Did Geno throw the team under a bus ? | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Did Geno throw the team under a bus ?


Aug 27, 2011
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If I were to fault Geno’s coaching in the game it was in not realizing in first quarter than the team was not meshing. I would have rushed Anna into the game, not just to add a three point shooter, but to add her passing and court vision which would have taken pressure off Paige and improved ball movement. When he didn’t, I pretty much figured we would lose.
More Nika. The 3 posts were lost
Apr 14, 2019
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I love the Boneyard and UConn fans, but some of these threads are preposterous. This team and its HOF coach had a great season. Arizona just outplayed our team. We are all disappointed, but there is next season.
Mar 3, 2015
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Haven't read all the posts in this thread, but damn; this team made it to the Final Four, and despite playing one of their worst games of the year, they had a shot at beating Arizona. Not many expected this young team to have the season they did. In reality, Geno did a masterful job all year. You have a bunch of teenagers on this team, and they acted like teenagers, which is what they are supposed to do. With Covid protocols and quarantines, this had to be a very trying time for the entire team. I am looking forward to the next few years, and above all, on this Easter day, a "Lay Up Resurrection" by Liv!
Aug 27, 2011
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I was shocked how calm Geno was in that presser- and I guess, very shortly after a VERY SHOCKING upset of his team-
he was so professional, didn't complain about much, gave no middle fingers literal or figuratively... ....but you could tell he was disappointed.....
Overall, great stuff from El Maestro.....


Aug 18, 2020
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agreed although I think a bit of a pat on the back for his own team after a very successful season would have been nice..........to that he would say that expecting his team to be competing in this game next year is a major sign of confidence in them.....
Come on all ya'll. What could be better for a team, I mean give me a coach that takes no responsibility, blames one call on the refs for losing a game for their team, while ignoring 10 others that were as bad or worse. A coach so bitter after a loss that it leaves their face contorted for days after losing that big game. A coach who is so flabbergasted they can't figure out if their mask is on, off, or slanted so much you can't be sure it's the mask or their eyes. I want a coach who has video proof of game transgressions, then instead of showing me that proof on her camera shows me her favorite text messages. Yep I want that coach, I mean who would ever want a coach who takes aside a player after a game in which said played started strong fell off and fought back gives them a pat on the back and a big hug.:confused:
Just one option, one other top program, one other made up coach, get my drift?
Mar 31, 2018
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He at times over the years like most coaches sound like they are not accepting responsibility. Geno over the years likes to say “I told them” or “I try to tell them...” so it does sound like distance but he did mention the coaches as well. He was classy in defeat because he’s won enough and lost enough to learn how to be that.

From the cheap seats it does appear to me that over the years that when Uconn loses this way, bigs struggle, the team isn’t scoring, lately it’s coincided with a short bench.
Apr 1, 2013
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Geno really didn't make any meaningful adjustments last night when it became clear his bigs were not finishing. He just kept subbing Ono and Edwards and in and out for one another. Criticism of the head coach is also warranted for not cultivating over the course of the season the kind of play that was his plan A last night. You can't suddenly change from a guard-centric scoring approach to an inside game at the flip of a coin in a big game like this and expect success. In the two games we lost this season, the team demonstrated little awareness of how to seize upon a height and size advantage on the inside when these are the only real matchups in your favor, as the continual and misguided high-post action last night indicates.
Not that it matters but not sure what you want here. So I am not arguing this point -- You didn't want both in? Or you wanted them both in as double posts?

Secondly, can you explain why you think having arguably the best player in WCBB, along with CWill who has been playing very well as of late, along with a WNBA prospect in Evina would draw one to the conclusion that this guard matchup is not one that UCONN should consider it to be in their favor?

Third- cultivating what exactly? UCONN lost two games all year. They got tot the Final Four and you are ripping him for not cultivating?

Spoiled fan.
Apr 1, 2013
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He at times over the years like most coaches sound like they are not accepting responsibility. Geno over the years likes to say “I told them” or “I try to tell them...” so it does sound like distance but he did mention the coaches as well. He was classy in defeat because he’s won enough and lost enough to learn how to be that.

From the cheap seats it does appear to me that over the years that when Uconn loses this way, bigs struggle, the team isn’t scoring, lately it’s coincided with a short bench.

What about all the teams that lost with a deep bench? I being facetious here. But would their coaches get blamed because they didn't shorten their bench?

