard of the R+L=J theory?


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Martin is playing with fire with the zombie apocalypse angle of the series. A writer has to be very careful with magic in a plot because it becomes such a big trump card and a lot of readers like myself start asking themselves why they care about a story where someone can cast a spell at the end and win.

The magic and wildfire and dragons and even the Others have all been manageable to date because they are uncontrollable and unpredictable, but also minor. It is getting kind of hard to avoid the dragons now, and the characters are even looking at the Dragons as a trump card.

The Others seem to have some limitations. The wildfire turned into a total s***show at Blackwater, burning everyone. There is not one character in control of any of the trump cards, yet. Even Daenerys seems close to losing control of the dragons. So a zombie apocalypse would ruin the series. Kat and the Mountain and Donderrian should all stay dead.


esta noche somos mantequilla
Aug 28, 2011
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I like what he's doing with Catelyn. She's become a completely different character now that she's Stoneheart, and she's letting her grief take over. The Mountain is dead, but I think Qyburn turned him into Robert Strong. Didn't Donderrian die when he resurrected Catelyn?
Sep 2, 2011
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Characters who will not survive Winds of Winter:

Danerys - she is getting sloppy and a little too powerful. Martin has a habit of knocking off characters if they think they are in complete control.

Danerys won't die, as much as I'd like her to because her entire character arc is awful, because the dragon must have three heads: she's one, Jon's the other, and _______ is the third.

It bugs me a little that Cersei is still alive. Martin should have finished her off whne the cult took over Kings Landing. It will feel a little forced if she emerges again as a power in Winds of Winter.

Never fear, she'll never return to real power. The only reason she's still alive is that she can't be killed until she is forced to watch all three of her children die. Joffrey's dead, but Tommen and Myrcella must go too, according to the prophecy Maggie the Witch gave when Cersei was still a wee teenager.

Incidentally, Jamie's the one who will precipitate or be responsible for Cersei's death. The Maggie the Witch prophecy laid the blame on the "valonquar," which means little brother and, therefore, led Cersei to fear Tyrione. But that's a misinterpretation---Jamie was the second twin born and is therefore Cersei's little brother too.

Have you heard of the R+L=J theory?

There is so much evidence in support of the theory that I think we should elevate it to the status of law by now.

Kat and the Mountain and Donderrian should all stay dead.

The Mountain that Rides has already re-appeared in the series---he's Ser Robert Strong, Qyburn's undead White Knight. His death and re-birth as an undead monster were foreshadowed in one of Bran's visions.
Sep 2, 2011
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My prediction: Aegon is a fake. He's the mummer's dragon Dany saw in the House of the Undying. The one whom Quaithe also later warned Dany about.

Biggest mystery to me: Who is Varys (a/k/a the mummer) really, and what is his true game?


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I get that Strong=Mountain. I am just saying that I don't feel like reading another 2k odd pages of Martin if it becomes any more Zombie Apocalypse.

Jon Snow was pretty strongly aerated at the end of ADWD, so I don't know what else there is to do with him.
Sep 2, 2011
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I get that Strong=Mountain. I am just saying that I don't feel like reading another 2k odd pages of Martin if it becomes any more Zombie Apocalypse.

Jon Snow was pretty strongly aerated at the end of ADWD, so I don't know what else there is to do with him.

So long as we don't see both Ghost and Jon die, Jon cannot be written off as dead. After all, if even an uninmportant warg like Varamyr Six Skins is seen after his human death, a character like Jon requires more killing than a mere assasination attempt that may or may not have been successful.
Aug 27, 2011
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I agree that Jon Snow is probably still alive. Martin usually leaves no doubt when he gets rid of a character, so I believe he left last scene with Jon vague for a reason.

This does kind of touch something that could be a problem as the series advances: Characters who have been reported as dead, but are really alive. As far as the general populace (and other major characters) know, Bran, Rickon, the Hound, Davos, and Mance Rayder are all dead. How are people going to react to multiple "Oh, we faked our deaths" stories? On top of that, what happens if the real Arya Stark returns when the rulers of Westeros have produced a fake one.

On the bright side, I read a review of the Game of Thrones video game that came out a year or two ago. There was plenty of negatives in the review about repetitive combat scenes, a poor save system and general glitches. The reviewer did say that the storyline in the game was terrific and contained several twists plus a great ending. So, I'm hopeful that if Martin can do that for a one-off item like a game, he can do the same for the actual novels.
Aug 26, 2011
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I read the books last summer after watching season two of the tv show. i thought book three was the best by far, but the red wedding scene really shook me up. Can't wait to see how it comes across on tv.
It's probably too much to hope that Martin kills off Danaerys early in the next book, but it wouldn't kill him to let the good guys win once in a while


esta noche somos mantequilla
Aug 28, 2011
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I read the books last summer after watching season two of the tv show. i thought book three was the best by far, but the red wedding scene really shook me up. Can't wait to see how it comes across on tv.
It's probably too much to hope that Martin kills off Danaerys early in the next book, but it wouldn't kill him to let the good guys win once in a while
I feel like the show is going to lose a lot of fans after the Red Wedding. They made Robb a main character in the show and he wasn't one in the books.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I feel like the show is going to lose a lot of fans after the Red Wedding. They made Robb a main character in the show and he wasn't one in the books.

