Even More Baylor Allegations | The Boneyard

Even More Baylor Allegations

Sep 6, 2015
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I am sure some of this stuff happens at almost every campus, but it seems like Baylor is always in the news about this. If I had a daughter that wanted to attend there, I would do everything I could to not let it happen.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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Who else would you like for Baylor to fire? Maybe just close the entire campus and close the school?
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Santa Cruz. CA
Jun 4, 2014
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Who else would you like for Baylor to fire? Maybe just close the entire campus and close the school?
At this point, I think shutting down the football program may be a reasonable action. I find it distressing that these behaviors were tolerated by anyone - students, coaches, administrators - and points to a failure of leadership, standards and simple human decency. If the NCAA has any purpose other than making as much money for themselves as possible, they need to make an example of this program and any other program that condones these types of activities.


Aug 15, 2011
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Who else would you like for Baylor to fire?

Apr 10, 2015
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I'm not. God help us all if you are right.
At this point, I think shutting down the football program may be a reasonable action. I find it distressing that these behaviors were tolerated by anyone - students, coaches, administrators - and points to a failure of leadership, standards and simple human decency. If the NCAA has any purpose other than making as much money for themselves as possible, they need to make an example of this program and any other program that condones these types of activities.

I have to agree with Geew---SOME hazing happens at every school (College)--it is the degree and criminal aspects that apparently (because I personally have no proof , apparently) that separates Baylor from the masses--I know NC was not sexually offensive--but morally, to me they are on the same plain---systemic cheating is offensive--and probably approaching criminal.

The issue to me is: at both schools--decent hard working STUDENT and ATHLETES--do what is right every day--and now are painted with the same brush--that too is wrong!

East Texas==== Mass ME THINK---even with some decent kids over rides the moral center they were raised with---the Admin, Coaches, leaders all accepted this as CORRECT--unless you have an ultra strong core knowledge of what actually is right and wrong--those in charge may make you think --your beliefs are wrong and the criminal is right. Kids are easily led astray and ==this issue isn't the kids--it's those in charge---don't fire them---put them in jail!! They are criminals (I all is true)


Misabe Mukwa
Aug 26, 2011
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NO! NO! NO! Not the bear! See how happy and innocent he looks dancing with that sweet young thang! Fire the rest of Whacko ... er ... Waco!


Silly Ol' Bear
Aug 26, 2011
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Who else would you like for Baylor to fire? Maybe just close the entire campus and close the school?
Honestly? If you've got systemic, long-term, repeated felonies and NCAA violations, and a community that's used to ignoring or excusing it? Abuse, hypocrisy, lying, and denial? If the firing hasn't worked, then, yeah, you've got to consider scrapping the whole depraved, dishonest, infested thing, and starting over.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Honestly? If you've got systemic, long-term, repeated felonies and NCAA violations, and a community that's used to ignoring or excusing it? Abuse, hypocrisy, lying, and denial? If the firing hasn't worked, then, yeah, you've got to consider scrapping the whole depraved, dishonest, infested thing, and starting over.

I know one bear who woke up grumpy from that long winter's nap. But grumpy may be harsh, yet with a core of truth. This "God fearing" U bred a culture of moral turpitude and for the sake of winning let it thrive.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I find the use of the "boys will be boys" defense stunning in this instance. Others have expressed their disdain above better than I could.
Oct 29, 2011
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Well, this is what it took to bring me out of my off-season hibernation. While acknowledging that I'm probably, in some regards, among the more naive members of the Yard, given that I still remember well the great flapping of wings many years ago when I innocently addressed Milford as 3rdbass in a post, I have a very hard time thinking that the kind of activity and so-called "bonding" (a DISGUSTING notion in this context) described in this lawsuit is common place.

If it is, here's a strong second to the notion presented earlier in this post that it is time to start over....time to return the focus to education and return college sports to their proper place in an academic setting. While I'm at it, I'm talking about restoring the focus to education in real, productive areas of study and learning.....not in the political indoctrination pap that passes for teaching and "study" these days on most campuses.
Feb 18, 2016
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I am sure some of this stuff happens at almost every campus, but it seems like Baylor is always in the news about this. If I had a daughter that wanted to attend there, I would do everything I could to not let it happen.

I don't think there is any evidence that what has happened at Baylor is in any way the norm at "almost every campus." But at every campus at which this happens, there must be prosecutions, the coaches who knew about it and did nothing must be fired, every administrator who knew about it and did nothing must be fired, and rotten sports programs need to be terminated.

Keep thinking about how Baylor coach Kim Mulkey told Britney Griner to keep the fact of her being gay secret until she left campus because her sexual orientation was contrary to the university's code, but the same coach would defend the university's callus treatment of women who had been sexually assaulted.
Jan 5, 2016
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Just another voice registering moral outrage. No, this does NOT happen at all campuses. This is beyond horrible.

I know personally of a president who lost her job because of her intervention over something far less egregious, as her governing board thought her suspending competition for that year too harsh a penalty. She proudly left her office. There are times in one's life that require deep soul searching and consequent moral actions. That's what we sign on for when we call ourselves "civilized."

Whether it's the death penalty for the football team or something less drastic but more thoroughly community-wide in its somber thinking of the Baylor culture, that really should be up to the University. It's far more effective coming from them than from the NCAA. Because, if Baylor doesn't by its own volition do something drastic here, it risks being a pariah.


Aug 26, 2011
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Remember, Baylor is a "Christian" school. One needs to understand how many of the "Christians" at Baylor view women. Rape of women is not a problem for them, women are to be used, seen and not heard. What is most bad to most of them is if a raped woman got an abortion, that is evil, the work of the devil. The rape itself, boys will be boys.

I had a good client in Waco, and I got to know some gay men there (I am a gay man). All except one was deeply closeted, and the one that looked gay had gotten beaten up several times. But he still believed in the bs that the school taught, the universe built for men about 6000 years ago.
Feb 15, 2017
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Remember, Baylor is a "Christian" school. One needs to understand how many of the "Christians" at Baylor view women. Rape of women is not a problem for them, women are to be used, seen and not heard. What is most bad to most of them is if a raped woman got an abortion, that is evil, the work of the devil. The rape itself, boys will be boys.

I had a good client in Waco, and I got to know some gay men there (I am a gay man). All except one was deeply closeted, and the one that looked gay had gotten beaten up several times. But he still believed in the bs that the school taught, the universe built for men about 6000 years ago.

First, I find all of the Baylor accusations repugnant and am disgusted by the actions of leadership and some of the students there.

[mod edit: personal attack]
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Feb 15, 2017
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On the point of being a "Christian" School. It was founded as a Christian school. Just as Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Brown and most of the older major universities in the United States.
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Jan 5, 2016
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On the point of being a "Christian" School. It was founded as a Christian school. Just as Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Brown and most of the older major universities in the United States.
Oh, c'mon. First, not "most major universities". No state universities have doctrinal origins. What you're naming are Eastern private schools that were formed in the colonial period primarily to train ministers when there was no alternative type of education to do so. But they quickly outgrew that role and also shed their doctrinal identification. No "major university" today that I can think of still self-identifies with a specific church, or, for that matter, with a specific religion. Brandeis is an arguable exception in that it traces and celebrates its recent origins to Judaism, but it is very strongly secular as an institution.

I'm certainly not knocking Baylor for this--please don't get me wrong here, and, even though not a Christian myself, I'm uncomfortable with accusations that this is a root cause of Baylor's transgressions--but what you're saying is just plain wrong. Here are the very first words on the Baylor homepage:
Baylor University is a private Christian university

Please find similar wording on any other "major university" that you named.

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