If UCONN loses any game you can blame it on a short bench, can't you? Because it would mean one or two players didn't perform, right? All the wins the short bench doesn't matter. All the final fours the short bench doesn't matter but when they lose "it must be the short bench?"

How about UCONN hits their layups and the short bench wouldn't have mattered?
Feb 4, 2019
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Thank you for your interest in Connecticut basketball.
I would not call it out coached just a very young team, no disrespect to Arizona players or coaches they are a really good team and deserve respect!!
Feb 4, 2019
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I love the Boneyard and UConn fans, but some of these threads are preposterous. This team and its HOF coach had a great season. Arizona just outplayed our team. We are all disappointed, but there is next season.
Thank You!!!
May 3, 2019
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Haters are gonna hate. It seems to go on and on...
It's not necessarily hating to constructively critique. I myself do not feel there were adequate adjustments made to counter Arizona's defense. However, that being said, the thing that sunk our ship most was missing 15 point blank often uncontested layups--especially Liv when several times she throws the balls (not shoots) to the other side of the basket. Of course this was nerves, but at some point in a player's career, consistency has to be a chief component of her overall contribution and sadly as Geno has pointed out, although she is one of my fave players, Liv still struggles with consistency... She effectively battled with a much more talented and bigger Baylor front court and then inexplicably against Arizona with much smaller, less talented players, Liv gives probably her worst performance ever...
Feb 23, 2021
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I hope he assigned some blame to himself & admitted he was outcoached...because he was.
I'm sure all of you "coaches" on this site have applied at all of the schools with openings. "Geno was outcoached." "Should have done this, should have done that." Bull. First, you have no idea what the game plan was and whether or not players are doing what they're told. Second, if you have coached, stop blaming the coaching because you know you've had players do something other than what you told them to do. And if you have not coached, stop blaming the coaching. Period. You haven't been there.
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Mar 31, 2018
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What about all the teams that lost with a deep bench? I being facetious here. But would their coaches get blamed because they didn't shorten their bench?

If UCONN loses any game you can blame it on a short bench, can't you? Because it would mean one or two players didn't perform, right? All the wins the short bench doesn't matter. All the final fours the short bench doesn't matter but when they lose "it must be the short bench?"

How about UCONN hits their layups and the short bench wouldn't have mattered?
Well if he had a deep bench, used the bench because the ball wouldn’t go in the bucket and lost, he’s done all he could. Choosing to not use the deep bench would open one to criticism.
You have to prepare for games when you are in foul trouble, missing shots, up against a motivated, tenacious defense. This Uconn team wasn’t built to beat that Arizona team in that type of game they just played. There will always be games when talented Uconn teams with highly ranked players, potential AAs even, just can’t score. It would be nice to have some bench players with game experience to lean on. Where were they? You don’t believe that Geno ever thought he would have to rely on Kyla and Molly, do you?

the Q

Yowie Wowie. We’re gonna have so much fun here
Mar 28, 2017
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Geno ranted after the game about his very immature and pouty team , feeling sorry for themselves when things don't go their way. They certainly are a young team, with 3 frosh on the floor a lot of the second half. And maybe the veterans do get down on themselves at times. But seems like something all coaches have to deal with at times, and you'd think( well, I think) a hall of fame coach might find a way to shake them up during the course of a game. It took a player, Anna, to step forward and say something during the Baylor game.

No. Just being honest.

Although weird since they came back from more adversity against a much better team just a few days prior.

Part of that has to be on him.

But he’s also needling this team, which he does, because he knows how special this group could’ve been and still can be.
Apr 1, 2013
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Well if he had a deep bench, used the bench because the ball wouldn’t go in the bucket and lost, he’s done all he could. Choosing to not use the deep bench would open one to criticism.
You have to prepare for games when you are in foul trouble, missing shots, up against a motivated, tenacious defense. This Uconn team wasn’t built to beat that Arizona team in that type of game they just played. There will always be games when talented Uconn teams with highly ranked players, potential AAs even, just can’t score. It would be nice to have some bench players with game experience to lean on. Where were they? You don’t believe that Geno ever thought he would have to rely on Kyla and Molly, do you?
I don't agree. Implying in any manner that Geno should have anticipated that his team would miss as many layups as they did. To me this sounds like you are hell bent on you want a deeper bench and any loss you're going to blame on the coach / team because it doesn't fit what you want to personally see; and for any loss you're just going to say "they were unprepared." . Otherwise what you just said-- why can't your reasoning be used on every single team that has lost?