Robb was pretty important in the books. The Major Character bloodbath at the end of Book 3 is a problem all around. Two of the most important villains exit also, and two other key characters head off into exile. Two key female characters also die. I sometimes wonder if Martin was thinking originally about ending it after 3 books, because it felt a little like an exit.

I will say that while I love season 3 on TV, I don't know how anyone who hasn't read the books has the slightest idea what is going on with all the characters separate agendas. The good news is that will soon change. Fewer characters means fewer plot lines.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Danaerys is much more interesting in the show than she is in the book.

A lot of people are not going to like where HBO's season 3 ends up. If they end season 3 at the Red Wedding, I think a lot of the TV only fans will not come back.

While I was ready to see that character go when i was reading the books, because he was becoming a bit of a screwup, his loss got balanced with the loss later on in ASOS at the other wedding, and then the last dump of the most powerful man in Westeros. Ending the season with the Red Wedding will be tough to stomach for a lot of the non-readers.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ending the season with the Red Wedding will be tough to stomach for a lot of the non-readers.

I had been thinking this too. What if, instead of ending it with the Red Wedding, they end it with the first appearance of Lady Stoneheart?


esta noche somos mantequilla
Aug 28, 2011
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I had been thinking this too. What if, instead of ending it with the Red Wedding, they end it with the first appearance of Lady Stoneheart?
Red weddings gonna be episode 9.
Aug 26, 2011
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This thread is for people who have read through Dance with Dragons.

SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER - Do not read if you don't want spoilers.

In hindsight, I am starting to wonder if I made a mistake in reading all the books last Summer. I so enjoyed the first two seasons of the tv show and, while I've enjoyed season 3, it's not the same as it was now that I know where everything is heading. I actually think they've done some things with the tv show that improved on the books. For example, I feel the role of Robb's wife is much more fleshed out on tv than she was in the book. At least on tv you see that they're totally in love which helps explain why Robb was willing to break his promise to the Frey's. I also think the role of the Queen of Thorns has been done better on tv than in the book. It's easier to understand why she poisons Joffrey than in the books.


esta noche somos mantequilla
Aug 28, 2011
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In hindsight, I am starting to wonder if I made a mistake in reading all the books last Summer. I so enjoyed the first two seasons of the tv show and, while I've enjoyed season 3, it's not the same as it was now that I know where everything is heading. I actually think they've done some things with the tv show that improved on the books. For example, I feel the role of Robb's wife is much more fleshed out on tv than she was in the book. At least on tv you see that they're totally in love which helps explain why Robb was willing to break his promise to the Frey's. I also think the role of the Queen of Thorns has been done better on tv than in the book. It's easier to understand why she poisons Joffrey than in the books.
i think robb's wife in the show is a lannister spy


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Well, I was right. People are really pissed at HBO.

I personally was more disappointed when Martin killed off Tywin than when he killed Robb. A protagonist can be replaced, but a strong villain is the anchor of any story. Cersei is an idiot, and an 8 year old boy that plays with kittens is not quite as scary as Joffrey, so there really isn't a credible villain in the last 2 books. I guess that was the point for Martin. With Tywin alive, the game was over. With Tywin dead, it is a free for all again.
Oct 18, 2011
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GRRM seems to be trying to create a vacuum of power with the last few books. Robb, Tywin, Kevan, et al.: these are all people who had the ability to unite the realm through their charisma or cunning or common sense. A united realm would be much more capable of dealing with the bigger problems on the horizon - the song of ice and fire, for lack of a better term. Therefore, they had to go.

I read somewhere that AFFC and ADWD weren't originally intended to be written as full novels. Their purpose within the overall arc seems to be letting the important characters establish themselves and/or grow to maturity, before the real "fun" begins. GRRM wanted to handle this with flashbacks, until he realized that there was too much material for that.


Aug 24, 2011
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I just came over to take a look at the Entertainment Board....I didn't realize it existed as I have set a link directly to the basketball board. Anyway, it has been a while now since I finished reading (well, really listening) to the books. A couple of points. I do not believe that Jon is dead or staying dead, although Martin does seem to take great pride in killing off his main characters. I just didn't believe it when they seemed to kill him at the end the last book. I think that Danaerys has to stay around and right now see her as the most likely one to be the big "winner" and the one who leads the battle against the White Walkers and other zombie guys. Without her, the dragon's would seem to lose any focus or role outside of random troublemakers. Tyrion is looking to join her side and how will Arya get back--will she link up too? I don't really remember where she ended up at the end of the last book--she had ended her training, hadn't she?

Who do you think is untouchable (as in, won't get killed, at least not until near the end). My guesses: Tyrion is #1, Arya is #2, Bran is #3, Danaerys is #4.

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