AAC website | The Boneyard

AAC website

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Aug 26, 2011
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I must have missed it but asking when does the AAC website go online? is there an inaugural date for the league to start?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Why Upstater, you sound downright un-American.
Apr 18, 2013
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Is that really going to be the slogan going forward? I'm not sure if 'Stable' is a word I'd be throwing out so casually when the future two conferences most likely impacted by additional CR is the AAC and MWC.
May 21, 2012
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I don't like this quote on the website: "You want to see a strong, unified conference that surpasses and surprises. Follow the American." That makes us sound like a bunch of losers that nobody expects anything from. Which I guess is kind of true. But they don't have to point it out.

I also don't like the way they have us listed right there under "Member Schools". I was hoping we could kind of lay low. We don't want word getting out we are in this conference. There should have been some option like on Facebook that would allow us to keep our profile private.
Aug 26, 2011
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Logo looks like bastardized America's got talent "A". Boring and unoriginal, which perhaps is perfect in this case.


Mar 30, 2012
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I don't like this quote on the website: "You want to see a strong, unified conference that surpasses and surprises. Follow the American." That makes us sound like a bunch of losers that nobody expects anything from. Which I guess is kind of true. But they don't have to point it out.

I also don't like the way they have us listed right there under "Member Schools". I was hoping we could kind of lay low. We don't want word getting out we are in this conference. There should have been some option like on Facebook that would allow us to keep our profile private.

They ruined it by saying "strong, unified" which is not true. They should have just said, "Watch a conference that surpasses and surprises. Follow the American."
Sep 18, 2011
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The best part of the new conference name is that it will be hard for media members to say "un-American" things. I doubt they bastardize the name like the Big East/Least did.
Aug 26, 2011
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The best part of the new conference name is that it will be hard for media members to say "un-American" things. I doubt they bastardize the name like the Big East/Least did.

Great point.
Aug 26, 2011
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I suggest YOU not take everything literal.

It is the best we can do at this juncture. With Herbst leading the way Academically and the GOOD news of Kevin Ollie's great inaugural season and continuing Auriemma success, I think we will push our way into the mix of the top conferences. Til then ... this is something WE have to embrace. Stop crying. It is a damn solid group of competitive upward Programs. (some anyhow) And ... I just with we had ONE more Hoop Stud team: Take VCU as a basketball ONLY to match the one footbally ONLY.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't like this quote on the website: "You want to see a strong, unified conference that surpasses and surprises. Follow the American." That makes us sound like a bunch of losers that nobody expects anything from. Which I guess is kind of true. But they don't have to point it out.

I also don't like the way they have us listed right there under "Member Schools". I was hoping we could kind of lay low. We don't want word getting out we are in this conference. There should have been some option like on Facebook that would allow us to keep our profile private.
I thought the same the thing. It's a bit of "The American - we're not as bad as everyone thinks."
Aug 26, 2011
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It's not pudge. That's the problem. If our leaders gave a crap then they would hav elect the conf before it had a name. No exit fee. You take Cincy and USF with u. Then call up BYU and BSU. Tell them what's up and grab SDSU. The 6 of u decide what u want. Is it 9, qb or 12 teams. Figure it out then add the best possible schools. I imagine uh is next for 7. We can all debate schools but you figure it out how many and who. It's about short term survival of the best left overs. Not the potential in schools down the road. I made threads here a year ago about this and every school we talked about I got laughed at. Now look who is on our schedule. Some ppl who give a dam saw things.

There is absolutely no reason that Tulane and Tulsa should be n our conference. None. Memphis is borderline. Blah blah bball games. He'll we could put of bball in America east and play 12 of the best OOC games and be just fine for a couple years program wise. Stop making excuses with bball.

This conf sucks. We needed to have either a small just enough of the best conf or a huge east and west mash

Uconn, Cincy, BSU, BYU, SDSU, USF, UCF, uh, ecu. That's a survival league who gets it done on the field and together can rise to the challenge using each others brand power SOS and TV wise.


Haw, BSU, BYU, SDSU, Fresno, .....Nevada, SMU
Uconn, temple, Cincy, USF, UCF, navy.....ecu and uh

There are many ways to go. Tulane and Tulsa were not 2 of them. SMU and Mem types are borderline. A go getter would have made a best of the rest conf for survival and not this AAC vs Mwc bs we have now. The tv contrAct would have been way better and we could at least sleep for a couple minutes every night not having to hear Nelson try to kill the program ASAP.

There were many better outcomes possible. We decided to sit here quiet and just let things happen instead of blaze out own path and make sure the conf was the best it could be. As result, this is where we sit. In the same breath as Tulane and Tulsa.

You know how we sit here and talk about how to get a b10 and acc invite every day? Because we're in that next logical step of a few schools. Rice and umass fans are doing that for the AAC. Rice and umass. Let that sink in.

The best example of all this is ecu. They are who they are. Great atmosphere and fanbase. Just no tv market and 2 schools ahead of them and 2 private clowns ahead of them. Tuff spot. But when they finally got the invite the guy there made a great remark. He wanted tv responsibilities to be on each school not a conf whole. What he was saying was BYU andn BSU and uconn types can make real good money doing this so let them if it puts all of us together. From his point ecu may only make a couple mil, but his schedule is really freaking good compared to what it used to be or what the AAC turned into today. The guy was right on. Yet we sat here and did nothing. Go getters.....lazy leaders. Guess which we have.

I think was originally the vision, but Aresco either butchered it, the teams out West felt it was not in their best interest , or the MWC sweetheart deal to Boise destroyed the plan. I agree an East/West conference up to even 20-24 teams would have been a better option.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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As long as the league UConn is in can be competitive and is actively competing with the BCS conferences than I can take comfort as UConn will represent well against any conference...any school.
At this point that is all we can hope for.
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