In a one point game - one more minute of one more player could have been the difference. So using your logic why shouldn't it mean that we shouldn't hammer every single coach for "not being prepared" if you're suggesting Geno should have anticipated blown layups? As a result, why couldn't every other coach that lost anticipated other aspects of the game too?

We get to the final four-- - and we've been to how many consecutive final fours - and with a style predominantly of a short bench- yet some UCONN fans are complaining with this type of success?

IMO the answer is simple for some fans - not all - but maybe some fans have completely lost all perspective and are just spoiled fans just looking to vent? Not saying you - because I don't know how you felt other seasons.

Anyhow back to "not being prepared" - Just think if I were to use your logic-- if Dawn "was more prepared" that if/when Boston was going to eventually get into foul trouble then they should've beaten Stanford. And I could say the same thing about Arizona- if the coach was "more prepared" then they wouldn't have had to rely so much on McDonald when she shoots 5-21? Or if Arizona was "more prepared" then maybe she would've played Shaina Pellington more in the Stanford game. She was the 2nd best player offensively vs Stanford it appears yet she only averaged 15.5 minutes per game for the season.

Hey this is easy-- I like this. Every loss - I can just say the team lost because "they weren't prepared." I'm looking at Baylor and yes even Iowa too.
Jan 7, 2020
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Once again, the coach doesn't shoot the lay ups but it was clear early in the game that 2 things were happening. First, we were not mentally focused sufficiently and to me the missed lay ups are a manifestation of that. Second, the high post offense where the ball gets passed to Liv with her back to the basket was dead on arrival. They overplayed the first pass, causing the offense to move farther out and then overplayed the next pass to the wing. There was no alternative offensive set.

If you watched the men's final you saw Baylor run three different sets, a horns high, a horns low and mostly a 3-2 perimeter dribble drive set. Our strength this year and next and next is in our guards and that 3-2 opens the lane for drives. We had our best rebounder in Liv away from the glass and it forced her to make offensive passing decisions which, as a nervous player in big games, was a problem. AZ had a much better game plan, and it shows plainly to me that we need an alternative set next year. There were no major adjustments from Geno during the game which I was quite frankly stunned by. For the Baylor men, there are high post picks from the 3-2 but not passes there and the picker quickly rolls to and away from the basket and the middle stays open or the wings get a clear out because the low post player on that side clears out. We will have 4 players who can take their man on demand next year in CW, Paige, Azzi and Evina and we need a new offense for that. I don't see any harm in trying it and I would be surprised if it doesn't happen.
Apr 6, 2016
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Geno ranted after the game about his very immature and pouty team , feeling sorry for themselves when things don't go their way. They certainly are a young team, with 3 frosh on the floor a lot of the second half. And maybe the veterans do get down on themselves at times. But seems like something all coaches have to deal with at times, and you'd think( well, I think) a hall of fame coach might find a way to shake them up during the course of a game. It took a player, Anna, to step forward and say something during the Baylor game.
You must have a special TV. He wasn't very negative on the presser I saw. He gave them all credit.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Think for a second, UCONN lost their only 2 games this year to teams who's best player was a red shirted, 23 yr old senior!
Arkansas and Arizona!
Thinking that should be up for discussion at the NCAA, 23 yr olds playing against 18 yr olds!
Let's hope they don't have a problem. Cause that's gonna be UCONN next year.
Aug 26, 2011
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He didn't rant about anything.

verb, intr.

to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild or vehement way; rave: The demagogue ranted for hours.

His statements were calm, his voice modulated. Just because you disagree with something he said, that doesn't give license to falsely characterize his presentation.
Perhaps rant was the wrong descriptor, but I don't for a second think that I falsely characterized the statement. If , as their coach, he is going to characterize their play that way, then , as their coach, he most certainly should admit that some of the blame should be on him. I didn't hear anything like that( if he did maybe someone can correct me). To me that's "throwing the team under the bus". We've heard plenty of times on this forum rants from posters regarding opposing coaches "TTTUTB". But, of course, Geno would never do that!?
Aug 26, 2011
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I was shocked how calm Geno was in that presser- and I guess, very shortly after a VERY SHOCKING upset of his team-
he was so professional, didn't complain about much, gave no middle fingers literal or figuratively... ....but you could tell he was disappointed.....
Overall, great stuff from El Maestro.....
he's gotten lots of practice the last 4 final fours.

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